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Who here is enlightened?


Well-Known Member
I'll allow your lovely ignorance to manifest itself within the time you may partake at you own leisure to actually lend your personal commentary upon my insights posted here over many years now (after reading same : if you are ignorant as how to do so, I'll be pleased to lend you more informed direction).

[PS. FYI..."nonplussed" is not hyphenated, compliments of this unread and retired English teacher. Oh, and the GFY? Well, ain't the real thing a bit more interesting then the mental masturbation you seem to enjoy indulging?]

oh and, Happy New Year:)

You must be having a **** New Year if the best activity you can find is to do your best to insult and aggravate me.

But have at it if it's cathartic for you, no skin off my nose. It's actually quite funny. Hangover ? Girlfriend trouble ?

Open up about it, this is a safe environment.;)


Heretic and part-time (skinny) Santa impersonator
You must be having a **** New Year if the best activity you can find is to do your best to insult and aggravate me.

But have at it if it's cathartic for you, no skin off my nose. It's actually quite funny. Hangover ? Girlfriend trouble ?

Open up about it, this is a safe environment.

How far shall we plumb the depths of the irony inherent within your reply?

Time/date stamp?

I only provided you rebuttal…if you only excised insult from that, then you are a most selective surgeon indeed.

Again, only to to inform you or your most egregious ignorance…I have been a contributor here since 06/25/2005…and my “social” status is well known and understood by any that “know” me since that time. I have been married since 1989 (yes, to the same fine gal).

My wife is asleep, as her work schedule demands within reason tonight. We had a lovely dinner together that included black-eyed peas and rice, collard greens, and biscuits. As I tutor for a paltry recompense in my own time, my students are not called upon to present themselves until their regular schooling hours are complete, hence leaving me the freedom, even upon this hour and this day, to indulge my own proclivities, which happens to provide for my participation here in rapt reply to even those such as yourself.

I wish you in fact, a “Happy New Year”, as it would seem you might better appreciate a hopeful wish than I might for myself.


Well-Known Member
Where did this habit start?

I don't know it started wherever ego started and ultimately it doesn't matter.

Do you identify as a person who doesn't believe you are not enlightened?

I along with 99.9% of everyone else has this habit ingrained into them. As whether I believe I am enlightened or not is irrelevant along with the rest of ego. Everyone is already enlightened, that is what matters.


Active Member
What does it mean to have a mental model that 'takes into account' a higher level of reality?

it means a model that *includes* the higher level, as opposed to the former model which was entirely unaware of the higher level and which therefore believed (a fundamental, axiomatic assumption) that the ordinary level (ie the physical, manifest 3D universe) is the highest level.

The former model didn't include (ie have a place for, or an understanding of) God, because it had never experienced God. By contrast the latter (enlightened/transcendent) model does include God, because it includes the memory of the direct experience of God (the transformative divine altered-state revelation) which was lacking in the former model.

Do you directly experience this reality or merely entertain it in thoughts?

I directly experienced it firsthand, in the form of an overwhelmingly intense altered state of consciousness.

What are some details of this higher reality?

The ancient world religions all provide many accurate and detailed portrayals of transcendent reality (or altered state experiencing), in the form of myths and artistic depictions. This is precisely the subject matter of all religion - mapping and describing the higher reality. So to answer this question, just have a look at religion, but learn to interpret it as allegorical descriptions of altered state experiences. The higher reality is overwhelming and beautiful.

I think most people realize they are dependent on something. Parents, biology

Dependance on parents is a significantly lower degree of dependance than absolute, ultimate and helpless dependance on God. If your parents both die now, you would still continue to exist, and the universe would continue to exist. But if God decided to remove the veil of illusion which creates the appearance of egoic separateness, the entire universe dissolves instantly.

There are people like terrorists that commit violence and stuff but then believe they're dependent on their deity, so this doesn't seem to be unique to enlightened individuals unless we'd consider these individuals enlightened as well.

a person is enlightened (in this specific sense) when they undergo the experiential revelation of divine dependance, which leaves the individual mind permanently and profoundly transformed. This has nothing to do with daily mundane ethics, ie personal ethical conduct during everyday life. This is about intense altered state experiences and world-model transformation.

When you see behind the illusion, do you acquire non-local knowledge?

You acquire knowledge of God, knowledge of higher reality beyond ordinary appearances (beyond the appearance of a physical universe and a self/world duality). I dont know if you consider this 'non-local', it is non-ordinary.
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Bodhisattva in Recovery
You acquire knowledge of God, knowledge of higher reality beyond ordinary appearances (beyond the appearance of a physical universe and a self/world duality). I dont know if you consider this 'non-local', it is non-ordinary.
It sounds pretty ordinary to me. When one is perceiving a god figure (of any kind), they are still seduced by the subject/object divide. Again, in my view, that's still pretty ordinary, "ho hum" thinking. But hey, whatever works, eh.

Student of X

Paradigm Shifter
Huh?? yeah yeah I get the gist of what your saying, but it's sort of pointless to say

Well, this entire thread is probably pointless. People are taking the posture of teachers and answering questions as best they can, but there is no one taking the posture of a student as best as they can toward any of the answers... all will probably go in one ear and out the other.

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Student of X

Paradigm Shifter
isnt that what the OP is doing?

Nope. This thread is not from the seeking, burning, open heart of a student in the proper posture. This thread was made "to see if anyone here actually claims to be enlightened."

And then when someone comes along and claims to be enlightened, the OP waits to see if they "have the wisdom to say the perfect thing at the perfect time to convince" the OP.

Because that is her self-serving criteria for enlightenment. Perfection.

And when a self-proclaimed enlightened person fails to meet that oh-so-perfect criteria, the OP can rest assured that he or she is an imperfect phony. Because they haven't convinced her, see. All she has to do is make sure no one convinces her. Her strategy is to just keep cranking out knee-jerk questions until words fail. Because sooner or later they always do. Then, you see, you've failed to meet her perfect criteria, so you aren't enlightened. Or at least, not as enlightened as her, because she sniffed out your inadequacy.

It probably feels pretty good to make self-professed enlightened people jump through hoops only to fail to live up to her perfect criteria in the end. So why would she let anyone convince her of anything? Where's the pay-off?

This thread is a joke.
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Well-Known Member
And when a self-proclaimed enlightened person fails to meet that oh-so-perfect criteria, the OP can rest assured that he or she is an imperfect phony. Because they haven't convinced her, see. All she has to do is make sure no one convinces her. Her strategy is to just keep cranking out knee-jerk questions until words fail. Because sooner or later they always do. Then, you see, you've failed to meet her perfect criteria, so you aren't enlightened. Or at least, not as enlightened as her, because she sniffed out your inadequacy.

Forgive me saying so, but I don't believe an enlightened person -- or even a person who seriously seeks enlightenment -- could write something like that.


Forgive me saying so, but I don't believe an enlightened person -- or even a person who seriously seeks enlightenment -- could write something like that.

I agree and I don't think a truly enlightened person would even have such thoughts cross their mind.


Well-Known Member
I suppose that counts me right out... :cool:

For me, that's hard to say. On the one hand, I seem able to disassociate myself from myself in a different way than most people do. I see myself as an actor on the stage of life, just like all the other actors except that I can manipulate my actor directly. I run AmbigGuy through various scenarios, watching for his most likely fate. I know this must be odd because other people give me weird looks when I speak of AmbigGuy in the third-person. So I've stopped speaking it, even as I continue thinking it.

On the other hand, I love to argue for my own perspective on things, and that seems the essence of egotism. But even that little trap is easily slipped. As a prophet of God, I'm merely arguing for His position, not my own. My ego is totally subsumed.

So many possible ways to see things.

Anyway it seems to me that whatever the state of my self-love, it is true that the longer I live, the harder it becomes to feel any anger toward those who see life differently than I do. Heck, I don't even get mad at folks who deny my prophethood, much less those who disbelieve in my enlightenment.

Everyone is entitled to be wrong, after all.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Nope. This thread is not from the seeking, burning, open heart of a student in the proper posture.
Call me silly, but I find this comment to be borderline offensive. The proper fricken posture? :facepalm:

And when a self-proclaimed enlightened person fails to meet that oh-so-perfect criteria, the OP can rest assured that he or she is an imperfect phony. Because they haven't convinced her, see. All she has to do is make sure no one convinces her. Her strategy is to just keep cranking out knee-jerk questions until words fail. Because sooner or later they always do. Then, you see, you've failed to meet her perfect criteria, so you aren't enlightened. Or at least, not as enlightened as her, because she sniffed out your inadequacy.
It seems you prefer the bar to be set very low. Frankly I think Penumbra's comments and questions throughout are brilliant. If that makes people uncomfortable, so much the better. If one cannot handle serious questions, perhaps silence is the best "posture" to take.

It probably feels pretty good to make self-professed enlightened people jump through hoops only to fail to live up to her perfect criteria in the end. So why would she let anyone convince her of anything? Where's the pay-off?
Personally, I like jumping through hoops, as it helps to refine my delivery. I LOVE it when I get stumped by a question. Honest. My feeling is that if I can make the slightest tiny inroads then I have made major gains - But, that's just me.

This thread is a joke.
No, but most assuredly, some of those who have posted their thoughts are indeed. :yes:

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
(Does anyone on this forum claim to be enlightened?

I do not claim to be enlightened and to be honest I am not sure I want to be since I don't really know exactly what that means.

I also tend to feel that if someone actually was enlightened I doubt they would go around telling everyone, they may teach but I do not think they would be walking around wearing an enlightenment badge….but what do I know…I’m not enlightened


Spiritual Seeker
Would an enlightened person claim to be enlightened? Or would they be enlightened enough to know that they have more to learn?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Would an enlightened person claim to be enlightened?
Not if they really knew what they were talking about, no. In the Buddhist variant of "enlightenment", YOU no longer exist, so how can YOU lay claim to anything? (I don't mean you, personally, UTK...)

Or would they be enlightened enough to know that they have more to learn?
Fortunately learning never ceases and the so-called "enlightened" would be experienced enough to know that. That doesn't mean that they wouldn't talk to other human animals. Just sayin' :D