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What if homosexuality is deemed "wrong"? Then what?


Its all good. Homosexuals are not likely to vanish either naturally or by one's hand, only likely to produce more Christians.;)

It's far more likely that christians will produce (ie bear) homosexuals,
than that homosexuals will produce (or bear) christians.

Perhaps this is the underlying fear?
(of church leaders anyway)

The execution of homosexuals might sound all well and good to some of you sick people who call yourselves christian...
until the homosexual to be charged and executed is YOUR OWN son or daughter.
Perhaps THEN you will see the light.
Then again some of you sick mentally infected people
might just turn in your own children, who you bore and raised and loved...
just for loving "the wrong person".
All in the name of your religion.

Ask yourself... WHO is "sick".


Intentionally Blank
There may be good reasons not to adopt that goal.

But then, there are many good reasons to adopt that goal.

That may depend on how you feel about morality. Personally, I find a morality that is more concerned with what you eat than whether you kill babies unacceptable, so I'll stick with atheism.


New Member
First of all homosexuality can not be outlawed, you talk as if it some political movement, they must have the fear of God, this is s form of sexual sin, a strike against the very essence of pro creation, God's matser plan for all life. What dose it mean if it is deemed wrong? it is wrong not just a sin against Christ our lord but against nature it self and all of woman kind.
In Zimbabwe they lock you up in prison for being actively homosexual, in the old right wing socialist Tanzania they would have done the same,and last but not least the punishment in the Nazi Regime is far more worse than locking you up.

The law of morality has already set the world stage a step in the right direction
to look at the implication of the cost it has tolled so far, no one metions the awful repercussions taking place in our modern society since the government repealed the bill of punishemnt of same sex relationships, it is a common defect of the modern world that the more we relax laws the further people will push the boudries of sexual behaviour.
Up until 1913 it was a hanging offence to be caught in the act of homosexuality you were given a chance had you not desist, then if you were caught hung by the neck until dead, yes times have changed but if you are creating a clean and better society should not then look at the very core of root which helped to build our ideas of moral decency, it is a case of resseting the structure of sex laws that cannot be denied by those who have this torrid desire, yes we may not be able to go back before 1913s so the solution would lay in a form of social conditioning being commited to a long term program and screening, which of course means tests upon tests, pyschological and psychiatrict, yeilding the correct results, once poven put into effect, there should not be a choice as it is for the betterment of all.

Yes extensive research such as this is costly but the outcome would mean a cleaner sexual social guidline for all, after all if we can clone a sheep or put to use stem cells then surly our scientists, doctors, analysist would be at a disposition formulate a successful outcome to stop homosexaulity not just in act but in thouhgt.

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First of all homosexuality can not be outlawed

Of course it can't, just like wishing to murder someone, but the act can be outlawed (not that I believe it should).

As to the rest of your post, it's pure absurdity. If you can argue it's favorable to analyze / reform homosexuals, I propse first we do it to bigots. Better yet, let's focus our resources on education so people can stop making ridiculous claims, such as crationism or the abolishment of homosexuality.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
That depends. If your goal in life is to live by certain religious practices, then it IS a negative condition.
Repression is hell on the mind. So, it could be said the religious practice would be the negative condition.


Done here.
OK, I can't get a word in edgewise now in a related post, so I may as well open it up to anyone who feels that god disapproves of homosexuality. My question then is that even if it were somehow shown that homosexuality is "bad" (whatever that means), what do you propose we do about it? Do we kill them? Do we outlaw their practices? Will they magically vanish?
If they killed every single one of us today, gay children would be born tomorrow. Whatever it is that makes us gay, we obtained from our parents, and the same potential lies in our straight siblings and cousins to confer it on their children.


OK, I can't get a word in edgewise now in a related post, so I may as well open it up to anyone who feels that god disapproves of homosexuality. My question then is that even if it were somehow shown that homosexuality is "bad" (whatever that means), what do you propose we do about it? Do we kill them? Do we outlaw their practices? Will they magically vanish?
I'm not sure what you had in mind for this.
I approve of homosexuality, so let's move from there.

If trends suddenly turn around and come up with concrete evidence the homosexuality is generally harmful to humanity. I imagine we would outlaw it, and try to find a way to prevent it from happening, classifying it as a paraphilia.

That said, since trends are showing the exact opposite, I don't really see the point of this thread.


New Member
  • I believe that you can be born a homosexual.
    • “The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they are born, speaking lies.” Psalms 58:3 (KJV)
  • I believe that just like anything else, it is a temptation. Like any other temptation it is something you will have to struggle with, maybe your whole life.
  • If you give into the act of having homosexual sex then you have sinned and if you die with that sin in your life. (Without the forgiveness through the blood of Jesus the Christ) then you will die and be thrown into the hell.

Just as they are adulators in the world and people who don't control there lust, there will be homosexuals. It doesn't mean we need to witch-hunt them. We need to show them love and hope that they will turn to the truth of Jesus.


Sometimes it is easier to accept ourselves, our shortcomings if we focus on the sins of others---Hey! I'm not so bad, I just lie; or I just had sex with my neighbor's spouse, but homosexuals, well they have sex with the same gender---boy! their sin is so much worse!!!! Sounds stupid doesn't it? Sin is sin, and we have all sinned against God. The difference is what we do from here out. Remember to judge not lest thou be judged by the same manner.... It's not word for word but I think you get the message.


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
Sin is sin,

Then why are there so many different punishments for the various sins?
I mean, if sin really is sin as you claim here, why is there not one punishment for them?


Well-Known Member
OK, I can't get a word in edgewise now in a related post, so I may as well open it up to anyone who feels that god disapproves of homosexuality. My question then is that even if it were somehow shown that homosexuality is "bad" (whatever that means), what do you propose we do about it? Do we kill them? Do we outlaw their practices? Will they magically vanish?
What you "do" about homosexuals is banish them all to Fantasy Island. Then you watch endless repeats on cable. If you don't want to "do" anything about them, no need to watch.:facepalm:


Well-Known Member

Then why are there so many different punishments for the various sins?
I mean, if sin really is sin as you claim here, why is there not one punishment for them?
Can you tell me why different punishments are prescribed? I'd be interested.


Satan Worshipper
  • If you give into the act of having homosexual sex then you have sinned and if you die with that sin in your life. (Without the forgiveness through the blood of Jesus the Christ) then you will die and be thrown into the hell.

I believe that if you have homosexual sex absolutely nothing will happen to you other than a pleasurable experience that you shared with another human being and nobody including Jesus will throw you into hell.
