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Is transitioning (transgender) a sin?


Well-Known Member
Other civilizations didn't round that much. How come their gods are capable of more accuracy than ours?

God doesn't own a ruler?

Plate tectonics is a thing.

Depends on the species, though queens are typical.
I love this channel. I hate ants. But I love this channel.

And this was a building set up by the "wisest man on earth".


The ground can be sucked under other ground.

Check out Ants Canada. It's entertaining and can make even bug-o-phobes like me mourn the loss of entire colonies.

I mean, he's been offered the chance to do scientific papers, his ant farms are so epic.

God doesn't know He created a planet?

How can we trust they are listening to God if they can't even get basic facts about their surroundings right?

Maybe we're the dumb ones for having to write it down. It's all about goals and priorities.

Arguing against God from a position of complete ignorance.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
You have the brain and mind of a man
Science suggests otherwise. Even before I accepted myself and fought against it, many people (especially women) thought I was gay because I don't act like a normal guy. Even before I came out to my brother he made a comment that "I just don't look at women like that." I tried, but that life just isn't for me.
You will never find peace until you come to grips with the reality that you are a man who thinks he is a woman and nothing more .
I went from fighting and endless, violent, and painful war in my head trying to come to grips with what you say. When I accepted who I am, started on hormones, and people starting to know me as Sara, I've found peace, I've found happiness, I've been able to let go of so much anger and bitterness, and I found the ability to enjoy life and being alive and treasuring the time I have left as if it is a sacred gift.
Trying to be a man I drank way too often and excessively, I would use any drug put in front of me, I was a criminal (I was fortunately never caught), I was very angry, very bitter, very hateful, and I didn't care if I lived or died, I didn't care if I hurt others, I just barely graduated high school, and I had no goals or motivation in life and the only direction I wanted to go in was to the grave.
Now I'm happy, jay walking is the only "crime" I commit, I don't drink very often and not to drunkenness, no more drug abuse, graudated college Magna Cum (missed Laude by a forgotten assignment) with honors and distinctions, and I'm able to care about others. It's also been a very long time since I've had any suicidal thoughts or ideations, and wishing to be dead or thinking I'd be better off dead just isn't something my mind processes anymore.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I also enjoy seeing myself smile and having life in my eyes, rather than seeing a deeply seated anger and emptiness. I also love not feeling so forced to do things, like hanging out with the guys and trying to be one of the guys and refusing myself to hangout with the girls and partake in "girl talk." But I gave that all up and without any conscious prompting to myself, today you'll find me with the girls exchanging recipes and talking about our relationships with people, crushing on boys and adoring cute things. And I don't feel forced or like I'm inflicting pain on myself to be one of the girls like I did being one of the guys, and I like not having to force myself one way and not the other.


Active Member
If a person who suffers from gender/sex dysphoria transitions, is it a sin for them to transition?

The scriptures treat cross-dressing as a sin. I would argue that modern transitional surgery is nothing more than a technologically advanced means of cross-dressing. You are genetically a male or female - and when you try to present yourself as the opposite gender you are effectively cross-dressing.

To my mind, transgenderism/transsexuality poses a problem to Christian anthropology as regards the sexes. Traditional Christianity teaches that God made humanity as male and female. That is the primal identity for a human being. Everything else follows from that. So your soul is either male or female because the body and the soul are both required to make up a complete human being (hence the notion of the Resurrection over something like reincarnation, which treats the body as a disposable facade). So if you're a man, you're a man because your soul is male and because your body proclaims you ad such. It's an intrinsic reality. Same for females.

It's not a problem at all - cross dressing is nothing new and is addressed in scripture. Furthermore, in Christianity the soul is neither male nor female. Gender is a property of the physical body not of the soul. In fact, the scriptures state that we will ultimately be made like the angels (genderless), without any marriage/sex.

Matthew 22:30 At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.​

So how would such a person fit into Christian anthropology of the sexes? Were they meant to be the sex that is encoded in their chromosomes and it is destroying God's creation to tamper with it? What about the fact the brain more closely matches the brain of the identified sex? You can't just throw the science of it out, emerging as it may be.

It's no more a problem than the presence of homosexuals, or any other sin. All sin is a deviation from God's intent and desire for us. A man laying with another man and/or presenting himself as a woman are choices.

As for the brain "matching" the identified sex, the brain changes with experience and choices. Does the brain "match" the identified sex because that's how they were born, or did the brain form that way because that's how they chose to behave? I'd argue the later is more likely. Trying to use this point in an argument is extremely premature - you are making assumptions about what it means.

All I know that is Christianity had better start thinking about this issue in a logical way. I have seen no real attempts from the Catholic or Orthodox Churches to address this issue in a theological way. If they say that it is a sin to transition, then you throw the science out the window and condemn transsexuals who have transitioned to lives of being outcast from church communities and humiliation. After all, after a certain point in transitioning, you can't really detransition. If you say it is fine, you still have to square it with the theology surrounding the creation of male and female.

Personally I see being transsexual as a medical condition or a birth defect of sorts. I'm not really proud of it and just wish my body and mind were in alignment. I don't think of it as spitting in the face of God (I love God even if I don't understand Him/Her), but as treating a medical condition. If the Resurrection is true, I pray that God will have mercy on me and other transsexuals.

Christianity has long since addressed the issue in a logical way - it just isn't one you like.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I'd argue the later is more likely.
MtFs are known for being hyper-masculine before they accept themselves. They try to fight it, live in denial, do "super manly" things like the military and combat sports/other wise full contact physically punishing sports (such as football). Once upon a time, I was a pro-wrestler and sought to enlist in the Navy (couldn't due to having bad knees). But no matter how much beer I swilled, how many shots of liquor I drowned, it didn't matter how much weight I lifted at the gym, how much physical pain I could endure, no matter what, no matter how tightly I bottled my emotions, who I am never went away. Prayer didn't get rid of me either.
Christianity has long since addressed the issue in a logical way - it just isn't one you like.
The Bible also claims the mustard seed is the smallest seed. It's not. And that came from god's own son, who is also god, according to some.
Gender is a property of the physical body not of the soul. In fact, the scriptures state that we will ultimately be made like the angels (genderless), without any marriage/sex.
How dreadfully dull and boring if everyone becomes entirely androgynous and completely asexual.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
The scriptures treat cross-dressing as a sin. I would argue that modern transitional surgery is nothing more than a technologically advanced means of cross-dressing. You are genetically a male or female - and when you try to present yourself as the opposite gender you are effectively cross-dressing.

It's not a problem at all - cross dressing is nothing new and is addressed in scripture. Furthermore, in Christianity the soul is neither male nor female. Gender is a property of the physical body not of the soul. In fact, the scriptures state that we will ultimately be made like the angels (genderless), without any marriage/sex.

Matthew 22:30 At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.​

It's no more a problem than the presence of homosexuals, or any other sin. All sin is a deviation from God's intent and desire for us. A man laying with another man and/or presenting himself as a woman are choices.

As for the brain "matching" the identified sex, the brain changes with experience and choices. Does the brain "match" the identified sex because that's how they were born, or did the brain form that way because that's how they chose to behave? I'd argue the later is more likely. Trying to use this point in an argument is extremely premature - you are making assumptions about what it means.

Christianity has long since addressed the issue in a logical way - it just isn't one you like.
This thread had nothing to do with cross dressing. I am not a cross dresser. I don't perceive myself as a woman and never have.

Your ideas about the brain are wrong, as well. Gender identity is not fluid, being largely set around the age of 3. What decides your gender identity is whether your brain was masculinized or feminized in the womb. When we're in the uterus, the brain is hit with the hormones that their genes are programmed to release. With the vast majority of people, the hormone matches their karotype (whether they're XX or XY). But for some reason, the two end up mismatched with trans people. Dysphoria is caused by the brain expecting one configuration of the body to be there but it's not. This causes distress. It's similar to phantom limb syndrome. Trans men (female to male) have reported having a phantom penis.

Anyway, there is medical and scientific evidence that transsexualism is a real biological condition and not some delusion. It's a sex differentiation disorder and might be an intersex condition.

Causes of transsexuality - Wikipedia


Active Member
MtFs are known for being hyper-masculine before they accept themselves. They try to fight it, live in denial, do "super manly" things like the military and combat sports/other wise full contact physically punishing sports (such as football). Once upon a time, I was a pro-wrestler and sought to enlist in the Navy (couldn't due to having bad knees). But no matter how much beer I swilled, how many shots of liquor I drowned, it didn't matter how much weight I lifted at the gym, how much physical pain I could endure, no matter what, no matter how tightly I bottled my emotions, who I am never went away. Prayer didn't get rid of me either.

I'm sure there is emotional turmoil involved in dealing with it, and it is unfortunate that this has caused you suffering. However, the pain is purely psychological, rooted in a false perception of yourself. Personally, I don't get the extreme fixation on your gender identity - much like I don't get Anorexia or any number of such psychological disorders. Such obsessions with being perfect - however you define that for yourself - are never healthy.

I'm the complete opposite and care very little about my appearance or what others think of me - save for when I'm dating or going in for an interview. Not that this attitude doesn't have it's own problems, but it does have the benefit of being fairly stress free.

The Bible also claims the mustard seed is the smallest seed. It's not. And that came from god's own son, who is also god, according to some.

Jesus isn't God - though, yes, there are many who would assert such. I would argue context is key for properly understanding any text, and especially the scriptures. In context, Jesus was using an analogy by drawing on imagery that his listeners were familiar with. The smallest seed that the people in the region were familiar with was the mustard seed. Furthermore, whether the mustard seed literally is the smallest seed is really a moot point because, again, it was an analogy meant to communicate an idea that in fact had nothing to do with the size of seeds at all.

How dreadfully dull and boring if everyone becomes entirely androgynous and completely asexual.

I would argue that your life must be rather dull and boring if your sexuality is the only thing that brings meaning or joy into your life.


Active Member
This thread had nothing to do with cross dressing. I am not a cross dresser. I don't perceive myself as a woman and never have.

The thread is about whether transitioning is a sin. I argue that transitioning is nothing more than cross dressing, which we know is a sin. Your self perception really isn't important to that question.

Your ideas about the brain are wrong, as well. Gender identity is not fluid, being largely set around the age of 3.

Funny, all the bisexuals that I know are adults. One friend of my in college dated a women for years and was a Wicca. She eventually met a Christian man, converted to Christianity, and they are now a happy married couple. Another friend started taking hormones and stuff to transition to a women, but continued to date women. While he did continue to change his name and such on occasion, he has long since stopped trying to transition or present himself as a woman.

Gender identity is much more fluid than anyone wants to admit - because most people don't like the idea that they could be something different. Others fully embrace fluidity to ridiculous levels to the point of rejecting the scientific phenomenon of gender.

What decides your gender identity is whether your brain was masculinized or feminized in the womb. When we're in the uterus, the brain is hit with the hormones that their genes are programmed to release. With the vast majority of people, the hormone matches their karotype (whether they're XX or XY). But for some reason, the two end up mismatched with trans people. Dysphoria is caused by the brain expecting one configuration of the body to be there but it's not. This causes distress. It's similar to phantom limb syndrome. Trans men (female to male) have reported having a phantom penis.

Anyway, there is medical and scientific evidence that transsexualism is a real biological condition and not some delusion. It's a sex differentiation disorder and might be an intersex condition.

Causes of transsexuality - Wikipedia

Wrong, what decides your gender is your genetics. Were you born with male or female genitalia? That's all it is. Transsexuals have a psychological disorder that doesn't let them accept their own bodies - an obsession to be someone else.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
The thread is about whether transitioning is a sin. I argue that transitioning is nothing more than cross dressing, which we know is a sin. Your self perception really isn't important to that question.

Funny, all the bisexuals that I know are adults. One friend of my in college dated a women for years and was a Wicca. She eventually met a Christian man, converted to Christianity, and they are now a happy married couple. Another friend started taking hormones and stuff to transition to a women, but continued to date women. While he did continue to change his name and such on occasion, he has long since stopped trying to transition or present himself as a woman.

Gender identity is much more fluid than anyone wants to admit - because most people don't like the idea that they could be something different. Others fully embrace fluidity to ridiculous levels to the point of rejecting the scientific phenomenon of gender.

Wrong, what decides your gender is your genetics. Were you born with male or female genitalia? That's all it is. Transsexuals have a psychological disorder that doesn't let them accept their own bodies - an obsession to be someone else.
I'm not interested in reading your hateful blather. Go look at the link I posted to see what science says or just Google it. No health authority views it as a mental illness. It's viewed as a medical condition or a natural variation.

Neither of the people you mentioned were actually transsexuals so they're irrelevant. A transsexual isn't going to detransistion on purpose unless they're being forced to do so by circumstance. Nite that I talking only about transsexuals, not those claiming to be "non-binary". They should be off in their own category since they're not really trans.

Genes aren't that helpful here. Just because you have a gene doesn't mean it's being expressed. The environment largely shapes which genes are activated. Just look at intersex conditions to see examples when genes and characteristics expressed don't match.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
However, the pain is purely psychological
Depression is psychological and it hurts. Mania is psychological and it's distressing. Psychosomatic illnesses are entirely psychological, yet there is perceivable suffering.
rooted in a false perception of yourself.
If it were false, I would feel a gazillion times better being myself. I'd be even more distressed that I was trying to live as a male.
I'm the complete opposite and care very little about my appearance
Guys and gals often are the opposite in that regard. Or, at least, gals tend to care more and guys tend to care more than they let on (as they usually don't look like slobbish bums).
Transsexuals have a psychological disorder that doesn't let them accept their own bodies
That's really not what science has found. Often times clinicians don't even see being transgender as a disorder in itself. Even the APA is moving away from that.
Gender identity is much more fluid than anyone wants to admit
For a few, yes. For transsexuals, and most other people, it's set and unchanging.
I would argue that your life must be rather dull and boring if your sexuality is the only thing that brings meaning or joy into your life.
Acttually it's not. Though sex as a male brings me no pleasure or enjoyment (often times I wouldn't even have an orgasm because my sense of dysphoria was too great), my sexuality is a minor reason of my transition. Sure, I'd like to enjoy sex, but being myself is a way bigger priority.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
This is how I'm sure the guy who thinks the lamp is talking to him would feel if everyone started agreeing with his delusions and gave him medications that "helped" him talk to even more inanimate objects.
When someone is delusional and psychotic, ADL decreases when they give in to their hallucinations. In transsexuals, very typically ADL increases once they transition.
Your plight has not been solved, Sara.
It has. You just don't want to admit it or accept it because it means you are wrong.
Now, how about I make baseless assumptions about your life that imply your miserable and struggling, not doing things right, and just have to do them how I think?
Sooner or later, you're going to realize how wrong it was to alter your body, your Temple, in such a way.
I eventually realized how wrong it was for me to remain miserable and not just accept myself.

So, when you come to see that your very spirit is engendered (male) you will be miserable.
Except it wouldn't be male.

You would find peace eventually in Christ, but not after much heartache and suffering. More than you can now comprehend.
What you aren't comprehending, or even trying to understand, is there was no peace but only misery before I accepted myself. That's all gone now and I have found peace.

I'd much rather heal you with the truth.
Your "truth" was poisoning me. It left me ill, and wanting to die. You wouldn't heal me, you'd destroy me.


Active Member
I'm not interested in reading your hateful blather. Go look at the link I posted to see what science says or just Google it. No health authority views it as a mental illness. It's viewed as a medical condition or a natural variation.

There's no hateful blather coming from me. Sorry you can't handle different view points. Also, Gender Dysphoria is considered a psychological disorder (previously termed Gender Identity Disorder): Gender dysphoria - Wikipedia

Neither of the people you mentioned were actually transsexuals so they're irrelevant. A transsexual isn't going to detransistion on purpose unless they're being forced to do so by circumstance. Nite that I talking only about transsexuals, not those claiming to be "non-binary". They should be off in their own category since they're not really trans.

A person who takes hormonal therapy to transition to a female isn't a transsexual? Ha! Great job blindly ignoring anything that contradicts you.

Genes aren't that helpful here. Just because you have a gene doesn't mean it's being expressed. The environment largely shapes which genes are activated. Just look at intersex conditions to see examples when genes and characteristics expressed don't match.

I do agree with the idea that the environment and experiences play a big role in such conditions.


Active Member
Depression is psychological and it hurts. Mania is psychological and it's distressing. Psychosomatic illnesses are entirely psychological, yet there is perceivable suffering.

Not disagreeing with you. But the solution isn't for everyone around the depressed person isn't to buy into their psychosis and validate the false beliefs that give rise to the suffering to begin with. You don't go around agreeing with an Anorexic person that they are fat and should eat next to nothing because that might make them happier in the short term vs getting them real help, which they may hate.

If it were false, I would feel a gazillion times better being myself. I'd be even more distressed that I was trying to live as a male.

If you have to have surgery and drugs to change yourself to something other than what you were born as, the answer as to what gender you are should be pretty clear. It's not something that would even be possible if you didn't live in a technologically advanced society.

Guys and gals often are the opposite in that regard. Or, at least, gals tend to care more and guys tend to care more than they let on (as they usually don't look like slobbish bums).

Just depends upon the individual. My dad, for instance, is very much the opposite and grew up very concerned with his looks and manners. Has tons of shoes (I tend to have one pair that I use until dead). Part of it is generational too of course. And, as a Software Engineer, my career doesn't generally require me to dress up (vs he worked as an Administrator at a bank, so dressing up everyday was mandatory).

However, my personality type (INTP) honestly just doesn't care much about such things (and the descriptions of this type generally fit me pretty damn closely). The only reason I would care is if I cared about what the other person or people in question thought of my appearance. When I start dating someone, for instance, I'll become more concerned about my appearance and put in the effort to look nice for dates and such. However, if I'm going to work or going to see family, or going to be around a bunch of strangers, etc. I generally don't care much beyond basic hygiene. I have no desire to impress everyone with my clothes and crap.

That's really not what science has found. Often times clinicians don't even see being transgender as a disorder in itself. Even the APA is moving away from that.

It is and has long been considered a psychological disorder. Recent attempts to reclassify it have nothing to do with scientific findings to the contrary (hence it is still considered a disorder), but is mere social pressure to make it accepted.

For a few, yes. For transsexuals, and most other people, it's set and unchanging.

There's no reason to think that the fluidity of sexuality of some is somehow unique to them. They simply don't let common beliefs and hang ups get in the way. Were all capable of it if we permit ourselves to be. Rather, people who are rampantly anti-LGBT don't want to admit that they could not be straight, and the LGBT community (especially transsexuals and homosexuals) don't want to admit that they could be any different - for that throws a wrench into the narrative they want to put forth.

Acttually it's not. Though sex as a male brings me no pleasure or enjoyment (often times I wouldn't even have an orgasm because my sense of dysphoria was too great), my sexuality is a minor reason of my transition. Sure, I'd like to enjoy sex, but being myself is a way bigger priority.

You are who you are regardless of your physical appearance. That you hinge your self worth on it is no different from the unhealthy obsessions of an Anorexic.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
There's no hateful blather coming from me. Sorry you can't handle different view points. Also, Gender Dysphoria is considered a psychological disorder (previously termed Gender Identity Disorder): Gender dysphoria - Wikipedia

A person who takes hormonal therapy to transition to a female isn't a transsexual? Ha! Great job blindly ignoring anything that contradicts you.

I do agree with the idea that the environment and experiences play a big role in such conditions.
It's the dysphoria that's the problem that is treated, not the fact that the person has a cross-sex identity. They renamed it so that people would stop misinterpreting being trans itself as a mental illness, which no major health organization views it as. You're going against what science and medicine are saying. You're insulting trans people by invalidating our identities and making us pit to be mentally ill cross-dressers. You don't get to tell me who I am or what I am. I am a man, period. You either respect me or you don't.

Answers to Your Questions About Transgender People, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression

No, not all people who get on hormones are actually trans. Those are the ones who end up detransistioning. But the truth is that the vast majority who do transition stay with it and are happier. I know I am. I've been on testosterone for over 5 years. I couldn't detransistion if I wanted to at this point as the hormones have had too much of an effect. I have a full beard, receding hairline (I shave my head so I don't care), a male voice and I'm hairy like a gorilla now. Those are permanent changes and will never go away even if I stop testosterone therapy. There's permanent effects on trans women, too, such as developing female breasts. It sends you through the puberty of your target sex so it's like with a cis person's puberty. I've noticed people like you never seem to take the permanent changes into mind, probably due to ignorance about basic biology. :rolleyes:
Last edited:

Luciferi Baphomet

Lucifer, is my Liberator
If a person who suffers from gender/sex dysphoria transitions, is it a sin for them to transition?

To my mind, transgenderism/transsexuality poses a problem to Christian anthropology as regards the sexes. Traditional Christianity teaches that God made humanity as male and female. That is the primal identity for a human being. Everything else follows from that. So your soul is either male or female because the body and the soul are both required to make up a complete human being (hence the notion of the Resurrection over something like reincarnation, which treats the body as a disposable facade). So if you're a man, you're a man because your soul is male and because your body proclaims you ad such. It's an intrinsic reality. Same for females.

So how are transsexuals supposed to figure into this? The best theory about it that science has is the brain of the fetus is hit with a large amount of the hormones of the opposite sex while in the womb. This causes the brain to either masculinize or femininize. It creates the dysphoria since the brain expects the body to be one thing but it's the other. Only hormonal and surgical intervention has been proven to help, so far.

In this view, transsexualism is a sex differentiation disorder, a neurological condition - a medical condition at the root of it. It's not a mental illness or a delusion. (I'm only speaking about transsexualism here because I don't really understand things like non-binary, degender, trans people who don't want to transition or whatever else that's under the "trans umbrella" and science hasn't said anything about them, as far as I know. It's not my reality, either.)

So how would such a person fit into Christian anthropology of the sexes? Were they meant to be the sex that is encoded in their chromosomes and it is destroying God's creation to tamper with it? What about the fact the brain more closely matches the brain of the identified sex? You can't just throw the science of it out, emerging as it may be.

Can a male soul become incarnate in a female body and vice versa? People are born with all manner of congenital birth defects and other mishaps, including being intersex which transsexualism may well be a sort of intersex condition. Christianity teaches that all bodily defects and problems will be fixed after the Resurrection when humanity receives glorified bodies. Might that be the case for transsexuals? Might we finally receive bodies that match our brains and souls?

All I know that is Christianity had better start thinking about this issue in a logical way. I have seen no real attempts from the Catholic or Orthodox Churches to address this issue in a theological way. If they say that it is a sin to transition, then you throw the science out the window and condemn transsexuals who have transitioned to lives of being outcast from church communities and humiliation. After all, after a certain point in transitioning, you can't really detransition. If you say it is fine, you still have to square it with the theology surrounding the creation of male and female.

Personally I see being transsexual as a medical condition or a birth defect of sorts. I'm not really proud of it and just wish my body and mind were in alignment. I don't think of it as spitting in the face of God (I love God even if I don't understand Him/Her), but as treating a medical condition. If the Resurrection is true, I pray that God will have mercy on me and other transsexuals.
I see nothing wrong with wanting to transition to a female or male. Some are even born transgender. The idea of sin was to control the minds of the brainwashed. god will only judge you for who you are and your life choice. I
If god judges you for being who are you then there is something wrong there.


Well-Known Member
If a person who suffers from gender/sex dysphoria transitions, is it a sin for them to transition?

To my mind, transgenderism/transsexuality poses a problem to Christian anthropology as regards the sexes. Traditional Christianity teaches that God made humanity as male and female. That is the primal identity for a human being. Everything else follows from that. So your soul is either male or female because the body and the soul are both required to make up a complete human being (hence the notion of the Resurrection over something like reincarnation, which treats the body as a disposable facade). So if you're a man, you're a man because your soul is male and because your body proclaims you ad such. It's an intrinsic reality. Same for females.

So how are transsexuals supposed to figure into this? The best theory about it that science has is the brain of the fetus is hit with a large amount of the hormones of the opposite sex while in the womb. This causes the brain to either masculinize or femininize. It creates the dysphoria since the brain expects the body to be one thing but it's the other. Only hormonal and surgical intervention has been proven to help, so far.

In this view, transsexualism is a sex differentiation disorder, a neurological condition - a medical condition at the root of it. It's not a mental illness or a delusion. (I'm only speaking about transsexualism here because I don't really understand things like non-binary, degender, trans people who don't want to transition or whatever else that's under the "trans umbrella" and science hasn't said anything about them, as far as I know. It's not my reality, either.)

So how would such a person fit into Christian anthropology of the sexes? Were they meant to be the sex that is encoded in their chromosomes and it is destroying God's creation to tamper with it? What about the fact the brain more closely matches the brain of the identified sex? You can't just throw the science of it out, emerging as it may be.

Can a male soul become incarnate in a female body and vice versa? People are born with all manner of congenital birth defects and other mishaps, including being intersex which transsexualism may well be a sort of intersex condition. Christianity teaches that all bodily defects and problems will be fixed after the Resurrection when humanity receives glorified bodies. Might that be the case for transsexuals? Might we finally receive bodies that match our brains and souls?

All I know that is Christianity had better start thinking about this issue in a logical way. I have seen no real attempts from the Catholic or Orthodox Churches to address this issue in a theological way. If they say that it is a sin to transition, then you throw the science out the window and condemn transsexuals who have transitioned to lives of being outcast from church communities and humiliation. After all, after a certain point in transitioning, you can't really detransition. If you say it is fine, you still have to square it with the theology surrounding the creation of male and female.

Personally I see being transsexual as a medical condition or a birth defect of sorts. I'm not really proud of it and just wish my body and mind were in alignment. I don't think of it as spitting in the face of God (I love God even if I don't understand Him/Her), but as treating a medical condition. If the Resurrection is true, I pray that God will have mercy on me and other transsexuals.
Since you are an alleged transsexual, I will not speak in my normal direct manner.

I would suggest that you pray about the issue, and what you are feeling and thinking. The Holy Spirit will address your heart.

The issue is between you and God alone, no one else can judge you, they have no right.

If you had considered God before the procedure/s, you might not be having these questions.

God is all about mercy, yet he is also about justice.

Place yourself in his hands, allow him to guide, and listen.

You are loved by him so much, that if you were the only person on earth Christ would die for your redemption.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Not disagreeing with you. But the solution isn't for everyone around the depressed person isn't to buy into their psychosis and validate the false beliefs that give rise to the suffering to begin with. You don't go around agreeing with an Anorexic person that they are fat and should eat next to nothing because that might make them happier in the short term vs getting them real help, which they may hate.
If you encourage someone who is anorexic, they'll get sick and die. Psychotic delusions, encouraging those gets people in jail, hospitalized in psychiatric wards, and sometimes dead. With transsexuals, transitioning brings improvement in ADL and decreases in suicide.

If you have to have surgery and drugs to change yourself to something other than what you were born as, the answer as to what gender you are should be pretty clear.
I've had to have numerous surgeries for various things, because that's the way I was born. Should I have never had my knees treated or even my first surgery since they're bad anyways and hurt all the time as it is? Should I not have even bothered with therapy to help my social skills since I have Asperger's? What about the invisiline braces a dentist recommended to me to correct my over-bite? Should I decline that since it's changing myself?
However, my personality type (INTP)
Myers-Briggs is non-scientific and total bull****, BTW. It has a very poor reliability, prediction ability, and validity, and it is often regarded as pseudo-science. Myers had a degree in agriculture, Briggs was in political science, they read Jung, and concocted a steaming pile of horse manure.
It is and has long been considered a psychological disorder.
As was homosexuality. Until they realized it's not a disorder. Anymore, being trans isn't much considered a disorder, but a "convenient thing for health insurance" as a diagnosis opens up many doors for treatment possibilities, and it is increasingly considered that the depression, anxiety, decreased ADL, and other ailments are the disorders.
There's no reason to think that the fluidity of sexuality
Sexuality is not the same thing as gender.
ou are who you are regardless of your physical appearance.
Yup. I am a woman. That's pretty much always been. I just had to accept that and give up the charade of trying to be a man.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Since you are an alleged transsexual, I will not speak in my normal direct manner.

I would suggest that you pray about the issue, and what you are feeling and thinking. The Holy Spirit will address your heart.

The issue is between you and God alone, no one else can judge you, they have no right.

If you had considered God before the procedure/s, you might not be having these questions.

God is all about mercy, yet he is also about justice.

Place yourself in his hands, allow him to guide, and listen.

You are loved by him so much, that if you were the only person on earth Christ would die for your redemption.
Since you're an alleged Christian, I'll just be blunt. What you suggest left me often crying myself to sleep, turned me into a miserable pile of flesh, and it left me wanting to die, suicidal (one attempt), and utterly lost in life. And Frank, and myself, don't believe in your god so none of that applies or would work. You might as well tell us to go talk to our pet rocks.