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why can't we have a relationship with other men?

Me Myself

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And honestly, homosexuality in today´s society is not a curse for society is a DESPERATE NEED.

Heard about a little thing called overpopulation? I prefer homosexuality "epidemia" than a plague or a war or hunger.

Me Myself

Back to my username
So? I'm not normal and proud of that fact. "Normal" is dull, monotonous, and dreary.


It´s like when friends of mine tell me I am weird and I tell them "honestly, do you think I would hang out with you if you were "normal"? Normal bores me to tears. You are a nutsy just like me " (variations of that of course :D )



It´s like when friends of mine tell me I am weird and I tell them "honestly, do you think I would hang out with you if you were "normal"? Normal bores me to tears. You are a nutsy just like me " (variations of that of course :D )

one of my closest friends had a sex change,I tell him or her now the same thing.

I dont have a problem with what anyone does, they can have sex all week long, but it must be said there is something that makes people gay, something that takes them away from the normal way nature desighned us.

its no big deal so dont get mad, something made you gay, its ok to embrace it, but lets be honest at the same time, if your not its really denying it in its true form and that would imply shame of it.


Well-Known Member
I dont have a problem with what anyone does, they can have sex all week long, but it must be said there is something that makes people gay, something that takes them away from the normal way nature desighned us.

If nature didn't design people to be gay, how did they get to be gay? You think they made a conscious decision to switch from hetero to homo?

What about homosexuality among animals... do you think they can decide to go against their own natures?


Veteran Member
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Humans are very sexual, not homo or hetero sexual but very. Humans don't go 'Into Heat'. We have our prime times, but we're basically sexual all the time. Humans are much more sexual than most other species. The confusion about homo and hetero is due to the fact that homosexuality was illegal for a long time, and now we're having to recreate an understanding of our own very sexuality. I don't see any validity to saying that gays are unnatural. It is human beings who are sexually unnatural, relative to other creatures.


the reason i say unatural is because the whole reason for sex is to reproduce, by our very design thats what we are created to do sexually.

sure people can fool around if they choose, with the same sex, thats their choice and right.

however call it normal if you will, its not, if your born with no legs yes nature made you that way but its certainly not the norm, being born a certain way does not make it normal.


Well-Known Member
the reason i say unatural is because the whole reason for sex is to reproduce, by our very design thats what we are created to do sexually.

Have you ever heard of bonobo chimps? They use sex like you and I use money. It's not for procreation most of the time. It's their currency. They do sexual favors in return for food or protection.

however call it normal if you will, its not, if your born with no legs yes nature made you that way but its certainly not the norm, being born a certain way does not make it normal.

Ah, so you mean like a genius IQ. In that case, I agree. Legless humans, homosexual humans and genius-IQ humans are certainly not normal. They're all special.


Just me
Premium Member
I dont have a problem with what anyone does, they can have sex all week long, but it must be said there is something that makes people gay, something that takes them away from the normal way nature desighned us.
The problem with this is that any way that nature designs us is "normal," by default, and nature designed homo as well as hetrosexuality. Normal is what nature does.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
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Premium Member
the reason i say unatural is because the whole reason for sex is to reproduce, by our very design thats what we are created to do sexually.

Ohhhh!!! So that's why humans are among the few, if not only species, that have learned to have other forms of sex with another person. Unless I was busy playing pocket pool in high school sex ed. and missed the lesson, I never knew that those forms of sex led to making babies. We're discounting dogs humping pillows and male juvenile whales "pleasuring" each other to the point of... well, need a picture?


whatever you need to tell yourselves to make you feel better, do it.

if bonobo chimps do it it must be right.


first someone tell me what makes a person gay, i'm curious.
in your expert opinions, what is it exactly that makes someone gay.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
I have no idea; I don't choose to get aroused by or attracted to another man. What makes you heterosexual?


I have no idea; I don't choose to get aroused by or attracted to another man. What makes you heterosexual?

A. Because homosexuality is against nature: In the natural order, the purpose of the carnal union is generation. Now, generation is the natural fruit of the carnal union of man and woman. Therefore the carnal union of two persons of the same sex goes against the natural order.
B. Because homosexuality is against reason: Reason presupposes things as determined by nature, Therefore, since the homosexual transgresses that which has been determined by nature with regards to the use of sexual actions, it follows that the act is against reason.
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look at the birds of paradise, they are born very beautiful to attract a mate.

by their very design they were formed specificaly in their physicality to do this, now if they did not it would mean they were born defective.

you have a hundred birds dancing for a mate, one is not, its defective, statistics dont lie.

Its not wrong as it cannot be helped, but it is a defect.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Who says? Did you miss the point about other forms of sex between huumans that don't result in pro-creation?

It's clear you base your beliefs on the the Abrahamic religions, and that's fine for you, but please do not use that to justify what is natural, unnatural, reasonable or unreasonable. Give me something valid to work with.

Btw, you didn't answer me what physical make up makes you heterosexual.


Who says? Did you miss the point about other forms of sex between huumans that don't result in pro-creation?

It's clear you base your beliefs on the the Abrahamic religions, and that's fine for you, but please do not use that to justify what is natural, unnatural, reasonable or unreasonable. Give me something valid to work with.

Btw, you didn't answer me what physical make up makes you heterosexual.

nothing to do with the Abrahamic religions, lets simplify it, strip a man and a woman down, look them over from an alien point of view.

its obvious what they are by the nature of their design created for, nature not religion.


what makes me heterosexual, ask your parents.

what people are meant to became, parents.

if its natural why cant homosexuals reproduce with each other, because nature does not allow it.