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The War on Christmas


Active Member
Have you heard of the "Advent Conspiracy"? Bill O'Reilly and other defenders of a real Jesus centered Christmas bemoans the people going around and saying "Happy Holiday" instead of "Marry Christmas" as a greeting during the month of Dec. They also want church people to stop being part of the $450 billion 'present' giving and give a lot more to the church so the pastors will have more money to build bigger and better religious complexes. Many of these pastors wages are set up on a percentage of the church income so what helps God's money also helps the pastors income.
Anyone want to comment?:cold:


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Seems anathema to bring cynicism into the miracle of reconciliation. And highly ironic that they choose to gripe about money being given, when it's money they want.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
THose money-grubbing ******** will take any excuse to demand more money from their followers. This should not be perceived as typical of religion, though.

Also, while the War On Christmas is ludicrous, atheist extremists like the so-called Rational Response Squad do serve to fuel the paranoia.


I can't stand Bill O'Riley or Anne Coulter or any of those right wing supposed news people. They're so slanted it's disgusting. I will however point out that there are atheists who say things like "we need to rid ourselves of the christian roots in our everyday language by eradicating expressions like Bless you when someone sneezes". Gimme a break. I've got much more important things to worry about in my life. And I don't care if I don't accept the divinity of Jesus, I'm celebrating christmas however I want, jesus or no jesus, it's my time and my family, end of story.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I think people just need to get over it and accept that there are many different groups in America, and it is absurd expect everyone to celebrate Christmas, or even say Merry Christmas.
Myself, I don't generally say "Merry Christmas" but I will usually say that to someone else who does. I thought it was just a part of being polite and getting along with everyone.

I will however point out that there are atheists who say things like "we need to rid ourselves of the christian roots in our everyday language by eradicating expressions like Bless you when someone sneezes"
I wish I had the time to worry about such trivial matters. I wonder if such people have any clue about how many phrases and references in our language that can be traced to the Bible? I doubt it, or they would realize that there is simply no possible way to achieve that. I have even seen a shirt that says "When I walk through the valley of shadow and death I will fear no evil for I am the baddest mother ****** around."


Well-Known Member
Also, while the War On Christmas is ludicrous, atheist extremists like the so-called Rational Response Squad do serve to fuel the paranoia.

How do you mean? How is it ludicrous and how are athiests fueling this?
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Well-Known Member
Also, while the War On Christmas is ludicrous, atheist extremists like the so-called Rational Response Squad do serve to fuel the paranoia.
Well, I'm a big fat atheist and I LOVE Christmas! I think it's pretty clear that the majority of people who celelbrate Christmas aren't doing so because they're happy Jesus was born. They're enjoying the same Christmas I am. They're gathering with family and friends and giving and receiving gifts and continuing traditions that have nothing whatsoever to do with Christianity. Isn't it time Christianity admitted that they've lost that holiday to the masses?


The Feisty Penguin
I think it's the people saying there's a War on Christmas that are making it such a big deal out of it, not the "loathers of Baby Jesus".


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm a big fat atheist and I LOVE Christmas! I think it's pretty clear that the majority of people who celelbrate Christmas aren't doing so because they're happy Jesus was born. They're enjoying the same Christmas I am. They're gathering with family and friends and giving and receiving gifts and continuing traditions that have nothing whatsoever to do with Christianity. Isn't it time Christianity admitted that they've lost that holiday to the masses?

Good point, but at least in america, the christmas season has the highest rate of completed and attempted suicide. Is there any reason christmas shouldn't be banned altogether? If so, I don't see it.
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Well-Known Member
How is saying Happy Holidays any different to saying Merry Christmas? I mean holiday is just Holy Day, and it started off as a Catholic mass, so if anything they should prefer holiday. Dumbos.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
I have a sneaking suspicion that people who think they're under attack when someone wishes them a "happy holiday," just might be missing the point of Christmas.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Well, I'm a big fat atheist and I LOVE Christmas! I think it's pretty clear that the majority of people who celelbrate Christmas aren't doing so because they're happy Jesus was born. They're enjoying the same Christmas I am. They're gathering with family and friends and giving and receiving gifts and continuing traditions that have nothing whatsoever to do with Christianity. Isn't it time Christianity admitted that they've lost that holiday to the masses?
I think so, yeah.


Regarding your remark,
"I don't care if I don't accept the divinity of Jesus, I'm celebrating christmas however I want, jesus or no jesus."

Aren't you aware that Christmas has NOTHING to do with a Christ? It was a huge pagan holiday that was celebrated all over the world, many centuries before the mythical Jesus was invented—back to Neolithic times! There was a very important reason why the world was united in this celebration; it was the Winter Solstice, Dec 21, which marked the end of winter and the first day that the Sun would rise higher each day in the sky. This day heralded the planting of crops so food would be again plentiful.

It was a time of incredible merriment, involving gift giving, singing carols, and decorating with candles and shiny ornaments. In Rome, for example, slaves got to switch places with their masters.

After many centuries, the party-pooping Christians gained power, and they wanted to get rid of this pagan celebration. Even Christ disapproved of this heathen holiday, as the Bible clearly attests, when Jesus scolds anyone who puts up a "Christmas" tree:

"Thus saith the Lord, learn not the way of the heathen...For the customs of these people are vain; for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not." (Jeremiah 10:2-6)

This Sun day celebration was far too big an event to sweep away, so the sneaky Christians took it over and made it a celebration of the Son (of God), instead of the Sun.

Fortunately, to this day, most of the traditions and symolism from this glorious old celebration are still all around us. The evergreen tree, the wreath (symbolizing the round sun), the candles and lights on trees and houses (symbolizing the warmth of the sun), caroling, gift giving, and many more.

So enjoy your Solstice celebration this year and be sure to remind your Christian friends to remove their pagan tree from their homes!


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Good point, but at least in america, the christmas season has the highest rate of completed and attempted suicide. Is there any reason christmas shouldn't be banned altogether? If so, I don't see it.
Because it's fun and harmless.

What justification is there for banning it in the first place? That you, personally, don't like it for whatever reason?


Well-Known Member
Christmas isn't under any serious attack, but the RRS and their fellow bigots give the hysterical Christians something to point to and say "SEE?"

I agree that it's not under attack (although I see no reason for it not to be) but lets face it, you don't need the RRS (I'm not sure you're use of bogots there is appropriate either but I don't know a lot about them) to have hysterical christians point and say 'see'. Even something as simple as keeping christian religious celebrations out of goverment run instituations make them do that. Anything they don't like makes them do that.