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Why is homosexuality a sin

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Oldest Heretic
Is it God Given? Seems that it is by Leviticus.

Sorry, I am not an old testament Christian,
The old Jewish texts are interesting, but they had a different understanding of the nature of God. so their thoughts can need reinterpreting in the light of Jesus' message and teachings.

Homosexuality is a sign that evolutionary process is moving in direction of balancing the human population because the genetics of all the human race is getting weaker in everyone not just homosexuals there is nothing wrong homosexuals there the same as you and me but there genetic make up is slightly different in their sexual orientation we should be thankful towards them as they control population growth....They have had a hard time getting other people to except them... To me that is what’s confusing for people whom read books without reading between the lines, remember that to pass a message to people then and know has to be written in a context which they can understand and we today can understand to just try to look at the positives in all texts.
The sin is we have reached the stage in which we have miss treated nature to the point that nature has forced to balance the human race to this affect...

The reason that nature can sense the human race getting weaker is because of the nutrients level of our food that indicates that food quality is low or not enough so nature will try to correct the unbalance


Oldest Heretic
Because the bible says in numerous places that it is.

And kadzbiz while Leviticus does say homosexuality is a sin, its not the best of examples to use. Some pull the Old testament law excuse, others say it was only for the Jews. The best example against homosexuality is right here in Corinthians...

So you see, the new testament(which is the covenant of christ and written for all the world) condemns homosexuality and groups it with things like prostitution and murder. Therefore there is no excuse for a christian, who should believe the bible is true, can accept homosexuality as morally correct or acceptable.

This isn't to say that we should hate gays, we should try to preach the gospel to them and help them see the truth that their sexuality is a lie from Satan that they bought into, a choice, and they can change.

And one more thing, the reason homosexuality is so disliked among christians isn't that we think its a worse sin than anything else, its that people try to make it something to be proud of. That coupled with some government support of it causes it to be a sin that we really can't stand. You don't see liars holding pride parades, hear about "out and proud" thieves, or see bills giving civil rights protecion to prostitutes, so we don't need to take as great a stance on those, because people generally agree those are bad things.

Paul had the misguided views on sex and women that he inherited from his background of Jewish law.
He never had the opportunity to learn truth at the feet of Jesus. who could see the good in sinners, including prostitutes and thieves. he never stated anything concerning homosexuals.


Flaming Queer
Homosexuality is a sign that evolutionary process is moving in direction of balancing the human population because the genetics of all the human race is getting weaker in everyone not just homosexuals there is nothing wrong homosexuals there the same as you and me but there genetic make up is slightly different in their sexual orientation we should be thankful towards them as they control population growth....They have had a hard time getting other people to except them... To me that is what’s confusing for people whom read books without reading between the lines, remember that to pass a message to people then and know has to be written in a context which they can understand and we today can understand to just try to look at the positives in all texts.
The sin is we have reached the stage in which we have miss treated nature to the point that nature has forced to balance the human race to this affect...

The reason that nature can sense the human race getting weaker is because of the nutrients level of our food that indicates that food quality is low or not enough so nature will try to correct the unbalance

that's all great, but that implies that homosexuals are a relatively recent phenomenon...
No it dosn’t we have been miss treating animals and nature and starving the poor for years since the time of the pharaohs and before that. So naturally nature would assume that the netriants levels are low and think that there are to many in number of the human race.. and attempt to ajust it..


Flaming Queer
No it dosn’t we have been miss treating animals and nature and starving the poor for years since the time of the pharaohs and before that. So naturally nature would assume that the netriants levels are low and think that there are to many in number of the human race.. and attempt to ajust it..

then surely we would see a graph showing poor/under nourished people having a large population percentage of homosexuals, and well off/nourished populations having a low population percentage of homosexuals.

i'm not convinced that it works that way...
Well I haven't done a study on poor under nourished people or people that eat allot of fast food they are also undernourished even though they look over nourished...Vitamin A, B, C etc not High Levels of Fat, Cholesterol, Saturated, Fat, Weak Proteins and low levels of everything etc.. You can do a study if you would like...


Flaming Queer
Well I haven't done a study on poor under nourished people or people that eat allot of fast food they are also undernourished even though they look over nourished...Vitamin A, B, C etc not High Levels of Fat, Cholesterol, Saturated, Fat, Weak Proteins and low levels of everything etc.. You can do a study if you would like...

if i were making the claim i would need a study to support it... seeing as you are making the claim, please substantiate it.
Is that what we have to do to be able to take a righteous path towards nature and all living things and our own health....? O.k. why not trying living well in the first place rather than studding the affects of living like we have been doing... I say let’s try living on a righteous path and study the statistics then.. But remember we are not mice it takes longer than a few years for our generations to undo what our ancestors have done... After all we should clean up after our own shouldn’t we instead of writing down the affects of not doing anything...


Flaming Queer
Is that what we have to do to be able to take a righteous path towards nature and all living things and our own health....? O.k. why not trying living well in the first place rather than studding the affects of living like we have been doing... I say let’s try living on a righteous path and study the statistics then.. But remember we are not mice it takes longer than a few years for our generations to undo what our ancestors have done... After all we should clean up after our own shouldn’t we instead of writing down the affects of not doing anything...

i'm up for that! now, what is a righteous path towards nature and all living things and our own health?
Yes I do agree but god would never punish those that have had no choice in the matter nature dose what nature dose by the command of god but unfortunately it humans that drive themselves towards hell. All we can do is to make the best of what we have felt and try to rebuild what others have destroyed.. And to do that we have to accept where and who we are and what we have to do to put things right but most importantly we all accept each other and god into our hearts to move forward...
What you have to remember is that if god system “nature” didn’t balance things where we would be now...more human population and even less food to go around...
Sex without marriage is can be seen as a sin because population control can get out of hand and other things to... We should have respect for women....And women should have respect for men...if I can say the Quran has allot of home truths if you can read it without thinking negatively.. Women should ware long dresses to be righteous this is a show of respect for men as it is difficult for men to control that animal instinct some times... The Quran can teach us allot if you will try to seek the truth yourself rather than listening to others.. The other books and ways of life also can teach us allot.. But I have to say that the Quran hits the stop for life today..


Flaming Queer
Yes I do agree but god would never punish those that have had no choice in the matter nature dose what nature dose by the command of god but unfortunately it humans that drive themselves towards hell. All we can do is to make the best of what we have felt and try to rebuild what others have destroyed.. And to do that we have to accept where and who we are and what we have to do to put things right but most importantly we all accept each other and god into our hearts to move forward...
What you have to remember is that if god system “nature” didn’t balance things where we would be now...more human population and even less food to go around...
Sex without marriage is can be seen as a sin because population control can get out of hand and other things to... We should have respect for women....And women should have respect for men...if I can say the Quran has allot of home truths if you can read it without thinking negatively.. Women should ware long dresses to be righteous this is a show of respect for men as it is difficult for men to control that animal instinct some times... The Quran can teach us allot if you will try to seek the truth yourself rather than listening to other.. The other book and ways of life also can teach us allot.. But I have to say that the Quran hits the stop for life today..

well i guess this debate was going to end up here so i'm going to back down and stop debating, since i don't believe the scriptures (Qur'an, Bible etc) hold truth. it was nice discussing with you though :)
The Quran says not to eat anything that nature has killed that is to reference to give nature a chance. Do not eat and animal that a rock has fallen on to its head do not eat an animal that has been killed by a wild animal

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
This isn't to say that we should hate gays, we should try to preach the gospel to them and help them see the truth that their sexuality is a lie from Satan that they bought into, a choice, and they can change.
Are you aware of the research many groups in science labs and psychologist, including the APA, and many conclusions about genetic research, that will prove you wrong?


Oldest Heretic
The Quran says not to eat anything that nature has killed that is to reference to give nature a chance. Do not eat and animal that a rock has fallen on to its head do not eat an animal that has been killed by a wild animal

Why do you profess to be Christian, when you promote the teachings of the Quran so much.

I do not believe religious edicts that support primitive food restrictions, and that have no basis in science.

I can understand Hindu restrictions on meat from cows as they are Holy to them.
I can understand others that are vegetarian .
I can understand Mormons who have bans on stimulant drinks and smoking, these are proven to be harmful in some way.

I do not hold with banning certain foods as unclean.
in ancient times there was some reason to treat pigs as unclean ... they were fed on the refuse of Latrines. How ever the Chinese removed the restriction if they were well burnt... scientifically they were proved right.
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