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Why Israel killing palestinians everyday??


The usual way - by talking to them. This is total codswallop, obviously - like saying you can't possibly buy a car unless the seller has accepted your price before negotiations start. Your lot demand the other side accept the theft of their country before they discuss anything. How can the robbed people negotiate with that? The usual way, naturally. That is what negotiation means. But - be honest - does the latest behaviour of 'Israel' suggest it has the slightest interest in negotiation? The extermination of the other side is the only thing that will satisfy these racists, I fear.

Your opinions are such a product of propaganda, its sad. Israel wouldn't attack ANYONE if its neighbors would stop trying to destroy it.

You're argument is that land is still property and that Muslim nations have some sort of "right" to it. WELCOME TO THE PRESENT DAY! Land isn't a commodity anymore. There are too many people! You have to learn to live WITH the people you don't like now, not force them into groups like cattle. Palestine already forced all the Israelis to move out of there homes out of Gaza. What more do you want?

It's kind of like when you're children and some kid doesn't want to sit next to another kid, so they whine and complain and throw a tantrum until the teacher hits them with a ruler. Except this kid has ROCKETS!


Your opinions are such a product of propaganda, its sad. Israel wouldn't attack ANYONE if its neighbors would stop trying to destroy it.

You're argument is that land is still property and that Muslim nations have some sort of "right" to it. WELCOME TO THE PRESENT DAY! Land isn't a commodity anymore. There are too many people! You have to learn to live WITH the people you don't like now, not force them into groups like cattle. Palestine already forced all the Israelis to move out of there homes out of Gaza. What more do you want?

Well, there is this little irritating fact that there is a UN resolution that people can return to their homeland as a basic human right. The Palestinians and their supporters have been railing on this...

Palestinian right of return - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 194 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3236 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Your opinions are such a product of propaganda, its sad. Israel wouldn't attack ANYONE if its neighbors would stop trying to destroy it.

You're argument is that land is still property and that Muslim nations have some sort of "right" to it. WELCOME TO THE PRESENT DAY! Land isn't a commodity anymore. There are too many people! You have to learn to live WITH the people you don't like now, not force them into groups like cattle. Palestine already forced all the Israelis to move out of there homes out of Gaza. What more do you want?

It's kind of like when you're children and some kid doesn't want to sit next to another kid, so they whine and complain and throw a tantrum until the teacher hits them with a ruler. Except this kid has ROCKETS!

'Israel' doesn't allow the people from whom it stole the land to live with the settlers - only a tame minority. Instead it kills them and their children and stages provocations whenever forced to negotiate by its patrons. If you can live with that you could have been a guard at Belsen. Stop pretending 'Israel' is in any way 'normal': it is a thieving racist murder-machine which preaches as it tortures. It is morally and intellectually disgusting.


Well, there is this little irritating fact that there is a UN resolution that people can return to their homeland as a basic human right. The Palestinians and their supporters have been railing on this...

Palestinian right of return - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 194 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3236 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Exactly. The same right that the Israelis used when they FORMED the nation of Israel. Guess who was there first?


It is a thieving racist murder-machine which preaches as it tortures.
And Hamas isn't? Even if you're right, you're going to have to judge the Muslim nations that attack Israel with the same moral compass. Just because Muslim's believe they are doing God's will, doesn't mean that they are.


Exactly. The same right that the Israelis used when they FORMED the nation of Israel. Guess who was there first?

That argument is significantly weaker, and would logically cause Israel to give up her land due to international law. It reaches back into ancient history, and breaks international laws. The Arabs had occupied the land not by war, but because it had been uninhabited for more than 100 years. Israel gained it by the British Mandate, which was enforced by wars.
It's kind of like when you're children and some kid doesn't want to sit next to another kid, so they whine and complain and throw a tantrum until the teacher hits them with a ruler. Except this kid has ROCKETS!

Israel has rockets too, and they are precise. One shot one kill. In the Lebanon War of 2006, Hezbollah fired almost 4,000 rockets and only killed about 40 civilians in Israel. One hundred rockets for each Jew, not a very good investment by Iran.


Israel has rockets too, and they are precise. One shot one kill. In the Lebanon War of 2006, Hezbollah fired almost 4,000 rockets and only killed about 40 civilians in Israel. One hundred rockets for each Jew, not a very good investment by Iran.

Yeah, they're very cool. Their intelligence is so good that they can intercept a cellphone call, ID the voice of an enemy commander, and send a missile to that phone. Very cool stuff.

Bad thing is he could be in a car with his wife and kids, and may be doing that to give sympathizers something to complain about.

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
For those who believe that hamas purposely hides behind the civilians, why is it that they ordered the civilians to remain in their homes and not leave while the fighting went on. They also ordered the children not to even go to school so that they can not be caught in crossfire. Why would they do that if they wanted them to all be killed?

YouTube - Gaza: The Killing Zone - Israel/Palestine

This video depicts just how so many civilians get killed by Israel. They kill a so called hamas leader, then after he is dead they shoot again into a civilian crowd that has gathered to get the dead body. But oh wait, that was the hamas leader fault for being dead in the car. Maybe if he wasn't driving along a street, the Israeli army wouldn't have had to kill those kids! What was I thinking! Israel is always 100% correct in all that they do. Even the homes that they bulldoze, crops they destroy, when the settlers kill their arab neighbors, these are all done because Israel wants peace, but those dirty palestinians just won't accpet that.

If you think thats over the top, you give me what legal eagle, non violent steps the palestinians can take to regain basic human rights? And don't tell me stop the rocket attacks, because Hamas is calling for a truce that Israeli defense leaders are rejecting. They say they will not have a truce even though the majority of the israeli populace wants that.

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
Bad thing is he could be in a car with his wife and kids, and may be doing that to give sympathizers something to complain about.

So it's not even fathomable that he's in the car with his wife and kids because he's taking them somewhere right? No no, every move they make is a carefully laid plan to destroy Israel even being with his family in public? If they were that meticulous and savvy in their plans and actions, they wouldn't be in the mess they're in.


So it's not even fathomable that he's in the car with his wife and kids because he's taking them somewhere right? No no, every move they make is a carefully laid plan to destroy Israel even being with his family in public? If they were that meticulous and savvy in their plans and actions, they wouldn't be in the mess they're in.

Better to be away from the wife and kids if you are provoking Israel. If you know that you're using your cell phone to coordinate attacks, don't use it while you're in the car with the kids. I doubt that the enemy commanders are stupid enough to do that these days, but if they do, I would not put it past them to do it on purpose. Simply being in a civilian area using human shields usually will not stop Israel, and I think that's a good thing. An enemy should not have the luxury of hiding in public, particularly when they do not discriminate in who they kill. It's tragic and awful, but both sides have brought it upon themselves.


Left the Forum
Since Wednesday.. Israel killed 44 palestinians.. 1/3 of them are kids!!.. Why Israel killing people??..

Maybe because the Palestinians were kicked out of their land. When people are backed into a corner they will eventually fight. So the Palestinians launch rockets into Israel. The Israelis retaliate and kill Palestinians.

The Palestinians are NOT even able to leave. They are basically prisoners in their own land. All they want are some of the OLIVE TREES that the Israelis stole from them.


Left the Forum
Why is that? (The Arab nations won't accept them)

They are cornered by Arabs on the one hand and Israel on the other. Poor Palestinians.

How would you like it if someone kicked YOU out of your house? Made you live where there is nothing but dirt. Then put a fence around YOU.

What would YOU do?


Active Member
Oh Jeez,he now thinks there's a conspiracy.I think I detect a touch of schizophrenia here.
05:23 AM - 05:38 AM
oops, so fast

No, it is purely voluntary. As a mother, I am automatically on the side of whoever is having their babies deliberately targeted for strikes. If Israel had a policy of deliberately taking out school buses with Hellfire missiles, I'd be on the side of the Palestinians in a New York Minute.
oh yeah? you say Palestinian mothers deliberately put their babies on the Israelis air missiles and .5 ton bombs targets?

i admit, i heard a lot of lies and twisted-minded ideas about Israel,
but this one !!! wow, blown.

Civilians wouldn't die if Palestinians would stop firing their rockets from civilian territories.
yes, that's right, i agree with you,
i wish you Hamas have decent missiles that can do damage to your enemy rather than these childish rockets that Zionists benefit from rather than suffer, and i wish you use them against the military targets not random (in spite the fact that no really civilians in Israel except children and olders)

Notice how there are so few Israel civiilian deaths, even though Israel is constantly bombarded with rockets.
that's because these rockets are compared to fireworks

which only fuels the hatred toward Israel more.
i have a suggestion to Israel to lessen this hatred more effective than killing children;

And if those who support these terrorists did not condone and thereby enable such criminally irresponsible behavior.
again, may people get it;
those are people under occupation, hence have the whole right to defend themselves with whatsoever available to them, and the occupation has no right to continue and must give them their land and freedom.

what's on earth is so hard to understand in this?

why people gave french and polish the full right to fight nazis and withdraw this right from Palestinians? although they both are occupation forces?


Active Member
I think we should disarm Israel and let the Arabs do with them as they please. With modern technology extermination should be much more efficient than in Hitlers time. There should be plenty of literature on the subject even though the holocaust never happened.
Or the Jews could voluntarily go back to their country of origin and leave those poor Arabs alone.
Either option should bring about world peace, especially in the middle east where lies the foundation of humanities most peaceful and loving religion.

credance, why not take zionists with you "over the hill" and save us here in the middle east the headache of a terrorist state established on the blood and flesh of arabs? huh?

middle east was better in old times when arabs and jews lived together, zionists and westren governments behined them made it hell when they planted israel and made the migrations of jews from all over eruope to inhabited palestine lands.


Active Member

Seriously, I do feel sorry for the innocent Palestinians who have to suffer because of Hamas. Imagine how horrible it would be to know that your fate will be decided by one or more of Fatah, Hamas, and the IDF. However, it's Hamas that's to blame for their present suffering.
hamas founded in 1987, Palestinians suffering founded in 1940th


Active Member
Your opinions are such a product of propaganda, its sad. Israel wouldn't attack ANYONE if its neighbors would stop trying to destroy it.
not very much true.
egypt signed a peace treaty with israel, egypt-israeli trades measured in billions, thousands isralies visit egypt, with all this, israel killed 2 egyptians last week across the border, one man while he goes to his work and a 13 years old girl near her home at 200 meters from the border.
welcome the peaceful neighbor; Israel

It will also give any women he might ask to marry something to think about before she says yes to becoming a human shield.
very smart logic, now Palestinians have to divorce their wifes and dump their children after they kicked out of their homes?

honestly you demand too much from Palestinians, what about some sort of balancing and ask israel for something?