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One god or twenty gods. Does it matter

Clara Tea

Well-Known Member
One god or twenty gods. Does it really matter which god a person picks?
If so, why?

The hubris to assume that one has chosen the only right God has been the basis of many wars (and torture). Clearly, a peaceful God didn't intend to have wars fought in his honor.

Even separate sects or denominations of the same religion can't get along with each other. If they could get along, they would have merged long ago.

Perhaps God is expecting all religions to accept each other, to gain a truer and more complete view of His words?

As for multiple Gods, Jews were originally polytheists. However, the most powerful God among them (which we now call God) was jealous and didn't want to share power with lesser Gods.

This makes sense if God is going to give us Revelation(s). God wants us to obey him, and that makes sense if only God can see the future. So, if we heeded some other God, we would tune out the main God (and that God wouldn't tolerate that).

Clara Tea

Well-Known Member
I see It matters, as our unity also depends upon us accepting that we are One human race.

Regards Tony.

Obviously it was God's intention to separate us into different races, different religions, different colors, different languages, and different ethnicities. This separation occurred at the Tower of Babel.

But, could it be God's intention to merge us again, once we reach a level of maturity to recognize that we are all God's children?

If so, God might have given a tiny piece of his message to every culture, and it is up to us to combine each tiny piece in order to understand the whole?

Clara Tea

Well-Known Member
Some kept for example a golden calf as their god. A golden calf has nothing to say, nothing to offer, similarly as 99,9...% of other gods. I wouldn't chose a god that knows nothing and doesn't have anything good to say. If i could do that, I could as well keep my table as my god, which is utterly silly.

Inanimate objects are ascribed words by others, and no one had better dare to refute it, or the God will smite them, and they will burn in the fires of hell for all eternity (not to mention the suffering of their entire family and extended family). There will always be a priest giving voice to the God(s).

Oddly, that voice seems to coincide with the wishes of the priests.

So, in Salem, cute young "witches" were burned at the stake or drowned for not giving in to the obese elderly preachers...incentive for the next batch of "witches" to comply.

When sinful religious leaders alter their religion for personal gain, sin occurs.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Obviously it was God's intention to separate us into different races, different religions, different colors, different languages, and different ethnicities. This separation occurred at the Tower of Babel.

But, could it be God's intention to merge us again, once we reach a level of maturity to recognize that we are all God's children?

If so, God might have given a tiny piece of his message to every culture, and it is up to us to combine each tiny piece in order to understand the whole?

I see we have learnt what happens when we turn away from God. I see the Tower of Babel is a metaphor that disunity creates.

Yes we are meant to live in harmony with each other and harmony with this planet, in service to each other under One God.

I have not idea how the majority will see this future.

Regards Tony


Well-Known Member
The hubris to assume that one has chosen the only right God has been the basis of many wars (and torture). Clearly, a peaceful God didn't intend to have wars fought in his honor..

..that would seem completely logical, for believers in the One God of Abraham.

As for multiple Gods, Jews were originally polytheists..

How can you know that for sure? Historians find it hard enough to determine the truth about an historical Jesus, never mind the history of Judaism !
..or are you referring to "the Jews" as a tribe who might have had polytheistic beliefs DESPITE prophets being sent to them proclaiming the Oneness of God?

However, the most powerful God among them (which we now call God) was jealous and didn't want to share power with lesser Gods..

No .. Almighty God is not a person. Almighty God is not petty. He has no need of our worship. He is beyond need.
[ He is neither male or female, and is not part of His creation .. the universe ]
..perhaps ask a Rabbi what "jealous" means in a Divine context?

This makes sense if God is going to give us Revelation(s). God wants us to obey him, and that makes sense if only God can see the future. So, if we heeded some other God, we would tune out the main God (and that God wouldn't tolerate that).

It's not about what God "tolerates" .. it is about the consequeces of ascribing "other gods" as God's partner.
It is about Divine authority. God knows that His guidance to mankind will be corrupted if we take any other god as authoritive.
..that is why the foundation of faith is:
Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord

i.e. strict monotheism


Well-Known Member
One god or twenty gods. Does it really matter which god a person picks?
If so, why?

If picking a specific god doesn't motivate a person to practice slavery, misogyny, racism and other harmful behaviours, then it DOESN'T matter that this person picks this god, because picking this god doesn't motivate them to practice harmful behaviours.

If picking a specific god motivates a person to practice slavery, misogyny, racism and/or other harmful behaviours, then it DOES matter that this person picks this god, because picking this god motivate them to practice harmful behaviours.

If picking a specific god motivates a person to practice good virtues, then it DOES matter that this person picks this god, because picking this god motivate them to practice good virtues.
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ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Some kept for example a golden calf as their god. A golden calf has nothing to say, nothing to offer, similarly as 99,9...% of other gods. I wouldn't chose a god that knows nothing and doesn't have anything good to say. If i could do that, I could as well keep my table as my god, which is utterly silly.

How do you know another god has nothing to say or nothing to offer? How do you know it’s not Ganesha, Lakshmi or Saraswati who help me? I don’t believe it’s Jesus because I don’t believe in him.... “believe” in as in I don’t have the faith in him, not necessarily that he doesn’t exist, or pray to him.

The item itself is not the god. Is the picture of your parents your actual parents, or a representation? Polytheists don’t pray to the item or idol. We pray through it. Do you talk to the phone, or talk through it to the person on the other end? The item or idol is simply a representation or idea of how people think of their gods. Hindus have strange images of the gods for the simple reason that a picture is worth a thousand words. Images remind us of the attributes and powers of the god(s).

“For those whose minds are attached to the unmanifested, impersonal feature of the Supreme, advancement is very troublesome. To make progress in that discipline is always difficult for those who are embodied.” Bhagavad Gita 12.5 This is saying that because we are sensory beings in a sensory world it’s difficult to relate to something or someone one cannot envision. Do Christians, Jews and Muslims not refer to God as “Father”? What is that image? A mature, or elderly or fatherly or grandfatherly figure, yes?


Be your own guru
Yes. The most important thing is the sincerity of our intentions.
If the intentions are sincere, then is choosing one or many Gods is necessary? Why can we not be without belief in God?
I see It matters, as our unity also depends upon us accepting that we are One human race.
So, what do you do with people who have views different from yours? Fight with them?
God wants us to obey him, and that makes sense if only God can see the future. So, if we heeded some other God, we would tune out the main God (and that God wouldn't tolerate that).
Not just God (Do not worship any other God, do not make any other equal to God, do not associate God with any one, various sayings), but even his representatives want to be exclusive (the anointed son, the last messenger or the latest manifestation). Even they do not tolerate competition.
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Be your own guru
Obviously it was God's intention to separate us into different races, different religions, different colors, different languages, and different ethnicities.
But, could it be God's intention to merge us again, ..
Is that not a silly thing to do? First make them separate and then wish that they merge?


Be your own guru
Yes we are meant to live in harmony with each other and harmony with this planet, in service to each other under One God.
I have not idea how the majority will see this future.
A billion Hindus will differ with you.
The majority sees this as subterfuge; Christians, Muslims and Hindus.
And there are different ones here on RF which is what led me to my question.
You cannot complain about Gods, neither in religion nor at RF. :D
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
A billion Hindus will differ with you.
The majority sees this as subterfuge; Christians, Muslims and Hindus.

A billion Hindus can choose to see it as they wish to. The peace and security of humanity will not be found while we divide ourselves by race, nations, gender or faiths.

What is science currentpt saying is the source of humanity?

Regards Tony


Be your own guru
Bahais divided by creating one more religion. How then, are you different from others? Furthermore, in your arrogance you deride all other religions as out-dated, present the belief of all other religions in a twisted form - Jesus was not son of God, there are new messengers after Mohammad, Krishna is not a God but a messenger, Buddha is a messenger of God when Buddha never acknowledged a creator God.

The source really was Prokaryotic microbes some 4 billion years ago and fossilized stromatolites.
Hydrothermal Vents, ProKaryotic Microbes, PreCambrian stromatolites.

I have the reconstructed image of an ancestral cousin who was half neanderthal and half Denisovan:

Another looks similar to your current avatara: Feldhofer Neanderthal, had one arm and a limp, and was diabetic. Lived into his forties. The Klein Feldhofer Cave in Neander Valley. Entrance 9ft. wide, depth 15 ft., and a vent opening to the rock surface above at the back for fresh air and exhaust for cooking fire. Nice Cave.

neanderthal facial reconstruction - Google Search
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Well-Known Member
..because we are sensory beings in a sensory world it’s difficult to relate to something or someone one cannot envision. Do Christians, Jews and Muslims not refer to God as “Father”? What is that image? A mature, or elderly or fatherly or grandfatherly figure, yes?

It doesn't mean that God "looks like" a man.
i.e. Muslims do NOT compare God to a physical man

It refers to the SPIRITUAL concept. It simply means that God is the creator of the universe, and is:
"Our Father, whom art in heaven"

He is not a part of his creation [ the universe ] and "heaven" is not part of this physical universe.
He is neither male or female, and has mighty power.
I would say that a diety who has created our universe and maintains it
[ is responsible for all natural laws ] is able to defy those natural laws.
In fact, He is able to extinguish the whole of physical reality
in the "blink of an eye" ! :oops: