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Personal Relationships W/ God

I have studied as many world religions as I have been able to discovered and many of them I've tried to practice. I've studied the rich traditions of the ancient pagan religions, studied Wicca and Asatru extensively, enjoyed the wisdom of the Discordians, marveled at the complexity of the Hindu deity structures, and looked deep into the world as seen through the Gnostics' eye.

But I never found God in any of these religions, even though I tried my best. And then, against all my expectations, I began developing a personal relationship with what I can only refer to as God. I experience the sense that this God knows me better than I know myself and is capable of helping me to focus my mind in order to make changes to my character and constitution.

I was just wondering if anyone else had this experience of a personal relationship with God without any religion associated with it.


I have no religion but I have a very close relationship with _____________

I wouldn't describe it as "god" because words are cages and _____________ is unlimited.


Veteran Member
I was just wondering if anyone else had this experience of a personal relationship with God without any religion associated with it.

Could you work out the components of what makes a personal relationship. Examining the parts might help you and the others wrangle with this question.


Let's go racing boys !
I had a personal relationship with God as a child, no bible knowledge, no church attendance except for a couple of times with my grandfather....Some people probably could have this type of relationship with God. I just think that when the Bible says not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together that there is a purpose for that. We draw strength from others. One standing alone is easy prey, but where ever two or three are gathered God is in the midst.

I guess a person could retain a relationship with just them and God, but I would think at some point, belief would make you seek the fellowship of others and find some religion that fits your need. Just my personal thoughts of course. :)


Well-Known Member
Having a personal relationship with God is ALWAYS more than belonging to a religion. Even those who belong to religions have (or ought to have) such a personal relationship. I find that belonging to a religious community helps a lot for two reasons. First, those who have walked with God for a long time can help me discern whether I'm hearing from God, my own deceitful inner promptings, or some malicious spirit. Heck, I might even be insane, but of course, I need others to help me make that determination, too (or to make it for me! :D).

Another problem is that of personal pride. When people have their own revelations or walk with God, there's a certain exhilaration that frequently attend. As a result, a kind of spiritual pride develops. A person who "has a relationship with God" or "hears God" without the checking influence of others who are more experienced at it and whose character is proven frequently will not accept that they've misheard or misapprehended God. This is how the Jim Joneses of the world develop.

For these two reasons (among others), I think that it's important to have BOTH a personal relationship with God AND a community of people to belong to that's willing to affirm AND correct you.


Well-Known Member
I have studied as many world religions as I have been able to discovered and many of them I've tried to practice. I've studied the rich traditions of the ancient pagan religions, studied Wicca and Asatru extensively, enjoyed the wisdom of the Discordians, marveled at the complexity of the Hindu deity structures, and looked deep into the world as seen through the Gnostics' eye.

But I never found God in any of these religions, even though I tried my best. And then, against all my expectations, I began developing a personal relationship with what I can only refer to as God. I experience the sense that this God knows me better than I know myself and is capable of helping me to focus my mind in order to make changes to my character and constitution.

I was just wondering if anyone else had this experience of a personal relationship with God without any religion associated with it.
Yup. You are not alone.


Premium Member
I talk to God (prayer) daily, in fact, all the time. That would be a personal relationship.

But all the study in the world of something does not actually make you that thing. I studied a class in Philosophy but I am not a philosopher. I studied Chemistry, but I am not a chemist. I am interested in those things but study isn't all I need to do. :)

What I am trying to say is that you can study religion all the time and never find God. Faith and religion (to me, anyway) are 2 different things (and they can coexist in one person). :)


Jihad Against Terrorism
According to Islam, one can have personal relationship with God outside Islam because God is not limited to Islam. There is a very touching but lengthy saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in this regard. I will not quote it here and I can't find the link to it.

Having said that God knows best than any human being how to best establish a relationship or communion with Him. Which is why He has been sending religions East and West from time immemorial. That is why I ask you that in the personal relationship you claim to have you should actively seek guidance from Him regarding the correct religion and He, who cares more for you than yourself, can be expected to show you the right path.


I did not come into a dynamic relationship with The Living Sentient UniVerse (God)
until AFTER I laid down my religion and all the other pre-concieved doctrines and beliefs
I had previously lived by, to seek answers directly from the Source.

In fact, my three month experience of extreme heightened reality,
in which "God" spoke to me in every detail of my (personal) reality,
(including things inexplicably working and not working/changing as I altered my mindset)
came right on the heels of my ditching religious doctrine,
for Source knowledge.

It took a long time afterwards to sort it all out though,
but even so, that communicative interaction
through sign, symbol, & timing,
all around me, in anything and everything....
is probably the most treasured aspect to me
of the new paradigm in which I live.



Well-Known Member
As UV said, coming to a personal relationship with God may take a certain flexibility. Unlike UV, I found that flexibility to be most useful WITHIN rather than WITHOUT a religion. Go figure. :)
I guess a person could retain a relationship with just them and God, but I would think at some point, belief would make you seek the fellowship of others and find some religion that fits your need. Just my personal thoughts of course. :)

I went through EXACTLY that. Exactly. But I discovered that there was no group of people with whom I could fellowship and because of my experiences and beliefs I refuse to disturb the fellowship of others (who share very similar beliefs) by forcing myself into their group, just for my own need of fellowship. Alas, I fellowship with my wife, who is a Christian (but knows, as far as I can tell, the same God I do). :) That's about it.


Jihad Against Terrorism
Or God might have established a personal relationship with you to indicate to you to keep searching for the truth.

The advantage of fellowships is that a group always does better than individuals if managed properly. That is one reason why Prophets are sent by God. To bring together the saints (or convert some devils into saints) and create an army to fight against the forces of evil ... a fellowhip of the saints.

And they are victorious until devils start infiltrating the ranks of the fellowship.


Citizen Mod
Or God might have established a personal relationship with you to indicate to you to keep searching for the truth.

The advantage of fellowships is that a group always does better than individuals if managed properly.

Too many cooks.....


Done here.
When I was a Christian, I didn't believe in having a "personal relationship" with God -- a phrase not found in the Bible. It's a doctrine of the Orthodox Faith that it is impossible to know God in his essence. I think the idea of a personal relationship with God presumes that God is a "Person," too, and if God is a Mystery beyond human understanding, that's just too simplistic.


Citizen Mod
Elaborate cardero ... please elaborate.

From my experience, fellowship seems to confound matters, not clarify them. There have been many religions, many members and many practitioners of faith that proclaim authority for God but no matter how long a religion has existed or how many members believe or follow a religion, no one can really come close to the understanding of an interested individual determined (driven) to conclude their own beliefs to a Truth or an Untruth. One of the hardest things to accomplish is getting someone (anyone) else interested in following, reasoning, concluding another’s beliefs.

There are some RF members who claim a personal relationship with God but still admit that they need elders, priests, prophets or other religious leaders to guide and instruct them as an organization. If the excuse of why GOD requires the formation of an organization to personally inspire individuals doesn’t get one scratching their head then one has to question;

What understanding does God have about any individual’s purpose or existence that He would only divulge with certain revelations to a particular person(s) instead of just describing it to the individual who is involved?


Its only a Label
Friend Burning Giraffe,
When one talks about any personal relationships then itis between TWO or more bodies [individual / s ]
When one is a part of god how can there be TWO bodies. The body that am in even the soul in the body is a part of god. There is no two distinguishable bodies which is necessaryu for a relatiuonship.
The differentiang factor here is the indiviudal MIND which creates a seperate identity of the individual and barrier to the mergeing or one ness of god and this body.
It is more than faith, more than surrender. Total accpetance of the whole whichis god.
Love & rgds


From my experience, fellowship seems to confound matters, not clarify them. There have been many religions, many members and many practitioners of faith that proclaim authority for God but no matter how long a religion has existed or how many members believe or follow a religion, no one can really come close to the understanding of an interested individual determined (driven) to conclude their own beliefs to a Truth or an Untruth. One of the hardest things to accomplish is getting someone (anyone) else interested in following, reasoning, concluding another’s beliefs.

There are some RF members who claim a personal relationship with God but still admit that they need elders, priests, prophets or other religious leaders to guide and instruct them as an organization. If the excuse of why GOD requires the formation of an organization to personally inspire individuals doesn’t get one scratching their head then one has to question;

What understanding does God have about any individual’s purpose or existence that He would only divulge with certain revelations to a particular person(s) instead of just describing it to the individual who is involved?

I'm with you, cardero. Religion seems to me a substitute for spiritual awakening. A group of people with weak faith gather to bolster each other up until they have reassured one another they are awake / open to the voice of god. That is not an awakening, in my books. It's twiddling the knobs and levers of a group mind until a satisfactory level of illusion is attained by all.

To come of age in a spiritual sense, we must enter the cave alone, battle our fear and then return to the world as if reborn. Like Luke Skywalker on Dagobah, or Jesus in the desert, or Buddah by his bodhi tree, or a vision quest. I have yet to hear of a prophet, saint or founder of a religion who has found God through tea and biscuits and Bible study.

The spirit can only be heard in silence.


Jihad Against Terrorism
Religion seems to me a substitute for spiritual awakening. A group of people with weak faith gather to bolster each other up until they have reassured one another they are awake / open to the voice of god.
Abraham was a lone protestor against his people They tried to throw him into fire and failed. Moses was chased away by Pharoah and Pharoah failed. Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and his companions suffered a very great deal for clinging to their religion. So call it something as trivial as bolstering the weak ... might be true for religions currently but surely is not true for religions in their origin.

I have yet to hear of a prophet, saint or founder of a religion who has found God through tea and biscuits and Bible study.
Jesus in the desert happened later. He was a Jew and a strong follower and studier of the Bible first. Solomon and David did not bring their own books but followed Moses' book. Aaron, Moses' brother, followed Moses' book as well.