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What does God want from you?


Veteran Member
but then the future is gloriously radiant because Jesus will take the separating action as described at Matthew 25:31-34,37. The figurative 'sheep' will be here to see calendar Day One of Jesus' Millennium-Long Day governing over Earth for the Golden Age of a thousand years - 1st Cor. 15:24-26.
I believe all of this is going to happen, but it won't be Jesus doing it since Jesus is not coming back to earth, not unless the Bible is wrong, in which case there is no reason to believe anything else that is in the Bible.

John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

John 17:4 I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.

John 17:11 And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.


Veteran Member
You are also not interested in hearing anything else except Jesus is coming back to earth.
The problem is, Jesus said He was not coming back to this earth.
Jesus said that His work was finished on earth, which means Jesus is not coming back to build a Kingdom.
John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.
John 17:4 I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.
John 17:11 And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.

You cannot make these Bible verses fit with the Christian belief that Jesus is coming back to earth. Logically speaking, if these Bible verses are incorrect, there is NO reason to trust any other Bible verses as being correct. That means all of your beliefs that are based upon Bible verses go right out the window.
Jesus is Not coming back in the flesh that is why the world would see Jesus No more ( not in a physical body )
Yes, Jesus finished the work, but his followers would continue what Jesus started - Matthew 24:13-14; Acts 1:8
When Jesus prayed his followers be one as he and his Father are one, Jesus was Nor saying they all become one person but one in unity, belief, purpose, agreement, objective, trust......

The Bible does Not end with the gospel of John but ends with Revelation 22:20
We are all invited to pray to God asking for Jesus to come ! - Rev. 22:2

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Yes, God's purpose as explained by Jesus is that humble meek people will inherit the Earth - Matt. 5:5; Psalms 37:9-11; 22:26
The immediate future (great tribulation Rev. 7:14) is dark.... but then the future is gloriously radiant because Jesus will take the separating action as described at Matthew 25:31-34,37. The figurative 'sheep' will be here to see calendar Day One of Jesus' Millennium-Long Day governing over Earth for the Golden Age of a thousand years - 1st Cor. 15:24-26.
The 'sheep' will have the opportunity to live forever on Earth as originally offered to Adam before his downfall.
Still... who is correct? Christians or Baha'is? So many important Christian doctrines fall apart if what the Baha'is say is true... Satan and hell are not literally true. The resurrection is not literally true.

It's a minor thing for TB to say that if Jesus comes back then the Bible is wrong, because there's so much that Baha'is really believe is true in the Bible and NT. Did the seas really part? Did Jonah get swallowed by a big fish? Did Elijah fly off into the sky on a fiery chariot? Did Jesus bring Lazarus back to life?

Why TB keeps posting those same verses that have Jesus saying his job is finished and is not coming back, when in the gospel stories he came back a few days later... after being killed? Then he left again and promised them another "Comforter" the Holy Spirit. But that's not how Baha'is interpret that. They say their guy, Baha'u'llah was that other Comforter. But why then, at that time would Jesus be telling his disciples about a guy who's not going to be coming for nearly 2000 years?

For me, the NT story makes perfect sense... The Comforter is the Holy Spirit and Jesus did rise from the dead, and he did have to die to pay the penalty for the sin. Sin that we all inherited, because of Adam's fall. And again, Baha'is make Adam a manifestation of God. But, anyway, the Jesus story is a great story. Why do they Baha'is have to change it? Because... they have their own "great" story.

And the Christian story doesn't fit in very well with the Baha'i story. So, a few tweaks here and there, a few things changed and taken out of context, and by the time the Baha'is are done... the Bible and the NT... and the Scriptures of all the major religions, are made to fit perfectly into the Baha'i story. But one thing I do agree with, is when TB says that the Bible is just a story. Yeah, it's a great story, but is it true... literally true. That's just too hard for some of us to believe. But the Baha'i story isn't all that much better. It's just as hard for me to believe. But... great stories.


Veteran Member
I believe all of this is going to happen, but it won't be Jesus doing it since Jesus is not coming back to earth, not unless the Bible is wrong, in which case there is no reason to believe anything else that is in the Bible.
John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.
John 17:4 I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.
John 17:11 And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.
Please notice the words at Isaiah 11:3-4 because it is the 'words' from Jesus' mouth that will rid the Earth of the wicked.
The world sees Jesus No more in a physical body, but will 'see' the effects of his presence. - Rev. 19:14-15

Why stop at John 17:11 but continue down to John 17:23 because they were to be prefect as Jesus and his Father are one.
Completely unified in belief, purpose, goal, etc. but Not all become one person.

Yes, going to happen because God's pattern is set.
God used the Babylonian forces, God used the Roman armies (year 70 when the Romans destroyed unfaithful Jerusalem).
So, God will use the political/military to go up against the corrupted religious world.
With backing the United Nations can be strengthened to become God's Modern Day arm of the Law.


Well-Known Member
In time, one will realize it isn't about Beliefs. It's about What actually is. Further, one will also Discover what is will be Better than what we see now.

“God’s purpose is none other than to usher in, in ways He alone can bring about, and the full significance of which He alone can fathom, the Great, the Golden Age of a long-divided, a long-afflicted humanity. Its present state, indeed even its immediate future, is dark, distressingly dark. Its distant future, however, is radiant, gloriously radiant—so radiant that no eye can visualize it............” The Promised Day is Come, p. 116

God’s Purpose
Why is it you like to have so much unknown like He alone can fathom? That along with things like no eye can visualize does nothing but place limits on one. Why do you want limits? What is it that you are afraid to see or do not want to see? Why do you do this to yourself?

Also, we all have the power to choose what we deem important. Why do you value dark, distressingly dark over the goodness? Isn't there far more goodness going on in the world today than dark or darkness? Granted goodness seldom makes the news. Has the news and religion corrupted your view?

God's purpose is very clear!! God's Goal is very clear!! God created this time-based causal universe for US. What was God's purpose? The universe's time-based causal nature is PERFECT for learning. Actions and choices return results (causal) so one might learn what those choices really mean.

God's goal: Life is the education of God's children. It's as simple as that. There is much to learn. It could never be done in one mere lifetime. One will have many physical lifetimes to learn. There really is no time limit on learning.

God, a Being capable of creating universes is very very smart. If one just tells you something, you could just label it as a belief then simply say I don't believe. If one is living that lesson through one's own free choices, it's no longer about believing. It's about what is.

God wants His children to learn it all and acquire Great Wisdom. Free choices with all choices available is the way. I find it funny when religious people say God only created goodness and evil was created by some imaginary person called satan or by people themselves. They do not realize that one must understand all choices in order to have Great Wisdom. With this in mind, doesn't some goodness come out of evil? One learns what not to do.

One can choose to create a box of beliefs and value so many of the petty things that mankind holds so dear but will that ever make things better? Value Blame. Judge others as Evil. Condemn others. Punish others in the name of Justice or Pay Back which is no more than a form of Revenge. One can create a We against They, generating Wrath, Anger and Hate toward others. One can attempt Controlling, Manipulating, and Coercing others in an attempt to Rule and shape the world to what one wants. One can attempt to alter the actions of others through the use of pain.

Where do all these petty things get you? A better world? A Higher Level? Doesn't it just return all those things nobody really wants?????????

It doesn't matter what everyone else does. It's what you choose to do that counts. I try never to value, teach, or use those petty things so many value. I do my Best to give Unconditional Love and Kindness and help solve the problem by placing Truth, Knowledge. another View to all. What would the world look like if everyone worked at solving problems instead of all those petty things? The world would change before our eyes.

In a multilevel classroom, one sees others learning lessons one has already learned. One asks oneself: How could they possibly make that choice or do that action? Once again, this isn't the time to value and act on all those petty things. This is the time to, with Unconditional Love and Kindness, work at solving the real problems, addressing the Real issues, placing Knowledge and Truth where is can be Discovered to be the best choice for all. Problems never go away until they are solved. Anything else is useless energy spent. Those petty things just generate more hate and hurt solving nothing.

It might be easy for some to condemn others for their choices, however in a multilevel classroom some are seeing you learning lessons they have already learned. Isn't it Wonderful everyone doesn't value those petty things? For those of us what must watch, it is just a reminder of what the best choices really are.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
It's a minor thing for TB to say that if Jesus comes back then the Bible is wrong,
Those verses are ANYTHING but minor. Please note that not even one Christian has ever been able to explain away those verses. They cannot explain them away since there is no other interpretation except the plain meaning. Jesus was never planning to come back to earth, period, end of story. There is not even one verse in the entire NT where Jesus says He is going to return to earth.

I will keep posting those verses every time a Christian claims that Jesus is going to return to earth. It makes me so mad :mad: because it is such a false belief and that belief is holding people back from the truth, that Christ has already returned. Meanwhile, while Christians continue to wait for Jesus the world goes to hell in a bread basket.

You asked what the Baha'is are doing? Well, they are busy building a New World Order. It might not look like much yet, but it takes a lot of time to build a New World Order, especially given the fewness of numbers.
Why TB keeps posting those same verses that have Jesus saying his job is finished and is not coming back, when in the gospel stories he came back a few days later... after being killed?
Those verses that say that Jesus was no more in this world and that His work was finished here have nothing to do with the resurrection.
Then he left again and promised them another "Comforter" the Holy Spirit. But that's not how Baha'is interpret that. They say their guy, Baha'u'llah was that other Comforter. But why then, at that time would Jesus be telling his disciples about a guy who's not going to be coming for nearly 2000 years?
Jesus was not only addressing His disciples, He was addressing everyone that He knew would be reading the Bible in the future, as we are all doing now.
For me, the NT story makes perfect sense... The Comforter is the Holy Spirit and Jesus did rise from the dead, and he did have to die to pay the penalty for the sin. Sin that we all inherited, because of Adam's fall.
If the NT story makes perfect sense to you why aren't you a Christian?
And again, Baha'is make Adam a manifestation of God. But, anyway, the Jesus story is a great story. Why do they Baha'is have to change it? Because... they have their own "great" story.
Baha'is do not 'make' Adam a manifestation of God, we 'believe' He was a manifestation of God because of what Baha'u'llah wrote.
Bahais did not change the Jesus story, we just interpret it differently than Christians.


Veteran Member
Why is it you like to have so much unknown like He alone can fathom?
It is not about what I like to have, it is about what is.
Much is unknown and only God can fathom certain things.
That along with things like no eye can visualize does nothing but place limits on one. Why do you want limits? What is it that you are afraid to see or do not want to see? Why do you do this to yourself?
I don't want limits, I have limits. Every human has limits, only God has no limits. You are not God so you also have limits.
Also, we all have the power to choose what we deem important. Why do you value dark, distressingly dark over the goodness? Isn't there far more goodness going on in the world today than dark or darkness? Granted goodness seldom makes the news. Has the news and religion corrupted your view?
When did I ever say that I value dark, distressingly dark over the goodness? I never said that.
I question whether there is far more goodness going on in the world today than dark or darkness. Why do you close your eyes to the darkness? Problems cannot be solved by closing our eyes to them.
God's purpose is very clear!! God's Goal is very clear!! God created this time-based causal universe for US. What was God's purpose? The universe's time-based causal nature is PERFECT for learning. Actions and choices return results (causal) so one might learn what those choices really mean.

God's goal: Life is the education of God's children. It's as simple as that. There is much to learn.
That is true, this world was created for learning and God's goal is to educate humans. God does that through His Messengers, but people also learn by the process of living their lives.
It could never be done in one mere lifetime. One will have many physical lifetimes to learn. There really is no time limit on learning.
There is a time limit on learning what we need to learn. We only have one physical lifetime to learn the lessons we need to learn to be prepared to ascend to the spiritual world with the spiritual qualities of we will need there. If we don't learn those lessons here that opportunity will never come again. We will continue to advance in the spiritual world, but not the way we could have advanced in this multi-level classroom.


Well-Known Member
Credulity is blindly believing ( Blind faith ) whereas the faith the Bible speaks of is confidence in God's Word aka Scripture.
We can all see a Bible, but Not everyone wants to see what the Bible really teaches.
The unfolding lessons as found in the world scene will come.
When men are saying, " Peace and Security......" that will be the precursor to the coming great tribulation of Rev.7:14.
That Rosy saying will lead most people down that old Primrose Path........
The Bible is not God's word. It is mankind's word.

What is the ole saying? Words are cheap. Actions speak louder than words. This is why I say study God's actions instead of holy books. Unlike holy books, God's actions can not be altered by mankind. Further, instead of faith, it is better to Discover what actually is.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
I find what is starring us in the face is the coming of Jesus' Glory Time of separation as found at Matthew 25:31-34,37.
Satan's system (Rev. 12:12,9) is the failed system.
The final results will be seen when the powers in charge are saying, " Peace and Security....." ( 1st Thess. 5:2-3 ) that will prove to be the ' final signal', so to speak, before the outbreak of the great tribulation of Rev. 7:14 .
As for the figurative 'sheep', 'what else will they will be doing with eternity' is: gaining everlasting life on Earth.
Life as promised at 1st Corinthians 15:24-26 when 'enemy death' will come to a final end on Earth.
Satan does not exist. Blame is one of the petty things mankind holds so dear. Why do people really need to create a figure to Blame for their bad choices. It is useless energy spent.

You must really get beyond those stories written by mankind. They have taught you to value and see evil in everything. Things are getting better as mankind learns, grows, and progresses. After all, they stopped burning people at the stake for being witches. They have also stopped trying to burn scientists at the stake like Galileo who Discovered the Bible was wrong when it said everything revolved around the Earth.

Much more knowledge lives beyond the surface. It stares us all in the face. This world is not a Mess, It is a Masterpiece!!

Look how far mankind has come. As cave people, it was survival of the fittest. Today, many more than the fittest survive supplying a diversity of knowledge and views that lead everyone forward.

Instead of putting your focus on doom and gloom, look for the goodness. There is so much more goodness going on than you realize. Instead of fire and brimstone, something as simple as a kind word can change lives for generations. Which do you think I will choose?

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
Actions speak louder than words. This is why I say study God's actions instead of holy books. Unlike holy books, God's actions can not be altered by mankind.
You know nothing about God's actions. The only thing you can see is human actions.
Further, instead of faith, it is better to Discover what actually is.
You do not know what actually is, all you have are Beliefs about what is.


Well-Known Member
It is not about what I like to have, it is about what is.
Much is unknown and only God can fathom certain things.

I don't want limits, I have limits. Every human has limits, only God has no limits. You are not God so you also have limits.

When did I ever say that I value dark, distressingly dark over the goodness? I never said that.
I question whether there is far more goodness going on in the world today than dark or darkness. Why do you close your eyes to the darkness? Problems cannot be solved by closing our eyes to them.

That is true, this world was created for learning and God's goal is to educate humans. God does that through His Messengers, but people also learn by the process of living their lives.

There is a time limit on learning what we need to learn. We only have one physical lifetime to learn the lessons we need to learn to be prepared to ascend to the spiritual world with the spiritual qualities of we will need there. If we don't learn those lessons here that opportunity will never come again. We will continue to advance in the spiritual world, but not the way we could have advanced in this multi-level classroom.
Sure, God knows much that people have not Discovered yet. On the other hand, if one creates limits on oneself, how much more will not be Discovered? You need to stop doing this and be open to all possibilities. Widen your view to that you might think impossible but, in reality, can be accomplished.

See what is. You are blind to the goodness that does exist.
Do you really think I close my eyes to the problems? You won't solve the problems through those petty things mankind holds so dear like Blaming,Judging,Punishing,Wrath, Anger, Payback, Revenge, Ruling, Controlling, Coercing, Intimidating, Manipulating, Hate, We against They or Labeling others as Evil. Indeed, this is part of the problem. To value and teach these things through one's actions and choices just escalates and compounds the problems. That is why messengers do not come from God regardless of how badly you want them to.

Do you really think you have learned more from those messengers than from Life in general? Take off those rose colored glasses. You are missing so very much choosing to limit your view.

Once again, you place those limits on yourself. Won't you be surprised to Discover there has never ever been a time limit on Learning. Like any good salesman, they create an urgency that doesn't exist but if believed pushed you to close the deal and closed you surely are. It's a lesson you will learn in time.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
What you post here is not God's word. It is mankind's word.
The Bible is God's word written by men who were inspired by God.
Do you really know God at all? God will never tell anyone what to do. Further, God will never intimidate, manipulate or coerce anyone's free choices.

You are Right. What I say is not God's word. God did not tell me to say anything. On the other hand, God places truth around us all. How long did mankind watch birds fly before they figured out how? God placed that knowledge around. It waited a long time before mankind figured out how.

If one copies High Intelligence, one can Discover so much. I simply copied God. I placed my knowledge and experience about God in the world just as God placed knowledge around us all. I point for those ready to Discover. Like God, I make no demands at all. It's out there waiting to be Discovered by anyone who really seeks to know.

Is the Bible really inspired by God? The Bible reflects mankind more than anything else. Further, God is never going to tell you what to do. God knows True learning doesn't come from being told. True learning and true wisdom comes from Discovering for yourself.

Is the Bible inspired by God? What do you think mankind would say No? That's no way to start a religion.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
You know nothing about God's actions. The only thing you can see is human actions.

You do not know what actually is, all you have are Beliefs about what is.
Widen your view! God hides nothing. It is all staring you in the face.

Is this the time you place limits on yourself saying that's impossible? Does this justify your inaction? Why do you do this to yourself? It's as if you do not want to Discover anything at all.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


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Premium Member
So what does that lead us to Discover about God?
Nature is beautiful but it is also cruel. So is God cruel?

I consider nature to be indifferent, not cruel. Nature appears to be a process - neutral and non-sentient, completely unaware and oblivious. God is considered by many to be a sentient, thinking being, in which case, indifference might even be worse than cruelty.


Veteran Member
Sure, God knows much that people have not Discovered yet. On the other hand, if one creates limits on oneself, how much more will not be Discovered? You need to stop doing this and be open to all possibilities. Widen your view to that you might think impossible but, in reality, can be accomplished.
How do you know that I place limits on myself? How do you know that I am not open to all the possibilities? I am open to all possibilities.
See what is. You are blind to the goodness that does exist.
How do you know that I am blind to the goodness that does exist? I am not blind to it.
Do you really think I close my eyes to the problems? You won't solve the problems through
You won't solve those problems with Unconditional Love. Give it up for lost. Jesus preached that we were to love one another 2000 years ago, and what good has that done? Clearly, this has not solved the problems of evil people.
those petty things mankind holds so dear like Blaming,Judging,Punishing,Wrath, Anger, Payback, Revenge, Ruling, Controlling, Coercing, Intimidating, Manipulating, Hate, We against They or Labeling others as Evil. Indeed, this is part of the problem. To value and teach these things through one's actions and choices just escalates and compounds the problems. That is why messengers do not come from God regardless of how badly you want them to.
Messengers do not teach Blaming,Judging,Wrath, Anger, Payback, Revenge, Ruling, Controlling, Coercing, Intimidating, Manipulating, Hate, We against They or Labeling others as Evil.

So what are we left with? Punishing. People need to be punished for committing crimes, but that is NOT Payback or Revenge. It is justice.
Do you really think you have learned more from those messengers than from Life in general? Take off those rose colored glasses. You are missing so very much choosing to limit your view.
This is not about whether I have learned more from the Messengers or from living Life in general. I have learned a lot from living Life in general, but I have learned how to live Life from the Messengers.

Following the teachings of the Messengers does not limit my life in any manner shape or form. It only prevents me from doing what I should not be doing, breaking God's Laws.

I am not missing anything and I am not limiting my view by following a religion.
Once again, you place those limits on yourself.
I place no limits on myself. You place limits on yourself by rejecting everything God revealed through Messengers. In so doing, all you have left is your own self-proclaimed religion called Discovery.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
Do you really know God at all? God will never tell anyone what to do. Further, God will never intimidate, manipulate or coerce anyone's free choices.
When did I ever say that God does ANY of those things? I do not believe that God does any of those things.
You are Right. What I say is not God's word. God did not tell me to say anything.
God did not tell you anything.
Is the Bible really inspired by God? The Bible reflects mankind more than anything else. Further, God is never going to tell you what to do. God knows True learning doesn't come from being told. True learning and true wisdom comes from Discovering for yourself.
The Bible does reflect mankind but it also reflects God. It is our job to find the part tat reflects God.

The Bible is not telling people what to do. It teaches that we have free will. Preachers tell Christians what to do but that is a different matter.
Nobody should ever be told what to do, they should freely choose.