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What is your opinion of Jesus?

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Look, the ONLY way we have to identify whether someone is the Messiah is if they fulfill the prophecies, if they actually DO all the things the messiah is to do. Once you start saying, "Oh Jesus will return again and fulfill the rest. He is the messiah" you open yourself to ANYONE saying "I am the messiah. I'll do the rest when I come back." Heck, even *I* could claim to be the messiah using that flawed logic.
Depends on what the bigger picture reality actually is. I imagine that God/Angelic realms are involved with the events of the lessor beings, ie., material beings, and these Angels would determine the volunteering soul who would 'play' the 'messianic' role, and it is these same Angels who would involve themselves in the End Times judgement. Certainly, this interdimensional process is complex and so it reasonable to assume some things could and would go awry, but the end result will still be the same regardless of the time it takes to get right. Btw, a human being, who from their own ego self claims to be the messiah, would be a liar or insane.


Jesus is King & Mighty God Isa.9:6-7; Lk.1:32-33
"Jesus can say "the Father and I are one" "

The above "the Father and I (Jesus) are one" only meant, as I perceive, Jesus/Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah was in fully obedience of G-d and G-d's commandments, please.
So, Jesus was never the Almighty G-d but a servant of the Almighty G-d.

I believe it also means unity, read the entire chapter 17 of the Gospel of John, I agree with you, also Jesus never claimed to be the Almighty.
Jesus claimed to be God's son, and everybody claimed this is what Jesus was teaching.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious on why people don't believe in Jesus?
Your OP could be developed a bit.

Do you want opinions on Jesus, as in the title, or explanations for a lack of belief?

In response to the thread title, my opinion is that Jesus as featured in the bible is an amalgam of what someone considered to be the parts of the Old Testament that best represent god and his ‘rules for life and community’, a bit of slight of hand regarding some dubiously engineered prophecies, a few decades of wrangling over what Christians are actually supposed to believe before anything much was written down finally coalescing into Jesus’ presentation as more or less representing those ideas, and some Platonic influences thrown in.

As to who he actually was, and what he really did and taught, not much can be known with any degree of certainty.


Veteran Member
I believe it also means unity, read the entire chapter 17 of the Gospel of John, I agree with you, also Jesus never claimed to be the Almighty.
Jesus claimed to be God's son, and everybody claimed this is what Jesus was teaching.
"chapter 17 of the Gospel of John"

It is to be read and understood as per Chapter 8 of Gospel of John, right?:
" 41 You do the works of your father. They said therefore to him: We are not born of fornication: we have one Father, even God. 42 Jesus therefore said to them: If God were your Father, you would indeed love me. For from God I proceeded, and came; for I came not of myself, but he sent me: 43 Why do you not know my speech? Because you cannot hear my word. 44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof. 45 But if I say the truth, you believe me not."




Ok, so if Jesus failed to fulfil his mission completely at that time, it is not impossible that he may return again at an appropriate time, a second coming if you like, to fulfil it completely. The Book of Revelation may be the prophecy of the second coming and planetary judgement?
Did you ever read the very first sentence in Revelation?

1 The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place.

"Soon," going by the dating of Revelation, is not another 1900 rounded years.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Did you ever read the very first sentence in Revelation?

1 The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place.

"Soon," going by the dating of Revelation, is not another 1900 rounded years.
Yes, and have you not read in the bible "A thousand years is but a day to the Lord"?

Besides......you should read all of Revelation, 2,000 years ago, there was no human based world order where global deception of all the people of the world was taking place, and the armies of the world coming together for Armageddon, etc., etc.. Judgement of all the people of the world had to wait until now.

Btw, are you a Catholic?


Yes, and have you not read in the bible "A thousand years is but a day to the Lord"?

Besides......you should read all of Revelation, 2,000 years ago, there was no human based world order where global deception of all the people of the world was taking place, and the armies of the world coming together for Armageddon, etc., etc.. Judgement of all the people of the world had to wait until now.

Btw, are you a Catholic?
Yes I've read it ... along with any other verse people use to keep their position. But the idea is, that ALL of these verses point in the direction of a general context - like this one:

1 John 2:18 Children, it is the last hour (2000 years ago) and as you have heard that antichrist is coming (2000 years ago) so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour. (Again 2000 years ago.)

Where did this information come from? It came from the Zoroastrian religion, when the Jews lived with the Zoroastrians during the exile. Their "one coming" (the Saoshyant) was rewritten later when the Jews went back home, as the Messiah. The story came down through history after that, Jesus later entered the picture, was believed to be the awaited one, the doctrines were written, but, it never happened. Why? The Zoroastrians were wrong - hence any variation of the picture was also wrong.

As an add-on - no, I'm not Catholic.


Veteran Member
What is your opinion of Jesus?

"chapter 17 of the Gospel of John"

It is to be read and understood as per Chapter 8 of Gospel of John, right?:
" 41 You do the works of your father. They said therefore to him: We are not born of fornication: we have one Father, even God. 42 Jesus therefore said to them: If God were your Father, you would indeed love me. For from God I proceeded, and came; for I came not of myself, but he sent me: 43 Why do you not know my speech? Because you cannot hear my word. 44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof. 45 But if I say the truth, you believe me not."

Douay-Rheims Bible, John Chapter 8

Catholic Bible Study Online, Douay-Rheims Version. Complete text, index, search, Bible verse, bible story, scripture, book, prophesy, christian ...
It is very clear from the above that Jesus/Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah never considered himself G-d or son of G-d or Almighty G-d in literal and physical terms, please, right?


Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Yes I've read it ... along with any other verse people use to keep their position. But the idea is, that ALL of these verses point in the direction of a general context - like this one:

1 John 2:18 Children, it is the last hour (2000 years ago) and as you have heard that antichrist is coming (2000 years ago) so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour. (Again 2000 years ago.)

Where did this information come from? It came from the Zoroastrian religion, when the Jews lived with the Zoroastrians during the exile. Their "one coming" (the Saoshyant) was rewritten later when the Jews went back home, as the Messiah. The story came down through history after that, Jesus later entered the picture, was believed to be the awaited one, the doctrines were written, but, it never happened. Why? The Zoroastrians were wrong - hence any variation of the picture was also wrong.

As an add-on - no, I'm not Catholic.
That fyi is not from Revelation, and I fail to see any real relevance. Fwiw, the Book of Daniel Chapter 12 also refers to this End Times period. Look around at the world and if you can't recognize end times, then it just tells me where you are in the context of the unfolding of Self-understanding.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
That fyi is not from Revelation, and I fail to see any real relevance. Fwiw, the Book of Daniel Chapter 12 also refers to this End Times period. Look around at the world and if you can't recognize end times, then it just tells me where you are in the context of the unfolding of Self-understanding.
Not everyone agrees that Daniel is about end times.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Yes, and have you not read in the bible "A thousand years is but a day to the Lord"?
It is a figurative expression that teaches God does not experience time in the same way as humans. If someone takes it literally, and see it as somehow a formula to figure out times mentioned in the bible, they are making a king size mistake.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Yes I've read it ... along with any other verse people use to keep their position. But the idea is, that ALL of these verses point in the direction of a general context - like this one:

1 John 2:18 Children, it is the last hour (2000 years ago) and as you have heard that antichrist is coming (2000 years ago) so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour. (Again 2000 years ago.)

Where did this information come from? It came from the Zoroastrian religion, when the Jews lived with the Zoroastrians during the exile. Their "one coming" (the Saoshyant) was rewritten later when the Jews went back home, as the Messiah. The story came down through history after that, Jesus later entered the picture, was believed to be the awaited one, the doctrines were written, but, it never happened. Why? The Zoroastrians were wrong - hence any variation of the picture was also wrong.

As an add-on - no, I'm not Catholic.
I tried to research this, and it appears that Zoroastrianism really didn't have any concept similar to an antichrist. Although it is a dualistic, meaning that there is a cosmic struggle between a good god and a bad god, it lacks the idea of a messiah and human arch villain.

King Phenomenon

Well-Known Member
Jesus isn’t and never was real imo. IMO, he’s supposed to inspire people to realize that there’s a real living human being on earth with supernatural power.


That fyi is not from Revelation, and I fail to see any real relevance. Fwiw, the Book of Daniel Chapter 12 also refers to this End Times period. Look around at the world and if you can't recognize end times, then it just tells me where you are in the context of the unfolding of Self-understanding.
All writings allegedly cover one subject.


I tried to research this, and it appears that Zoroastrianism really didn't have any concept similar to an antichrist. Although it is a dualistic, meaning that there is a cosmic struggle between a good god and a bad god, it lacks the idea of a messiah and human arch villain.
What came from the Zoroastrians was a rewrite by the Jews - their approach - that's all.
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Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Not everyone agrees that Daniel is about end times.

Daniel 12
The End Times
1“At that time Michael, the great prince who stands watch over your people, will rise up. There will be a time of distress, the likes of which will not have occurred from the beginning of nations until that time. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered.
9“ Go on your way, Daniel,” he replied, “for the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end. 10 Many will be purified, made spotless, and refined, but the wicked will continue to act wickedly. None of the wicked will understand, but the wise will understand.
13 But as for you, go on your way until the end. You will rest, and will arise to your inheritance at the end of the days.”
Daniel: The Book of Daniel


Veteran Member
Not everyone agrees that Daniel is about end times.
The rise and fall of world powers in Daniel chapter 2 links to our day or time frame.
The political statue now stands on shaky ground.
ALL those other world empires have risen and fallen only the Anglo-American now remains.
And we are Now at the time of the statues feet mixed of iron and clay ( partly strong and partly weak )
Seem to me we are closer to the time of its toes, or should I say closer even to the time of the toe nails.
Jesus is the figurative 'stone' that will bring an end to that statue - Daniel 2:44-45; Daniel 7:13-14,18

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
It is a figurative expression that teaches God does not experience time in the same way as humans. If someone takes it literally, and see it as somehow a formula to figure out times mentioned in the bible, they are making a king size mistake.
Precisely, so when people see the word "soon" in scripture and take it literally as in the way we use the word in our daily conversations, what do you say to them?


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
@Ben Dhyan

Your quote from Daniel 12 does not prove what you think. The HEADING placed at the beginning of the passage is NOT in the Hebrew text. It was added by English editors to try to help assist you in categorizing topics. But obviously they are inserting their OWN beliefs here, ADDING TO THE TEXT.

Like I said, not everyone agrees that Daniel 12 is about end times.