I learn this from
@Ehav4Ever about big bang is Elohim and Hashem is a programmer. Am I understanding correctly.
Not exactly. What I stated was IF, you want to use Westernized English terms, and if you want to say that the Big Bang caused all of reality to exist then you could, again using the English metaphor, say that a) Hashem caused the big bang, b) Hashem created the concept of a big bang, and c) Hashem is the source of the big bang. Yet, again the term big bang is a term.
Please be aware that English astronomer
Fred Hoyle is credited with coining the term "Big Bang" during a talk for a March 1949 BBC Radio broadcast, saying: "These theories were based on the hypothesis that all the matter in the universe was created in one big bang at a particular time in the remote past."
So, within context it depends on what someone means when they say "Big Bang." The term has evolved within the English language so you have to be aware that statements like this are often metaphors in a since because most people who use the term don't associate it with an explosion. That is even when literally in English a bang is ⇒ to burst, shut, etc, with a loud noise Etymology: 16th Century:
from Old Norse bang, banga hammer; related to Low German bangen to beat; all of imitative origin.