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WHO IS METATRON & "the Angel of the LORD" ?


Woke gremlin
As to what Shakespeare meant: he was referring to those who *think they can discount any thoughts or philosophies or spiritual realities that do not "fit" with their own limited view.* - it was (and is) the basic meaning of the thought & passage. ... tho people can certainly attempt to try to make it seem otherwise.
Actually, Shakespeare didn't mean anything by it. It was Hamlet who said it to Horatio in Act 1 when Horatio remarks how strange it is that they appear to be hearing a voice coming from nowhere following the appearance of an apparition of Hamlet's father before them. That is all to which it refers - nothing else. To read it as Shakespeare telling people not to be sceptical is just plain wrong, and no Shakespeare scholars would agree with you. It's a specific thing said by a specific character in a specific situation in a specific play, nothing more.


Nah. It's a perfectly valid Shakespearean thought: directed at those who ASSUME "they already know everything" so something like THE EXISTENCE OF GOD & THE SPIRITUAL REALM [including angels like Metatron] are NOT impossible to be a reality IN SPITE OF the skeptics that assume that "it is as nothing" and "impossible". THAT's the point. and it's a valid one.


Well-Known Member
What is your view and understanding of the spiritual being known as "Metatron" or "the Angel of the LORD" or "the Angel of His Presence" ?

Some say it is the new name given to the translated Enoch. others say it is a code name for the PRE-INCARNATE CHRIST.

any ideas ?


Metatron is one of the alternate names for Kether. Metatron is the angelic name.

The divine name is Eheieh.

From Kether emanate Chokmah and Binah, force and form.

What happened to this thread ? The question is a straightforward one, as is the answer. This is basic qabala.


Well-Known Member
Nah. It's a perfectly valid Shakespearean thought: directed at those who ASSUME "they already know everything" so something like THE EXISTENCE OF GOD & THE SPIRITUAL REALM [including angels like Metatron] are NOT impossible to be a reality IN SPITE OF the skeptics that assume that "it is as nothing" and "impossible". THAT's the point. and it's a valid one.

Erm, it sounds like to me that in the play that they were just having fun with slightly breaking the fourth wall with the characters being aware of the narrator introducing the character. Meaning that their excuse about more things being in Heaven or whatever just a comedic excuse for their said acknowledgement of hearing the narrator. Sounds like your reading too much into it.

I'm not really into Shakespeare, but I do write myself somewhat (mostly poetry) and know my tropes fairly well:

Leaning on the Fourth Wall - Television Tropes & Idioms


Well-Known Member
Meta- (from Greek: μετά = "after", "beyond", "with", "adjacent", "self"),
tron, -tronic (Greek: a suffix; device, tool, instrument; more generally, used in the names of any kind of chamber or apparatus used in experiments)

Beyond the device.

(The 'device' is any moving part, be it considered physical, emotional or mental )




Metatron is one of the alternate names for Kether. Metatron is the angelic name.

The divine name is Eheieh.

From Kether emanate Chokmah and Binah, force and form.

What happened to this thread ? The question is a straightforward one, as is the answer. This is basic qabala.

>>> thank you. of course, some people only want to mock or sneer, ... not contribute. it's typical enough of today's mindset.

Do you have a reference or link for the info given above ? I assume you are quoting from the Kabbalah.


What is your view and understanding of the spiritual being known as "Metatron" or "the Angel of the LORD" or "the Angel of His Presence" ?

Some say it is the new name given to the translated Enoch. others say it is a code name for the PRE-INCARNATE CHRIST.

any ideas ?


According to 3 Enoch (which was very popular at its time of writing), Metatron is the transformed Soul of Enoch, who was made to become an Angel-like being (aka a "god" in old Israelite terms) because of his righteousness. Some believe it may in fact be the same soul as the Pre-Incarnate Christ who is the "Firstborn of Creation", the Personification of Wisdom and Reason, but I don't know if this is the case, as I believe they are separate beings. But you are at least on the right track if you agree that the Pre-Incarnate Christ was a spiritual being (not God Himself). It is notable that in 3 Enoch, Metatron is given a position of authority higher than most other angels, who call him "Youth" as a nickname as they've been in heaven for far longer than him yet are in inferior rank.
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Wonder Woman
What is the timeline we are dealing with when it comes to when found or compiled or what-have-you? This Book of Enoch, it supposedly is supposed to predate the bible, am I correct in that? When was it discovered or compiled or whatever it was? How is it known when it comes from and how was it supposedly verified?


Well-Known Member

>>> thank you. of course, some people only want to mock or sneer, ... not contribute. it's typical enough of today's mindset.

Do you have a reference or link for the info given above ? I assume you are quoting from the Kabbalah.

If you google 'kether metatron ehieh' you will find various pages.

I am no expert on Kabbalah, I've just read a few books years ago.

I do suggest you also google dharmakaya and turiya and bear those terms in mind when attempting to understand metatron/kether.

I have studied Tibetan buddhism, so dharmakaya was central to the language of the material I studied. To me, it is synonymous with kether.