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What is your position in the Political Spectrum?

What is your position in Political Spectrum?

  • Far Right

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • Center Right

    Votes: 8 21.6%
  • Center

    Votes: 4 10.8%
  • Center Left

    Votes: 12 32.4%
  • Far Left

    Votes: 11 29.7%

  • Total voters

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Good point. I don't think anyone outside of the far left would put President Obama where they have him.

There's nothing leftist about Obama. He's just another capitalist whore but who happens to be slightly more to the center than Republicans (who are actually far-right). There is no real left in American politics.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Anyway, I voted far-left since that's where my economic views lie, even though I may not agree with them on social issues.


Denizen of Niflheim
I have sympathies for the libertarian right. Although I'm probably centre in a practical sense. In either case I can't answer the poll because a left-right dichotomy without an authoritarian-libertarian axis is meaningless in my eyes.

I took the political test. I usually drift up and down a few places depending on my mood when answering the questions.

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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I'm so far to the left that Rachel Maddow is a distant bump on the horizon to my left. Twenty years ago, though, I was a moderate Republican. That's before I started reading up on what was going on in the world.


Argumentative Curmudgeon
Premium Member
It's as I said. The web site belongs to a US newspaper, and the political concepts of the US are very different to those of Europe. And if they put the British Conservative and Labour parties close together, or Angela Merkel to the right of David Cameron, then they don't understand Europe.

Exactly, I dont think it is accurate either. Obama, Romney, and Miliband are next to each other even though their views are vastly different.

Those are interesting observations, and I'd love to hear how different you see them being, particularly when put into the global perspective with political leaders such as Pinochet, Stalin, and Mao. It's been my observation that most politicians within a system tend to differ only superficially (this is particularly true in the US), and, despite their rhetoric, support many of the same policies.

But that is likely better addressed in another thread.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Good point. I don't think anyone outside of the far left would put President Obama where they have him.

Obama's "mentor" is and was Lincoln. I have a lot of difficulty placing him on the chart other than being somewhere near the middle.


Active Member
My results

Guess I am more conservative than most people in here:cool: Go Republicans:yes:
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Argumentative Curmudgeon
Premium Member
My results

Guess I am more conservative than most people in here:cool::yes:

I don't know about conservative, but certainly more authoritarian.
Based on where the graph places Obama, you're practically a communist! :eek:
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Active Member
Wow! Lol. Could you tell us about your political views? I'm really curious. What's your opinion on things?

Abortion -Totally against it.
Homosexuality- Not a great opinion
Foreign Policy -America should be more active in the World and absolute support for Israel.
Science - More money for NASA and Space Exploration and banning Embryonic Stem Cell Research.
Economic - Capitalist


Active Member
Left I suppose, but it's hard to tell. I'm liberal on social issues if that's any indication... But if there was an option for "other", then I would click that. I want a totally different society.

My concerns are mostly to do with the environment, sustainability and changing society so that everyone can benefit, not just a few. I'd prefer if we worked towards phasing out money, automate dangerous and boring jobs (so that the only jobs that are left are things people are passionate about) and transition to a post-scarcity society, by making enough for everyone.

Use technology and nature in harmony to live in a sustainable and efficient way. Calculate the amount of resources we have on Earth to manage it intelligently. Get rid of the consumerist mentality, build things to last (by design, upgradable, etc). Free education for all, can be done in many ways either taking classes in person or online, we can be lifelong learners in things that really interest us, instead of institutionalised learning. Etc, etc.

It's very long and hard to explain though... People in multiple movements (Venus Project, Zeitgeist, etc.) call it a Natural Law Resource Based Economy or NLRBE or RBE for short. And an unusual view at the moment. But I think someday people will agree with most of it. We'll have to do something at least similar - tech will replace people, eventually, for certain jobs (t's already happening). And sustainability, if you know anything about our impact on the environment and global warming, well it's a no-brainer.

Sorry for the long post, just had to make things semi-clear at least.
All this is good to imagine, but impossible in practice.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Abortion -Totally against it.
Homosexuality- Not a great opinion
Foreign Policy -America should be more active in the World and absolute support for Israel.
Science - More money for NASA and Space Exploration and banning Embryonic Stem Cell Research.
Economic - Capitalist

We agree on some things and not on others. I'm against abortion, too. Totally agree with you on NASA and space exploration. I think there's more ethical ways to approach stem call research, too (I'm also against animal testing, for what that's worth).

I support LGBT rights but I have my issues with aspects of the mainstream gay culture. I support committed, loving gay relationships as well as allowing trans people to be who we are (I'm a transsexual, myself, and view it as more of a medical problem to be corrected). I support gay marriage as I see it as a good stabilizing force for gay and lesbian families and as an alternative to the rampant promiscuity in gay male culture (straights are just as bad now; I view that as a symptom of general moral decay).

As for foreign policy, I support my country standing up for human rights and freedoms (such as the ones enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) and stopping and punishing those who violate them, alongside the forces of the rest of the international community, in a spirit of universal brother/sisterhood. Not I see it actually doing that, but I would support it if it did. As for Israel, I'm not a Zionist per say but I do support Israel in that it's a bastion of Western culture in the Middle East. It's the only country in the ME I'd feel safe in, anyway.

Of course, I'm an anti-capitalist, myself.
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Argumentative Curmudgeon
Premium Member
Thats more tragic than Romeo and Juliet:sad4:

Not at all. There's good and bad to be found in all political systems, and very few of us fit into neat little boxes. Embrace your pink-communist tendencies and be proud! ;)


Active Member
We agree on some things and not on others. I'm against abortion, too. Totally agree with you on NASA and space exploration. I think there's more ethical ways to approach stem call research, too (I'm also against animal testing, for what that's worth).

I support LGBT rights but I have my issues with aspects of the mainstream gay culture. I support committed, loving gay relationships as well as allowing trans people to be who we are (I'm a transsexual, myself, and view it as more of a medical problem to be corrected). I support gay marriage as I see it as a good stabilizing force for gay and lesbian families and as an alternative to the rampant promiscuity in gay male culture (straights are just as bad now; I view that as a symptom of general moral decay).

As for foreign policy, I support my country standing up for human rights and freedoms (such as the ones enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) and stopping and punishing those who violate them, alongside the forces of the rest of the international community, in a spirit of universal brother/sisterhood. Not I see it actually doing that, but I would support it if it did. As for Israel, I'm not a Zionist per say but I do support Israel in that it's a bastion of Western culture in the Middle East. It's the only country in the ME I'd feel safe in, anyway.

Of course, I'm an anti-capitalist, myself.

Well Capitalism and Homosexuality is only where we have a problem. Otherwise we are similar