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Problems with Devil Worship ?

I'm new to this forum and as it happens I'm relatively new to devil-worship. I don't know how my beliefs fit into 'organised systems' but I don't think it matters.

I see the devil (or Set as I call him) as a God who pre-dates Christianity and other religions but who are reffered to in the different forms that he has adopted in those religions. So I see Lucifer and tiamat as different aspects of the devil just as there is the idea of the Trinity in Christianity.

I see the Judeo-Christian god (Jahovah) as a deciever and an enslaver. The only thing that is really conistant about his holy book, the bible, is a demand for worship. I believe that many 'gods' exist and that they battle for control of the earth. (Actually what most of the world used to think.) jahovah wishes to do this through the bible. He attempt to restrict man's ability to decide for himself by establishing fixed moral codes. The Devil however wishes to disrupt this in rebellion. Persuading Adam and eve to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil is an example:- Jahovah does not want people to think for themselves. His religion also tries to restrain scientific development. But as science strengthens, jahovah weakens. Just look at the behaviour of the vatican over the 'centre of the galaxy' issue. Jahovah has slandered the devil in the bible because
a) he is a rival to a jealous god who wants 100% control
b) The devil tests god's subjects and shows them the failings of jahovah
c) The Devil does not have the desire to surpress worldly pleasures and sex where as Jehovah sees it as an essential tool in gaining control.

I do not belive that the Devil is evil and I see it as intelectual laziness to suggest that jahovah is 100% good and the devil is 100% bad. If you read the bible, the brutal destruction, the oppression of women and homosexuals and the murder of children that jahovah commits pales in contrast with 'Anyone fancy an apple?'. how many christians honestly believe that man should not decide good and evil for himself. Those who do not wish to work it out for themelves are making themselves dependant on a cruel god.

Earlier someone said that you cannot be a satanist if you worship Satan as it contradicts the idea of rebellion. first I do not want to award myself with a title such as 'satanist' as I simply see that whole debate as a waste of time. Second I should say that I worship Set because he is open to challenge and debate and will allow me to think for myself with out dictating to me. He is also an enemy of Jahovah and I want to support him in defeating that god and freeing people from the influence of Jahovah and Jesus christ. No God has absolute power but sadly many claim to have this power and that is a lie.

I love Set and he loves me and allows me to be free.

(I have nothing against Christians, I just detest their god who enslaves them)

Anyway, that's my first post so it's kind of an intro.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum! I'm so excited to see more LHP members joining. :D

I'm a theistic Luciferian. Like you I also have strong feelings against the Christian God, but do not hate Christians. I really like seeing this positive attitude in LHPers. So am I correct in understanding that you are also a theist? Out of curiosity, how do you define worship? Do you consider yourself a Setian?
Yes I am a theist. I believe in the devil as a real being who opposes Gods who try to maintain control over humankind. I'm not sure how I define worship but my worship is taking the form of prayer and ritual. At the moment though I'm spending a lot of time breaking free from Jehovah and preparing for a long renunciation ritual. No I'm not a setian in the Egyptian sense if that's what you mean. I use the name 'Set' as it is one of the few names that has been given to satan by those who love him rather than those who slander him.


ServantofSet, I assent with the ideas you have put forth about YHWH (Jahovah). I admire the Left-Hand Path and the archetype of Set.

Earlier someone said that you cannot be a satanist if you worship Satan as it contradicts the idea of rebellion. first I do not want to award myself with a title such as 'satanist' as I simply see that whole debate as a waste of time. Second I should say that I worship Set because he is open to challenge and debate and will allow me to think for myself with out dictating to me. He is also an enemy of Jahovah and I want to support him in defeating that god and freeing people from the influence of Jahovah and Jesus christ. No God has absolute power but sadly many claim to have this power and that is a lie.

If you worship something other than your potential, are you a part of the Left-hand path? I am not trying to seem mean or anything. You appear to be a nice guy/girl. Welcome to the forums.

I do not belive that the Devil is evil and I see it as intelectual laziness to suggest that jahovah is 100% good and the devil is 100% bad. If you read the bible, the brutal destruction, the oppression of women and homosexuals and the murder of children that jahovah commits pales in contrast with 'Anyone fancy an apple?'. how many christians honestly believe that man should not decide good and evil for himself. Those who do not wish to work it out for themelves are making themselves dependant on a cruel god.

Christians and Judaists have a way of looking over all those genocides and oppressions as merely God working in mysterious ways. I remember doing so when I was Christian. Even though I am an Atheist Agnostic you have a good philosophy, in my opinion.
If you worship something other than your potential, are you a part of the Left-hand path? I am not trying to seem mean or anything. You appear to be a nice guy/girl. Welcome to the forums.

Well I see Set as a liberator who will free me and others to fulfill their potential. So it's a bit of a conundrum. The whole thing reminds me of an episode 'Friends' where Phoebe says: "You've divorced so many times. You love divorce. You love divorce so much that you are going to marry divorce. And then you will divorce divorce because you love divorce. the you will remarry because..."

I understand that many on the LHP will see my views as non-satanic et.c. But I'm bothered with the truth of my beliefs rather than whether or not they get me a free pass into the Hellfire club.

I suppose it's a bit like a believer in democracy voting to keep the Monarchy. You need to have someone at the top who is permissive rather than controling as an elected president would be. So to take the comparison further, the devil is like a Monarch who leaves the poeple to their own devices where jehovah is like a President who runs TV ads rigs ballots, invades Iraq and denounces monarchy as 'evil'. If that comparison makes no sense then ignore it lol.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I like ya! I don't see any reason why a theist can't be considered LHP. I think the problem that people run into with worship is that they assume it always means submission. If worship is defined as honoring, admiring, and respecting a deity, then I would definitely say I worship Lucifer. I do not submit to him though. Some people cannot imagine worship without that though.


Ðanisty said:
Hey, I like ya! I don't see any reason why a theist can't be considered LHP. I think the problem that people run into with worship is that they assume it always means submission. If worship is defined as honoring, admiring, and respecting a deity, then I would definitely say I worship Lucifer. I do not submit to him though. Some people cannot imagine worship without that though.

It is all semantics. I would have absolutely no problem with defining "worship" in that sense of the word. However, people will probably not understand what you mean. Admiration is a more proper word to use.


Well-Known Member
It is all semantics. I would have absolutely no problem with defining "worship" in that sense of the word. However, people will probably not understand what you mean. Admiration is a more proper word to use.
I agree, which is why I don't use the word worship even though it could apply.


^ good point.

Younger generations appreciate satan as a form of rebellion, they tend not to 'worship' per se. I know this because i used to do the same thing sadly, however, i realised that Mr LaVey just inverted Christian beliefs and decided to expand my narrow-minded horizons.


Well-Known Member
^ good point.

Younger generations appreciate satan as a form of rebellion, they tend not to 'worship' per se. I know this because i used to do the same thing sadly, however, i realised that Mr LaVey just inverted Christian beliefs and decided to expand my narrow-minded horizons.
I do think there is a trap you can fall into with Satanism, but such traps obviously exist in every religion. I left Satanism because I felt it didn't dig deep enough for me. The "inverted Christian" thing never bothered me, but maybe that's because I've never been a Christians and I've never really had a problem with Christianity. I just always knew it wasn't for me.

Welcome to RF, by the way. I'm curious to know more about you. Would you care to start an introduction thread?


Liebe ist für alle da
I don't see anything wrong with Devil Warship, if you use the word Warship like Sister Ðanisty. Though not a Satanist but one who is a follower of the LHP I see Satan as one who stands up for what he is and takes crap from no one.


^ Valid point but the concept of 'satanism' is more a teenage cult than a religion. To be honest Satanism to me appears to be a way of saying 'F*** you God' and taking the entire religion on the preamble of the satanic bible. The satanic bible in itself is based on trying to aggrovate Christianity. Through popular culture such as Black Metal Music Satanism is becomming more and more like starting a war with God, rather than practising Satanism. Thats why i see Satanism as more of a 'new age cult for rebels and misfits.'


Well-Known Member
^ Valid point but the concept of 'satanism' is more a teenage cult than a religion. To be honest Satanism to me appears to be a way of saying 'F*** you God' and taking the entire religion on the preamble of the satanic bible. The satanic bible in itself is based on trying to aggrovate Christianity. Through popular culture such as Black Metal Music Satanism is becomming more and more like starting a war with God, rather than practising Satanism. Thats why i see Satanism as more of a 'new age cult for rebels and misfits.'
I don't understand what you're saying and don't necessarily disagree with your points. For some it is more than that though. Unfortunately the teenagers are just louder and more obnoxious and therefore, get more attention.


^ visit music forums and i guarentee that within 5 minutes you will see what i mean. Its a crime against a religion in my opinion.
The concept of 'Satanism' in general is theorectically ideal. If you look hard enough in the right place you can find people connected enough to actually know the roots and ideals of Satanism.


Well-Known Member
Frankly, I generally ignore "Satanic" music. It's not my style really. I've often wondered why nobody tries to make Satanic jazz or something. I'd totally listen to that!

As far as the roots of Satanism, I've met quite a few actually who do know them. They are generally the more experienced Satanists though.


Ðanisty;922746 said:
Frankly, I generally ignore "Satanic" music. It's not my style really. I've often wondered why nobody tries to make Satanic jazz or something. I'd totally listen to that!

As far as the roots of Satanism, I've met quite a few actually who do know them. They are generally the more experienced Satanists though.

I love satanic music but not for the lyrical content, each to their own but i see it as pointlessly blasphemous. To illustrate my point if youre interested, type dimmu borgir in you tube and look at the comments under each song, you will understand my reason for labelling new age satanism the way i did.

In the major city near where i live there are a few shops selling purely satanic stuff, its quite interesting. To be honest i never knew such places existed until i deserted the concept that satan was a god in my foolish years.


Well-Known Member
How would you go about making satanic jazz....... ?
I wouldn't know. I'm not a musician. I don't know how you make any music...lol.

I love satanic music but not for the lyrical content, each to their own but i see it as pointlessly blasphemous. To illustrate my point if youre interested, type dimmu borgir in you tube and look at the comments under each song, you will understand my reason for labelling new age satanism the way i did.
Blasphemy has a time and place, but I agree with you...most of it is over the top. Personally though, I don't like the style of music most Satanic bands use. That heavy growling to the point of not making sense...no melody. I prefer the older stuff like Danzig.

In the major city near where i live there are a few shops selling purely satanic stuff, its quite interesting. To be honest i never knew such places existed until i deserted the concept that satan was a god in my foolish years.
If you don't mind answering, which major city is that?


Proud to be a Sinner.
I love satanic music but not for the lyrical content, each to their own but i see it as pointlessly blasphemous.
I'd have to say the vast majority of it is posing.

The rest of it is pointless anger vented in a useless manner.