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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes

Bible just chalks it up to magic. Science actually tries to find the explantions without making stuff up.
Magic.Lol.. If Evolution could be proved scientifically then why would all of those scientist have to fake it and get caught planting evidence to prove evolution is correct?

Evolution Fraud and Myths
In an attempt to further their careers and justify the claims that evolution is a legitimate theory, many scientists have fraudulently deceived the world by planting or reconstructing fossils which they would claim to be authentic finds. The most widely published evolution fraud was committed in China in 1999, and published in in the National Geographic

Evolution Fraud and Myths
We didn't evolve from apes.

We are an ape. Ape is the family of species where humans, gorillas, chimpanzees, and others belong to.

And we evolved from a common ancestor from which all apes came from.

We share ancestor with the chimpanzees too, in a closer path.

So by the fact that humans exist, apes exist. We are apes.

By looking scientifically at the human body it is very obvious that we evolved. Bone structure and features can be traced. DNA, genetic, transposons, ERVs, markers, and much more show a very strong heritage.

Consciousness is a different beast all together. It didn't evolve, but emerged. The potential for consciousness is a fundamental "thing" of the Universe. It was never created. It's just as eternal as time, space, force, etc.

Uhm... no. I've taken some classes, and we're not pretty inside or organized. It's a big lump of stuff. Several organs can be easily removed without causing any greater harm to the individual. Why are there redundancy like this?

Explain when and how God created the blood clothing? It's a favorite example by apologists, but no one can explain why God created it to begin with. Did God expect Adam and Eve to get hurt and cut themselves? That was the "perfect" world he created? Same goes for antibodies, lymphatic system, etc. Why did God have to create that, unless he knew there would be disease. Why did God create us to have a need for microbial cultures to break down our food? Why did God create us with a flawed and broken C-vitamin gene? Those questions can be answered with evolution, but Genesis is completely silent.

Not quite.

There are at 20 different "models" of eyes in the world.

Humans have at least 3 different genetic types of color sight. (One that can see 4 colors.)

The cameras today are more effective than human eyes. Hasselblad cameras come up to close to 100 MPix now. That's some 2-4 times better than humans.

I have so many things I could explain to you, but I ran out of time. I'll come back to this later.
No.Lucy is not your grandmother.


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
Magic.Lol.. If Evolution could be proved scientifically then why would all of those scientist have to fake it and get caught planting evidence to prove evolution is correct?

Evolution Fraud and Myths
In an attempt to further their careers and justify the claims that evolution is a legitimate theory, many scientists have fraudulently deceived the world by planting or reconstructing fossils which they would claim to be authentic finds. The most widely published evolution fraud was committed in China in 1999, and published in in the National Geographic

Evolution Fraud and Myths

Counting the hits and ignoring the misses does not help your "argument".
Counting the hits and ignoring the misses does not help your "argument".
Others I can tolerate but those who love evil I cannot.I no longer wish to discuss anything with you.You made my list.I cant see you anymore.Im sorry.Goodbye.


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
It is not I who is the fool.You do know that devil means liar and slanderer right? It is not a name but a title.

I see you refuse to take the advice given.

Even with a link to help you out.

I wonder why you are so dead set on looking like a fool?


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
Others I can tolerate but those who love evil I cannot.I no longer wish to discuss anything with you.You made my list.I cant see you anymore.Im sorry.Goodbye.

Running tail tucked?

I guess you truly cannot handle the truth.


Premium Member
Magic.Lol.. If Evolution could be proved scientifically then why would all of those scientist have to fake it and get caught planting evidence to prove evolution is correct?

Evolution Fraud and Myths
In an attempt to further their careers and justify the claims that evolution is a legitimate theory, many scientists have fraudulently deceived the world by planting or reconstructing fossils which they would claim to be authentic finds. The most widely published evolution fraud was committed in China in 1999, and published in in the National Geographic

Evolution Fraud and Myths

So what, creationists have done the same thing. Now back to the evidence and lets take a break from mudslinging. Again science has explained most things away as being a result of natural occurrences including evolution. We have no evidence of humans sprouting out of the ground like plants.
So what, creationists have done the same thing. Now back to the evidence and lets take a break from mudslinging. Again science has explained most things away as being a result of natural occurrences including evolution. We have no evidence of humans sprouting out of the ground like plants.
Lol..."mudslinging",Lol... You are correct.There is no evidence of people sprouting from the ground but there is evidence in the holy scriptures that point to creation based on information that no man could have obtained on his own at that time.

For instance the passage in Genesis 7:11.It states that underwater springs burst forth.This has only come to light in the latter part of the 20th century by scientist.This was explained to mankind thousands of years ago in the holy scriptures.

Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, on the seventeenth day of the second month--on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
Lol..."mudslinging",Lol... You are correct.There is no evidence of people sprouting from the ground but there is evidence in the holy scriptures that point to creation based on information that no man could have obtained on his own at that time.

For instance the passage in Genesis 7:11.It states that underwater springs burst forth.This has only come to light in the latter part of the 20th century by scientist.This was explained to mankind thousands of years ago in the holy scriptures.

Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, on the seventeenth day of the second month--on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.

"holy scriptures" is not scientific evidence.
I give man the benefit of the doubt, I am not going to assume they were ignoramuses just to elevate the spiritual status of humans.
Thats funny because most atheist and other groups always say things like those people who wrote the bible were all ignorant sheep and goat herders who knew nothing.Then when something logical or something that sounds scientifically correct comes along,the tune changes.

Ok.....there is also the explanation of how the universe came into existence.The formula for this is actually explained.

If we read the very first sentence in the holy scriptures its Genesis 1:1 
It says, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." 
Ok...Lets dig DEEP beneath the verse.

In the beginning =TIME 
the heavens=SPACE Earth=MATTER
So,we end up with 
Scientist have barely come to agree that this is how they believe the
 universe was created. In this order. This was just found out in the latter part of the 20th century.God,our creator, let mankind know this over 3,000 years ago.

TIME,SPACE & MATTER is the formula God used to create the universe.This is just in the first sentence of the holy scriptures. Imagine the knowledge one can learn if we only apply ourselves and begin a relationship with the Grand creator.



mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
Thats funny because most atheist and other groups always say things like those people who wrote the bible were all ignorant sheep and goat herders who knew nothing.Then when something logical or something that sounds scientifically correct comes along,the tune changes.

Ok.....there is also the explanation of how the universe came into existence.The formula for this is actually explained.

If we read the very first sentence in the holy scriptures its Genesis 1:1 
It says, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." 
Ok...Lets dig DEEP beneath the verse.

In the beginning =TIME 
the heavens=SPACE Earth=MATTER
So,we end up with 
Scientist have barely come to agree that this is how they believe the
 universe was created. In this order. This was just found out in the latter part of the 20th century.God,our creator, let mankind know this over 3,000 years ago.

TIME,SPACE & MATTER is the formula God used to create the universe.This is just in the first sentence of the holy scriptures. Imagine the knowledge one can learn if we only apply ourselves and begin a relationship with the Grand creator.
