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Solution to Cosmology Crisis: Flat Universe with dome


Well-Known Member

Author of the ideas: Dmitri Martila, ask him to publish it with your help: [email protected]

Google: "Flat Earth in Bible", "Cosmology Crisis", "Crisis in Cosmology".

Conclusion: Big Bang and expansion of spacetime are not functioning theories.


The Universe is flat Pseudo-Euclidean, Minkowski ds^2=-dt^2+dx^2+dy^2+dz^2.
Such one satisfies the Einstein Equations of Gravity if to include Dark Matter (K) and Dark Energy (E) as the non-detectable mathematical modifications of simple type: G+K+E=8\pi T.

The Microwave Background Radiation is not caused by Big Bang, but the quantum effect of the edge of the Universe. The ultra-high energy particle flux is coming from Quantum Effect at the beginning and the end of the Universe: Alpha and Omega t=const surfaces. This quantum effect is calculated in an analogy of Black Hole evaporation: Hawking Radiation.

The red-shift of galaxies is caused by the Doppler effect of galaxy run away from Earth velocity, not by the expansion of space. Consequence: Universe in this model is not isotropic and not homogeneous. However the result of homogeneous Universe is not the fact of observation, but of the globally accepted Big Bang model. I have a different model, the model, which contradicts the Theory of Darwin. Why? Because Darwinism trolls the human as being like non-important "star dust", aliens genetic failure, or monkey, which, thus, can not have a special place in the cosmos. In my model, the Universe has the center: our Galaxy.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want

Author of the ideas: Dmitri Martila, ask him to publish it with your help: [email protected]

Google: "Flat Earth in Bible", "Cosmology Crisis", "Crisis in Cosmology".

Conclusion: Big Bang and expansion of spacetime are not functioning theories.


The Universe is flat Pseudo-Euclidean, Minkowski ds^2=-dt^2+dx^2+dy^2+dz^2.
Such one satisfies the Einstein Equations of Gravity if to include Dark Matter (K) and Dark Energy (E) as the non-detectable mathematical modifications of simple type: G+K+E=8\pi T.

The Microwave Background Radiation is not caused by Big Bang, but the quantum effect of the edge of the Universe. The ultra-high energy particle flux is coming from Quantum Effect at the beginning and the end of the Universe: Alpha and Omega t=const surfaces. This quantum effect is calculated in an analogy of Black Hole evaporation: Hawking Radiation.

The red-shift of galaxies is caused by the Doppler effect of galaxy run away from Earth velocity, not by the expansion of space. Consequence: Universe in this model is not isotropic and not homogeneous. However the result of homogeneous Universe is not the fact of observation, but of the globally accepted Big Bang model. I have a different model, the model, which contradicts the Theory of Darwin. Why? Because Darwinism trolls the human as being like non-important "star dust", aliens genetic failure, or monkey, which, thus, can not have a special place in the cosmos. In my model, the Universe has the center: our Galaxy.
So humans are the center of existence? How does that collate to the beliefs as orthodox Christian for you? Or have you become more science believer then religious followe?


Well-Known Member
So humans are the center of existence? How does that collate to the beliefs as orthodox Christian for you? Or have you become more science believer then religious followe?
The humans are different from Nature: trees, dogs, stones are not going to the Church nor visiting an art gallery.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
The humans are different from Nature: trees, dogs, stones are not going to the Church nor visiting an art gallery.
What is different in humans than in nature, everything in the physical world have have the same building components? Are the thoughts humans can create the difference?
And how come that your theory is that the universe is a half-dome instead of infinity,
What is outside the half dome?

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
And humans can't fly through the air or breathe underwater, so perhaps we with our niche skills are not the measure of the best that evolution can offer?
When we look at the size of the cosmos, humans are no more than a speck of dust compared to the vastness around the earth. And the physical realm is a speck of dust within consciousness


Eastern Orthodox

Author of the ideas: Dmitri Martila, ask him to publish it with your help: [email protected]

Google: "Flat Earth in Bible", "Cosmology Crisis", "Crisis in Cosmology".

Conclusion: Big Bang and expansion of spacetime are not functioning theories.


The Universe is flat Pseudo-Euclidean, Minkowski ds^2=-dt^2+dx^2+dy^2+dz^2.
Such one satisfies the Einstein Equations of Gravity if to include Dark Matter (K) and Dark Energy (E) as the non-detectable mathematical modifications of simple type: G+K+E=8\pi T.

The Microwave Background Radiation is not caused by Big Bang, but the quantum effect of the edge of the Universe. The ultra-high energy particle flux is coming from Quantum Effect at the beginning and the end of the Universe: Alpha and Omega t=const surfaces. This quantum effect is calculated in an analogy of Black Hole evaporation: Hawking Radiation.

The red-shift of galaxies is caused by the Doppler effect of galaxy run away from Earth velocity, not by the expansion of space. Consequence: Universe in this model is not isotropic and not homogeneous. However the result of homogeneous Universe is not the fact of observation, but of the globally accepted Big Bang model. I have a different model, the model, which contradicts the Theory of Darwin. Why? Because Darwinism trolls the human as being like non-important "star dust", aliens genetic failure, or monkey, which, thus, can not have a special place in the cosmos. In my model, the Universe has the center: our Galaxy.

All nonsense, shows ignorance of basic astrophysics.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
When we look at the size of the cosmos, humans are no more than a speck of dust compared to the vastness around the earth. And the physical realm is a speck of dust within consciousness
What is amazing about all this is even though we are spec, we are also the Whole universe itself, as "us". That makes us brilliant, unique, and shining. Not less than, or superior to, but equally brilliant as all else.

It is the small minded, narcissistic perspective that ranks the values of things with oneself as the center point, the authority on what is better than or less than in the whole of the universe, as though that held any meaningful truth. It is a toddler's perspective, with self at the center of the universe.

For me personally, I remember that sudden shift that happened, where previously I had been unconsciously holding this mythic view of that came out of historic Christianity that man is the pinnacle of creation, above or outside nature, the animals are inferior, and we are superior, and that even culturally infused views of evolution with homosapiens at the top of a vertical ladder. We were always the "best", the top of the heap, the apple of God's eye, the center of the universe.

Probably some 15 years ago now, I was watching the PBS special, The Shape of Life. I had what you could call a certain, spiritual awakening moment watching it. It was a small, but significant "ah hah" moment, which has created an eye opening perspective which carries forward now into all my perspectives. Understanding how Evolution is not a straight, linear line, but rather that it branches out like a bush, I had this sudden visualization that saw us as the human species on one of those branches, looking across the expanses between to the other ends of the other branches as all related expressions of the whole.

But the significant moment was in the realization we are not the top, and that is what makes us so beautiful, even more beautiful than this hubristic, narcissistic view we are the "best". It was humbling and elevating, and liberating at the same time. In hindsight, you could say it was a developmental shift, where I broke off the mythic blinders to see beyond the veil, as it were. I only continue to see this more and more as the reality of this.

And the marvelous thing, this is what the deepest spiritual realizations about life tell us are true, and science is unknowingly, as a servant to it, exposing this ageless truth with tangible empirical evidences. But it does take a certain "eye opening" moment for it to enter into our conscious awareness. It is a whole shift of perspective that occurs, beyond just simply acquiring knowledge about the data. It changes how we see ourselves. We shift from the toddler view of self and the world, to the awakening adult view.


Well-Known Member
The only crisis found when searching "crisis in Cosmology" is the expansion of the universe is faster then scientists been measuring before, did not find anything about half dome universe
It is my science, thus, it is not published. The dome is not half-dome, but spherical like a ball. The Universe is inside. The Earth is the globe, not flat.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
It is my science, thus, it is not published. The dome is not half-dome, but spherical like a ball. The Universe is inside. The Earth is the globe, not flat.
So what is the difference from the earth being a part of this physical universe to your dome like universe?
This current universe may have boundaries somewhere out there, and there may be universes outside this universe where the human realm is. Or?


Well-Known Member
So what is the difference from the earth being a part of this physical universe to your dome like universe?
This current universe may have boundaries somewhere out there, and there may be universes outside this universe where the human realm is. Or?
In my idea all galaxies run away from our own Galaxy, hereby there is no expansion of Universe spacetime.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member

Author of the ideas: Dmitri Martila, ask him to publish it with your help: [email protected]

Google: "Flat Earth in Bible", "Cosmology Crisis", "Crisis in Cosmology".

Conclusion: Big Bang and expansion of spacetime are not functioning theories.


The Universe is flat Pseudo-Euclidean, Minkowski ds^2=-dt^2+dx^2+dy^2+dz^2.
Such one satisfies the Einstein Equations of Gravity if to include Dark Matter (K) and Dark Energy (E) as the non-detectable mathematical modifications of simple type: G+K+E=8\pi T.

The Microwave Background Radiation is not caused by Big Bang, but the quantum effect of the edge of the Universe. The ultra-high energy particle flux is coming from Quantum Effect at the beginning and the end of the Universe: Alpha and Omega t=const surfaces. This quantum effect is calculated in an analogy of Black Hole evaporation: Hawking Radiation.

The red-shift of galaxies is caused by the Doppler effect of galaxy run away from Earth velocity, not by the expansion of space. Consequence: Universe in this model is not isotropic and not homogeneous. However the result of homogeneous Universe is not the fact of observation, but of the globally accepted Big Bang model. I have a different model, the model, which contradicts the Theory of Darwin. Why? Because Darwinism trolls the human as being like non-important "star dust", aliens genetic failure, or monkey, which, thus, can not have a special place in the cosmos. In my model, the Universe has the center: our Galaxy.

Just to put you in the picture. The pale blue dot pointed to by the arrow is earth. The last picture taken by voyager as it left our solar system.

download (3).jpeg

Thats our solar system. Our galaxy has around 250 billion stars, many with solar systems.

There are around 100 billion similar galaxies in the observable universe

And not one of them is at the centre. U

Unless of course some galaxy has an galaxy sized ego and thinks. "wow, i am it, every galaxy is running away from me"


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I didn't even know there was a cosmology crisis.

According to the right wing tabloids there is always a cosmology crisis or an asteroid will crash into the earth or the sun will explode or we will be eaten by a black hole.

Its almost as though they are trying to cover up the relevant news


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
According to the right wing tabloids there is always a cosmology crisis or an asteroid will crash into the earth or the sun will explode or we will be eaten by a black hole.

Its almost as though they are trying to cover up the relevant news

Well, I guess it would be a crisis if any of those things happened, but I always thought we'd be eaten by zombies or something like the creature in The Thing.