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Roman Empire?


Believer in God
Premium Member
Do you live in what used to be the Roman Empire?

I live not far from the Roman settlement of Manchester



"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Do you live in what used to be the Roman Empire?

I live not far from the Roman settlement of Manchester

View attachment 85003

Towns ending chester, ceter and caster were roman military towns

There is a roman fort and dock on my fathers (ex) farm in Ribchester. As a child I spent many a happy hour playing as a roman centurion or leget and helping archeologists play in the mud.

The bathhouse

The Hammer

Premium Member
Nope. I live in a region that was managed and maintained by the Coast Salish peoples.

"The Northwest Coast Indian peoples, who lived in the Pacific Northwest, can be classified into four units, or “provinces.” The northern province includes speakers of Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian, and the Tsimshian-influenced Haisla (northernmost Heiltsuq or Kwakiutl). The Wakashan province includes all other Kwakiutl, the Bella Coola, and the Nuu-chah-nulth. The Coast Salish–Chinook province extended south to the central coast of Oregon and includes the Makah, Chinook, Tillamook, Siuslaw, and others. The northwestern California province includes the Athabaskan-speaking Tututni-Tolowa as well as the Karok, Yurok, Wiyot, and Hupa."



Veteran Member
Where I live was never part of the Roman Empire. They had trading outposts here and I'm an hours drive away from where my ancestors raided a trade caravan heading to Roman territory in the autumn.
And while Lower Saxony wasn't part of the Roman Empire, it was part of the Holy Roman Empire.


Well-Known Member
Where I live was never part of the Roman Empire. They had trading outposts here and I'm an hours drive away from where my ancestors raided a trade caravan heading to Roman territory in the autumn.
And while Lower Saxony wasn't part of the Roman Empire, it was part of the Holy Roman Empire.

How far are you from the Teutoberg Forest?


Well-Known Member
The Teutoburg Forest is a bit more than an hour. Kalkriese, where the raid was, that later was called the "Battle of the Teutoburg Forest", isn't exactly at the Teutoburg Forest (as we know it today).

Not tempted to hire a metal detector and see what you can unearth? I suppose that's been done to death

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
My city of birth was conquered after two years of siege by the Romans.,.so I am on the side of the besieged and conquered...as well, of course. ;)


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I currently live in what used to be land of the Tingui people.

They were pretty much driven out of significance in their own land in the last 400 hundred years or so.
