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When is a religion cultural appropriation?


I often get told by people that they don't like my practice because I work with chakras. I often get "You need to be Hindu to work with chakras." which sounds absurd to someone in the new age movement. It sounds to me like I have to walk around with misaligned chakras. If it is a part of your soul it seems very arbitrary for a certain religion to gatekeep it from you. There are stories online of people who opened their third eye and were scared by seeing ghosts and stuff, but the third eye in those cases usually stops functioning and it makes them go back to normal.

Also kundalini is something that in Hinduism is seen as super dangerous and serious for those who are messing with it without a guru. At the same time you hear new age spiritualists talking casually like "I have had multiple kundalini awakenings." which a Hindu would find outrageous. While I personally sometimes felt a little bit of energy coming from the bottom of the spine, I wouldn't say this is a proper kundalini awakening because a real kundalini awakening would feel like a nuclear bomb was dropped on your body. Please don't try that because if you manage to have a kundalini awakening you can't take it back. Unless you dedicated your life to spirituality don't even touch it.


Staff member
Premium Member
I often get told by people that they don't like my practice because I work with chakras. I often get "You need to be Hindu to work with chakras." which sounds absurd to someone in the new age movement. It sounds to me like I have to walk around with misaligned chakras. If it is a part of your soul it seems very arbitrary for a certain religion to gatekeep it from you. There are stories online of people who opened their third eye and were scared by seeing ghosts and stuff, but the third eye in those cases usually stops functioning and it makes them go back to normal.

Also kundalini is something that in Hinduism is seen as super dangerous and serious for those who are messing with it without a guru. At the same time you hear new age spiritualists talking casually like "I have had multiple kundalini awakenings." which a Hindu would find outrageous. While I personally sometimes felt a little bit of energy coming from the bottom of the spine, I wouldn't say this is a proper kundalini awakening because a real kundalini awakening would feel like a nuclear bomb was dropped on your body. Please don't try that because if you manage to have a kundalini awakening you can't take it back. Unless you dedicated your life to spirituality don't even touch it.

First off, I'd ask who's telling you you're appropriating. If its a Hindu, I would listen. Not blindly, but ask them why they feel that way. Try to understand why they're saying it. Give it consideration.

If its not a Hindu saying it, I wouldn't put a whole lot of merit in it. I feel its somewhat trendy right now to call 'appropriation' on other people. Unless someone is doing something harmful or disturbing, its best one keeps their eyes on their own paper.

As far as the chakras go, I'd say its pretty widespread knowledge. However, the one thing I don't care for with new age movements is they don't always give credit where its due. Acknowledge this comes from a Hindu system, and don't try to remove it and act as if its something of your own creation, or adjust it to put your own swing on it(especially if you're trying to make money off of it).

Kundalini has cautions for a reason. You'd be wise to acknowledge that. Its my opinion anyone telling you otherwise is trying to sell you something, has been sold something, or doesn't really know what they're talking about.

Just my two cents on the topic. Take it or leave it. Others may disagree with me.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
In reality scientists are studying human biology and consciousness. Claiming data number links lines to subject us to annihilation of body.

To try to correspond biology to a machines only communication no human ownership just machines.

Mind is possessed as taught....as mind went back in time to position recorded. A State before any biology existed thinks as human they are the God who invented you by human thesis. Thesis was for machines.

Say I believe humans bio biology creates electricity. Kundalini he says secretly.

Bio pulse heart reacting in bio chemical stimulus is converting in biology owned as pulses.

Mineral bases in water itself. Bio chemistry. We eat food drink water to remineralise otherwise we just die. Bio pulse nerve relays bio and heart function bio chemical only.

Versus small amounts of surges.

Science wants a new machine thesis how to get atmospheric electricity supply for my machine. Could care less about any type of biology existing.

As humans electrocuted know electricity isn't natural.

So we have to contend with answering biologies spiritual questions and not for science. How once we taught each other not for a thesis.

In a humans biology....water and mineral cause blockages....occur all the time. So humans healthy first then say I need to revitalise body.. asides mind.

Eat a healthy diet.

Then say I own a baby brain mind path memory known... memories I was healthier once. Can I overcome chakra body interactive. Blocked relays.

As water is already owner heavens loss of biologies minerals. Science put nuclear in water above.. now its very difficult to do any healthy act for self in biology only.

So colours around our bodies are changing. I was advised as a healer psychic. Men of science put that chemical in the atmosphere themselves lying.

Changed brain to biology pathways.

Subject themselves to that condition.

Some are successful. In retraining mind body. Yet as living put the body organic blockages within you need to be subtle about achieving a healthier mind body.

Humans teaching don't let scientists con you by misuse of their evil nuclear words.


हर हर महादेव
Premium Member
I often get told by people that they don't like my practice because I work with chakras. I often get "You need to be Hindu to work with chakras." which sounds absurd to someone in the new age movement.

Let me guess, the people who told you that are lily white Westerners who live to be outraged and stuff? There's a good chance they don't know **** about Hinduism anyway. I hope none of them owns a pair of pajamas because, you know, cultural appropriation.

Sitting down in the privacy of your own home, especially, and breathing or humming or something while focusing on some spots within yourself is not cultural appropriation. On the other hand, wearing a tilak on your forehead and/or rudrāksha or tulsi beads around your neck as fashion accessories divorced from their intended use would be appropriation. However, Śiva is so easily pleased that wonderful things might start happening, spiritually speaking.

First off, I'd ask who's telling you you're appropriating. If its a Hindu, I would listen. Not blindly, but ask them why they feel that way. Try to understand why they're saying it. Give it consideration.

I second this!
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Aštara, Blade of Aštoreth
Do what you will and utilize whatever spiritual-religious concepts you resonate with, and embrace whatever makes you stronger. Make no apologies and move forward with no regrets, no matter who has a problem with it or calls it “appropriation”. You require permission from nobody to walk your religious path as you do.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Sitting down in the privacy of your own home, especially, and breathing or humming or something while focusing on some spots within yourself is not cultural appropriation. On the other hand, wearing a tilak on your forehead and/or rudrāksha or tulsi beads around your neck as fashion accessories divorced from their intended use would be appropriation.

I've had a problem with people saying "cultural appropriation" in the sense that only blacks can rap and so forth which I find idiotic and wrong.

The distinction you drew @mangalavara on the other hand makes sense to me.


Well-Known Member
When it comes to appropriation, I feel there is a lesson to be learned from the art world;

“Good artists copy; great artists steal.”
- Pablo Picasso

Of course, one should acknowledge one’s debt to the party you steal from, and put what you take to good use. God has filled the world with great minds, and we should be willing to learn from the all.


Premium Member
I often get told by people that they don't like my practice because I work with chakras. I often get "You need to be Hindu to work with chakras." which sounds absurd to someone in the new age movement. It sounds to me like I have to walk around with misaligned chakras. If it is a part of your soul it seems very arbitrary for a certain religion to gatekeep it from you. There are stories online of people who opened their third eye and were scared by seeing ghosts and stuff, but the third eye in those cases usually stops functioning and it makes them go back to normal.

Also kundalini is something that in Hinduism is seen as super dangerous and serious for those who are messing with it without a guru. At the same time you hear new age spiritualists talking casually like "I have had multiple kundalini awakenings." which a Hindu would find outrageous. While I personally sometimes felt a little bit of energy coming from the bottom of the spine, I wouldn't say this is a proper kundalini awakening because a real kundalini awakening would feel like a nuclear bomb was dropped on your body. Please don't try that because if you manage to have a kundalini awakening you can't take it back. Unless you dedicated your life to spirituality don't even touch it.

In my sampradaya, the rising of the kundalini is a natural process that happens very slowly, just as character change is a natural process. Because of the hard-wired belief in reincarnation, we definitely aren't in a hurry. So yes, we are cautious, as kundalini can go where it's not ready to go. Patanjali's yoga Sutras start with the yamas and niyamas, not with kundalini. However, to the western mind looking for excitement and drama, due to conditioning and the subconscious belief in one life, wants to jump ahead. So that's understandable, but for any traditional Hindu, not advisable.

The idea of having 'multiple kundalini awakenings' is generally hogwash, to fit into the group talking about it. This is often clear as light, as the descriptions are way off what actually happens.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
**** the cry of "Cultural appropriation!".
Creating your own religion from parts of others is OK.
If some take offense, that's their problem.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
I often get told by people that they don't like my practice because I work with chakras. I often get "You need to be Hindu to work with chakras." which sounds absurd to someone in the new age movement. It sounds to me like I have to walk around with misaligned chakras. If it is a part of your soul it seems very arbitrary for a certain religion to gatekeep it from you. There are stories online of people who opened their third eye and were scared by seeing ghosts and stuff, but the third eye in those cases usually stops functioning and it makes them go back to normal.

Also kundalini is something that in Hinduism is seen as super dangerous and serious for those who are messing with it without a guru. At the same time you hear new age spiritualists talking casually like "I have had multiple kundalini awakenings." which a Hindu would find outrageous. While I personally sometimes felt a little bit of energy coming from the bottom of the spine, I wouldn't say this is a proper kundalini awakening because a real kundalini awakening would feel like a nuclear bomb was dropped on your body. Please don't try that because if you manage to have a kundalini awakening you can't take it back. Unless you dedicated your life to spirituality don't even touch it.

Sikhism, Christianity, Islam, the Baha'i Faith, and a multitude of other religions borrow a significant number of elements from previous religions and philosophies. Furthermore, outside religious contexts, people frequently employ practices formed in other cultures if they find them to be useful.

Unless you're harming someone or being disrespectful to them, I don't think you're doing anything wrong. It always helps to keep listening to the perspectives of people in the communties from whom you're borrowing any given practice or belief, but that doesn't necessarily entail that they will object to your adoption of said practice or belief.


Oldest Heretic
Cultural appropriation is not a real problem.
If a ,"way" of belief is better, surely it makes sense for every one to adopt it.


Outstanding Member
I often get told by people that they don't like my practice because I work with chakras. I often get "You need to be Hindu to work with chakras." which sounds absurd to someone in the new age movement. It sounds to me like I have to walk around with misaligned chakras. If it is a part of your soul it seems very arbitrary for a certain religion to gatekeep it from you. There are stories online of people who opened their third eye and were scared by seeing ghosts and stuff, but the third eye in those cases usually stops functioning and it makes them go back to normal.

Also kundalini is something that in Hinduism is seen as super dangerous and serious for those who are messing with it without a guru. At the same time you hear new age spiritualists talking casually like "I have had multiple kundalini awakenings." which a Hindu would find outrageous. While I personally sometimes felt a little bit of energy coming from the bottom of the spine, I wouldn't say this is a proper kundalini awakening because a real kundalini awakening would feel like a nuclear bomb was dropped on your body. Please don't try that because if you manage to have a kundalini awakening you can't take it back. Unless you dedicated your life to spirituality don't even touch it.

New Age is a mess, and I mean it. At its' souce is humans' curiosity to explore beyond our own gardens and understand what is out there, which is great... Just to find ourselves in a place full of con artists and masters of no knowledge. Cultural appropriation is only an actual thing (a problem) when one out of two thing happen: (1) Someone's cultural property (and I am using this term loosely here) is being used in a demeaning way, and (2) Someone that barely scratched the surface of someone else's cultural practices pretends to actually know what they don't.