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Newbie with a question about God

family man

New Member
Hi all

I'm sure somene will have asked this before so I'd be grateful of a link to the thread or your help.

If there is God, it would be much more intelligent then us to have created all this. Would God not ask about its maker? Where does God come from? and if our God was made by another force or God - where did that come from.

Does any religion attempt answer this?

Many thanks


Rajun Cajun
family man said:
Hi all

I'm sure somene will have asked this before so I'd be grateful of a link to the thread or your help.

If there is God, it would be much more intelligent then us to have created all this. Would God not ask about its maker? Where does God come from? and if our God was made by another force or God - where did that come from.

Does any religion attempt answer this?

Many thanks

Good question. IMO, I don't think any religion or science can fully explain creation and the initial origin of everything. Each can give evidence, but no full proof. As far as my God goes, he is, was, and will ever be. In other words, he doesn't work on what we consider time, or a beginning and end. He just is and will always be existent. Hope that answers your question from my point of view.

BTW, welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy it here :D.


Well-Known Member
family man said:
Would God not ask about its maker?

Depends on whether you believe God has a maker.

family man said:
Where does God come from?

Traditionally, he doesn't come from anywhere. Things come from him. He's the point at which things stop coming from other things.

The assumption that God needs a creator is invalid, because the rule that everything needs a creator only applies to things of this universe. Noticing how God supposedly created this universe, I don't see how the rules of this universe apply to Him.

family man

New Member
Thanks for the quick replies FF and todd, I was expecting to go to bed and check tomorrow. You already have me thinking.

I belive everything has a seed or creation point. My outlook is very physical i.e. I believe what I see and if it doesn't make sense I question. I am always questioning looking to learn.

Would I be right in thinking, Todd, that your belief is based on faith alone, hence the need to say he just is and will always be exsistent. I cannot oppose it, nor do I want to, but I just need to know how you arrive at that conclusion. Is it hope, or that there must be something more? A feeling you have?

Finalfrogo my reference to intelligence is based upon what we see around us and the things people do. Mans inhumanity to innocents for example . Either god is pretty twisted or it has some plan. If god is there we/I cannot comprehend how it might think , its too vast - but if you believe in God - and God has given us logic and all the other abilities then God must have an understanding of it all. In the same way we are learning about the universe.

I don't know if the rules of this universe apply to him or not or if indeed he created it. But having children if I see kids of a similar age fighting or being cruel I intervene - I could easily walk on by. Do you see where I am coming from?

As an ex catholic I was fed all the "god works in mysterious way" and its about faith. How do you know that the rule that everything needs a creator only applies to this universe, when we have no idea of Gods universe/realm or indeed if god exsists. How do you arrive at your conclusions? Must be my age :D

Thanks again


Well-Known Member
family man said:
I don't know if the rules of this universe apply to him or not or if indeed he created it. But having children if I see kids of a similar age fighting or being cruel I intervene - I could easily walk on by. Do you see where I am coming from?

There's also a point when parents release their kids to the world and say, "Ok, we spoiled them for long enough. Let them take care of themselves now." It's time for humanity to solve its own problems and learn from its mistakes.


Well-Known Member
family man said:
As an ex catholic I was fed all the "god works in mysterious way" and its about faith. How do you know that the rule that everything needs a creator only applies to this universe, when we have no idea of Gods universe/realm or indeed if god exsists. How do you arrive at your conclusions? Must be my age :D

Yes, I see your point. The universe didn't necessarily needed to be created by anything, because its intrinsic laws don't necessarily have to apply to the entirety.

I don't think as God as some sort of entity who points a finger and yells and people. I think of God as the universe and anything that exists outside of the universe, so there's not much dispute over whether He--or It--exists, because, well... it is the universe.


Lord of the Badgers
family man said:
If there is God, it would be much more intelligent then us to have created all this. Would God not ask about its maker? Where does God come from? and if our God was made by another force or God - where did that come from.
It depends entirely on your view of God.

if you have an anthropomorphic concept of God, that is He is human-like - He think, feels, has ideas, plans etc. Then He probably would need a creator, the Mormons have an excellent creation mythos if you're looking for answers to this form of God.

If you think of God as the source of all things, the creator of all things, then there is no need for a maker.
For me, God is the origin of time, space and existance itself - God doesn't exist, God formed existance and thus lies beyond it. It has no origin because it is the origin, it is all that exists, all that ever will exist and all that will never exist.


In the Baha'i Faith God is described as an "Unknowable Essence" and here is an excerpt from the Baha'i Writings:

"Who is the invisible and unknowable Essence. The conceptions of the devoutest of mystics, the attainments of the most accomplished amongst men, the highest praise which human tongue or pen can render are all the product of man's finite mind and are conditioned by its limitations. Ten thousand Prophets, each a Moses, are thunderstruck upon the Sinai of their search at His forbidding voice, "Thou shalt never behold Me!"; whilst a myriad Messengers, each as great as Jesus, stand dismayed upon their heavenly thrones by the interdiction, "Mine Essence thou shalt never apprehend!" From time immemorial He hath been veiled in the ineffable sanctity of His exalted Self, and will everlastingly continue to be wrapt in the impenetrable mystery of His unknowable Essence. Every attempt to attain to an understanding of His inaccessible Reality hath ended in complete bewilderment, and every effort to approach His exalted Self and envisage His Essence hath resulted in hopelessness and failure."

~ Baha'u'llah in Gleanings XXVI


Todd said:
Good question. IMO, I don't think any religion or science can fully explain creation and the initial origin of everything. Each can give evidence, but no full proof. As far as my God goes, he is, was, and will ever be. In other words, he doesn't work on what we consider time, or a beginning and end. He just is and will always be existent. Hope that answers your question from my point of view.

BTW, welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy it here :D.


Active Member
It depends on who you are saying. God of the Jews? God of the Pagans? God of Muslims(who is diffrent than Jehovah).

One thing to understand is that God of Christianity always existed. He existed before we existed. Now, it is hard for us to understand this, because we are finite, we cannot understand the infinite. We always try to limit things because we ourselves are limited.

It is not a question of "If there is a God..." is is a question of "Who he is?' and "How to get to know him." The bible declares it is a fool who says there is no God (Psmals 14:1). And i believe this. This world is not an accident, and to beleive it is is more farfetched than beleiving in God (if it is).


Active Member
P.S. God can be known, God himself wanted to have a relationship with us. That is why he came himself down to earth in the Form of Jesus.

Mt 1:23 - Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. That Child was Jesus. Jesus came " To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons" Galatians 4:5.

What relationship can an unkowbale God have with his son If he is unknowable?


Just me
Premium Member
family man said:
Hi all

I'm sure somene will have asked this before so I'd be grateful of a link to the thread or your help.

If there is God, it would be much more intelligent then us to have created all this. Would God not ask about its maker? Where does God come from? and if our God was made by another force or God - where did that come from.

Does any religion attempt answer this?

Many thanks
I don't believe that god is intelligent in the same way we are, nor would it have need for such a question about its maker. I do believe in god as a consciousness of 'the universe'.

I don't think any religion can answer that.

Super Universe

Defender of God
family man said:
Hi all

I'm sure somene will have asked this before so I'd be grateful of a link to the thread or your help.

If there is God, it would be much more intelligent then us to have created all this. Would God not ask about its maker? Where does God come from? and if our God was made by another force or God - where did that come from.

Does any religion attempt answer this?

Many thanks

Maybe that is the whole point to the universe? God formed but from what?

Sherlock Holmes always uses the same strategy on each and every case. He removes all other possibilities, the one that remains is the answer.

Maybe when God has done everything He can, when He has seen everything possible, learned everything possible to learn, expanded to His fullest, just maybe only then He will know how He came to be?
Hi Familyman,
Many religions attempt to answer this. The idea is that God, unlike the physical world, is always there, eternal, necessary, and hence does not need a maker.
A really interesting question, I think, is this: Is God concious? And does he have free will?
Id be interested to know what you think,

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Well-Known Member
retrorich said:
God comes from the imagination of humans. Man created God. Theism provides questionable answers to unanswerable questions.


the mysterious powers that be said I must frubal someone else before frubaling you again, but. . . that was an outstanding couple of lines there, I am letting you know now, I intend to use that, exactly as you put it in future real world conversations.
