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Islamic concept of Mahdi/Jesus/Messiah


I have spoken to Muslims (especially Sunnis) on and offline a number of times to explain what exactly is the role of the expected Mahdi and the role of Jesus. I have to say that none of them was actually clear about this at all. Is the Mahdi mentioned in the Quran as the messiah who will create peace in the world? If Jesus was simply a prophet like all other prophets, then why would he have a special role? I do realize there is a difference in the views of Sunnis from Shia, and even among Shia, so I assume that this is not explained at all in the Quran itself.

Epic Beard Man

Bearded Philosopher
Great question.....

In a nutshell the Mahdi is to precede the coming of Jesus’ return but I rather a more knowledgeable Muslim explain this.


Smiling is charity without giving money
I have spoken to Muslims (especially Sunnis) on and offline a number of times to explain what exactly is the role of the expected Mahdi and the role of Jesus. I have to say that none of them was actually clear about this at all. Is the Mahdi mentioned in the Quran as the messiah who will create peace in the world? If Jesus was simply a prophet like all other prophets, then why would he have a special role? I do realize there is a difference in the views of Sunnis from Shia, and even among Shia, so I assume that this is not explained at all in the Quran itself.

The Mahdi is a descendant of Ali an Jacob, so the Shiites are proud of him
Mahdi is the recapitulation of the Prophets and the righteous of the dynasty of the Prophet Ibrahim
but he is normal person supported by holly spirit
he who will reveal the truth of the left hand quack(666) dajjal
And clear

Strangely, the Prophet Muhammad says that his supporters will be among the sons of Israel
70,000 will follow

The Dajjal (which christian call Antichrist) the false liar will be followed by 70,000 Isfahan Jews, a group of the Israelites

They will fight and the war will be equal until Jesus comes down with winged angels The water dripping out of his hair like a shower outside and jesus meets the Mahdi and prays with him and then kills the the false

jesus will break the cross
Because he is not the Son of God and will kill the pig, and I do not know what the reason is
It is true that Muslims and Jews do not eat pork, but I do not know why Jesus will kill the pig
As Muslims there is no will to kill the pig but avoid eating it
People will be forced to unify their faith to be Muslims by jesus

Jesus dwells in the second heaven
It may be like hibernation
or Sleep mode (dormancy)

This is Jesus' description of objectivity
Not as what Christians show white
It is red-skinned
قال رسولُ اللهِ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّم ليلةَ أُسريَ بي : ( لَقيتُ موسَى قال : فنَعَتَه، فإذا رجلٌ - حَسِبتُه قال - مُضطَرِبٌ رَجِلُ الرأسِ، كأنه من رجالِ شَنوءَةَ، قال : ولَقيتُ عيسى - فنَعَتَه النبيُّ صلى اللهُ عليه وسلم فقال - رَبْعَةٌ أحمرُ، كأنما خرَج من ديماسٍ - يعني الحمامَ - ورأيتُ إبراهيمَ وأنا أشبَهُ ولدِه به، قال : وأُتيتُ بإناءَينِ، أحدُهما لبنٌ والآخَرُ فيه خمرٌ، فقيل لي : خُذْ أيَّهما شِئتَ، فأخذتُ اللبنَ فشَرِبْتُه، فقيل لي : هُديتَ الفطرةَ، أو : أصَبتَ الفطرةَ، أما إنك لو أخذتَ الخمرَ غَوَتْ أُمَّتُك ) .
الراوي:أبو هريرة المحدث:البخاري المصدر:صحيح البخاري الجزء أو الصفحة:3437 حكم المحدث:[صحيح]

this is old Arabic hard to translate

Then the Mahdi and Jesus son of Mary will hide inside the cave
because Gog and Magog shall come out
They have super physical abilities

Gog and Magog will die with divine revenge
A worm will eat them
Will descend from heaven in a complex physical state
I can not explain how
There are stones that will come but the worm is an organism that needs oxygen. I do not know the way

Then people will live in peace so that the lion does not harm the sheep nor the snake bites
Then a good wind shall come, taking the souls of the faithful shall be taken, and the souls of the wicked shall remain on the earth
then the blessing shall be gone and the death of the earth shall be announced on the Day of Resurrection

Jesus will go with the Mahdi to the pilgrimage to Mecca
Valley crying

The Kaaba built by Abraham peace be upon him
Last edited:


Smiling is charity without giving money
Many people claimed to be the Mahdi in Islamic history
Such as what Adolf Hitler claimed to be a Kalki personality


Sorry I still don't understand. Who is the redeemer of the world sent by God to defeat evil, the Mahdi or Jesus? And why Jesus rather than any other prophet such as Muhammad himself, Moses, Abraham, etc.?!


Smiling is charity without giving money
Sorry I still don't understand. Who is the redeemer of the world sent by God to defeat evil, the Mahdi or Jesus? And why Jesus rather than any other prophet such as Muhammad himself, Moses, Abraham, etc.?!

God will send Jesus precisely because the Christians were deceived about the Christian message on the subject of the Trinity

They said that Jesus was the Son of God and said that God is the Trinity

So God wanted to send Jesus at the end of time to tell them that he was a prophet

The falce liar (666) call Antichrist not anti mohammed or anti moses

Antichrist who said that God is Jesus

That is the link

The Mahdi is the one greatest defender of JESUS truth
Therefore, Jesus son of Mary will respect him and will pray behind him the first time in honor of the nation of Muhammad for their misery and fatigue in order to spread the fact that Jesus is only a prophet and GOD is one

Muslims suffered a lot and were persecuted and killed for correcting people beliefs and among people

He will come and be angry and will break the cross and kill the pig
I do not know what the link between of breaking the cross and the pig
But I know that Christians eat pork, but Jews and Muslims do not eat it

What I write does not incite Christianity or enmity

I just told you about another time scenario and the truth will be revealed
And Christians will become Muslims
They will be loved and brothers as now

with respect


I still don't think we have gotten any doctrinal clarity in Islam about the exact role of the Mahdi and Jesus at the time of apocalypse or whatever. Both under Shia and Sunni doctrine. Is there any clear clarification about this?


Veteran Member
I have spoken to Muslims (especially Sunnis) on and offline a number of times to explain what exactly is the role of the expected Mahdi and the role of Jesus. I have to say that none of them was actually clear about this at all. Is the Mahdi mentioned in the Quran as the messiah who will create peace in the world? If Jesus was simply a prophet like all other prophets, then why would he have a special role? I do realize there is a difference in the views of Sunnis from Shia, and even among Shia, so I assume that this is not explained at all in the Quran itself.
"this is not explained at all in the Quran itself."

It has root/clue in Quran :


وَ جَعَلۡنٰہُمۡ اَئِمَّۃً یَّہۡدُوۡنَ بِاَمۡرِنَا وَ اَوۡحَیۡنَاۤ اِلَیۡہِمۡ فِعۡلَ الۡخَیۡرٰتِ وَ اِقَامَ الصَّلٰوۃِ وَ اِیۡتَآءَ الزَّکٰوۃِ ۚ وَ کَانُوۡا لَنَا عٰبِدِیۡنَ

And We made them leaders who guided people by Our command, and We sent revelation to them enjoining the doing of good works, and the observing of Prayer, and the giving of alms. And they were worshippers of Us alone.


It mentions the functions of prophets/messengers/mahdi/s , who guide the people , are appointed by G-d and are guided by Revelation from G-d. Right, please?



I don't see how this specifies the role of the Mahdi Messiah figure versus Jesus. As I said, no Muslim I have asked could explain it to me....


Veteran Member
"this is not explained at all in the Quran itself."

It has root/clue in Quran :


وَ جَعَلۡنٰہُمۡ اَئِمَّۃً یَّہۡدُوۡنَ بِاَمۡرِنَا وَ اَوۡحَیۡنَاۤ اِلَیۡہِمۡ فِعۡلَ الۡخَیۡرٰتِ وَ اِقَامَ الصَّلٰوۃِ وَ اِیۡتَآءَ الزَّکٰوۃِ ۚ وَ کَانُوۡا لَنَا عٰبِدِیۡنَ

And We made them leaders who guided people by Our command, and We sent revelation to them enjoining the doing of good works, and the observing of Prayer, and the giving of alms. And they were worshippers of Us alone.


It mentions the functions of prophets/messengers/mahdi/s , who guide the people , are appointed by G-d and are guided by Revelation from G-d. Right, please?

Hadith is the third source of guidance among Muslims. It was collected about 25/300 years and Shias/Sunnis have different collection of Hadith collected under different principles.
Whatever is stated in Hadith has to be understood under the First source of guidance that is Quran. Quran gives reasons/arguments and also provides the context, which the Hadith seldom provides.

Quran stated following functions of prophets/messengers/mahdi/s or defines them:
  1. We made them leaders
  2. who guided people by Our command,
  3. and We sent revelation to them
  4. enjoining the doing of good works,
  5. and the observing of Prayer,
  6. and the giving of alms.
  7. And they were worshippers of Us alone.
Right, please?


Veteran Member
I don't see how this specifies the role of the Mahdi Messiah figure versus Jesus. As I said, no Muslim I have asked could explain it to me....
One aspect of the issue is explained in post #13 . The functions of messengers/prophets/Mahdis define role of the Mahdi*/Messiah/Moshiach in Islam.
Right, please?

Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets; and Allah has full knowledge of all things.

The Holy Quran - Chapter: 33: Al-Ahzab


Well-Known Member
God will send Jesus precisely because the Christians were deceived about the Christian message on the subject of the Trinity

They said that Jesus was the Son of God and said that God is the Trinity

So God wanted to send Jesus at the end of time to tell them that he was a prophet
If that is the reason for sending Jesus back again, then God must also send Moses back as well to tell the Jews that Jesus is indeed their own Messiah. But why God did not say He will send Moses again at that time He is sending Jesus again?


Well-Known Member
Many people claimed to be the Mahdi in Islamic history
Such as what Adolf Hitler claimed to be a Kalki personality
Yes, but also when Muhammad proclaimed He is a Messenger of God, there was another person in His time who also claimed to be Messenger of God, right?


Well-Known Member
I have spoken to Muslims (especially Sunnis) on and offline a number of times to explain what exactly is the role of the expected Mahdi and the role of Jesus. I have to say that none of them was actually clear about this at all. Is the Mahdi mentioned in the Quran as the messiah who will create peace in the world? ....
Hello, Mahdi, or the Qaim is mentioned in Quran as someone who will be sent to people with the Book of God. As someone who will bring light of God to the earth, and revive the spiritually dead people. He will establish the pure Religion again on earth.... Similarly Christ rises after the Qaim to rule with justice...


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Is the Mahdi perceived as being the 12th Iman in Shia Islaam? If so, how often / by how many of its formal subdivisions?