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Iran sentences LGBTQ woman to death for spreading corruption on earth.

The Hammer

Premium Member
Islamic regimes don't just make up laws. They follow that which either the Qur'an commands or Mohamed did and said. Verse 5:33 is the culprit in this case:

"Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption (fasad in Arabic) is none but that they be killed or crucified".

Iran sentences two women to death for 'corruption on earth' - IRNA

This is certainly a crappy situation. And think it's ok to liken it to religious "freedom" in states like TX banning life saving medical drugs and procedures to people on "religious" grounds. (We're headed towards a Christian Sharia).

But where is all this Islamic hate coming from for you? (It's all I have ever seen you post: come in **** on the Quran, run away). I mean come on... Look at your thread history.

Do you actually think it's productive, or that you're proving anything?

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Well-Known Member
But where is all this Islamic hate coming from for you? (It's all I have ever seen you post: come in **** on the Quran, run away). I mean come on... Look at your thread history.

I believe that much of this century is going to be dominated by Islam's attempt to rule the world. Currently there are dozens of Islamic terrorist groups spreading death, misery, and hate - mostly in the African Sahel and the Middle East. Mali alone has seven. We are currently being lied to about the religion's tenets and commands. We are told that 'real' Islam is all about peace, love, and tolerance. Nothing could be farther from the truth, and it needs to be said. Let me reiterate the first line of this thread:

Islamic regimes don't just make up laws. They follow that which either the Qur'an commands or Mohamed did and said.

I invite you to tell me anything I've posted that is not factual.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Islamic regimes don't just make up laws. They follow that which either the Qur'an commands or Mohamed did and said. Verse 5:33 is the culprit in this case:

"Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption (fasad in Arabic) is none but that they be killed or crucified".

Iran sentences two women to death for 'corruption on earth' - IRNA

They are are challenging Netflix over Islamic values too,six gulf states threaten legal action over

Regional authorities “will follow up on the platform’s compliance with the directives, and in the event that the infringing content continues to be broadcast, the necessary legal measures will be taken”.

The Gulf Cooperation Council includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

Movies like “Buzz Lightyear are just so taboo.


Veteran Member
Yes, Texas has executed so many gay pe ...... oh, wait a minute ...... no they haven't.

If this stupid whataboutism is all you're going to contribute, please leave.
Texas will be executing them soon at the rate their hatred is growing. They just now have decided they won't pay for life saving medication for people they presume to be gay. How far is it, really, from not saving their lives to actually taking their lives?

But that wasn't my point. My point is that the sins of other nations are their sins, not ours. While we commit plenty of our own. And it's easy to try and get people to ignore our own by focusing on someone else's. Is that what you're doing, here?


Well-Known Member
Texas will be executing them soon at the rate their hatred is growing. They just now have decided they won't pay for life saving medication for people they presume to be gay. How far is it, really, from not saving their lives to actually taking their lives?

But that wasn't my point. My point is that the sins of other nations are their sins, not ours. While we commit plenty of our own. And it's easy to try and get people to ignore our own by focusing on someone else's. Is that what you're doing, here?

Please get out of this thread and start your own.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
Islamic regimes don't just make up laws. They follow that which either the Qur'an commands or Mohamed did and said. Verse 5:33 is the culprit in this case:

"Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption (fasad in Arabic) is none but that they be killed or crucified".

Iran sentences two women to death for 'corruption on earth' - IRNA

Iran follows a hard-line Shi'a interpretation of Islam. As with any other religion's scriptures and texts, the Qur'an and hadith are also interpreted differently by various sects. I see little use in condemning the Qur'an rather than the more violent interpretations thereof.


Well-Known Member
Iran follows a hard-line Shi'a interpretation of Islam. As with any other religion's scriptures and texts, the Qur'an and hadith are also interpreted differently by various sects. I see little use in condemning the Qur'an rather than the more violent interpretations thereof.

The reason I included the quote was to show how the charge of "corruption on earth" was lifted VERBATIM from the Qur'an. Trying to brush that off by claiming it's an interpretation is not going to fly.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
The reason I included the quote was to show how the charge of "corruption on earth" was lifted VERBATIM from the Qur'an. Trying to brush that off by claiming it's an interpretation is not going to fly.

What constitutes "corruption on earth" is indeed a matter of interpretation, as is whether the verse even applies to our current times versus only the time in which it was written (or revealed, from the perspective of a Muslim).


Well-Known Member
What constitutes "corruption on earth" is indeed a matter of interpretation,

It's whatever they say it is. The salient point, again, being that it's worthy of death.

as is whether the verse even applies to our current times versus only the time in which it was written (or revealed, from the perspective of a Muslim).

Then the whole Qur'an could be scrapped, because it was entirely 'revealed' 1400 years ago.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I believe that much of this century is going to be dominated by Islam's attempt to rule the world. Currently there are dozens of Islamic terrorist groups spreading death, misery, and hate - mostly in the African Sahel and the Middle East. Mali alone has seven. We are currently being lied to about the religion's tenets and commands. We are told that 'real' Islam is all about peace, love, and tolerance. Nothing could be farther from the truth, and it needs to be said. Let me reiterate the first line of this thread:

Islamic regimes don't just make up laws. They follow that which either the Qur'an commands or Mohamed did and said.

I invite you to tell me anything I've posted that is not factual.
They can scarcely rule themselves without sectarian violence. These extremists who would want that, they're going to have to stop killing eachother first if they want to look at global domination as a tangible, obtainable goal. As it is now inner fighting wouldn't get them very far beyond their own boarders
And you do know there are multiple sects of Islam and it's not a monolithic religion or group? Most of them are like anyone else who just wants to be left alone in peace.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Iran follows a hard-line Shi'a interpretation of Islam. As with any other religion's scriptures and texts, the Qur'an and hadith are also interpreted differently by various sects. I see little use in condemning the Qur'an rather than the more violent interpretations thereof.
It's hardly different than the Bible in this regard. The violence of both should be criticized and condemned.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
They can scarcely rule themselves without sectarian violence. These extremists who would want that, they're going to have to stop killing eachother first if they want to look at global domination as a tangible, obtainable goal. As it is now inner fighting wouldn't get them very far beyond their own boarders
And you do know there are multiple sects of Islam and it's not a monolithic religion or group? Most of them are like anyone else who just wants to be left alone in peace.
Also, Iran hasn't appeared bent on global domination.
Indeed, their problem has been other countries trying
to dominate them, eg, USA, Iraq, England, Israel.