First of all, there is no reason at all why a god that creates a universe, couldn't be an evil douche. Being capable of creating a universe in no way or form necessitates being benevolent.
Why would a eternal, perfect in knowledge being be a douche?
I agree. I would do that too.
You know who does that too? The citizens of north korea.
Not all the citizens of korea do.
I'ld surely submit. Just like I'ld also do in North Korea.
Id submit to God, not north korea.
One thing I could not do however, is change my heart. The entire thing would strike me as deeply evil and immoral. And if this god would be completely omniscient and be able to "read my thoughts" or whatever, this god would surely know this. I would not be able to hide it.
Since you couldent change your heart and God would see your heart, would you ask him to change your heart? Because, well, logically, hed have power to do that too.
That doesn't follow.
Morality is an inescapable phenomena in social species that depend on cooperation for survival.
Without morality, society collapses. The more moral a society, the better it'll thrive.
Morality isn't "made". At best, it is developed over time.
Thats correct. The more moral a society is, the better it thrives. Thats great. I agree. And thats precisely why torture is moral, because it KEEPS AT BAY immorality from having incentive.
All social species have some form of morality.
So are you then saying this God would have morality then?
It causes suffering.
It causes permanent, or at least lasting, psychological harm.
It decentizes the torturer's trait of empathy (that, or it also psychologically harms him/her)
In short: no good can come from it.
I disagree with all of that. But, why does inflicting suffering to an evil doer immoral?
You see what you just did? You asserted that torture is immoral because it causes suffering, therefore suffering is immoral.
Why is inflicting a punishable suffering immoral?
Case in point: name me one society where torture is common practice and acceptable where you would rather live as opposed to a society where such isn't the norm.
I dont study enough of other countries to be able to give you an example. But i can paint you a picture of a society id agree with.
One where there is basic laws and the punishment for breaking those basic laws is very, very severe. Basic laws would mean theres not excessive laws where it stifles freedom.
I said: it's ALSO illegal. That word "also" points to the fact that it's not the only reason, nore the primary reason. I never said that legality is the same as morality. Many immoral things aren't illegal.
Euh.... no. The police would only be allowed to use deadly force if you'ld tried to finish them off, or if it was the only way to prevent you from finishing him off.
And that you wouldn't care is.... very unsettling.
Why is it unsetling?
No. I just understand that our standards today are just a wee bit higher then they were several centuries ago.
Or, mayby our punishments have been made less severe, our freedoms have been robbed and our standards (laws) have become excessive.
You on the other hand, seem to still be stuck in the barbaric mentality of millenia ago.
Do you think there was no intelligence behind barbaric punishments? Oh there surely was. Destroy incentive to do wrong. Punish only the evil doer, not everyone else with excessive laws, stifling freedom.