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What women want in a man

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
No, some dude who had slept with a transsexual came into a thread and I asked him how the equipment functioned. He didn't take an issue with it. Someone else who wasn't even part of the conversation took the issue.
Because you are so clueless I'll spell it out for you. You insulted transwomen multiple times in one thread, and then in another after I mention how we are insulted and that these people who insult us still have the nerve to ask about our genitals, you come in and ask about our genitals. It's rude to ask anyone about this, but it is especially rude to do so after you talk down on us and then are told this is rude and is a part of transphobia.


Here is a recent blog post on just this topic:

What women want | CoAlphaAntiModernistIncelBlogger

What women in feminist societies want in a man is stupidity and immorality. Since I lack these attributes, I went to a non-feminist country to date and marry.

Why are you putting links to crap like this?

"Probably the most dangerous kind of propaganda for any incel male, or just basically any male who hasn’t seen reality yet, are the incessant hysterical last gasps of the establishment to demonize rape.

Anti-rape propaganda is selling gullible, indoctrinated young men a fantasy that they will get women if they just treat them humanely or if they learn how to seduce better. The first claim is obvious nonsense and the other one even worse, since it makes them apply extreme effort for skills that you pretty much either have or don’t. It’s as if a 5ft2 woman wanted to be 6ft tall. It won’t work. On the other hand, dumb football players and thugs rape and are successful in terms of reproduction and thus respected by women."



Skanky Old Mongrel!
Many women think that all men are just skanky.
So...... get a naughty little dog that they will fall in love with. A really skanky little dog.
Then, when you get caught doing something manly (ie, skanky) you can point to her little dog and say, 'I'm not as bad as Fufu-skankydog'!
You'll still be down the dog-house for the night, but at least the little canine can keep you company..... :D


Old Testament Reactionary
Why are you putting links to crap like this?
Just in case someone here is getting bored of the usual crap spouted by modern culture. While I don't fully agree with the blog post, it is certainly more reasonable than the insanity of modern culture and feminism.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
What women want in a man
......thing is, like men, women are all so different from each other.
So there are billions of correct answers.
But if I was to be young again, and lonely again, I would do my best to gain a livelihood, and I would possess a small car, but not a big car powerful car, because some women would be attracted to big cars. And I would not not show-off, because some women are attracted to show-offs.
In fact, I would go out of my way to appear as less than I am. And I would wait as patiently as I could, through the years if necessary, and I would watch couples meet up, match up and (many) fall apart, and I would pray to Mother Nature, or God, or Fate..... that I should one day be lucky.
And, maybe, one day, a woman would pick me as fit for her. That would be the one. And in return, I would give her my life for as long as she wanted it. And I would continue to pray that her love would never die.


Old Testament Reactionary
But if I was to be young again, and lonely again, I would ...
So what did you do instead? I already mentioned what I did. I went to a non-feminist country and found a good wife and we have been happily married for 24 years. If I had waited for some American woman to choose me, I would still be single.


Freedom Of Mind
So what did you do instead? I already mentioned what I did. I went to a non-feminist country and found a good wife and we have been happily married for 24 years. If I had waited for some American woman to choose me, I would still be single.

Since he says if i was to be young again then i guess he is already in the deadlock.
Maybe he's doing the laundry by now,;) just kidding.:D



Well-Known Member
Makes sense, tattoos have been symbols of evil since biblical times, which is why the Bible prohibits them and why modern women love them.

well, tats aren't a must (a nice to have), but muscles...now, they're a must. are muscles evil too?



Old Testament Reactionary
well, tats aren't a must (a nice to have), but muscles...now, they're a must. are muscles evil too?
No, muscles are good. All men should work out and have muscles. Muscles reflect strength and have been valued by women in all societies in history. But tattoos only reflect cultural values, so women only value tattoos in evil cultures like modern culture. My wife, who comes from a non-feminist culture, likes muscles but dislikes tattoos.


Well-Known Member
No, muscles are good. All men should work out and have muscles. Muscles reflect strength and have been valued by women in all societies in history. But tattoos only reflect cultural values, so women only value tattoos in evil cultures like modern culture. My wife, who comes from a non-feminist culture, likes muscles but dislikes tattoos.

That's interesting, and I didn't realize that. It seems like ''everyone has one,'' (I don't) and it's become just a trendy thing these days. Not sure people view them as having type of moral connotation attached to them...

What has always gone through my mind is...I'm going to have this image on me FOREVER...and I don't know if I'd like that same image 20 years from now, as I might right now. lol


RF's pet cat
Every woman is different. Personally, in a partner (regardless of gender) I'm looking for:

-Having similar tastes, values, etc.

I thought it would take a while to find someone, as I'm painfully shy and tend to hold my personality back... It was quite fortunate that I found my husband on a forum, so I could be my full quirky self and he loved that. There's hardly anyone IRL that truly knows me like he does.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
No, muscles are good. All men should work out and have muscles. Muscles reflect strength and have been valued by women in all societies in history. But tattoos only reflect cultural values, so women only value tattoos in evil cultures like modern culture. My wife, who comes from a non-feminist culture, likes muscles but dislikes tattoos.
IMO, someone who advocates rape has morality so warped that he's in no position to judge good and evil.