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Why are they ignoring the persecution of Christians?

Isn't it so that many, who call themselves Christians, like to be persecuted? So much so that they make up the persecution if non exists.
In such an environment I find it hard to discern what is real persecution, what is imagined and what is exaggerated.

An easy heuristic for you.

If fundies in America or Europe are saying they are being persecuted, they probably aren't.

If Christians minorities in non-Western countries that lack a solid rule of law or an independent judiciary feel they are being persecuted, they probably are.


Freedom from Sanity
I didn't realize that ethnic polytheistic religions are making such a huge comeback that they are now persecuting Christians. I mean, I'm always told that no one worships Zeus anymore. :rolleyes:
In the predominantly Christian US, people who adhere to ethnic polytheistic (or just not monotheistic) religions are still being deprived of their lands and rights, as well as being oppressed and harassed by politicians, corporations and law enforcement, with little to no media attention.

Contemporary Native American issues in the United States - Wikipedia
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mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
To some extent it still is but the ones that Christianity has persecuted for 2000 years are begining to return the favour
What I find comical is how Christians are complaining about others lowering themselves way down to the bar they themselves set.....
I didn't realize that ethnic polytheistic religions are making such a huge comeback that they are now persecuting Christians. I mean, I'm always told that no one worships Zeus anymore. :rolleyes:

(And even that isn't totally accurate because Christian communities have been living side by side with those of other religions or none since the beginning. Like those Christian communities since the Middle East. They have literally existed since ancient Roman times, so it's hard to say they've been persecuting everyone around them all those years.)

They are almost gleeful at times, as if their football team was beating a hated rival. (not @Rival )

Gleeful about mostly poor minorities being killed, raped, imprisoned, etc.

Such a wonderful example of progressive humanism.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I didn't realize that ethnic polytheistic religions are making such a huge comeback that they are now persecuting Christians. I mean, I'm always told that no one worships Zeus anymore. :rolleyes: Not that they didn't also persecute and kill Christians when they had the chance, but who cares about that.

(And even that isn't totally accurate because Christian communities have been living side by side with those of other religions or none since the beginning. Like those Christian communities since the Middle East. They have literally existed since ancient Roman times, so it's hard to say they've been persecuting everyone around them all those years.)

And then we have the crusades, witch hunts, christian terrorism,


se Dex me saut.
Staff member
Premium Member
They are almost gleeful at times, as if their football team was beating a hated rival. (not @Rival )

Gleeful about mostly poor minorities being killed, raped, imprisoned, etc.

Such a wonderful example of progressive humanism.
I find it incredibly sad as I've recently gone from being a Noachide to a Kemetic Pagan. It's not as if my Jewish friends just abandoned me after that and said "Well folks from your religion oppressed us so sod you now." We just carried on being friends, as I did with my Christian friends. It just looks like some weird emotional high "Ha, we're returning the blow!" As if the response to being oppressed is to become an oppressor.


Freedom from Sanity
They are almost gleeful at times, as if their football team was beating a hated rival. (not @Rival )

Gleeful about mostly poor minorities being killed, raped, imprisoned, etc.

Such a wonderful example of progressive humanism.
Who are these "they"? Most people here are commenting on the crimes against humanity committed by Christian-dominated societies throughout history, including nowadays where LGBTQ people and religious minorities still face discrimination and oppression in Christian-dominated societies.


Well-Known Member
It is really a phenomenon, when Jews are in danger, then there is great noise in Europe and in the USA, but the persecution of Christians is ignored. Even the situation of Muslims in China has more attention; I wonder if Europe and the USA are still really Christian. Currently, Christians are indeed the most persecuted group in the world and have been for years and it gets little attention.
Open Doors International

"We welcome the report of the Bishop of Truro and the efforts of the Foreign Secretary in creating awareness around the plight of persecuted Christians all over the world. Christians are the most persecuted religious group and it is time that the UK government no longer turn a blind eye to this fact but commits to protecting their rights. The report outlines human rights abuses including extreme violence, threats, enslavement, kidnappings, rape, and even genocide." said Ryan Christopher

"Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or trouble, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? Just as it is written: “For Your sake we are killed all day long; We were regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.” But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us." said Paul the Apostle
Many people prefer to ignore the severe persecution of Christians and basically deny it even happens; because the MSM doesn't talk about it and many people are programmed to only react to something that the MSM makes a big deal out of. What we see occuring is the formation of a kind of hive mind mentality actually. Imagine the public in America and the west as blindfolded and being led around by their thought leaders in the MSM, government and education system.

So that brings us to the MSM. Why do they ignore it? I could be really blunt and honest; but I won't say what I think because people will not believe it. Instead I'll just say they are more about pushing agendas and forming people's opinions than they are about actually reporting news.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
It's 2021 and we're not even talking about Europe. There is a world outside of the West, you know.

Yes, in Africa christians are still burning witches. In India they are still bombing markets and hotels.
And if you want to talk about Europe i can add my own experience of christianity...
And i won't mention america

And of course it was not 2021 when the crusades saw millions of non christians massacred... As i said some people are beginning to return the favour that Christianity has done them over the last 2000 year's

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Yes, in Africa christians are still burning witches. In India they are still bombing markets and hotels.
And if you want to talk about Europe i can add my own experience of christianity...

And of course it was not 2021 when the crusades saw millions of non christians massacred... As i said some people are beginning to return the favour that Christianity has done them over the last 2000 year's
Muslims and followers of indigenous religions in Africa kill suspected witches and sorcerers, too. It's because they're very superstitious. These are primarily rural poor people in the third world. Put it into context.


se Dex me saut.
Staff member
Premium Member
Muslims and followers of indigenous religions in Africa kill suspected witches and sorcerers, too. It's because they're very superstitious. These are primarily rural poor people in the third world. Put it into context.
Not only that, but the European witch hunts, which did not even happen in Orthodox countries afaik, lasted a very short period of time and we still aren't even sure what caused them, but to blame it solely on Christianity is to miss the mark when the idea of there even being witches all throughout the Middle Ages was basically considered bunk and 'witches' were almost roundly ignored until the Early Modern era. There are serious social factors that we have to look at when it comes to the European witch hunts.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Not only that, but the European witch hunts, which did not even happen in Orthodox countries afaik, lasted a very short period of time and we still aren't even sure what caused them, but to blame it solely on Christianity is to miss the mark when the idea of there even being witches all throughout the Middle Ages was basically considere bunk. There are serious social factors that we have to look to when it comes to the European witch hunts.
It was mostly a German and English thing, it seems. The Church tried to stop it at times or at least rein it in. It was a hysteria.
I find it incredibly sad as I've recently gone from being a Noachide to a Kemetic Pagan. It's not as if my Jewish friends just abandoned me after that and said "Well folks from your religion oppressed us so sod you now." We just carried on being friends, as I did with my Christian friends. It just looks like some weird emotional high "Ha, we're returning the blow!" As if the response to being oppressed is to become an oppressor.

If it was some fundy group in the US getting some form of 'payback' it might be understandable, but they seem to get some vicarious pleasure out of what is happening to poor, minority communities in the developing world.

Unfortunately, the shallow and petty vindictiveness is to be expected from that part of the ideological spectrum.


Freedom from Sanity
Not only that, but the European witch hunts, which did not even happen in Orthodox countries afaik, lasted a very short period of time and we still aren't even sure what caused them, but to blame it solely on Christianity is to miss the mark when the idea of there even being witches all throughout the Middle Ages was basically considered bunk and 'witches' were almost roundly ignored until the Early Modern era. There are serious social factors that we have to look at when it comes to the European witch hunts.
The same goes for the persecution of Christians in Nonchristian Nonwestern countries.
As far as I can tell, persecution and oppression never occurs in a vacuum and is never predicated solely, or even predominantly, on differences in theology. And yet, for some reason when Christians are the victims, we focus entirely on their religion, without commenting on the greater dynamics of the persecution of ethnic and religious minorities - perhaps because it would cause us to be more wary on the oppression going on in our own societies, against other minorities, or perhaps because we need to find some way to identify with the victims, and for a lot of religious people, their religion is an easy pathway to empathize with others.


Well-Known Member
It's 2021 and we're not even talking about Europe. There is a world outside of the West, you know.

I think people forget that. In fact, we Westerners forget we’re born sometimes.

A friend’s family was caught up in this atrocity....

Christians in Sri Lanka have no monopoly on victimhood, and as a Brit I acknowledge the damage my own country’s imperial past has done there. But still, can’t believe this has been so quickly forgotten...

2019 Sri Lanka Easter bombings - Wikipedia