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Why are they ignoring the persecution of Christians?


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
If being a Christian living in an officially Muslim country makes someone "persecuted," then I'm sure you would agree that non-Christians living in officially Christian countries are also persecuted, right?
I just can not wait for Christians to start addressing their persecution of Christians.....


Veteran Member
It is really a phenomenon, when Jews are in danger, then there is great noise in Europe and in the USA, but the persecution of Christians is ignored. Even the situation of Muslims in China has more attention; I wonder if Europe and the USA are still really Christian. Currently, Christians are indeed the most persecuted group in the world and have been for years and it gets little attention.
Open Doors International

"We welcome the report of the Bishop of Truro and the efforts of the Foreign Secretary in creating awareness around the plight of persecuted Christians all over the world. Christians are the most persecuted religious group and it is time that the UK government no longer turn a blind eye to this fact but commits to protecting their rights. The report outlines human rights abuses including extreme violence, threats, enslavement, kidnappings, rape, and even genocide." said Ryan Christopher

"Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or trouble, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? Just as it is written: “For Your sake we are killed all day long; We were regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.” But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us." said Paul the Apostle
Isn't it so that many, who call themselves Christians, like to be persecuted? So much so that they make up the persecution if non exists.
In such an environment I find it hard to discern what is real persecution, what is imagined and what is exaggerated.


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
Isn't it so that many, who call themselves Christians, like to be persecuted? So much so that they make up the persecution if non exists.
In such an environment I find it hard to discern what is real persecution, what is imagined and what is exaggerated.
I agree.
Christians cry wolf so much it is difficult to take them seriously.


LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member
Wow, lots of denialism and even implied approval. No wonder people don't care. The West hates its Christian heritage and Westerners now spit on Christianity, so of course people aren't concerned. The media doesn't talk about it, either, but they have their own agenda.
Yeah, I'm noticing that, and I'm not even Christian.


Veteran Member
Does the Bible say anything about why Christians are or will be persecuted during the history, or present, future?
Yes it does.

If we are in the end times (as many people do think) can this be a reason why Christians but also people from other religions are persecuted?
That's a very good observation.
Yes the Bible does refer to an attack on all religion.
It does not every single detail, but what we see today can help us get some perspective.

I don't have the time right now to post the references, but I want to return with them later, seeing that there are people denying this, and asking for links, and I can share some of the scripture references, as well.

And not to forget that also Atheists have a hard time now.
Who is persecuting Atheists?
Are Atheists being persecuted by Christians? I don't think so, but I would be willing to look at any data that shows Atheists are being persecuted, and at that, on any large scale, rather than it being a case of the regular clash of disagreements.

Has any Atheist been imprisoned for their lack of belief in God?


Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
Who is persecuting Atheists?
Are Atheists being persecuted by Christians? I don't think so, but I would be willing to look at any data that shows Atheists are being persecuted, and at that, on any large scale, rather than it being a case of the regular clash of disagreements.

Has any Atheist been imprisoned for their lack of belief in God?

I do not have any direct link that show this, but if one look at the world today, there is more and more chaos, and in many countries Atheists have a hard time (maybe some radical muslim countries are bad for Atheists? )
But it depend on what we see as persecution too. Probably an Atheist would have a different defenition of what persecution is, than a Christian or a Muslim would, or?

Or maybe it is as simple as Persecution is a human problem no matter what religion or world view humans have?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Wow, lots of denialism and even implied approval. No wonder people don't care. The West hates its Christian heritage and Westerners now spit on Christianity, so of course people aren't concerned. The media doesn't talk about it, either, but they have their own agenda.
And yet when you share news of people being persecuted certain folks just be like, "Yeah, we don't need to hear about every horrible thing happening there. It's just the norm there."

Perhaps we *do* need to here of what is happening in places where persecution is the norm.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
As the world's biggest religion, and since one can find persecution of all religions somewhere around the world, I suppose there might be a valid claim that Christianity is the world's most persecuted religion. But that is not a very honest way to approach the problem of religious persecution. On a per capita basis there is no doubt that Judaism is the world's most persecuted religion.

Persecution is a threat to the religion of Judaism. To Christianity it is not a threat at all.
It's more of an insanely low threshold for offense than numerical representation. They expect to be persecuted. They want to be persecuted, because Jesus says they will be persecuted in his name. Thus it's believed "xmas" is irrefutable proof of the existence of a war on Christianity and an effort to secularize Christmas, they do believe games like Magic the Gathering and Dungeons and Dragons being culturally accepted is a middle finger against Christianity, they do believe not being able to legally discriminate is an attack on their religion, they think evolution exists to lead people away from god, they even that equally sharing society with other religions is an assault on theirs.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Christians are the most persecuted group in the world, here are 4 references, [101][102][103][104]

101 ... In January 2021, the Danish National Research Database was discontinued as a joint search service for the local research databases of the Danish research institutions.
So it seems the reference is no more

102 ... Fox news, so i would guess its either super hyped garbage or fake news.

103... 2007 is somewhat out of date, not representing the world of today

104... Now we are getting somewhere, i respect the indipendent as a valid and trustworthy source. It is describing terrorism, although it is terrorism aimed at christians. And countries (Pakistan and china for example) where for different reasons the state is intolerant of christianity. You need to weigh up those reasons before making and decision.

So the thing you can do, as a christian, is form a protest movement and do something about it.

As one who has been persecuted and suffered at the hands of christians, i do hope you don't expect me to do something about it.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
And yet when you share news of people being persecuted certain folks just be like, "Yeah, we don't need to hear about every horrible thing happening there. It's just the norm there."

Perhaps we *do* need to here of what is happening in places where persecution is the norm.
I don't approve of any sort of persecution. What I object to was the claim of Christians being the most persecuted group by the OP. Any sort of religious persecution is a problem. But a group should not try to claim that their persecution is worse than that of other groups simply because they are the biggest group out there.
Not only that, but these are ancient ethnic/cultural communities. In the Middle East, the ancient Christian communities tend to be the remnant of the indigenous people of those lands, such as the Copts in Egypt being the native Egyptians (and who are terribly persecuted).
So it really shows their hypocrisy. Claiming to care about the vulnerable and native peoples but acting apathetic and even relishing it when they have the "wrong religion".

Apparently the Copts pretty much deserve it because of the Spanish Inquisition and Mike Pence.


se Dex me saut.
Staff member
Premium Member
Most of the time, at least historically it was Christians oppressing other Christians and pagans and everyone who was not Christian.
We don't live in that world anymore. Folks need to update their internal satnavs and look at what's going on in the ME and Africa when it comes to Christianity.

Saint Frankenstein

Wanderer From Afar
Premium Member
To some extent it still is but the ones that Christianity has persecuted for 2000 years are begining to return the favour
I didn't realize that ethnic polytheistic religions are making such a huge comeback that they are now persecuting Christians. I mean, I'm always told that no one worships Zeus anymore. :rolleyes: Not that they didn't also persecute and kill Christians when they had the chance, but who cares about that.

(And even that isn't totally accurate because Christian communities have been living side by side with those of other religions or none since the beginning. Like those Christian communities since the Middle East. They have literally existed since ancient Roman times, so it's hard to say they've been persecuting everyone around them all those years.)