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What book(s) are you reading now?


Taking a hiatus
Anna Karenina by Tolstoy (gotta love the Russian epics)


Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami (for the fifth time!!)


Well-Known Member
A People's History of the United States, by Howard Zinn.

Fascinating book so far and presents facts which come off pretty accurate to its resources and links. Gives me both a good and disturbing image of the U.S. and some insight as to our past roots and influences.


Well-Known Member
I finished the greatest show on earth and the only game in town... Dunno what to read next my library is empty... guess I will hit borders tomorrow.


Active Member
Calculus single and multivariable 5th edition, Hughes, Hallen, Gleason, McCallum.
Oxford companion to Cosmology.
Critical Mass - how one thing leads to another, by Philip Ball.
Fitness certificate IV course notes, by TafeSA.

That's all the books I'm reading currently.


Done here.

Brad Gooch, Flannery: A Life of Flannery O'Connor.

I find everything about Flannery O'Connor interesting, so I was bound to like this book as long as the author demonstrated some kind of basic competence. However, I have to say that Gooch's research and writing are so admirable that I'm thinking about reading his biography of Frank O'Hara even though I have no interest in Frank O'Hara. I mention his research because he's the first author in twenty-five years to tell me anything about Flannery O'Connor that I hadn't heard before, and his writing because he tells it all so well. This is a book I'll want to read more than once.

And of course Miss Flannery is always entertaining. For instance, when Wise Blood was published, some people compared her to Kafka, and people asked her mother about it.

Regina is getting very literary. "Who is this Kafka?" she says. "People ask me." A German Jew, I says, I think. He wrote a book about a man that turned into a roach. "Well, I can't tell people that," she says.​

for instance, and

One reason I like to publish short stories is that nobody pays any attention to them. In ten years or so they begin to be known but the process has not been obnoxious. When you publish a novel, the racket is like a fox in the hen house.​


Done here.

Gary Geddes, Kingdom of Ten Thousand Things: An Impossible Journey from Kabul to Chiapas.

Geddes set out in 2001 to trace the path of Huishen, a legendary monk from Afghanistan who fled to China and crossed the Pacific to visit the Americas in the fifth century C.E.


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
I just got done with the Newest Dresden File.
I am currently reading the Percy Jackson series.


Treasure Hunter
I can never focus on one thing. I always read part of a book and then find a different one and read part of it, and before I finish, I find another one and start reading it instead... At the moment, I'm reading these comics, because I found them at a garage sale for ten cents:

I was so egscited.


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I just finished reading the Satanic Bible. I thought is was interesting, but definitely not for me. I'm currently reading The Bible of the Adversary, ebook edition, by Michael W. Ford. Despite this being choked with grammatical errors, it's an interesting read so far. So far it seems to be very similar to Satanism, but more focused on the mind, which I find to be more appealing.


Done here.
I can never focus on one thing. I always read part of a book and then find a different one and read part of it, and before I finish, I find another one and start reading it instead... At the moment, I'm reading these comics, because I found them at a garage sale for ten cents:

I was so egscited.


I love The Boondocks.


Ok.. to keep you guys somewhat updated. I have put down After the Death of God (post-secularism and the emergence of godless religion just couldn't keep my interest... for now!). I still have 6 essays to go in Burn this Book. I have completed 25% of The Myth of Sisyphus (very great!), but since I did not feel like reading it tonight started David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest, which is so far (48 pages) is more than ******* amazing. Seriously.. haven't been captivated by a novel in a while.


Done here.

Margaret Truman, Harry S. Truman.

The president's life as told by his daughter. Very interesting so far.