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Poll: Religious, Spiritual, Both or Neither?

Are You Religious, Spiritual, Both or Neither?

  • Total voters

Exaltist Ethan

Bridging the Gap Between Believers and Skeptics
I made this poll awhile back that asked the lovely people here at RF if they were a "believer" or a "skeptic", and there was a healthy amount of replies from both groups of people. In the end, however, believers slightly outnumbered skeptics 20-17. The thread was so famous that @The Hammer offered his own version of it, allowing people to answer "both/other" that ultimately dominated the poll the section with seven believers, nine skeptics and and whopping' 21 people answering "both/other".

I liked both of our polls very much so. I answered "believer" on both, and from what I truly gathered from it is that this community is divided pretty much evenly on this topic. So now I'm offering another poll, similar to the first, but worded slightly differently. Instead of the standard believer/skeptic divide, I want to do one based on religiosity and spirituality. Now, I know by now that both of these terms are completely loaded, and perhaps there is more substantiation using the terms believer/skeptic instead, but believers themselves can be divided into those who are religious or those who are spiritual. Maybe there is even a skeptic or two who considers themselves spiritual? I don't know.

What I do know, as for myself, as someone who identifies as a cultural omnist in his overall social view of religion, I'm probably part of that crowd that is spiritual but not religious. Even my theological views would agree - the 'spiritual naturalist' type. So, both of my religious identities focuses on the spiritual but not religious side of the equation.

This poll will have five options, hopefully so everybody who is reading this can answer. There will be the religious and spiritual, the religious but not spiritual, the spiritual but not religious, neither religious nor spiritual, and for those who have a different view point, I'm going to be offering an other stance option for those types of people as well. I figure with five different choices nobody will be dissatisfied with the option they decide to choose.

And this is a typical Exaltist Ethan poll, which will allow anyone to change their vote, votes will be displayed publicly and of course I will allow people to see results without voting. And the poll will remain open indefinitely. However, you will only be able to choose one of the options listed, unlike the other polls I typically create.

So have at it. Do you consider yourself religious, spiritual, both or neither? Let us know what you think by voting and telling us why you voted that way below.
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Veteran Member
So have at it. Do you consider yourself religious, spiritual, both or neither? Let us know what you think by voting and telling us why you voted that way below.
I consider myself both religious and spiritual since I have a religion, but I consider myself more spiritual than religions since I do not practice my religion like most other Baha'is do. I mean I don't participate in all the community activities even though I believe what the other Baha'is believe.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
At first I marked other, but then opted for "religious but not spiritual." I think the word "spiritual" is superfluous and not necessary; everything "spiritual" encompasses is already part of "religion." The division of meaning in these two terms is relatively modern and a product of specific trends within specific religions that aren't representative of religion as a whole. This is the same stuff that resulted in "religion" becoming almost a snarl word in some circles. And people just not understanding what "religion" is in general. Oh well.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I prefer to identify as SBNR. I don't practice a formal religion at this stage of my path, though I certainly do respect and draw from the teachings of the great traditions when it comes to the Wisdom and mystical paths. In a sense that is "religious", but since it's not a formal identification, I don't consider myself as following a religion.

My "native language" however is Christianity, in that that is what I am most versed in due to my history in it and decades of study of it. I think I'd say it is a Dharmically informed Christianity however. Without the mystical heart, it's just a dualistic religion, and that not sufficient for my spiritual understanding at this point. It's the difference between an exoteric religion and an esoteric one.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
I'm religious and demonic. It's like spiritual but works on a different plain. Still, I could possibly chose religious but not spiritual. I see no genuine difference.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I voted spiritual but not religious.

I realise that the terms "religious" and "spiritual" can be blurry depending on how one defines them, but for me religion connotes a pre-packaged set of beliefs. So if a person for example rejected just one of the tenets for example of a religion like Jehovah's Witnesses they wouldn't be allowed to be a JW, whereas a spiritual path I see as more individual and open to change with the application of logic, reason, science, evidence etc as you can change any faulty individual belief without being placed in the out group for not rigidly adhering to a whole specified belief set.

In my opinion.


Believer in God
Premium Member
Voted "Religious and Spiritual"

I go to a church, hence I'm religious

When I'm at church I feel I encounter something divine, I'm not sure what exactly. Hence I'm also spiritual.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I prefer to identify as SBNR. I don't practice a formal religion at this stage of my path, though I certainly do respect and draw from the teachings of the great traditions when it comes to the Wisdom and mystical paths. In a sense that is "religious", but since it's not a formal identification, I don't consider myself as following a religion.

Using the definition of religious as following doctrine with associated rites, rituals and ceremonies, I'm not religious. Like @Windwalker I find inspiration and helpful idea from all the major and some minor religions without practicing them.

My spiritual life is based on not having faith in "God" but seeking to realize God. It's based on "God alone is real and the goal of life is to be united with Him through Love".


Veteran Member
I made this poll awhile back that asked the lovely people here at RF if they were a "believer" or a "skeptic", and there was a healthy amount of replies from both groups of people. In the end, however, believers slightly outnumbered skeptics 20-17. The thread was so famous that @The Hammer offered his own version of it, allowing people to answer "both/other" that ultimately dominated the poll the section with seven believers, nine skeptics and and whopping' 21 people answering "both/other".

I liked both of our polls very much so. I answered "believer" on both, and from what I truly gathered from it is that this community is divided pretty much evenly on this topic. So now I'm offering another poll, similar to the first, but worded slightly differently. Instead of the standard believer/skeptic divide, I want to do one based on religiosity and spirituality. Now, I know by now that both of these terms are completely loaded, and perhaps there is more substantiation using the terms believer/skeptic instead, but believers themselves can be divided into those who are religious or those who are spiritual. Maybe there is even a skeptic or two who considers themselves spiritual? I don't know.

What I do know, as for myself, as someone who identifies as a cultural omnist in his overall social view of religion, I'm probably part of that crowd that is spiritual but not religious. Even my theological views would agree - the 'spiritual naturalist' type. So, both of my religious identities focuses on the spiritual but not religious side of the equation.

This poll will have five options, hopefully so everybody who is reading this can answer. There will be the religious and spiritual, the religious but not spiritual, the spiritual but not religious, neither religious nor spiritual, and for those who have a different view point, I'm going to be offering an other stance option for those types of people as well. I figure with five different choices nobody will be dissatisfied with the option they decide to choose.

And this is a typical Exaltist Ethan poll, which will allow anyone to change their vote, votes will be displayed publicly and of course I will allow people to see results without voting. And the poll will remain open indefinitely. However, you will only be able to choose one of the options listed, unlike the other polls I typically create.

So have at it. Do you consider yourself religious, spiritual, both or neither? Let us know what you think by voting and telling us why you voted that way below.
I voted "neither" but "other" would also apply. I'm pretty sure that I'm not religious as I don't belong to a church nor do I do rituals.
I'm still not sure what exactly "spiritual" means or whether it is a thing so I guess I'm not spiritual.


Well-Known Member
I voted "neither" but "other" would also apply. I'm pretty sure that I'm not religious as I don't belong to a church nor do I do rituals.
I'm still not sure what exactly "spiritual" means or whether it is a thing so I guess I'm not spiritual.

I'm not sure what spiritual means either here.


Well-Known Member
I'm religious. I'm not sure what spiritual means in this context. Maybe or maybe not spiritual :shrug:.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
I made this poll awhile back that asked the lovely people here at RF if they were a "believer" or a "skeptic", and there was a healthy amount of replies from both groups of people. In the end, however, believers slightly outnumbered skeptics 20-17. The thread was so famous that @The Hammer offered his own version of it, allowing people to answer "both/other" that ultimately dominated the poll the section with seven believers, nine skeptics and and whopping' 21 people answering "both/other".

I liked both of our polls very much so. I answered "believer" on both, and from what I truly gathered from it is that this community is divided pretty much evenly on this topic. So now I'm offering another poll, similar to the first, but worded slightly differently. Instead of the standard believer/skeptic divide, I want to do one based on religiosity and spirituality. Now, I know by now that both of these terms are completely loaded, and perhaps there is more substantiation using the terms believer/skeptic instead, but believers themselves can be divided into those who are religious or those who are spiritual. Maybe there is even a skeptic or two who considers themselves spiritual? I don't know.

What I do know, as for myself, as someone who identifies as a cultural omnist in his overall social view of religion, I'm probably part of that crowd that is spiritual but not religious. Even my theological views would agree - the 'spiritual naturalist' type. So, both of my religious identities focuses on the spiritual but not religious side of the equation.

This poll will have five options, hopefully so everybody who is reading this can answer. There will be the religious and spiritual, the religious but not spiritual, the spiritual but not religious, neither religious nor spiritual, and for those who have a different view point, I'm going to be offering an other stance option for those types of people as well. I figure with five different choices nobody will be dissatisfied with the option they decide to choose.

And this is a typical Exaltist Ethan poll, which will allow anyone to change their vote, votes will be displayed publicly and of course I will allow people to see results without voting. And the poll will remain open indefinitely. However, you will only be able to choose one of the options listed, unlike the other polls I typically create.

So have at it. Do you consider yourself religious, spiritual, both or neither? Let us know what you think by voting and telling us why you voted that way below.
Definitely spiritual... religious in this sense:
James 1:27
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
I voted neither religious nor spiritual, given I don't accept the evidence for anything under either of these headings. And even if I am on some particular path, I'd prefer not to know but rather be free to experience such - rather than have whispers or shouting from so many observers along the route, and mostly chanting different things. These often being those with such beliefs. But I don't believe I am on any such path, other than the one path that all humans take after being born. Too divisive as well in my view as to people choosing or believing as to any other option. But then I do believe this is their right, as long as such is not imposed upon others. :oops:
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Hermit Philosopher

Selflessly here for you
At first I marked other, but then opted for "religious but not spiritual." I think the word "spiritual" is superfluous and not necessary; everything "spiritual" encompasses is already part of "religion." The division of meaning in these two terms is relatively modern and a product of specific trends within specific religions that aren't representative of religion as a whole. This is the same stuff that resulted in "religion" becoming almost a snarl word in some circles. And people just not understanding what "religion" is in general. Oh well.

When I read the poll, I thought that “religious but not spiritual” must mean being member of a particular faith-community and habitually partaking in their rituals and traditions, but not actually sharing their beliefs.

By your reply however, I can tell that is not what you mean by “religious but not spiritual”, but I’m not sure I understand what you do mean…

Are you mainly not spiritual, because you associate the term “spiritual” with new age “stuff” that seems wrong to you, perhaps?



Well-Known Member
I voted neither religious nor spiritual, given I don't accept the evidence for anything under either of these headings. And even if I am on some particular path, I'd prefer not to know but rather be free to experience such - rather than have whispers or shouting from so many observers along the route, and mostly chanting different things. These often being those with such beliefs. But I don't believe I am on any such path, other than the one path that all humans take after being born. Too divisive as well in my view as to people choosing or believing as to any other option. But then I do believe this is their right, as long as such is not imposed upon others. :oops:

So what is that path which all humans take, and where does it lead? Surely whatever path we take, we must walk with a sense of purpose, and a conviction that our path leads us somewhere?


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
When I read the poll, I thought that “religious but not spiritual” must mean being member of a particular faith-community and habitually partaking in their rituals and traditions, but not actually sharing their beliefs.

Definitely not at all how I'd interpret it. Then again, the term "religious but not spiritual" isn't really used at all as far as I'm aware; it's the converse that gets routine usage. There's a (mis)perception that "religion" equates to public practice and "spiritual" equates to private practice. If you have any kind of practice (that is, one isn't irreligious) you can't not have a private practice. Well, I suppose it might be possible for extremes of practice, like being in a monastery surrounded by one's religious peers 24/7/365... but for the rest of us, nope.

By your reply however, I can tell that is not what you mean by “religious but not spiritual”, but I’m not sure I understand what you do mean…

Are you mainly not spiritual, because you associate the term “spiritual” with new age “stuff” that seems wrong to you, perhaps?

As I mentioned in my initial post, I reject the idea that these two terms are needed or that there's any meaningful distinction between the two. Everything under the "spiritual" label is already part of religion. It's just religion. As I view it, anyone practicing a "spirituality" is practicing a religion. But, the word "religion" is treated by a snarl word by some, or routinely defined in ways that center it around only certain types of religion instead of religion more generally. If anything that's what seems wrong to me - centering one's understanding of religion around particular forms of Christianity or other institutionalized monotheisms instead of having a broader and more multicultural understanding.

Exaltist Ethan

Bridging the Gap Between Believers and Skeptics
@Quintessence I would like to note that while I did find your comments useful, I do disagree nonetheless on them. There are certain religious organizations - The Sunday Assembly, LaVeyan Satanism, Confucianism and Unitarian Universalism, that cater to the religious but not spiritual, and I do indeed see a difference between both of them. There's not many, but if you are an atheist or agnostic who goes to church, you probably fall within that category. The way you have interpreted it, this idea that being religious supersedes being spiritual, it not how I imagine someone answering for that category. If you Google 'religious but not spiritual' you will find it defined the same way @Hermit Philosopher and I have defined it.