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Religion - A Cultural Competition


Agnostic Pantheist
A question I have asked myself for a long time is: Why are there so many religions?

Surely if there was only one God, it would manifest itself in one person.

Gautama Buddha claimed to have found enlightenment by abandoning materialism.

Moses claimed that there was one God and brought his

Jesus of Nazareth claimed to be the only Son of God.

Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullāh claimed to be the most holy and divine prophet.

How can these religions expect to compete. Are they merely cults of personality? Are they merely people who wanted power?

How do other religions view these other founders?

Different historical personae who rose to prominent status in tradition and history have emerged out of certain social conditions and environment, great deal of the major ones of these personae, did not necessarily came to compete but came to complete, or to bring already existing religious concepts, ideals, and ideas to their respective culture and beyond.

competition is simply a factor in the nature of our world and of human society, just like competition manifests in politics, its also manifested in religion, there are religions that actively seek to expand their influence or to legitimize themselves via conversion. generally speaking, I think its essential to study the various individuals credited with great social impact of the religious sense, without any obligation to apply exclusivity only to one of these individuals or the religion based on that individual, nor do I believe that Infallibility should lightly be applied to all the material we are dealing with.

I think religions are meant to evolve into co existence, many religions are rooted in certain cultures and civilizations, and the strife of competition should easily be avoided by transcending above the lesser religious need to justify an absolutism beyond a certain cultural experience. for example, Islam has a natural place in Arabic culture, a natural understanding rooted in cultural tradition, while Christianity has been rooted throughout Europe and the west, of course there are many overlapping areas beyond this simplified division. and historically the 2 religions, together with Judaism have interacted on various geographic locations, with certain cultures even moving through history from one of those religion to the other, depending on conquests.

When religions become more humanaized so to speak, when absolute dogmas lose zealous following, perhaps the trend of competition between religions will cool off, as people will not have to justify the exclusive truth of their tradition and be less threatened with the fact that reality is filled with many concepts, beliefs, dogmas.
on some levels, there is a battle of ideas, but when you realize how dynamic ideas are, including hopefully your own, you may question the need to push forward your idea on a personal crusade to vanquish all other ideas.


Well-Known Member
Greetings! :)

Bruce said:
Nor do I know of "three Arabic religions" that came before the Baha'i Faith! Care to name them?

1. Judaism
2. Christianity
3. Islam

So sorry, but neither Judaism nor Christianity was Arabic! Abrahamic, yes, but not Arabic.

BTW, the term is "Arabian." "Arabic" refers to a language.

OTOH, if you MEANT "Abrahamic, then fine, I agree (save that there were four--not three!--before the Baha'i Faith as you overlooked the Babi Faith).

But that's not what you said, and all the rest of us have to go on is what you actually say!

Peace, :)



OK; I just read your correction of the term, so fine, save that as I mentioned just above, there have in fact been four such.

Regards, :)

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Well-Known Member

Bruce said:
Please note that it's not the religions that have done this, but HUMAN CORRUPTIONS of religions! The religions themeselves, as originally revealed, are pure, pristine, and beneficial to humanity.

It's when humans meddle with them and pervert them that these problems arise.

IMO, religions are human endeavors.

You are welcome to your opinion, but I disagree: I see true religions as God-sent!

A "religion" that has no adherents is not a religion.

And BTW, a religion with no adherents is simply an extinct religion, and a number of these do indeed exist.

Peace, :)



Liebe ist für alle da
Greetings! :)

So sorry, but neither Judaism nor Christianity was Arabic! Abrahamic, yes, but not Arabic.

BTW, the term is "Arabian." "Arabic" refers to a language.

OTOH, if you MEANT "Abrahamic, then fine, I agree (save that there were four--not three!--before the Baha'i Faith as you overlooked the Babi Faith).

But that's not what you said, and all the rest of us have to go on is what you actually say!

Peace, :)



OK; I just read your correction of the term, so fine, save that as I mentioned just above, there have in fact been four such.

Regards, :)


What's this 4th Abrahamic before yours then?