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What are Hamas' leaders thinking?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the chuckles. Your obvious bias and intolerance is obvious. Post something else, to make me laugh. Terrorist sympathizer...

Why are you calling me the terrorist sympathizer .. obvious bias and intolerance ? Let us not project your image in the mirror onto me.. these unsupported accusations and playground name calling the sum total of your response ..


Well-Known Member
... including shooting their children in the back, gang-raping the daughters and granddaughters, brutalizing their grandparents, and generally displaying every manner of barbarism against cornered captives.

Your ignorant rant deserves no further attention. Feel free to spread your vile and malignant antisemitism on my ignore list.

There was no anti semetism in my post .. Calling out IDF war crimes and atrocities such as listed above .. as the head of Human Rights watch has done .. does not make me or Human Rights Watch "Anti Semites" -


Well-Known Member
You seem to have missed out the bit about rockets fired into Israel regularly and other such, so as Israel to want to see more separation between such militants doing so and them.

Not me that has missed something .. a grave atrocity the actions of Hamas .. war crimes .. The person who missed something is you .. the illegal Occupation .. the legal right of violent self defense by the Occupied .. the war crimes committed on a near daily basis against this caged community living in an open air prison ... very little clean drinking water cause the Occupiers keep bombing the water treatment plant .. and the Power Plant from time to time .. 70 years of subjugation is what you missed.

What else you missed is that we should be supporting the freedom fighters against the foreign occupier .. just as we do in Ukraine .. help them to fight back against those trying to steal the land on which the indigenous people live.

Did you miss that one mate ?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I don't see any Arafat type leader in Hamas being able to negotiate a deal.
Circumstances as they are seem unlikely that
a reasonable negotiator could rise to power.
It will therefore be up to Israel to encourage
that. Bombing homes, collective punishment,
denying food....such things are counter-productive.
Israel must approach things with tools other than
continued conquest, oppression, &b violence.
If Hamas is as extreme as ISIS and the Taliban then they will resist any compromise with Israel and the West.
Giving up hope that someone can be negotiated
with is a sure recipe for continued violence.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Thanks for the chuckles. Your obvious bias and intolerance is obvious. Post something else, to make me laugh. Terrorist sympathizer...
The "terrorists" are on both sides of this.
The big difference is that Israel's is systematic
with government approval, including USA's.

The greater power to end mutual hostilities
& violence lies with the more powerful party.
It's Israel's move.
And it has chosen the status quo.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
The "terrorists" are on both sides of this.
The big difference is that Israel's is systematic
with government approval, including USA's.

The greater power to end mutual hostilities
& violence lies with the more powerful party.
It's Israel's move.
And it has chosen the status quo.
HAMAS is literally designated a terrorist organisation. Has been for some time. HAMAS have made it clear that they will not negotiate, and that the only solution in their eyes, is an Islamic republic and the total destruction of the state of Israel.


I'm a planet
HAMAS is literally designated a terrorist organisation. Has been for some time. HAMAS have made it clear that they will not negotiate, and that the only solution in their eyes, is an Islamic republic and the total destruction of the state of Israel.
And the only solution in Israel's eyes is that Palestine doesn't exist, so where does that leave us? A two-state solution has been suggested over the years, sometimes with one side objecting to it, and sometimes with the other side objecting to it. It's messy.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
What else you missed is that we should be supporting the freedom fighters against the foreign occupier .. just as we do in Ukraine .. help them to fight back against those trying to steal the land on which the indigenous people live.
HAMAS are not freedom fighters, they're extremist jihadists, pretending to give a crap about ordinary Palestinians and any permanent peaceful resolution. Instead, they're actual terrorists. Who want Israel gone.

Israel may react heavy handedly, and it may be evicting people unlawfully, it may even be committing genocide in this respect.

However, that is no excuse to commit atrocities, against civilians, for the specific purpose of spreading fear and terror.

Irrespective of the fact that it is indeed difficult to hold Israel (and others) to account for it's past and current excesses and mistakes. Given the intricate geopolitical situation. In this very unfair world.
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Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
And the only solution in Israel's eyes is that Palestine doesn't exist, so where does that leave us? A two-state solution has been suggested over the years, sometimes with one side objecting to it, and sometimes with the other side objecting to it. It's messy.
Messy, is the understatement of the decade.


Veteran Member
I'm trying to imagine the discussions that occurred in Hamas HQ as they were planning this attack...

What goals did they have in mind?

Here's one of my theories, but I'd like to hear other theories, so maybe post your theory before hitting the spoiler button?

I think maybe Islamic martyrdom might have been one of the motivators?
Thinking? I don't think that actually occurred.
Here is what I think happened.
Then a spirit came forward and stood before the Hamas leader and said to himself, ‘I will fool him. I will go out and become a deceptive spirit in the mouth of all his advisors.’


I'm trying to imagine the discussions that occurred in Hamas HQ as they were planning this attack...
Damn 'we' screwed up bad. If Hamas had a hq it would be destroyed, that is why israel is blowing up about any building that still has windows.
What goals did they have in mind?
No idea. I wondered that about the idiots that committed 911. What kind of mind could be so damaged.
I think maybe Islamic martyrdom might have been one of the motivators?
Is there a plaque or urinal with their names for idiots that murder innocent lives that can be pissed on daily
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Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
Not me that has missed something .. a grave atrocity the actions of Hamas .. war crimes .. The person who missed something is you .. the illegal Occupation .. the legal right of violent self defense by the Occupied .. the war crimes committed on a near daily basis against this caged community living in an open air prison ... very little clean drinking water cause the Occupiers keep bombing the water treatment plant .. and the Power Plant from time to time .. 70 years of subjugation is what you missed.

What else you missed is that we should be supporting the freedom fighters against the foreign occupier .. just as we do in Ukraine .. help them to fight back against those trying to steal the land on which the indigenous people live.

Did you miss that one mate ?
Hardly missed anything here - given I was born before the formation of Israel. What exactly did Hamas think they would get in return for their actions? Really smart of them. o_O
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The extra question marks don't make the misrepresentation any more credible.

We should absolutely try to understand why this happened, which necessitates looking at the full historical, geopolitical, and socioeconomic picture instead of trying to reduce the conflict to religion or an extremist faction's ideology.
I do not see the Jewish religion as the problem. I figure only oppression could enable a human being to become so cruel, evil, corrupt, and ruthless.


The truth is they have never liked nor wanted peace with the Jews! The religious fanaticism component comes from Islam and goes way back to the Ishmael and Isaac controvery.
Muslims have defended jews against christians for a many generations over.


Agreed, just rabid fundamentalist hatred.
nothing fundamental about it. Most palestinians, especially within GAZA are under 18 yrs old and have no parental guidance, the parents of the majority are dead from past violence. There is no real leadership or social integration for them. But what is sick is how many are being led to believe that the hatred is for Jews as a religious designation. I am watching Biden now and he just said that the hatred is for jews. It's just sick to even hear such a statement.

The majority of the teachers, doctors and service related personnel in gaza, are Jews. Them kids with no parents are experiencing the empathy that Jews have as people withstanding any outside opinions.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
One of the more thoughtless tendencies I'm seeing is that of equating "Hamas" with "Palestinian." It's an equation that serves only to prettify the former while seriously demonizing and endangering the latter.

And equating every single Israeli with Netanyahu or violent illegal settlers.

This whole situation has brought out the worst in some people, cheering for violence whose most numerous victims are civilians. According to some, indiscriminate killing of Israeli families has become "resistance." IDF airstrikes that kill far more civilians than combatants—preceded by a governmental threat to reduce Gaza to "rubble"—are "entirely justified." Supporting negotiations and a peaceful resolution has become "siding with the enemy."

Every time such rhetoric flares up, the hopes of reasonable and peaceful solutions seem farther and farther out of reach. It is tragic to see.