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Scientific evidence / arguments for God

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Well-Known Member
Well as I stated, just as I dont expect the words from the Star Spangeled Banner to form the patter of the song if the words were randomly flown about, I don't expect the universe to formulate the pattern of a step by step process that has to be fine tuned to the tiniest degree. Yes, for the universe to be life permitting, it absolutely needed to be fine tuned from its very beginning. You just dont get that kind of precision from blind and mindless entities.
1. If you give each person on the planet one lottery ticket, have the same number of balls as tickets then whoever wins could claim that the chances were so low that he would win that a god would have to have picked out those exact numbers?

2. If some natural forces produced this universe and you a god must have picked your number?

3. If there are a zillion universes with slightly different laws could there be a slightly different you in them all claiming that that universe had to have been especially manufactured by a god to produce just them?


Well-Known Member
And how is this suddenly irrelevant if we factor in God?

It is very relevant. If I am sitting in a chair, I can sit in the chair for as long as I want, and I can get up whenever I want. If I choose to get up, I get up. If I choose to remain seated, I remain seated. In order words, it is by my own will/choice of what I do. Now what if a rock is "sitting" in the chair. The rock doesn't have a mind or will to freely choose to move/get up. Unless there are any outside factors beyond the rock, the rock will remain there. The same thing with the singularity, it didn't have a mind, nor were there any external factors beyond it that would cause it to expand. So for it to all of a sudden expand when it did, at that exact moment, the question is, why? The question is easily answered in regards to God, and the answer is because that's the time that he CHOSE to create the universe. The same is not the case for the singularity.

It wasn't "sitting there" as this is a temporal conception of an atemporal phenomenon.

Yeah, but only if we are assuming that the "sitting" was an act in time. If it never began to sit (or never began to exist), then its stationary state was not in time.

What is causation?

Look it up for me :D

How does god give us better answers to these questions?

Because as I said above, a personal being, one with a free will, can freely choose to do something whenever he pleases. God could have created the universe 30.7 billion years ago, but he choose not to for whatever reasons. The singularity didn't have a free will to choice when it wanted to expand, nor was there anything outside it (naturally) to cause it to expand. Big difference between the two.

That's like saying it started with Newton. If you can't actually explain where the "big bang theory" came from and how we know (for example) the age of the universe, then you have no basis for saying anything about the state at the time of the big bang.

So I have to explain to you the history of the big bang theory?? No, look it up yourself. I am not about to waste time dealing with that. The fact of the matter is, empirically speaking, the theory has the most evidence supporting it. To deny that is to deny science. Second, I don't really need the theory to help me make a case for the existence of a Creator, I have other arguments for that. In fact, proponents of the cosmological argument were using this argument long before any scientific confirmations arose regarding a finite universe. So the big bang theory is not a requirement for an apologists.

1) How does that give us the "age" of the universe? Why couldn't it be four hundred billion years old? Or 2 billion?

That is irrelevant. No matter what age you give the universe the questions can still be asked...why not sooner...why not later.

2) There is nothing in modern physics which explains how you can fit all the matter in the universe into a dot.

There is also nothing in modern biology which explains how life can come from non-living material, but I bet you don't have a problem believing that it did, right?? But as I said before, if science wants to use the big bang theory to explain the origin of the universe, fine. Christians have been maintaining that the universe had a beginning all along, with the first 10 words of the book of Genesis. All evidence, both scientific and philosophically, point to the existence of a transcendent Creator of spacetime.

And no scientist is saying that what you are about physics, time, or space.


"physics breaks down" after the big bang. According to you, we now have space and time thanks to some guy sitting in a chair without time. So why do we need metaphyiscs now that we have the universe?


All sequences have patterns.

Keep on dodging the point will ya.

Let's do this instead. Let's assume you have a knowledge of statistics, probability, and mathematics. So talk about the probability space you are claiming entails a creator.


You already did. The fact that you lack the background or knowledge to understand the relationship between probability, permutations, and your diatribe on aliens doesn't change that relationship.

So in the analogy I gave, tell me how exactly would the concept of permutations help you in that situation.

You, when you look at something which is not complex at all, you are going to demonstrate that you haven't studied complexity?


You are assuming that life could only be what we understand it to be. And what we understand it to be is based on what's on one planet.

The more complex something is, the more it is evidence of design. If you are building a house, you may start with a hole in the ground. The hole is fairly simple to make. Anything can make the hole. But as you progress further, things tend to get more complicated. You don't go from saying "anything can make the hole"...to "anything can build the house". The more complex it is, the more it is evidence that there is a ID somewhere in the midst.

I'm glad you can link to websites, but that doesn't address what I asked.

I would rather spend my time "demonstrating" things than "explaining" things. Some of this stuff you can research yourself. These "what is causation", and what is "spacetime" are mere distractions and instead of getting lead to far astray, I want to stay on course. To the meat and potatoes :D

So there are lots of "crazy things" you can't explain, but somehow the big bang requires god, and these do not? And if the universe is so fine-tuned, why all these crazy things?

I meant strange things such as stars forming, life forming, etc.

Yes. Look at a book on fetal development which includes a section on cognition.

I'm talking about the very first life form that "evolved" a stomach. Did it get the stomach first, or the appetite.


Well-Known Member
1. If you give each person on the planet one lottery ticket, have the same number of balls as tickets then whoever wins could claim that the chances were so low that he would win that a god would have to have picked out those exact numbers?

You've completely missed my point. All of the black balls represented the life PROHIBITING universes, and the one white ball represented the life PERMITTING universe, since you will more likely have high entropy than low entropy in ANYTHING that is considered "random" and "unguided". With this fine tuned universe we've basically defeated those astronomical odds, and I don't see how you can get those odds without someone there to guide the path.

2. If some natural forces produced this universe and you a god must have picked your number?


3. If there are a zillion universes with slightly different laws could there be a slightly different you in them all claiming that that universe had to have been especially manufactured by a god to produce just them?

So improbable I won't even entertain the thought.


What the hell is up with all this (singularity) horse ****? The thread was supposed to be about proving God's existance... not proving how and why the big-bang happened.


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
What the hell is up with all this (singularity) horse ****? The thread was supposed to be about proving God's existance... not proving how and why the big-bang happened.
I suspect it is because Call of the Wild brought up a long refuted "argument" and has resorted to merely jumping up and down screaming that "he" has not and will never accept that it has been refuted.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The question is easily answered in regards to God, and the answer is because that's the time that he CHOSE to create the universe. The same is not the case for the singularity.

Why can "big bang" not be a property of the singularity the way choice is for God? Rocks have certain structures which behave certain ways according to particular laws. We have no clue what laws were going on immediately after the big bang, let alone those which govern the "singularity", yet you wish to describe its properties (and you do so without knowing how we get the big bang theory in the first place).

So I have to explain to you the history of the big bang theory??
No, you don't. I know what it is. The problem is that you do not, which means you do not understand what you are saying when you talk either about the singularities or about what the "laws of physics" were at the beginning of the universe or what "space" and "time" is (as these are not, in physics, different entities).

The fact of the matter is, empirically speaking, the theory has the most evidence supporting it. To deny that is to deny science.
Science is a process. It is a method that one is taught in terms of some specific method when one is a child, but once one begins to work in some research field, one learns is completely useless (not science, just the "scientific method" as it is broken down in school textbooks). More importantly, you are making claims about space, time, and probability without understanding how these terms are used within the physical sciences.

So the big bang theory is not a requirement for an apologists.

No, but understanding the nature of time and space is.

That is irrelevant. No matter what age you give the universe the questions can still be asked...why not sooner...why not later.

The point is not about when it was, but about why we give a specific timing. How do we know? As I said earlier, through running back the clock. We construct a model, run it in reverse, and see what happens. The problem is, that at a certain point after the universe exists, all laws of physics break down, along with space and time as we understand them. The big bang has happened, there is no longer a singularity, but we still cannot understand the laws of physics at play, or space, or time.

There is also nothing in modern biology which explains how life can come from non-living material, but I bet you don't have a problem believing that it did, right??

I have a myriad of problems believing that it did or that it didn't.

All evidence, both scientific and philosophically, point to the existence of a transcendent Creator of spacetime.

When you don't understand the science, or the evidence, how do you know what it points to?
I'm talking about the very first life form that "evolved" a stomach. Did it get the stomach first, or the appetite.
The stomach. Again. A stomach is the name we give an organ which breaks down matter we call "food" in a way that allows us to have "energy" to live. Single cells do this to. It's called "metabolism", and you don't need a stomach for it.
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Hammer of Reason
What the hell is up with all this (singularity) horse ****? The thread was supposed to be about proving God's existence... not proving how and why the big-bang happened.
It seems the 'scientific proof of god' is that the universe doesn't make 'sense' without god. The talk of singularity is a demonstration that it makes sense to many of us. However, not making sense to just one certain person seems to be scientific proof enough that god exists.

That's my take on it.


Well-Known Member
You've completely missed my point. All of the black balls represented the life PROHIBITING universes, and the one white ball represented the life PERMITTING universe, since you will more likely have high entropy than low entropy in ANYTHING that is considered "random" and "unguided". With this fine tuned universe we've basically defeated those astronomical odds, and I don't see how you can get those odds without someone there to guide the path.
OK. Let's try another analogy:

Imagine a hillside. On top of this hillside is a big rock that looks like a piece of it has broken off. At the bottom of the hill is a piece of rock that looks suspiciously like it might be this broken off piece. Now, your explanation for that piece having ended up in exactly that position and no other position is that a god would have to have broken this piece off this top stone and guided it's path down the hill so it ended up exactly where it is. While my position is that it is much more likely that lightning, or ice expanding in some crack in the top stone caused this bottom stone to fall down the hillside and natural forces such as gravity etc acted upon this stone on the way and placed it where it ended up. Which explanation would you say is the most likely?


About you being "tired of being drawn between accepting facts and fighting the natural desire humanity seems to have to believe in God."

Yep, I agree that "most believers thinking most atheists will never change their minds"

And we all get "defeated past the point of no return"; well I have, and I'm sure that we are not alone.

So you ask to 'right here' to "provide your evidence of God that cannot be refuted and, atheists, refute what can be refuted. Let's just end this nonsense." Well the nonsense won't be fixed like you said above that most atheists won't change their minds... Well everyone goes through a spiritual journey. And for the atheists and people who believe in the wrong ways, it will all be settled on the Day of Judgement. Don't worry about that.

My evidence that God exists, is when I was 18, I was seeking different religions and came across library books about Islam. Amazing, I was in a small city and they had Islam books, and now I moved to a bigger city and their library don't have Islam books.. cuz this community is more Christian and I didn't ever have any real life Islam friends, just the books were my friends. And I got info from two of them both confirming that God gives us signs. That is my evidence that God exists. I agreed that people just act like, Christians, I seen with my real eyes in real life that Christians always complain that God does not show them a sign. God doesn't answer their prayers to send a sign that he exists, that we should do good. But in Islam, their book, it says God does always send a signs. They are always out there. The signs are in the rain God sends down to Earth and signs of flowers blooming, animals having babies, Animals looking cute.. Animals getting along with humans... The wonderful stars on a night sky that human city lights destroy the beauty of... A waterfall, is a sign that God exists.. Look around the world for evidence that something superior made the Earth, and it is all thanks to God.


Hammer of Reason
About you being "tired of being drawn between accepting facts and fighting the natural desire humanity seems to have to believe in God."

Yep, I agree that "most believers thinking most atheists will never change their minds"

And we all get "defeated past the point of no return"; well I have, and I'm sure that we are not alone.

So you ask to 'right here' to "provide your evidence of God that cannot be refuted and, atheists, refute what can be refuted. Let's just end this nonsense." Well the nonsense won't be fixed like you said above that most atheists won't change their minds... Well everyone goes through a spiritual journey. And for the atheists and people who believe in the wrong ways, it will all be settled on the Day of Judgement. Don't worry about that.

My evidence that God exists, is when I was 18, I was seeking different religions and came across library books about Islam. Amazing, I was in a small city and they had Islam books, and now I moved to a bigger city and their library don't have Islam books.. cuz this community is more Christian and I didn't ever have any real life Islam friends, just the books were my friends. And I got info from two of them both confirming that God gives us signs. That is my evidence that God exists. I agreed that people just act like, Christians, I seen with my real eyes in real life that Christians always complain that God does not show them a sign. God doesn't answer their prayers to send a sign that he exists, that we should do good. But in Islam, their book, it says God does always send a signs. They are always out there. The signs are in the rain God sends down to Earth and signs of flowers blooming, animals having babies, Animals looking cute.. Animals getting along with humans... The wonderful stars on a night sky that human city lights destroy the beauty of... A waterfall, is a sign that God exists.. Look around the world for evidence that something superior made the Earth, and it is all thanks to God.

And the search for truth continues.


Well-Known Member
Why can "big bang" not be a property of the singularity the way choice is for God?

Nothing really "banged", but the singularity expanded in to the universe we see today. I dont understand what you mean you mean "big bang not be a property of the singularity"? Elaborate on that for me.

Rocks have certain structures which behave certain ways according to particular laws.

Ok, but those particular laws come into effect only after the rock began to exist. The laws dont explain how or why the rock began to exist.

We have no clue what laws were going on immediately after the big bang, let alone those which govern the "singularity", yet you wish to describe its properties (and you do so without knowing how we get the big bang theory in the first place).

There was no law to govern the singularity before Planck time. There was no natural law, PERIOD. That is why as you agreed before, physics break down if you go back in time to the singularity. It makes absolutely no sense for a singularity to be out there for past eternity with no pre-causal conditions, and then all of a sudden expand in to the universe we see today, not to mention the finely tuned steps that it had to traverse to make life permissible.

No, you don't. I know what it is

Well, since we have been discussing this stuff, you've asked me to explain at least three things....the history of the big bang......causation....and spacetime.....and no, I am not going to explain any of that stuff. I will gladly converse with you about either one, no problem. But as far as explaining.....no....this is a diversion, a stalling mechanism. Now, regardless of whether or not you have these things explained to you, the big bang theory remains the most empirically observed and tested models of cosmology that we have, and it has been for the last 75 years. And because of this scientific findings, Christian Apologists like myself can now use science to confirm what we have already knew all along, that the universe began to exist. Thats all we need it for, even though we can logically prove a finite universe without it.

The problem is that you do not, which means you do not understand what you are saying when you talk either about the singularities or about what the "laws of physics" were at the beginning of the universe or what "space" and "time" is (as these are not, in physics, different entities).

So far, you have yet to correct me on anything that I've said in error....and I don't think it is because I don't understand what I am saying. It is because I DO understand what Im saying, and all you can do is ask questions like "why cant this apply to god as well"......"why couldnt the singularity be eternal"....."what is spacetime"......"what is causation". But as far as providing refutation to the arguments, you've done nothing.

Science is a process. It is a method that one is taught in terms of some specific method when one is a child, but once one begins to work in some research field, one learns is completely useless (not science, just the "scientific method" as it is broken down in school textbooks). More importantly, you are making claims about space, time, and probability without understanding how these terms are used within the physical sciences.

Regardless, what I have said thus far that you can say that is incorrect?? Nothing. The universe began to exist and it therefore requires a cause. It isn't rocket science here, is it?

No, but understanding the nature of time and space is.


The point is not about when it was, but about why we give a specific timing. How do we know? As I said earlier, through running back the clock. We construct a model, run it in reverse, and see what happens. The problem is, that at a certain point after the universe exists, all laws of physics break down, along with space and time as we understand them.

You just incorrectly stated that physics break down after the universe exists, but it in fact breaks down before the universe existed. Yet, I am the ignorant one? Scientists know what happened after the big bang, but we dont know what happened BEFORE the big bang.

I have a myriad of problems believing that it did or that it didn't.

And I have a hard time believing that intelligence can come from non-intelligence.

When you don't understand the science, or the evidence, how do you know what it points to?

Because I dont rely on what I don't know...but what I do know.

The stomach. Again. A stomach is the name we give an organ which breaks down matter we call "food" in a way that allows us to have "energy" to live. Single cells do this to. It's called "metabolism", and you don't need a stomach for it.

Right, so before you had the urge to eat, you already somehow miraculously developed the organ and mechanisms to help you break the food down that you didn't have the urge to eat in the first place. The appetite comes from the brain, so before the brain made you get the urge, you already had the stomach. So either you were eating with no appetite, or your digestive system had to wait for the brain to catch up to it so they could both get on the same page. Gotcha.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Nothing really "banged", but the singularity expanded in to the universe we see today. I dont understand what you mean you mean "big bang not be a property of the singularity"? Elaborate on that for me.

Sure. Let's start with this:

There was no law to govern the singularity before Planck time.

Planck time is a unit of measurement. This particular unit of measurement can be used for many things, but is especially famous in that it relates to where our understanding of the structure, nature, physics, etc., of the universe all break down. In these first "moments" (the initial 10^-43 "second" of the universe), there is no longer a singularity, but a universe which has none of the properties our universe does. Spacetime, which is the "fabric" in which all physical reality exists, was not a property of these first moments of our universe. The singularity is what we get when we use the properties of the universe together with measurements (expansion, homogeneity and isotropy, the hubble parameter, cosmic background radiation, etc.) and run the system (in this case the universe) in reverse. In other words, instead of the expansion of celestial bodies we see governed by the laws we discover, we "un-expand" the universe by reversing how these laws made it expand. At a certain point, however, all the mass/energy in the universe is contained in something termed the singularity (or a singularity), which is before the big bang. But after the expansion starts, after the "bang", there is an intial time period in which the universe exists, but in which spacetime, physics, etc., does not (at least not in any way we know of or can know of). After that, things are better understood but still unclear and still not the universe with the properties we know. In fact, the same evidence which initially led to the "standard model" has also created theories which have no singularity but in which the "time" is extended perhaps infinitely.

The point, however, is that the properties of matter, the laws of physics, and the way we understand spacetime (or "time" or "space" as we experience them), as well as things like what is or isn't possible, don't exist either in the standard model or any other model of physics in the earliest moments of the universe. And they certainly don't describe the properties of what we call the singularity.

You state that God exists (or did exist) in such a way that s/he (it?) has a property capable enabling God to make a choice to act in a particular way. How do you know that a property of the singularity wasn't that it could exist without space or time but was in some atemporal reality in which one of its properties was that it would alter in a particular way and the result would be the "big bang"?

There was no natural law, PERIOD. That is why as you agreed before, physics break down if you go back in time to the singularity.

What I said was they break down after that. See above.

It makes absolutely no sense for a singularity to be out there for past eternity with no pre-causal conditions

Why? After the universe was already here, nothing which "makes sense" in terms of how you experience reality existed. Nothing of what you understand about cause existed then either (for you or me to "cause" something we must interact with it in some local spatio-temporal sense, such that my action takes place before the "effect" of my action, and that what I do is located spatially near it, e.g, I can't kick a soccerball from three miles away).

not to mention the finely tuned steps
Which are?

Well, since we have been discussing this stuff, you've asked me to explain at least three things....the history of the big bang......causation....and spacetime.....and no, I am not going to explain any of that stuff. I will gladly converse with you about either one, no problem. But as far as explaining.....no....this is a diversion, a stalling mechanism.

Not at all. You are making claims about what is and isn't possible, or what does and does not make sense, in terms of reality, probabilty, and the nature of the universe. Yet you are doing so in ways that indicate you do not understand most of these (that is, probability, physics, and cosmology). How can you make a claim founded upon things which you do not understand?

Now, regardless of whether or not you have these things explained to you, the big bang theory remains the most empirically observed and tested models of cosmology that we have, and it has been for the last 75 years.

It isn't "observed". What we observe are certain properties and laws which we can run in reverse, but at a certain point, even after the "big bang", these laws and properties used to create the theory do not hold. The "big bang theory" doesn't remain as the standard model because it is widely accepted within the physics community, but because none of the alternate proposals have gained consensus, and so even though we know the standard model isn't complete, or is otherwise flawed, it's all we have at the moment.

And because of this scientific findings, Christian Apologists like myself can now use science to confirm what we have already knew all along, that the universe began to exist.

In the standard model, after the universe "began to exist", we still didn't have time or space or physical laws or any properties of the universe we are familiar with.

So far, you have yet to correct me on anything that I've said in error
Apart from the above, I've already stated your description of probability is in inaccurate.

Regardless, what I have said thus far that you can say that is incorrect?? Nothing. The universe began to exist and it therefore requires a cause. It isn't rocket science here, is it?

It is (in part) literally rocket science, in that it is the use of astronomy and astronomical devices (such as rockets) which provide is with an understanding about the universe. Additionally, applying an reduced Aristotelian model of causality along with a disregarded understanding of time, space, and physics, hardly makes your assertion justified.

You just incorrectly stated that physics break down after the universe exists, but it in fact breaks down before the universe existed.
You are aware it is possible for both to be true? And in fact the standard model, and every single other model, says that both are true?

Scientists know what happened after the big bang, but we dont know what happened BEFORE the big bang.

Perhaps you can quote one who can tell us what the state of the universe was during the first 10^-43 second interval of what we would inaptly term "time"?

Right, so before you had the urge to eat, you already somehow miraculously developed the organ and mechanisms to help you break the food down that you didn't have the urge to eat in the first place.

Cells have "organs" and mechanisms to do break down "food". So do plants. Do they have urges?
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St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
How was this "God" proven if it was not scientifically proven? What did those bands of bronze age herdsman and farmers know what we did know?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
How was this "God" proven if it was not scientifically proven?
One could also ask how science proves anything, especially given that most scientists never use the term in practice (excepting those instances in which a scientist may construct a mathematical proof) or understand it as part of their method, and that it is generally relegated to the disciplines of mathematics.


Superabacus Mystic
One could also ask how science proves anything, especially given that most scientists never use the term in practice (excepting those instances in which a scientist may construct a mathematical proof) or understand it as part of their method, and that it is generally relegated to the disciplines of mathematics.
Proof can sensibly be shorthand for "Demonstrate to some stupendously high level of confidence," though, which is probably the use intended here.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Proof can sensibly be shorthand for "Demonstrate to some stupendously high level of confidence," though, which is probably the use intended here.
Perhaps. But I would tend to follow the vast majority here, and leave proof to closed universes of discourse. Science involves too much of interpretation, methods, perceptions, observations, and so forth to ever reach "some stupendously high level of confidence". It does happen, sure. But so little of some specific understanding of some specific scientific theory has attached to it this level of confidence to make this definition of proof usable.


Just me
Premium Member
Perhaps. But I would tend to follow the vast majority here, and leave proof to closed universes of discourse. Science involves too much of interpretation, methods, perceptions, observations, and so forth to ever reach "some stupendously high level of confidence". It does happen, sure. But so little of some specific understanding of some specific scientific theory has attached to it this level of confidence to make this definition of proof usable.
Are you not actually convinced, then, of anything?


Hammer of Reason
One could also ask how science proves anything, especially given that most scientists never use the term in practice (excepting those instances in which a scientist may construct a mathematical proof) or understand it as part of their method, and that it is generally relegated to the disciplines of mathematics.
What, if anything, leads to proof?
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