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is the regime of Israel "racist " ?


Higher and Higher
It is grossly offensive to compare Israel to Nazis.

The government of Israel has consistently maintained the position that the Palestinians, like everyone else, need to acknowledge that Israel is the Jewish State. This doesn't mean that no one but Jews can live there. This doesn't mean that they suppose non-Jews of various cultures and religions might not be entitled to their own states elsewhere. And this certainly doesn't mean that they propose to seek the deaths of anyone who is not attacking the State of Israel or aiding those who are doing so.

Insisting on acknowledging Israel as the Jewish State isn't racism, any more than it is racist for Iran or Saudi Arabia to insist on being known as Muslim countries, or for the countries of the Arab League to insist on being known as Arab countries. It's just about wanting everyone to be clear that the Jews have as much right to a nation-state in their historic homeland as any other people have the right to a nation-state in their historic homeland.


How about the Arabs who want to throw out all the Jews from Judea-Samaria? Not even Israel wants to throw out citizen Arabs from its own turf.

If you want to see some racist quotes, look up "Arab leader quotes about Jews". And then if you want to get historical look up what they said about Blacks, or "slaves" as they are called.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
It is grossly offensive to compare Israel to Nazis.
my claim is if the regime of Germany was racist (who murdere the jews by this justify ) and the claims of some of leaders in israel make Israel racist too , which murdered the palestinians by this justify .
it's duplicate claims and positions .

The government of Israel has consistently maintained the position that the Palestinians, like everyone else, need to acknowledge that Israel is the Jewish State. This doesn't mean that no one but Jews can live there. This doesn't mean that they suppose non-Jews of various cultures and religions might not be entitled to their own states elsewhere. And this certainly doesn't mean that they propose to seek the deaths of anyone who is not attacking the State of Israel or aiding those who are doing so.
that support the cliam of the racist leaders of israel ,not deny it .:)

Insisting on acknowledging Israel as the Jewish State isn't racism, any more than it is racist for Iran or Saudi Arabia to insist on being known as Muslim countries, or for the countries of the Arab League to insist on being known as Arab countries. It's just about wanting everyone to be clear that the Jews have as much right to a nation-state in their historic homeland as any other people have the right to a nation-state in their historic homeland.
this is a justify to a racist ?
who told you that the regime of Saudi Arabia is perfect country for me ? if they claim that it's only for muslim or arabs it's becomes a racist too .

which make the both leaders of Saudi Arabia and Israel racist too .

by the way germany is historic homeland for germans .


Higher and Higher
this is a justify to a racist ?
who told you that the regime of Saudi Arabia is perfect country for me ? if they claim that it's only for muslim or arabs it's becomes a racist too .

which make the both leaders of Saudi Arabia and Israel racist too .

by the way germany is historic homeland for germans .

So you don't approve of there being Arab countries? Or Muslim countries? Or Christian countries? Or countries which are cultural homelands for their inhabitants? Or having any kind of nation based on the right of the people living there to exist as a nation because of their historical and cultural and religious connections to the land in which they live?

What does, in your opinion, give people the right to have a state in a given place? Because if you take away the right to make nations based on cultural homeland, on historical connection to the land, and on religious connections to the land, what's left? Imperialism? Marxist utopianism?

No one is saying that Germany is not the historic homeland for Germans. No one is saying that their national language ought not to be German, their histories ought not to be German, their culture ought not to be German. They're Germans. They have every right to that. But German does not equal Nazi. The problem with Nazis wasn't that they were German patriots-- they weren't: they believed in the rights of a very small segment of German populace, and deemed everyone else fair game for killing.

It is sheer idiocy to compare them to the government of Israel, which, though it governs a Jewish State, generally peacefully includes Christians and Muslims, and citizens and resident aliens of other religions or no religion at all, from all over the world. If Israel really were run on anything like Nazi ideals, there would be no one living there not Jewish according to a very narrow and specific definition of what is "Jewish," and they would long since have conquered, subjugated, and begun killing off every non-Jewish state around them.

You need to learn the difference between "racism" and "nationalism." The ignorance of the equation you propose is vast and staggering.


Agnostic Pantheist
Remind me again 'godobeyer' why is it possible for over 20 Arab Muslim countries to exist and over 50 Muslim countries to exist, but one country with a base of Jewish culture and history proves too much for you to bear?
The funny thing is that Israel is a multicultural country, there are Middle Eastern Jews living in it, European Jews, and other Jews and non Jews.
Israeli Jews have made Arabic a second official language alongside Hebrew for its Arab citizens, can you draw a Nazi parallel to that?
Are all the Muslim countries who preserve a Muslim identity Nazi as well?


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
So you don't approve of there being Arab countries? Or Muslim countries? Or Christian countries? Or countries which are cultural homelands for their inhabitants? Or having any kind of nation based on the right of the people living there to exist as a nation because of their historical and cultural and religious connections to the land in which they live?
most Arab and Muslim coutries but they treat their all residence (religouis or ethnic ) in the same way , there is not distinctions .

all the world know that there is a distinction between by the regime of israel between residence the arabs , it's not something new i made here .

is israel gouverment built homes to arabs as they built to jews ? is the israeli army treat the jews and he treat the arabs ?

Netenyaho is beieng racist when he neglige that half of residences are not "jewish " if we count the arab refugees around the world . (whom forecly kick out of israel )

What does, in your opinion, give people the right to have a state in a given place? Because if you take away the right to make nations based on cultural homeland, on historical connection to the land, and on religious connections to the land, what's left? Imperialism? Marxist utopianism?
then before the jews , who was there ?
historical connection doesnot give the right to neglige and humilate the others

you know what ?
north of Algeria is full by the Roman ruines , is this give the right to the greek to come and humilate the nowday residence (Algerians ) ?
check this
Algeria Roman ruines - Recherche Google

No one is saying that Germany is not the historic homeland for Germans. No one is saying that their national language ought not to be German, their histories ought not to be German, their culture ought not to be German. They're Germans. They have every right to that. But German does not equal Nazi. The problem with Nazis wasn't that they were German patriots-- they weren't: they believed in the rights of a very small segment of German populace, and deemed everyone else fair game for killing.
Germany is country , the regime of Nazi distingue between the races and religions , that's my point , as exactly what regime of Israel do to the muslims and christians .

It is sheer idiocy to compare them to the government of Israel, which, though it governs a Jewish State, generally peacefully includes Christians and Muslims, and citizens and resident aliens of other religions or no religion at all, from all over the world. If Israel really were run on anything like Nazi ideals, there would be no one living there not Jewish according to a very narrow and specific definition of what is "Jewish," and they would long since have conquered, subjugated, and begun killing off every non-Jewish state around them.
i don't know if i am in other world ? !!!!
i don't know what is the opinoin of christians
but you will surpise me if you bring a muslim here and tell us that "the Israel regime is treating the residences muslims exactly as the jews ".

let me show you a american jewish man opinion about this issue :


You need to learn the difference between "racism" and "nationalism." The ignorance of the equation you propose is vast and staggering
nationalism when become extremely make distinction between the residences , by the name of religion or ethnic ....etc . that called racism .
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the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Remind me again 'godobeyer' why is it possible for over 20 Arab Muslim countries to exist and over 50 Muslim countries to exist, but one country with a base of Jewish culture and history proves too much for you to bear?
The funny thing is that Israel is a multicultural country, there are Middle Eastern Jews living in it, European Jews, and other Jews and non Jews.
Israeli Jews have made Arabic a second official language alongside Hebrew for its Arab citizens, can you draw a Nazi parallel to that?
Are all the Muslim countries who preserve a Muslim identity Nazi as well?
if you want to discuss the racist regime or action about some muslims or arabs , just creat new thread , and i will agree with you .

the majority of the muslim and arab countries give the full right and treating their citizen as well they treating the majority "religion or ethnic "

for exemple the jews citizen in Moroco or Iraq or Iran or Yeman or Tunisia , had same treating and full rights as muslims , there is not distinction at all .

Pink Top Hat

Active Member
It is grossly offensive to compare Israel to Nazis.

The government of Israel has consistently maintained the position that the Palestinians, like everyone else, need to acknowledge that Israel is the Jewish State. This doesn't mean that no one but Jews can live there. This doesn't mean that they suppose non-Jews of various cultures and religions might not be entitled to their own states elsewhere. And this certainly doesn't mean that they propose to seek the deaths of anyone who is not attacking the State of Israel or aiding those who are doing so.

Insisting on acknowledging Israel as the Jewish State isn't racism, any more than it is racist for Iran or Saudi Arabia to insist on being known as Muslim countries, or for the countries of the Arab League to insist on being known as Arab countries. It's just about wanting everyone to be clear that the Jews have as much right to a nation-state in their historic homeland as any other people have the right to a nation-state in their historic homeland.

Arabs do NOT have to acknowledge any such thing!

There are plenty of Jews who do not recognise the Jewish state!


Pink Top Hat

Active Member
How about the Arabs who want to throw out all the Jews from Judea-Samaria? Not even Israel wants to throw out citizen Arabs from its own turf.

If you want to see some racist quotes, look up "Arab leader quotes about Jews". And then if you want to get historical look up what they said about Blacks, or "slaves" as they are called.

First of all Jews are not a race. Judaism is a religion.

I could become a Jew tomorrow but my race could never be said to be Jewish if I did so that's just propaganda.

There are Chinese and Ethiopian Jews. What race are they then?

However this is what the racist Israeli Interior Minister said recently. Eli Yishai

"Muslims that arrive here do not even believe that this country belongs to us, to the white man."

WHITE MAN!!!!!!!!


Pink Top Hat

Active Member
what race are these guys?

they dont look very 'White man' to me

seems they wont be allowed any time soon into the White man only racist Jewish state will they



Well-Known Member
Arabs do NOT have to acknowledge any such thing!

There are plenty of Jews who do not recognise the Jewish state!

That's not plenty.
That is maybe a small .02% of the entire Jewish population.
And I think that's even stretching it.

Pink Top Hat

Active Member
That's not plenty.
That is maybe a small .02% of the entire Jewish population.
And I think that's even stretching it.

The founder of zionism was athiest and many Israelis are actually athiests.
I have no idea why a zionist athiest longs to live in the Chosen Land if he does not believe in God.

These guys who the zionist athiests want to silence are the ones who are following the bible.

Aren't these the real Jews? The people who follow Judaism and their holy book.

Pink Top Hat

Active Member
Maybe the Israeli zionists are these guys

(Rev 2:9) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

(Rev 3:9) Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Maybe Netanyahu has 666 on his head. The sign of the beast. Someone should check when he is sleeping.
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Just Jewish
First of all Jews are not a race. Judaism is a religion.

I could become a Jew tomorrow but my race could never be said to be Jewish if I did so that's just propaganda.

There are Chinese and Ethiopian Jews. What race are they then?

However this is what the racist Israeli Interior Minister said recently. Eli Yishai

"Muslims that arrive here do not even believe that this country belongs to us, to the white man."

WHITE MAN!!!!!!!!


No you could not become a Jew tomorrow. You would need to find a Rabbi, study with a Rabbi go before a Beit Din, into the mikvah.

You cannot just decide to become Jewish.


Just Jewish
The founder of zionism was athiest and many Israelis are actually athiests.
I have no idea why a zionist athiest longs to live in the Chosen Land if he does not believe in God.

These guys who the zionist athiests want to silence are the ones who are following the bible.

Aren't these the real Jews? The people who follow Judaism and their holy book.

No, anyone born to a Jewish mother or converted to Judaism is Jewish.

Secular or religious they are all Jews.


Well-Known Member
Now that's funny.
"Real Jews"
Who is denying whom the status of being Jewish? An idiot, sure, but even Islam has their idiots.

But, you know...I just have to say how interesting it is that you, and Godobeyer, among a few others, like to take the actions of a few Jews and extend it toward the entire population and yet, should I present the same in return, all I would hear is, "That's not Islam."
But, there, I guess is the difference. I am not saying they aren't "real Jews" Whatever the hell that is.


Well-Known Member
Maybe the Israeli zionists are these guys

(Rev 2:9) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

(Rev 3:9) Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Maybe Netanyahu has 666 on his head. The sign of the beast. Someone should check when he is sleeping.
Revelations? Seriously?
Come on, dude.
We are Jewish. Not Christian.