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What women want in a man


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
Here is a recent blog post on just this topic:

What women want | CoAlphaAntiModernistIncelBlogger

What women in feminist societies want in a man is stupidity and immorality. Since I lack these attributes, I went to a non-feminist country to date and marry.
That might be the single worst collection of ideas I've ever seen since reading Stormfront. Please tell me you stayed that in "non-feminist country".


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I don't know about any other woman who reads this thread, but given the posts so far...Revoltingest has me swooning. ;) :p
I'll give yah fair warn'n, lassie....I never said I kin actually doo any of those things. However, I donna ever have any laundry.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Here is a recent blog post on just this topic:

What women want | CoAlphaAntiModernistIncelBlogger

What women in feminist societies want in a man is stupidity and immorality. Since I lack these attributes, I went to a non-feminist country to date and marry.

You could benefit by asking a feminist woman like me.

But instead you offer an opinion that spells out how men should rape women, and claiming this is what women really want.

This is far from the truth.

I as a woman want from a man...(in case anybody wants to know)...

Sense of humor

And for the record, I want the same things from a woman too.


Premium Member
You could benefit by asking a feminist woman like me.

But instead you offer an opinion that spells out how men should rape women, and claiming this is what women really want.

This is far from the truth.

I as a woman want from a man...(in case anybody wants to know)...

Sense of humor

And for the record, I want the same things from a woman too.

Wow. I didn't read that article until just now.

It is truly amazing to me to see the attitude in it presented. It boggles the mind.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
A man must genuinely love women and treat them with respect as it makes women feel safe. He should truly delight in the company of women so that his senses are overwhelmed, dare I say intoxicated, in their presence. Confidence is a key ingredient for a man in attracting a mate. I think he should be brimming with it. If he doesn't believe in himself how will she? He should focus on creating emotional intimacy and view physical intimacy as a by product of it. There should be common religious values among partners. He should be a far better listener than speaker. He must develop his "game" so that it's all about girl and finding out who she really is. Women tend to like a man that can make them smile. You don't need to be Buddy Hackett but you should be able to crack a few jokes and bring a positive attitude. It never hurts to be good looking but a man should at least be well groomed, sorry hipsters. Women love guys that can dance. If you don't know how you need to take some lessons asap. It drives them wild.
What a woman want's isn't you. She doesn't want a man who thinks he can have anyone he wants, who calls her arrogant if she shoots him down, she doesn't want a man who goes on about her body but never mentions the rest of her, and she doesn't want a man who is totally and utterly oblivious to the obvious(and you seem to excel at this one). She also doesn't want a guy who makes everything about himself, who messes things ups, and then tries to act like he was on board the whole time. Girls may want this, women do not have time for it.
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Premium Member
I won't really (seriously) speak for every other woman, so this response is not meant to represent "women," just this woman.

A man must genuinely love women and treat them with respect as it makes women feel safe.
I think this is accurate. I also think this tends to apply to men as well. While the "safe" may not be that the woman is providing a sense of physical safety, I think people do like to feel, and be, safe with those they have relationships with. I think safety to be oneself, safety to speak openly and honestly about things, and safety to disagree, or to see things differently...are important in any relationship.
He should truly delight in the company of women so that his senses are overwhelmed, dare I say intoxicated, in their presence.
I agree with truly delighting in the company of a person being valuable. I think there's a limit, though. Too much "you intoxicate me" can be really creepy. Passion is great, but a little common sense should be there in the mix, IMO.

Also, I think women often like a man that is charming, but again, if it isn't grounded in something sincere, it's useless. I don't think it's a good idea to tell a woman the sun and moon revolve around her, then treat her like she's not important. Basic consideration and common courtesies are much more important, IMO, than a lot showy stuff that's mostly just BS, or done for calculated reasons.

Confidence is a key ingredient for a man in attracting a mate. I think he should be brimming with it. If he doesn't believe in himself how will she? He should focus on creating emotional intimacy and view physical intimacy as a by product of it.
I think confidence is attractive to anyone, as long as it's real. To me that often means the person doesn't put a lot effort into appearing confident, and just is.

There should be common religious values among partners.
In general, I'd agree with this statement, because seriously conflicting religious beliefs, practices, and expectations can cause problems -- especially if one person's values place expectations on the other that don't work well for both of them. If there are some differences in belief or values that either one cannot get ok with, it's best to recognize that.

He should be a far better listener than speaker. He must develop his "game" so that it's all about girl and finding out who she really is. Women tend to like a man that can make them smile. You don't need to be Buddy Hackett but you should be able to crack a few jokes and bring a positive attitude. It never hurts to be good looking but a man should at least be well groomed, sorry hipsters. Women love guys that can dance. If you don't know how you need to take some lessons asap. It drives them wild.
I think just about everyone likes to be listened to, and "heard."

A good sense of humor is valuable to me, but I don't think all, or even most, women see that as a must-have, or high priority. A sense of humor may be an ice-breaker early on, but I think there needs to be more substance beyond that for it be more than only a buddy-type relationship.

I think it's already been mentioned, but by the time women make it to the age of being called "women," a lot of them have figured out that men that are really good at the "game" are actually playing games. It can be a real let down to take someone seriously and figure out they were just playing. I think games are only fun if both parties are willfully participating in a game. I don't think it's fun to meet the "real" person months into a relationship, and find they had just been putting on a show in the beginning. (I would bet this applies to a lot of men, too.)

Grooming is a good thing, but to me, doesn't have to be fashion magazine stuff. Cleanliness is good. Fresh dirt can be cool. But...it's more pleasant to be around guys that don't stink, especially if it's not the just got dirty doing something, and about to get clean kind of stink.

Oh...and we not only like to get in the last word, we like to get in more of them. (Just kidding.)


.45 Cal
, she doesn't want a man who goes on about her body but never mentions the rest of her, .

This is what I have a problem with. I've spent the whole time talking about creating emotional intimacy, that means loving what's inside a woman. For you to deny that means you haven't read my posts or are deliberately trying to be deceitful. Notice I've never actually talked about sleeping with a woman except in jest with Mystic. And I was just having fun with Draka when I told not be so arrogant as to think she couldn't fall for me. I thought I made that clear when I said "seriously though..." right after that statement. I'm literally laughing my *** off when I say half the s*** I say on here. And I'm not a womanizer even if I could be if I wanted. Womanizers use women for sex. I don't have sex. I desire to KNOW women, their hearts, and to be known. I absolutely love romance and believe emotional intimacy is its foundation. I actually find casual sex to be unfulfilling. Hell I'm the one who has to play the role of rejecter/refuser in my relationships as I encounter plenty of manizers. And some these manizers are bigger playas than the most skilled guys I've ever met. Some of them are gorgeous. My resistance to them is getting weaker. I'm the victim here.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
This is what I have a problem with. I've spent the whole time talking about creating emotional intimacy, that means loving what's inside a woman. For you to deny that means you haven't read my posts or are deliberately trying to be deceitful. Notice I've never actually talked about sleeping with a woman except in jest with Mystic. And I was just having fun with Draka when I told not be so arrogant as to think she couldn't fall for me. I thought I made that clear when I said "seriously though..." right after that statement. I'm literally laughing my *** off when I say half the s*** I say on here. And I'm not a womanizer even if I could be if I wanted. Womanizers use women for sex. I don't have sex. I desire to KNOW women, their hearts, and to be known. I absolutely love romance and believe emotional intimacy is its foundation. I actually find casual sex to be unfulfilling. Hell I'm the one who has to play the role of rejecter/refuser in my relationships as I encounter plenty of manizers. And some of them are gorgeous. My resistance to them is getting weaker. I'm the victim here.
I have been reading your posts, including how you only talk about a woman's body, how you have to pry her open, and how it's all about how you feel until a few members called you out on this. Then you began to adjust your position, you get called out again, adjust your position again, and here you are again, trying to further adjust it. Had I not been reading your posts, how would I have known you called Draka arrogant for shooting you down? A man who really respects women would not call a woman arrogant over such a trivial thing.


Wonder Woman
I prefer a man who is just confident in himself in who he is as a person and that it's good enough. Not so much a man who has confidence to the point of arrogance. That is, confidence that they know what women really want, confidence that they are attractive to a woman, confidence that they can seduce a woman. Those things don't present to me a confident man, they present to me an arrogant man who thinks too highly of himself and not highly enough of a woman's ability to discern the difference.


.45 Cal
I have been reading your posts, including how you only talk about a woman's body, how you have to pry her open, and how it's all about how you feel until a few members called you out on this. Then you began to adjust your position, you get called out again, adjust your position again, and here you are again, trying to further adjust it. Had I not been reading your posts, how would I have known you called Draka arrogant for shooting you down? A man who really respects women would not call a woman arrogant over such a trivial thing.

I said she's a beautiful flower whose petals must be delicately opened. That wasn't a metaphor for spreading her legs it was a metaphor for opening her heart that I may know it's mysteries. And I didn't go on about a woman's body. I talked about how my senses delight in their company. Only a deranged mind interprets that as me saying I just want her body. Can't my senses delight in conversation with a woman?