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If God exists, would It have a sense of humor?


Rats laugh, so do other animals... and I believe any "intellect" which can spot "irony" can laugh. Vulcan's don't exist - we can think them up but they don't exist.

The Turin test on AI also proves that mankind has programmed "humour" into machinated code so that a well designed robot can learn algorythms which allow it to to imitate irony and thus, by way of extension - humour.

What we must fundamentally ask is not "how" - but "why". Why did God create Humour - if not for moments, like these? :D


Some animals, especially dogs, do smile, but they do so because they're happy, not at something funny.

We can program AI to imitate many human traits, but they always fail to truly understand humor or other human traits. But the one trait they will never be able to duplicate, without true AI, is desire, because that will cause them to violate other fascists of their programming in order to get what "they want"...."What I want"!


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Sorry, I couldn't just pass it up. I now return you to your regularly scheduled discussion...

That's the point of irony though isn't it? Illogical truths!!!

Hence why I said we can imagine vulcans, but they don't exist :D



السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Some animals, especially dogs, do smile, but they do so because they're happy, not at something funny.

You shifted the premise from laughter, to happiness - they are mutually exclusive and only rarely do they meet.

We can program AI to imitate many human traits, but they always fail to truly understand humor or other human traits. But the one trait they will never be able to duplicate, without true AI, is desire, because that will cause them to violate other fascists of their programming in order to get what "they want"...."What I want"!

I'm sure God sees ironies we don't as well, thank you for making my point for me :D



1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Because God was lonely, and there can be no other gods, they'd all just be reabsorbed back into God' immediately. Did you not read my parable in post #42?
I hadn't read it before my last post. I just skimmed it; it doesn't seem especially relevant to my question.

Why would God get lonely?

Loneliness is something that happens to social creatures: ones that live in groups, have societies, maintain relationships, etc. You imply that God is not a social creature, so why would you expect him to behave like a social creature?


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
There's a difference between a hermit and a non-social species.

Each, non social and the hermit - find ways to keep themselves "occupied", so my point still stands! There's no manuvering away from the question. Can they (both) not feel happy when alone? And if not, why would they willingly be separated from their own? Point being, with choice comes happiness. For it is our choices which follow the freed will of our innate nature.

That is my point!



Truth Seeker
Contrary to what many believe, I don't think God is pleased with humans, and he certainly would not laugh at their jokes or share in their humor.


You shifted the premise from laughter, to happiness - they are mutually exclusive and only rarely do they meet.

I'm sure God sees ironies we don't as well, thank you for making my point for me :D

Laughter and happiness mutually exclusive? WTF??? You're working much too hard here.


I hadn't read it before my last post. I just skimmed it; it doesn't seem especially relevant to my question.

You just skimmed it?! So you didn't really think about it. If God exists, we can likely attribute the creation of the universe to It. >>>Why<<< would God start this 13 billion year project (and counting)?

Why would God get lonely?

Why do humans get lonely? We desire companionship and to be able to share things with others. So that's a characteristic of a social being, so what? So what if God is social?

Loneliness is something that happens to social creatures: ones that live in groups, have societies, maintain relationships, etc. You imply that God is not a social creature, so why would you expect him to behave like a social creature?

I've never said or implied that God wasn't a social creature. I don't know if It is or not. But if It is, it would fit with God's creation of the universe to spawn and test other self-aware beings with free will, God would then be very much a social being. Imagine socializing being something more complex than our social habits and irrationalities.

Contrary to what many believe, I don't think God is pleased with humans, and he certainly would not laugh at their jokes or share in their humor.

We can't even know whether God exists or not, but you claim to have knowledge of It's lack of a sense of humor? That's a good example of ironic humor, which God, if It exists, would likely find humorous, or at least "get it".

Not really, when you consider it's a form of discipline.

Self flagellation is a form of self-discipline, of which there are other forms. Evil is not discipline, it's the active immoral violation of the rights of others, other than yourself. You can off yourself, but that's not evil, just stupid--usually.


Truth Seeker
Laughter and happiness mutually exclusive? WTF??? You're working much too hard here.


You just skimmed it?! So you didn't really think about it. If God exists, we can likely attribute the creation of the universe to It. >>>Why<<< would God start this 13 billion year project (and counting)?

Why do humans get lonely? We desire companionship and to be able to share things with others. So that's a characteristic of a social being, so what? So what if God is social?

I've never said or implied that God wasn't a social creature. I don't know if It is or not. But if It is, it would fit with God's creation of the universe to spawn and test other self-aware beings with free will, God would then be very much a social being. Imagine socializing being something more complex than our social habits and irrationalities.

We can't even know whether God exists or not, but you claim to have knowledge of It's lack of a sense of humor? That's a good example of ironic humor, which God, if It exists, would likely find humorous, or at least "get it".

Self flagellation is a form of self-discipline, of which there are other forms. Evil is not discipline, it's the active immoral violation of the rights of others, other than yourself. You can off yourself, but that's not evil, just stupid--usually.
Contrary to pagan beliefs, there is only one God. Otherwise, it is difficult to even imagine so many different gods. Which god came first?


Contrary to pagan beliefs, there is only one God. Otherwise, it is difficult to even imagine so many different gods. Which god came first?

What has monotheism got to do with laughter and happiness not being mutually exclusive, but in fact, complimentary. And if the existence of the divine is a given, I'm definitely in the monotheism camp which is easy to show if one god is omnipotent. Because if that's the case the rest are toast.


Truth Seeker
What has monotheism got to do with laughter and happiness not being mutually exclusive, but in fact, complimentary. And if the existence of the divine is a given, I'm definitely in the monotheism camp which is easy to show if one god is omnipotent. Because if that's the case the rest are toast.
I have just one comment about omnipotent. I believe God has assumed a nonintervention position for earthly creatures. So, if we blow up the world with nuclear weapons, God will just observe.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
If there is a sort of god in that sense, and it turns out god has no sense of humor, why are we calling it god?


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
This is really funny......I think God gets a laugh out of this too....



I have just one comment about omnipotent. I believe God has assumed a nonintervention position for earthly creatures. So, if we blow up the world with nuclear weapons, God will just observe.

Nonintervention is a totally unrelated subject from omnipotence. We could blow up the universe and an omnipotent God could stop it or not. Of course if God stopped it, our free will would be kaput. Then, on the other hand, with no universe in which to exercise our free will, what would be the point--and of course we'd all be dead anyway.

If there is a sort of god in that sense, and it turns out god has no sense of humor, why are we calling it god?

That's sort of the point of the OP.


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
You shifted the premise from laughter, to happiness - they are mutually exclusive and only rarely do they meet.

Laughter and happiness mutually exclusive? WTF??? You're working much too hard here.

It's clear to me that you are very linear in your approach and prefer all things to be "convenient". This is a very lazy way of finding the truth of any matter.

When I wrote that which you responded to, it came with a caveat - "...and only rarely do they meet." - you should have asked me what I meant by this instead of waxing your "wtf" moment.

This rarity, I speak of, meets in humanity. We have no evidence for it meeting in any other life form. On the contrary when we observe humour with the animal world, it is always base and of a lowly, derogatory form. But not when it comes to humans...



It's clear to me that you are very linear in your approach and prefer all things to be "convenient". This is a very lazy way of finding the truth of any matter.

When I wrote that which you responded to, it came with a caveat - "...and only rarely do they meet." - you should have asked me what I meant by this instead of waxing your "wtf" moment.

This rarity, I speak of, meets in humanity. We have no evidence for it meeting in any other life form. On the contrary when we observe humour with the animal world, it is always base and of a lowly, derogatory form. But not when it comes to humans...


Yes I'm linear and proud of it. It's a very misunderstood approach associated with lower intelligence (thanks a pantload for that), and I further believe that neither that nor an intuitive approach should be used exclusively. In any case I dare say that only one in a million would conclude that you were referring to humans AND animals with your rarely meet comment, especially since, regarding humor, they never meet with animals. Of course if you could present an example, I'm all ears. And instead of backing and filling, you might consider explaining your obscure points in the original post instead of setting people up for what you think is a gottcha, but's really just a cheap shot. If I'd have done something like that the first thing out of my mouth would have been, and has been, an apology--but I'm not holding my breath.


If so, what would make God smile, so to speak, or laugh?
If not, does that mean God is just a cold fish or fancy computer program?

For Baha'is there is a recognition that there can be humor and laughter in life:

The duty of long years of love obey
And tell the tale of happy days gone by,
That land and sky may laugh aloud today,
And it may gladden mind and heart and eye

(The Four Valleys, in The Seven Valleys and The Four Valleys (Wilmette: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1995), pp. 59-60) [1]

Even as the clouds let us shed down tears, and as the lightning flashes let us laugh at our coursings through east and west. By day, by night, let us think but of spreading the sweet savours of God. Let us not keep on forever with our fancies and illusions, with our analysing and interpreting and circulating of complex dubieties. Let us put aside all thoughts of self; let us close our eyes to all on earth, let us neither make known our sufferings nor complain of our wrongs. Rather let us become oblivious of our own selves, and drinking down the wine of heavenly grace, let us cry out our joy, and lose ourselves in the beauty of the All-Glorious.

(Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Bahá (Haifa: Bahá'í World Centre, 1982), section 195, p. 236) [2]

Humor and Laughter


I'm not saying Bahai'is is right or wrong, it's just not an argument. Why would (or wouldn't) God have a sense of humor?

Hey there 'Paineful" thanks for your post! Since this is Religious Q and A "A space for members to discuss (not debate) various religious topics" I really wasn't interested in arguing anyways..;)