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Law and pedophilia

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Christians will be affected in the same way as all other people are. It is known that some people are affected by what they see and enjoy, and a proportion of those, follow it with action.

Not all. In my life time christians watch even things like The Silence of the Lambs. Something about sex gets them but seeing someone's head chopped off they know it's faked.


Oldest Heretic
Not all. In my life time christians watch even things like The Silence of the Lambs. Something about sex gets them but seeing someone's head chopped off they know it's faked.

Neither of us answer for other Christians. Christians come in all shapes sizes, desires and perversions. As do their leaders, priests and ministers. Unfortunate but true.


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
Something about sex gets them but seeing someone's head chopped off they know it's faked.
It's usually the cliché that Europeans have issues with violence but not sex, while US folks have issues with sex but not violence. It does seem a very American phenomenon to react so strongly to sexual things.


Oldest Heretic
Not all. In my life time christians watch even things like The Silence of the Lambs. Something about sex gets them but seeing someone's head chopped off they know it's faked.

Gun crime is sky high in the USA compared to other countries. This is probably linked to the amount of violence that they like to watch. And that they worship the gun.
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Cult Survivor/Fundamentalist Pentecostal Apostate
Gun crime is sky high in the USA compared to other countries. This is probably linked to the amount of violence that they like to watch. And that they worship the gun.

Nah, that's too shallow. Part of it is law and averages; there are so many guns here, making them much more accessible. It's akin to comparing traffic deaths for a developed country compared to an undeveloped nation. Of course there will be more car related deaths in countries where there are more cars. Gang mentality, the American self-centeredness (as opposed to a sense of community other nations have as a mindset), other factors of this nature. I do not believe the assertions that violence and sex in the media leads to violence and sex. The "evidence" that tries to establish this link just seems very lacking to me.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Gun crime is sky high in the USA compared to other countries. This is probably linked to the amount of violence that they like to watch. And that they worship the gun.

I think it's more people relationships, being in the wrong crowd, stress, possible trauma from upbringing, or intentional act in illegal activity. US is huge and not all watch t.v. like that.

main research findings are:

watching violence on screen is related to increased aggression, desensitisation to violence and increased fear of crime;

violence in the media may contribute to violent crime, but is not a single cause, because there are many other variables which contribute to violent behaviour;

some people may imitate what they see on television and video (and many do not);

violence on screen may reinforce the behaviour of already aggressive people;

the relationship between viewing violent screen images and exhibiting aggressive behaviour, appears to be bi-directional. That is, aggressive people are more likely to watch violence, and people who watch violence are more likely to be aggressive;

the context in which violence is portrayed plays a critically important role in relation to its effects;

the effects from on-screen violence can be short or long term;

children are most at risk from these effects, and young adults may also be at risk;

males appear to be slightly more at risk than females;

the general public is concerned about the effects of on-screen violence;

parents have an important role to play in supervising their children's viewing, teaching children about the differences between television or film violence and real-life situations, and encouraging critical evaluation of on-screen images;

despite the potential influence of violent entertainment on violence in society, it is not clear whether the impact is significant in comparison to the impact of other environmental variables such as family circumstances, violence or abuse in the home, parental influence, poverty, health, education, racism, cultural disintegration, and substance abuse.

There are a number of factors more involved in influencing violent behavior....

"It is not clear whether the impact is significant in comparison to the impact of other environmental variables such as family circumstances, violence or abuse in the home, parental influence, poverty, health, education, racism, cultural disintegration, and substance abuse."

I'd say gun and violence is a US stereotype. Like saying all priests are child molesters and all muslims are terrorists.

We definitely don't worship the gun.

Pornography in my opinion wouldn't be seen as a problem if it wasn't treated as such. It doesn't cause violence and the link between child porn and children influence aren't related cause children don't watch child porn (and can't) to imitate.

If imitation is the highest cause over the list I posted.

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
Pornography in my opinion wouldn't be seen as a problem if it wasn't treated as such. It doesn't cause violence and the link between child porn and children influence aren't related cause children don't watch child porn (and can't) to imitate.
And you have evidence for this - given that the latest seems to indicate children (under 18s) are becoming a part of the problem, when they produce such themselves, whether knowingly or not.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
And you have evidence for this - given that the latest seems to indicate children (under 18s) are becoming a part of the problem, when they produce such themselves, whether knowingly or not.

I can find studies. I was doing that all this morning about media induced violence.

But I'd take time to do so if you don't discredit it. I don't make up scholar info and studies.

I also mentioned it's my opinion since I didn't have information on hand to say otherwise.

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
I can find studies. I was doing that all this morning about media induced violence.

But I'd take time to do so if you don't discredit it. I don't make up scholar info and studies.

I also mentioned it's my opinion since I didn't have information on hand to say otherwise.
Well from the news I have seen the underage are now contributing substantially to the problem, via their use of social media and such. Quick example:

The children selling explicit videos on OnlyFans - BBC News

And this:

Rise in child abuse online threatens to overwhelm UK police, officers warn

The numbers involved are staggering. The UK’s child abuse image database has 17m unique images on it, and it is growing by 500,000 every two months. Children were posting pictures of themselves online and predators were targeting them, Jones explained. “Children sharing videos and photos online has exploded,” he said. “And once a child posts an image it can become a honey pot for offenders posing as children. They link and chat to the child and it is very, very quick that the child is compromised. Often they are too scared to reach out for help.” Simon Bailey, the National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for child protection, described the horror of this abuse, which mainly targets girls aged between 11 and 13. “You see a young person who is being told to insert objects inside themselves, and in the background you hear mum calling them down for their dinner.” Once images of the child have been sent to an abuser, “they are out in the wild, recirculating,” Jones warned.
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Oldest Heretic
It would be nonsense to suggest that the young do not have access to, nor contribute to child porn. To them the intricacies of the web and social media is an open book.
Far more so than for older generations.

How they get involved is far more concerning.