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Why Israel killing palestinians everyday??


If the Arabs lay down there weapons there will be no more war.

If the Israelies lay down there weapons there will be no more Israel.

It the zionists negotiated with the legally elected government of Palestine, Hamas, without staging murderous provocations or demanding that the Resistance accept the settlers' position before discussion is allowed to begin, there might be some hope. Obviously, just like the racist regime in South Africa, 'Israel' has no long-term future as it now is; much the same regime with two 'self-governing' bantustans to bully is equally unviable in the long run. Only a non-racist state to which all the ethnically-cleansed are allowed to return and be compensated makes it possible for the settlers to be accepted, under (naturally) international guarantees, and no longer be shot at. All the blather about 'terrorism' would apply just as well to every national resistance to colonialism that has ever existed (including the forerunners of Likud): it amounts to mere posturing and gets no-one anywhere - which is, I suspect, the whole point.


Civilians wouldn't die if Palestinians would stop firing their rockets from civilian territories.

Notice how there are so few Israel civiilian deaths, even though Israel is constantly bombarded with rockets. This is because Israel makes a conscious effort to keep their civilians safe, while Hamas prefers to hide behind civilians when they attack, which only fuels the hatred toward Israel more.
I think we should disarm Israel and let the Arabs do with them as they please. With modern technology extermination should be much more efficient than in Hitlers time. There should be plenty of literature on the subject even though the holocaust never happened.
Or the Jews could voluntarily go back to their country of origin and leave those poor Arabs alone.
Either option should bring about world peace, especially in the middle east where lies the foundation of humanities most peaceful and loving religion.


Moved on
I think we should disarm Israel and let the Arabs do with them as they please. With modern technology extermination should be much more efficient than in Hitlers time. There should be plenty of literature on the subject even though the holocaust never happened.
Or the Jews could voluntarily go back to their country of origin and leave those poor Arabs alone.
Either option should bring about world peace, especially in the middle east where lies the foundation of humanities most peaceful and loving religion.

I'm no zionist and have no particular love for Jews nor Arabs, but I know that if I were in the place of the Israeli government, I wouldn't be so merciful to the Palestinians. When they elect a group bent on destroying you, there is no room for mercy.


Well-Known Member
and in case you didn't know Israel does not occupy Gaza it forcibly removed its settlers and militarily withdrew

No, I know that what I meant was Israel occupys Israel which was taken away from the Palestinians and given to the Jews. Kind of like if the UN decides tomorrow that it would be nice to give North America back to the native people and and kick out all of the European descendants.


Well-Known Member
No, I know that what I meant was Israel occupys Israel which was taken away from the Palestinians and given to the Jews. Kind of like if the UN decides tomorrow that it would be nice to give North America back to the native people and and kick out all of the European descendants.

The notion of Palestinians and Jews only became so when it was politically expedient to support what is truly Arab vs. Jew. Palestinian and Jew are not mutually exclusive. The correct terminology is Palestinian and Israeli. I will not give in to this notion of Palestinian only referencing Arab Muslims.

Besides, the analogy fails.


Well-Known Member
The notion of Palestinians and Jews only became so when it was politically expedient to support what is truly Arab vs. Jew. Palestinian and Jew are not mutually exclusive. The correct terminology is Palestinian and Israeli. I will not give in to this notion of Palestinian only referencing Arab Muslims.

Besides, the analogy fails.

I'm not speaking from a religious point the Israelis are mostly atheistic from my experience with them and yes, the Palestinians just happen to be Muslims but the fact remains foreign governments steeped in after WWII took the land from the Palestinian people and gave it to the Jews which they had no right to do, and I say Jews because that's what they were until they turned Palestinian into Israel now they are Israelis. Don't misunderstand what I say as prejudice I'm just calling a spade a spade.


Done here.
I think we should disarm Israel and let the Arabs do with them as they please. With modern technology extermination should be much more efficient than in Hitlers time. There should be plenty of literature on the subject even though the holocaust never happened.
Or the Jews could voluntarily go back to their country of origin and leave those poor Arabs alone.
Either option should bring about world peace, especially in the middle east where lies the foundation of humanities most peaceful and loving religion.

Seriously, I do feel sorry for the innocent Palestinians who have to suffer because of Hamas. Imagine how horrible it would be to know that your fate will be decided by one or more of Fatah, Hamas, and the IDF. However, it's Hamas that's to blame for their present suffering.


this topic is a waste of time debating, Hamas cannot govern Gaza they were formed to fight Israel and that is all they can do they control Gaza with force as they have no political or social abilities that can bring about e decent life in Gaza they continuosly goad Israel because they want a full military intervention then they can be heroes again and not policemen.

to critisize hamas in any way will make you a zionist, to particular muslims who practise the art of "taqiyya" the art of lying which i beleive is now an art form in certain sects of Islam , they are well aware of the actions of Hamas in allowing Islamic jihad etc to fire rockets at Israel on a daily basis and then say "why are the Israelis killing us?" ""what have we done to deserve this " the action of israel is now in response to a new more powerful rocket that is hitting a major city ashkalon .


It the zionists negotiated with the legally elected government of Palestine, Hamas, without staging murderous provocations or demanding that the Resistance accept the settlers' position before discussion is allowed to begin, there might be some hope. Obviously, just like the racist regime in South Africa, 'Israel' has no long-term future as it now is; much the same regime with two 'self-governing' bantustans to bully is equally unviable in the long run. Only a non-racist state to which all the ethnically-cleansed are allowed to return and be compensated makes it possible for the settlers to be accepted, under (naturally) international guarantees, and no longer be shot at. All the blather about 'terrorism' would apply just as well to every national resistance to colonialism that has ever existed (including the forerunners of Likud): it amounts to mere posturing and gets no-one anywhere - which is, I suspect, the whole point.

The elected government ie Hamas have stated that their aim is the destruction of Israel. How can Israel negotiate with that ?l


Religious Zionist
i don't understand how the concept of
"We left, please stop shooting us"
is so hard to grasp?


The elected government ie Hamas have stated that their aim is the destruction of Israel. How can Israel negotiate with that ?l

The usual way - by talking to them. This is total codswallop, obviously - like saying you can't possibly buy a car unless the seller has accepted your price before negotiations start. Your lot demand the other side accept the theft of their country before they discuss anything. How can the robbed people negotiate with that? The usual way, naturally. That is what negotiation means. But - be honest - does the latest behaviour of 'Israel' suggest it has the slightest interest in negotiation? The extermination of the other side is the only thing that will satisfy these racists, I fear.
Seriously, I do feel sorry for the innocent Palestinians who have to suffer because of Hamas. Imagine how horrible it would be to know that your fate will be decided by one or more of Fatah, Hamas, and the IDF. However, it's Hamas that's to blame for their present suffering.

And Hamas was elected by the people of Gaza using the very same (small "d") democratic process that George W. Bush is so fond of saying will transform the Middle East.


The extermination of the other side is the only thing that will satisfy these racists, I fear.

If they wanted that, it would have been done already. Why put up with suicide bombers, airplane highjackings, and extended violence - and not to mention the incessent whining and moaning for more than fifty years? Israel's retaliations have been brutal, but poeticly measured responses. They have not yet wiped out all the Palestinians because of a rocket fired from civilian locations, or having their children and other innocents killed at a wedding or a diner... they have killed Palestinians in kind. Having their sympathizers moan and groan about that is not moving in the very least.


The usual way - by talking to them. This is total codswallop, obviously - like saying you can't possibly buy a car unless the seller has accepted your price before negotiations start. Your lot demand the other side accept the theft of their country before they discuss anything. How can the robbed people negotiate with that? The usual way, naturally. That is what negotiation means. But - be honest - does the latest behaviour of 'Israel' suggest it has the slightest interest in negotiation? The extermination of the other side is the only thing that will satisfy these racists, I fear.
Isreal have always been open to talks other than with someone who says no matter what, we are committed to destroying you.What is total codswallop is saying I'll sell you a car but I'm going to scew you.


Isreal have always been open to talks other than with someone who says no matter what, we are committed to destroying you.What is total codswallop is saying I'll sell you a car but I'm going to scew you.

Of course it's just nuts to sell a car at any price to someone intent on running you over with it.