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What Is Your Religion or Worldview?

What is your religion or worldview?

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Active Member
Can you provide me an example of one of these religions?
One such example of a historical religion whose teachings have been largely lost to time is the Minoan religion. The Minoans were a Bronze Age civilization that existed on the island of Crete from around 3000 BCE to 1100 BCE.

The Minoan religion seems to have had a pantheon of deities, with a focus on goddess worship. The deities were associated with natural elements like mountains, caves, trees, and snakes. Several frescoes, artifacts, and structures, such as the Palace at Knossos, give insights into their religious practices, which seem to have included ritual dancing, offerings, and possibly even ritual sacrifices.

However, despite these findings, the specifics of their beliefs, mythologies, and religious practices are largely unknown. The Minoans had a system of writing known as Linear A, but it remains undeciphered, making the understanding of their religion largely speculative. While there are theories and interpretations, no comprehensive understanding of Minoan religious teachings, doctrines, or mythologies exists due to the lack of decipherable written records.

The Minoan civilization was eventually superseded by the Mycenaeans, and while some elements of Minoan culture and religion may have been absorbed into subsequent Greek civilization, the distinct teachings and practices of the Minoan religion are considered lost to time.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
One such example of a historical religion whose teachings have been largely lost to time is the Minoan religion. The Minoans were a Bronze Age civilization that existed on the island of Crete from around 3000 BCE to 1100 BCE.

The Minoan religion seems to have had a pantheon of deities, with a focus on goddess worship. The deities were associated with natural elements like mountains, caves, trees, and snakes. Several frescoes, artifacts, and structures, such as the Palace at Knossos, give insights into their religious practices, which seem to have included ritual dancing, offerings, and possibly even ritual sacrifices.

However, despite these findings, the specifics of their beliefs, mythologies, and religious practices are largely unknown. The Minoans had a system of writing known as Linear A, but it remains undeciphered, making the understanding of their religion largely speculative. While there are theories and interpretations, no comprehensive understanding of Minoan religious teachings, doctrines, or mythologies exists due to the lack of decipherable written records.

The Minoan civilization was eventually superseded by the Mycenaeans, and while some elements of Minoan culture and religion may have been absorbed into subsequent Greek civilization, the distinct teachings and practices of the Minoan religion are considered lost to time.
This would be more of an example of a societal collapse (the death of a civilization) than a religion that didn't evolve.


Active Member
Nothing can evolve in the absence of an agent to affect evolution.
Exactly, which contradicts what you said about all religion being able to evolve. However, a religion cannot automatically be assumed to be evolvable just because people believe in it, however, a religion like Flawlessism, encourages evolution if needed due to its teachings, therefore, assuming that it will evolve is reasonable because of its teachings.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Exactly, which contradicts what you said about all religion being able to evolve.
I'll remind you this isn't a debate forum.

That said, any religion, even the one of the Minoans, can be revived, and in that revival, evolve. It has happened with several, and are now known as Contemporary Paganism.

However, a religion cannot automatically be assumed to be evolvable just because people believe in it, however, a religion like Flawlessism, encourages evolution if needed due to its teachings, therefore, assuming that it will evolve is reasonable because of its teachings.
Sure it can. Your Flawlessism is hardly exclusive to that quality.

As I said, any religion is evolvable. It's on its followers whether or not they allow it to do so.

As I see it, any religion that refuses to adjust its views in the presence of new information is destined to fall.


Active Member
I'll remind you this isn't a debate forum.

That said, any religion, even the one of the Minoans, can be revived, and in that revival, evolve. It has happened with several, and are now known as Contemporary Paganism.

Sure it can. Your Flawlessism is hardly exclusive to that quality.

As I said, any religion is evolvable. It's on its followers whether or not they allow it to do so.

As I see it, any religion that refuses to adjust its views in the presence of new information is destined to fall.
True, this isn't a debate forum, so I'll drop this debate here. Have a nice day.


Active Member
OK. I am well aware that anyone can create a religion. Let me know when you can teach me how to fly on magic carpets.
Flawlessism isn't like that at all, clearly you didn't even read that post because your desire to "learn and grow" as you claimed is at least partially a lie. But fine, you can do as you wish.


Well-Known Member
Flawlessism isn't like that at all, clearly you didn't even read that post because your desire to "learn and grow" as you claimed is at least partially a lie. But fine, you can do as you wish.

I did not read your post but telling me that I lie because i dont follow or read your opinions is rude at a premium.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
Politically I am socialist. Justice and equity, are extremely important, in my view, and can only be truly realized within a socialist political system, in which the means of production and utilities, are held collectively by or on behalf of the workers and consumers, and not by unaccountable individuals and powerful corporations. Not that I believe the State Communist model of Stalin et al is necessarily the way to go though, because it isn't, it's terrible. I am not really into politics in a major way, I just root for the socialist underdog. Someone's got to. Power to the people!

Socially liberal, I believe in live and let live. I am not at all impressed by bigotry and intolerance, it's weak. I am happy to call a person by whatever pronoun they prefer to be called by, it's only polite and as I alluded to, I will treat others how I'd like to be treated. Your skin colour/heritage/class/nationality/faith/gender identity means nothing to me, it says nothing to me about your character, and nothing at all about all the other things that truly matter about you. Standard moderate easy going but don't mess with me stuff. Default normy I guess.

Spiritually? I don't really know. I have faith in the scientific method yes. It's validity measured by it's incredible success. From hitting each other with sharp bit of metal, to well, this....in a few centuries, of reason and rationalism. It's impressive. A methodology of objective inquiry that has no parallel.
Yet...I have strange lucid dreams that seem to make predictions, I sense things I can't possibly sense, I see things which defy scientific explanation.
So. I keep an open mind, let's say. I know deep down that everything is explicable. I just don't have enough information. So hi. What ya got for me peeps?


Active Member
I did not read your post but telling me that I lie because i dont follow or read your opinions is rude at a premium.
I don't care if you don't follow or read my opinions, but saying that you desire to learn and grow, yet being unable to even read a short post when you ask to be taught, it's clearly not your actual view.


Well-Known Member
I don't care if you don't follow or read my opinions, but saying that you desire to learn and grow, yet being unable to even read a short post when you ask to be taught, it's clearly not your actual view.
You could write what I asked in my questions rather than try to insult because I did not go back to look at your previous comments.

Be friendly before insulting. Try not to pigeon hole me into a category.


Nothing my eye, Something for sure
My worldview is that qualitative meaning, values, and purposes are expressed in an underlying reality that spawns the souls of all living creatures. We inhabit a life dimension that is hostage to a brute physical reality.

I accept that there is a moral truth that is universal and is often unknown , ignored, or denigrated. That truth is summed up in the idea that respect, or love, and equality with and for others is the basis of all the freedoms, and qualities of life that people live for and enjoy. If humanity loses respect, or love for others, and fails to recognize the equality inherent in all life we are in for a savage demise, or a nightmarish existence. In violation of moral truth when people commit crimes against humanity they essentially forsake this equality. Obviously it's not always possible to love everybody, but respect for the sacredness of life will be a force in maintaining freedom and worthwhile living. All a person need do is recognize that others have the same basic foundational rights as themself. All that is decent and desired is what others want for themselves as well. I don't think that is too much to ask of others. Forgiveness and mercy also have a big reach that is crucial for human existence. Defending these values is also a virtue when some people will absolutely will not live in any civilly acceptable way.

Respect is regard or acceptance for the rights of others. If a person has no regard, they should at least accept that all people and life have rights to live up to, and that is crucial to heed that.
I chose Agnostic. I don't believe in religion. More so revealed religion.
Basically, I'm non religious and don't practice anything. More spiritual than anything I suppose.
There is a side of me, however, that believes it could be possible that some kind of "God," or higher power exists.
The closest thing I would currently call that belief if you could put any kind of name on it would be Pandeism.
However, since I cannot prove this one way or another, I choose to simply remain Agnostic.
I guess you could technically call me an "Agnostic Deist."
I don't really like to assert any kind of title for myself though honestly, so I choose to remain neutral.
I don't go around telling people, "Hey!" I'm a Deist!" Lol.
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