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Should there be harmony between science and religion?

Are religion and science in harmony?

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Skanky Old Mongrel!
It could also be seen that is the result of mankind's neglect of that Message.

Personally I see it is.

Regards Tony

Oh Tony....
One moment you claim that the Bahai Advent initiated wonders in science, despite the fact that both your prophets were insistent that their words were more important than any secular knowledge, and the next we hear that 'dirty world' scientific discovery was a clear demonstration of mankind's neglect.

If Bahai is claiming that 'all good' is Bahai and 'all bad' is 'all the rest', that does remind me, just a bit, of some modern presidential personality traits at this time.

I wouldn't vote for either. :shrug:


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Oh Tony....
One moment you claim that the Bahai Advent initiated wonders in science, despite the fact that both your prophets were insistent that their words were more important than any secular knowledge, and the next we hear that 'dirty world' scientific discovery was a clear demonstration of mankind's neglect.

If Bahai is claiming that 'all good' is Bahai and 'all bad' is 'all the rest', that does remind me, just a bit, of some modern presidential personality traits at this time.

I wouldn't vote for either. :shrug:

Bahaullah has offered this for all to consider;

"The third Tajalli is concerning arts, crafts and sciences. Knowledge is as wings to man’s life, and a ladder for his ascent. Its acquisition is incumbent upon everyone. The knowledge of such sciences, however, should be acquired as can profit the peoples of the earth, and not those which begin with words and end with words. Great indeed is the claim of scientists and craftsmen on the peoples of the world."
(Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 51-52)

Great indeed they are and this is the same thought;

"This Day, O Shaykh, hath never been, nor is it now, the Day whereon man-made arts and sciences can be regarded as a true standard for men, since it hath been recognized that He Who was wholly unversed in any of them hath ascended the throne of purest gold, and occupied the seat of honor in the council of knowledge, whilst the acknowledged exponent and repository of these arts and sciences remained utterly deprived. By “arts and sciences” is meant those which begin with words and end with words. Such arts and sciences, however, as are productive of good results, and bring forth their fruit, and are conducive to the well-being and tranquility of men have been, and will remain, acceptable before God."
(Bahá’u’lláh, Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, p. 19)

This above passage is confirmed by Abdul'baha and also shows how science and religion must be in harmony in this passage;

"...With the love of God all sciences are accepted and beloved, but without it, are fruitless; nay, rather the cause of insanity. Every science is like unto a tree; if the fruit of it is the love of God, that is a blessed tree. Otherwise it is dried wood and finally a food for fire....."

Thus I say the results of godless science will soon be apparent.

In my opinion :)

Regards Tony
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Prestor John

Well-Known Member
When should science be chosen over religion? If science has one conclusion and religion has another at what point do we accept science over religion? One view is that we should always believe science, even if it contradicts our most cherished religious beliefs. Another perspective is we should never abandon the 'truth' even though science appears to have completely proven our religious belief wrong. For many of us the truth will lie in between. We may believe in a God or gods that have the power to overcome the laws of the natural world.

The Baha'i perspective tends to favour science over religion but there are always exceptions.

God has endowed man with intelligence and reason whereby he is required to determine the verity of questions and propositions. If religious beliefs and opinions are found contrary to the standards of science they are mere superstitions and imaginations; for the antithesis of knowledge is ignorance, and the child of ignorance is superstition. Unquestionably there must be agreement between true religion and science. If a question be found contrary to reason, faith and belief in it are impossible…

Religion and Science are inter-twined with each other and cannot be separated. These are the two wings with which humanity must fly. One wing is not enough. Every religion which does not concern itself with science is mere tradition…. Therefore science, education and civilization are most important necessities for the full religious life. – Abdu’l-Baha

So where does the balance lie for you? What would you never give up from your religion and when would you defer to science instead? Are religion and science in harmony or are they fundamentally opposed and contradictory?

Thank you for your comments.
I would claim that true science and religion are never in opposition with one another.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Thus I say the results of godless science will soon be apparent.

Yet you are happily happy to use the results of "godless science" to complain about godless science. Do you honestly think the quantum technology that is a requirement of every single semiconductor device would be around in a easily useable form without "godless science"

Science is apparent in most of everyday life, easy so see if not blinkered.

I am wondering, do you take medication when you are ill? Developed by "godless science".

Do you drive a car? Materials and fuel developed by "godless science"

Do you have central heating in your home? Again, the fuel, and the electronic control system would not exist without "godless science"

Have you travelled by plane. Modern avionics, computers, wing design, and fuel all results of "godless science"

Is the food you eat healthy?

Is the water you drink clean?

Do you listen to the radio, watch TV, talk to your friends on the phone.?

Read whatever holy book you favour?

It is so "telling" that some modern day people dis science when they have no clue how science makes their lives so much easier, more convenient, healthier .

Without "science" we would be living in the pre industrial age with an average lifespan of around 30 to 35 years.

You should be thanking your god and prophet for '''godless science"


Smiling is charity without giving money
'Out of this life' :). You mean how I was born? Because of something that my father and mother did.
Long story or short? The short story is from the womb of my mother.
I created a son and a daughter in the same way as my father and mother did to create me. They created three of us.That, Sayak, is being a Munafiq (whatever is convenient to you). Truth is a little harsher.In that case, God should not have created Judaism, Christianity and Islam, because all through the ages they were the agents of destruction.

Welcome, brother
thanks for answer 100 times (^_^)
this is very kind of you
Humans have the freedom to choose
Just as you as a teacher in the school give moral material and then the children between who saves humanity and those who destroy them
You did not answer the question of who created you
I know that the sequence of creation is made up by a couple
Question: Who created man? The Main Source

The scientists speak on television as if they know
But they do not know the science of God creation
IS that because they do not like the fact that there is a Creator that will put their total freedom at risk
Or they want to make a reality that suits the changing desires of this age

with respect
I wish you all the happiness and joy :)


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Yet you are happily happy to use the results of "godless science" to complain about godless science. Do you honestly think the quantum technology that is a requirement of every single semiconductor device would be around in a easily useable form without "godless science"

Science is apparent in most of everyday life, easy so see if not blinkered.

I am wondering, do you take medication when you are ill? Developed by "godless science".

Do you drive a car? Materials and fuel developed by "godless science"

Do you have central heating in your home? Again, the fuel, and the electronic control system would not exist without "godless science"

Have you travelled by plane. Modern avionics, computers, wing design, and fuel all results of "godless science"

Is the food you eat healthy?

Is the water you drink clean?

Do you listen to the radio, watch TV, talk to your friends on the phone.?

Read whatever holy book you favour?

It is so "telling" that some modern day people dis science when they have no clue how science makes their lives so much easier, more convenient, healthier .

Without "science" we would be living in the pre industrial age with an average lifespan of around 30 to 35 years.

You should be thanking your god and prophet for '''godless science"

Are you saying all and every scientist does not have a Faith and your view is the view of all scientists?

Again Science is loved by God, when it upholds the principals given by God.

Science not inspired by virtuous outcomes will end as that quote has suggested.

Personally I do not think the world can last too long on its current path, so time will tell.

Regards Tony


Smiling is charity without giving money
Are you saying all and every scientist does not have a Faith and your view is the view of all scientists?

Again Science is loved by God, when it upholds the principals given by God.

Science not inspired by virtuous outcomes will end as that quote has suggested.

Personally I do not think the world can last too long on its current path, so time will tell.

Regards Tony

Your response is very inspiring
GOD bless you brother


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Are you saying all and every scientist does not have a Faith and your view is the view of all scientists?

Again Science is loved by God, when it upholds the principals given by God.

Science not inspired by virtuous outcomes will end as that quote has suggested.

Personally I do not think the world can last too long on its current path, so time will tell.

Regards Tony

No, you are saying that science is godless. In actual fact around 7% of NAS member have belief in a god. There is no reason to believe the figure is much different for none NAS members.

So if loved by your god, why brand it as, and i quote "godless science"

So thats your answer to my questions, you will use science you like and not science you dislike. Who is arbiter of what is virtuous? Many scientific discoveries were made in times of war to kill more people. Yet today they are used for peaceful means.

Certainly overpopulation and hence pollution are a major threat to humanity. It is science and not religion that is working to find answers.


Smiling is charity without giving money
No, you are saying that science is godless. In actual fact around 7% of NAS member have belief in a god. There is no reason to believe the figure is much different for none NAS members.

So if loved by your god, why brand it as, and i quote "godless science"

So thats your answer to my questions, you will use science you like and not science you dislike. Who is arbiter of what is virtuous? Many scientific discoveries were made in times of war to kill more people. Yet today they are used for peaceful means.

Certainly overpopulation and hence pollution are a major threat to humanity. It is science and not religion that is working to find answers.

Is it possible to participate
I welcome you brother and hope that you will be healthy and good

Your nerves alert you to the pain that this work is mischievous
Why these nerves have an interaction with negative things such as shocks and being beaten while
Give a positive feeling in love and soft touch

there is a database applied to do good and avoid pain and evil type of pain

The esteemed gentleman may wants to say that the nature of human must be consistent with the physical database of the human body

man is created with these limited material qualities with sure to understands that he must act in a way that respects the feelings of the Earth

Who created man and the earth?
And why there is nervous pain in living creatures
So that we preserve virtue and good conduct

with respect


Veteran Member
Premium Member
No, you are saying that science is godless. In actual fact around 7% of NAS member have belief in a god. There is no reason to believe the figure is much different for none NAS members.

So if loved by your god, why brand it as, and i quote "godless science"

So thats your answer to my questions, you will use science you like and not science you dislike. Who is arbiter of what is virtuous? Many scientific discoveries were made in times of war to kill more people. Yet today they are used for peaceful means.

Certainly overpopulation and hence pollution are a major threat to humanity. It is science and not religion that is working to find answers.

Many answers that have a good scientific base in logic were given before man started on a path where materialism instead of God, motivated humanities destiny.

You reminded me of a great interview, this is the short version, the full interview is well worth a read.

An Arms Dealer Tries to Sell War to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

Regards Tony


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Is it possible to participate
I welcome you brother and hope that you will be healthy and good

Your nerves alert you to the pain that this work is mischievous
Why these nerves have an interaction with negative things such as shocks and being beaten while
Give a positive feeling in love and soft touch

there is a database applied to do good and avoid pain and evil type of pain

The esteemed gentleman may wants to say that the nature of human must be consistent with the physical database of the human body

man is created with these limited material qualities with sure to understands that he must act in a way that respects the feelings of the Earth

Who created man and the earth?
And why there is nervous pain in living creatures
So that we preserve virtue and good conduct

with respect

Nerves are an evolutionary system to aid survival.

The earth was accreted from left over dust just after the sun formed. We can blame gravity for both events


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Many answers that have a good scientific base in logic were given before man started on a path where materialism instead of God, motivated humanities destiny.

You reminded me of a great interview, this is the short version, the full interview is well worth a read.

An Arms Dealer Tries to Sell War to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

Regards Tony

And look where that got us, living in filth and enjoying less than half the lifespan enjoyed today

I am not interested in a selective interview but if i remind you of an interview, please explain your reasoning.

Samantha Rinne

Resident Genderfluid Writer/Artist
Voted "This poll doesn't reflect my thinking." No matter how many of you vote, you're voting based on wrong information .

Last night, I read a paper online that was talking about how the church has never been anti-science. But Galileo, you say. The church told him that given the current models, they had no way of proving the thing so he should limit what he believed to a hypothesis. He kinda didn't. The church supported Mendel, and other scientists. They helped esp with studies of light and the cosmos. Big Bang theory? Not Hawking, though he claims full credit in that stupid Theory of Everything movie. Actually a priest named Lematre.

You know what the church is consistently against? Using science to cause death (against eugenics and abortion) and using science for control of others (any Christian worth their salt would be against the idea of barcodes... on people's body or especially microchips inside of people, it's the "Mark of the Beast" because it's literally a cattle brand). I'm not sure the Church would be in favor of nuke bombs, either.


Smiling is charity without giving money
Nerves are an evolutionary system to aid survival.

The earth was accreted from left over dust just after the sun formed. We can blame gravity for both events


From the creation of these living beings and the creation of the sun

Who created this system

It is a dynamic and complex dynamic system

What a dangerous face in faith is that there is a Creator for all

who created us and who created the universe puzzling question

It is not easy to answer OR ignore it



Be your own guru
Question: Who created man? The Main Source
IS that because they do not like the fact that there is a Creator that will put their total freedom at risk
Or they want to make a reality that suits the changing desires of this age

with respect
I wish you all the happiness and joy :)
Dear j1i, the main source of what created the universe and all things in it, is 'physical energy', which you encounter in light, heat, electricity, magnetism, gravity, etc.
The question not of liking or disliking. It is the question of evidence, proof.
But it is perfectly OK if two people have different views. You have done your duty.
أطيب التمنيات لك ولعائلتك utib altamaniyat lak walieayilatuk :)
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Non-Proselytizing Baha'i
Staff member
Premium Member
Voted "This poll doesn't reflect my thinking." No matter how many of you vote, you're voting based on wrong information .

Last night, I read a paper online that was talking about how the church has never been anti-science. But Galileo, you say. The church told him that given the current models, they had no way of proving the thing so he should limit what he believed to a hypothesis. He kinda didn't. The church supported Mendel, and other scientists. They helped esp with studies of light and the cosmos. Big Bang theory? Not Hawking, though he claims full credit in that stupid Theory of Everything movie. Actually a priest named Lematre.

You know what the church is consistently against? Using science to cause death (against eugenics and abortion) and using science for control of others (any Christian worth their salt would be against the idea of barcodes... on people's body or especially microchips inside of people, it's the "Mark of the Beast" because it's literally a cattle brand). I'm not sure the Church would be in favor of nuke bombs, either.

The story of Galileo is a great story of course. For over a thousand years the church held a belief that the earth was the centre of the universe and based this belief on biblical scripture.

The scriptural basis for a geocentric cosmology – E-World

The Catholic Church place Galileo under house arrest.

So while ideally Science and religion should be in harmony, often they are not.

Do you think there are any Christian beliefs held today that might contradict science?