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Is Thought a thing and can exist on its own


Well-Known Member
:eek: Do you realize all this text is only one sentence????? :eek:

I read it 3 times now and this is simply to long , I gave up..:sad4:

Then don't just sit there whinging about it, re-write it for me, putting it into sentences without loosing the original essence of the thoughts from which the post is constructed, or the spirit of what is said in my post. It might just be an interesting exercise for you.


Then don't just sit there whinging about it, re-write it for me, putting it into sentences without loosing the original essence of the thoughts from which the post is constructed, or the spirit of what is said in my post. It might just be an interesting exercise for you.

Yeah, I am actually not here to rewrite other posts so that people can read them :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Well, then.
Once a thought is, er... thought, sure it's a thing, since a thing is just a noun. I think that a thought would need some sort of a consciousness to gain existence. (ie, it needs a "body" to be created in the first place).

Once a thought gains existence, it can only gain freedom from its body by being shared with another consciousness. It can gain immortality by being written or recorded. It can therefore "live" longer than the body that created it.

I do not see a thought as having any substance, though it can affect the physical world.

If a thought were to ever spontaneously generate, I think it would be called God. For what else is God but a thought with superpowers?

It's written in the ancient scriptures, that the feet of God's son (Lucifer the bright morning star) were on earth but his head was in paradise, this was before the creation of mankind, but knowing the animal spirit of the lower place would be the destruction of his son who was evolving in paradise, God put his son (The Godhead of the most high in the creation and the ruling earthly species) into a deep sleep, this was done by destroying the body of the most high creation on earth from which the spirits were gathered in the formation of his son in paradise.

This was done by bringing all life on earth to a finish by a cataclysmic comet collision, and the last word from his forming son as he watched the earthly body from which he was being formed, brought to its finish, was “Mother.” The Lord then formed out of clay, an image of himself and commanded all the spiritual godheads of the living earth species which had been destroyed, to bow before his image, this was the division of all the spirits which had been gathered into the glorious heavenly simulacrum.

Those who bowed before the image of god were the enclosure of spirits of which Adam was their compilation. Those who refused to bow before the new creation were the enclosure of spirits of which Eve was their compilation, and the Lord named her after the last word spoken by God’s Son before he fell asleep, “Mother,” or that is to say “Eve,” which name means ‘Mother” of all those spirits who were cast back into the refining fires of life on earth. Lucifer the Light Bearer, who was the compilation of all the spirits of both enclosures that were Adam and Eve, was then cast out of paradise and hurled down to the earth of the sixth period of universal activity from which the spirits of his formation had been gathered.

The spirit of the lower place (The sixth period of universal activity) then understood that God was about to bring in a new creation and he thought to bring Adam down, and in such form, that is THOUGHT, he was able to deceive Eve, but he couldn’t touch Adam. Or so the story goes.
I will post one of the stories from the Book of Adam and Eve, it might just give you an insight to the belief of your ancient ancestors.
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Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Please explain your thoughts on pattern.

Well, it's like computer data. If we assume that thoughts are patterns of synapses in the brain, then the pattern is eternal.

But then, I suppose everything is. This is in a way Platonic; it echoes the idea of the Ideal being only imperfectly reflected in what we can perceive. But the blueprint exists aside from the actual "thing."


Premium Member
Well, it's like computer data. If we assume that thoughts are patterns of synapses in the brain, then the pattern is eternal.

I find it interesting but am still having problems understanding. I now understand pattern but why is the pattern eternal.


Premium Member
It's written in the ancient scriptures, that the feet of God's son (Lucifer the bright morning star) were on earth but his head was in paradise, this was before the creation of mankind, but knowing the animal spirit of the lower place would be the destruction of his son who was evolving in paradise, God put his son (The Godhead of the most high in the creation and the ruling earthly species) into a deep sleep, this was done by destroying the body of the most high creation on earth from which the spirits were gathered in the formation of his son in paradise.

You are entitled to your beliefs but the post clearly states I am not interests in ancient scriptures. I want modern interpetations that I have not come across. I can easily read of the past and will interpet it differently then you.

If you wish to participate please come up with something NEW. Otherwise start your own post



Industrial Strength Linguist
My theory is that thought is a thing and exists separate from the body.

If this were so, then how can a conk on the head sometimes cause one to stop thinking? It seems to me that thinking would then continue no matter what happened to the brain.


My theory is that thought is a thing and exists separate from the body.

If used I can explain God, Aliens, Ghosts, psyic ablilities and creation as a whole but it must be a thing.

Philosophy is used to push the boundries of science and I would like to push those boundries.

I don't care what Plato thinks or what God would say. I would like modern Idea's for or against from intelligent people that I can debate. I have been on the site long enough to determine I could get a wide range of good ideas from this forum.

I would like to offer this as a new philosophy down the line and would appreciate any help you could give me.

Yes.. a thought can exist outside so long as it is expressed in actions or words (actions would be, for instance, art..).

How it is interpreted depends on the person receiving the thought.What is great about philosophy is the ability used to even seal up the true meaning of a thought by how it is expressed and encased... thus, one could only understand the true thought if they go through certain processes in order to bring about the correct understanding so as to unlock the "seal" of a former thought.

Just thought I would throw in that last tidbit... that is what I find the most fascinating about true philosophical writings. That takes true genius to be able to align a person centuries after your time up to your way of thinking and understanding in order to personally teach them something of importance, no? That is what makes philosophy (generalized) fun; to try and find the right keys to unlock the literal meaning behind the thoughts. Same thing with the arts.


Premium Member
If this were so, then how can a conk on the head sometimes cause one to stop thinking? It seems to me that thinking would then continue no matter what happened to the brain.

How do we know you stop thinking when you are conked. Don't we dream when we sleep and even then if thought was a think would it need rest.


Premium Member
Yes.. a thought can exist outside so long as it is expressed in actions or words (actions would be, for instance, art..).

How to explain

The russian did a thought experiment years ago. They fixed boxing matches by thought alone.

They gathered a group of 21-25 years old gave them a picture of a boxer and told him to concentrate on him winning. At times they were given the underdog at times they were given the champ. Each test was successful. The group fixed 100 percent of the fights. These were small fights the control group was half the size of the audience and it was a small number of fights. It could of been luck but there are other studies where thought seems to effect others without physical output.


How to explain

The russian did a thought experiment years ago. They fixed boxing matches by thought alone.

They gathered a group of 21-25 years old gave them a picture of a boxer and told him to concentrate on him winning. At times they were given the underdog at times they were given the champ. Each test was successful. The group fixed 100 percent of the fights. These were small fights the control group was half the size of the audience and it was a small number of fights. It could of been luck but there are other studies where thought seems to effect others without physical output.

Hmm... I understand what you are speaking about... however, I would like to know where I can read of these experiments.. the reason is, I understand much about mind control and there is always something else underlying being implemented into the picture that does not get picked up on often.

It takes VERY aware and disciplined minds to be able to control physical matter outside oneself... quantum mechanics (or areas of it) are focused on these types of studies.

But to control an outcome (of others) that you are not participating in or the thoughts of another person is often (used "often," as I have NEVER seen this done.. though I have seen it claimed, but I tend to pick up the method of control they are hiding) some sort of illusion. And considering it was Russia claiming these experiments.. well, it would not surprise me in the least to find that underlying bit of information...

America and Russia learned well the mind games during the cold war. It is psychological control... meaning there is an influence put in place to steer the thinking of the other. Make sense?
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Premium Member
Hmm... I understand what you are speaking about... however, I would like to know where I can read of these experiments.. the reason is, I understand much about mind control and there is always something else underlying being implemented into the picture that does not get picked up on often.

I will research I have planned to anyway. I am quoting old stories I read. I really don't know how real they are anymore.

The current research I am interested in is Identical twins. Feeling each others pain over distances and even with out knowing each other but knowing of the pain when they finally meet. There have been several television stories recently on it(I know not the most reliable). If you agree it is true how do you explain it.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
I find it interesting but am still having problems understanding. I now understand pattern but why is the pattern eternal.

Well, a pattern itself is eternal in a way; no matter how much time has passed, when the pattern emerges in the right medium, it is the same.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
If this were so, then how can a conk on the head sometimes cause one to stop thinking? It seems to me that thinking would then continue no matter what happened to the brain.

Periods of unconsciousness are, of course, time travel for the individual. Time, being rate-of-change.

Unconsciousness therefore may as well not be non-thinking to the individual, as there is no time lost--only displacement of context.

I am, of course, merely playing around with semantics.
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I will research I have planned to anyway. I am quoting old stories I read. I really don't know how real they are anymore.

The current research I am interested in is Identical twins. Feeling each others pain over distances and even with out knowing each other but knowing of the pain when they finally meet. There have been several television stories recently on it(I know not the most reliable). If you agree it is true how do you explain it.

I do not know about the phenomenon of "twins" other than to say perhaps they share the same "spirit,".. hmm.. that certainly starts a whole new level of thinking. Thanks :rolleyes: lol

I do know that we are able to be influenced by energy frequencies, thus enabling physical reactions... and in essence, thoughts, based on the physical reactions.

Perhaps, twins have the same energy frequencies and thus, they experience each other over space through this method... therefore, a good chance of leading to the same thoughts.

I mean, if we can be influenced and influence the energy frequency of planets, which is a concept that is starting to be understood by science, then.. why could not twins be on the same frequency, therefore explaining why they would experience physical manifestations of the other... and ultimately, resulting in the same reaction/thought as the other? Just a thought. I am sure I will now be having many more. hahaha
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Premium Member
Periods of unconsciousness are, of course, time travel for the individual. Time, being rate-of-change.

Unconsciousness therefore may as well not be non-thinking to the individual, as there is time lost--only displacement of context.

I am, of course, merely playing around with semantics.

Any posts of your full thoughts on this. Time is another issue I ponder and relating it to thought could be helpful.