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Is it possible to successfully debate religious fundamentalists?


seeker of knowledge
Depends how you define success, I suppose. For instance, I would call the following examples instances of success:

1) the fundamentalist changes their mind completely (practically never happens)
2) the fundamentalist adopts a change in attitude towards the subject (very, very rarely happens)
3) the fundamentalist changes their attitude, but retains their position on the subject (rarely happens)
4) the fundamentalist agrees to reassess or reevaluate information relating to the subject (rarely happens)
5) the fundamentalist stops making their previous claims about the subject (rarely happens)
5) the fundamentalist insults everyone and then leaves (happens often)
Funny , I have found that you could replace fundamentalist with the word atheist in some of the above and your statements would still be true.


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
It sure does heavily imply it, in most cases a person doesn't change their deeply held beliefs if they are correct.

And if they not only refuse to change their deeply held beliefs when proven flat out wrong over and over and over, but also continue to spout their proven wrong beliefs as though they are facts?

For more examples to count, please visit the Creation vs Evolution forums.


Dr. Greenthumb
Is it possible to successfully debate religious fundamentalists?

If successfully means your blood pressure not rising and the veins in your forehead not showing, then no.


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
Funny , I have found that you could replace fundamentalist with the word atheist in some of the above and your statements would still be true.
What makes you think that there are no fundamentalist atheists?
Theists do not have a monopoly on fundamentalism.
Though some would like to think so.


hmm good question probably not though usually are..... and you asked for an example of a dishonest fundamentalist...so i gave one
Sure you gave me an example and I gave a counterexample. There is no reason why a fundamentalist is fundamentally wrong, as so many have asserted within this thread.

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
Sure you gave me an example and I gave a counterexample. There is no reason why a fundamentalist is fundamentally wrong, as so many have asserted within this thread.
it wasn't an example it was a question. and fundimentalist arent open minded being religious doesn't mean being fundamentalist.


Veteran Member
There is no reason why a fundamentalist is fundamentally wrong, as so many have asserted within this thread.

fun·da·men·tal·ism (fnd-mntl-zm)
1. A usually religious movement or point of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, by rigid adherence to those principles, and often by intolerance of other views and opposition to secularism.

fundamentalism does not promote progress...it holds on to :ignore:

see how silly that looks?


Premium Member
Here's a question: Is anyone who doesn't agree with you always wrong? If you answer yes, then you just might be arrogant- whether you are a fundamentalist or not. ;)