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Huckabee defends Duggars over Teenage Molestation Accusations


Well-Known Member
According to our justice system, not much is going to be done to this young man. Faith in a justice system doesn't change anything that already has occurred. In other cases, the justice system punishes but that punishment is not equivalent to the experience of what someone has put another through. I know that divine justice works. While there is knowledge of that predator put away, what about the "potential" ones who are not yet predators and the victims who are not yet victims? Even if a predator has sexually abused two others, and is wrestling internally in mind about abusing another, prevention still will eliminate another victim. A soul saved is a soul saved.

I would love nothing more for victims to be fully at rest and at peace, with all triggers defeated. This is an internal experience. This is no one else's experience. Even to other victims, it is their own experience. The only place this trauma exists is internally. The only place it can be fully overcome is internally and by ones own self and healing energy. Conscious altering experience. All of the suffering, anxiety, pain, torment, triggers, lack of being able to overcome things enslaved me for years and years, until I discovered this. This is where the faith needs to be at, not a justice system. Masking agents such as pills are not going to work. Messing with brain chemicals by who knows truly what effects pills may have on humans is dangerous. Counseling can map itself and have evidence that it doesn't do a whole lot.

We can talk all that we want about evil and where it derives from. Acting and speaking out is essential to prevention. Again, there are many people ripe to act on abuse and violence. Those people need a change of conscious mind. Look around, everything is sex appeal, about material and physicality, wants and desires. When an animal mind wants, an animal mind is going to attempt to get. Why not? This is cool in the material and physical world. This is cool among youths. Science says everything is physical, and material, and we are animals and live once with no consequences... Divulge divulge. Not much stock on "experience" and "real" which is what victims actually experience. Not much stock on anything outside of scientific and physical attempt at measuring of experience. Science and the mind are two separate.
So remove the sex in the media. Remove abuse that results in future pedophiles. Yet, this problem has been around for centuries and longer. Long before the media. So again, how will you prevent this? Education and awareness are already being utilized and unless you are blind, you know this. What will you do to stop this epidemic? And btw, the trauma of abuse is far more than 'internal'. My daughter was torn to shreds. That is physical. That child I spoke of will never be rid of the damage done to her. She had to have a colostomy. Please spare me that this is entirely 'internal'. Clearly, you don't know what you are talking about.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
According to our justice system, not much is going to be done to this young man. Faith in a justice system doesn't change anything that already has occurred. In other cases, the justice system punishes but that punishment is not equivalent to the experience of what someone has put another through. I know that divine justice works. While there is knowledge of that predator put away, what about the "potential" ones who are not yet predators and the victims who are not yet victims? Even if a predator has sexually abused two others, and is wrestling internally in mind about abusing another, prevention still will eliminate another victim. A soul saved is a soul saved.

After I was attacked, I failed to come forward. But a woman who was attacked in nearly identical fashion by the same man had the guts to come forward and press charges. He was convicted and sentenced. Once I heard that, a few of us survivors of the same perpetrator bonded together. We are sisters, as far as I'm concerned. And knowing he was sentenced gave us that much more faith in our justice system.

I would love nothing more for victims to be fully at rest and at peace, with all triggers defeated. This is an internal experience. This is no one else's experience. Even to other victims, it is their own experience. The only place this trauma exists is internally. The only place it can be fully overcome is internally and by ones own self and healing energy. Conscious altering experience. All of the suffering, anxiety, pain, torment, triggers, lack of being able to overcome things enslaved me for years and years, until I discovered this. This is where the faith needs to be at, not a justice system. Masking agents such as pills are not going to work. Messing with brain chemicals by who knows truly what effects pills may have on humans is dangerous. Counseling can map itself and have evidence that it doesn't do a whole lot.

Years of Jesus and years of Dharma and years of meditation only did so much. I found better alternatives in our methods of psychiatry and therapy when it specifically came to PTSD.

The more we know how the brain works and how our neurological systems adopt various blackout and numbing coping mechanisms during the trauma, and how we can re-train our brains and neurology AFTER trauma so that we have tools for the rest of our lives, the better off we are and the better quality of life survivors have.

I'll save the philosophy discussions for RF, thank you very much. I prefer calling my VERY good therapist and my various support groups of fellow survivors instead for practical how-to methods of healing.

We can talk all that we want about evil and where it derives from. Acting and speaking out is essential to prevention. Again, there are many people ripe to act on abuse and violence. Those people need a change of conscious mind. Look around, everything is sex appeal, about material and physicality, wants and desires. When an animal mind wants, an animal mind is going to attempt to get. Why not? This is cool in the material and physical world. This is cool among youths. Science says everything is physical, and material, and we are animals and live once with no consequences... Divulge divulge. Not much stock on "experience" and "real" which is what victims actually experience. Not much stock on anything outside of scientific and physical attempt at measuring of experience. Science and the mind are two separate.

Of course, we can talk about the beginnings of violence, but haven't people been doing that for millenia?

Survivors need something NOW. We would prefer to be able to go to a show or meet friends for lunch....or heck, we would really like to just look in the mirror and see our physical scars without crumbling.

Philosophy just does NOT cut it. For me, prayer does not cut it. Meditation does not cut it. Step by step behavioral redirecting that has so far shown to be best for PTSD folks is far more practical and in the here and now.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Reduction is a start. If it's gonna happen, I'd rather have 999 victims instead of 1000. Every soul counts. Every soul collectively can make a drastic difference with awareness.
You still haven't proposed how. You've only stated a distaste for a system that, in your own words, forces the victim to be consumed by negative emotions. But what do you think the abuse does? Should the victim completely ignore what has happened while the perpetrator attacks again?
You have also said you "don't want to have to be there or console anyone in the first place." I find that to be a very alarming and concerning statement. How can you call yourself someone's friend if you don't want to be there for them in the first place?


Well-Known Member
I asked you before and you didn't answer. How would you stop this? Please explain what you would do that hasn't been done already or admit you are blowing smoke up our arses.

Spread the truth, love, peace about life. Strong awareness. There has never been anything done that hasn't already been done and never will be.

Problem is, most of what's always been done is spreading lies, hate and divide and the worst part about it is that most of it is done almost undetectably. Indirectly feeding into the mental system of circular suffering.
If you're aware that not much has changed, and the current popular world system model doesn't solve much... Does this not tell you subconsciously that there must be something wrong with it?

Things are spoken of, always have been, but most of us don't know what they mean. Such as cause and effect. Call it what one must, divine justice/cosmic justice/nature justice/ universal justice/karmic justice by a guiding force. No one escapes until they've paid every last penny for what they've done to others and have the higher conscious of awareness that they are individually to blame for all of their problems and experiences. The truth hurts, but is necessary.

While most are more centralized on a human justice system that is corrupt in many ways, the divine/cosmic justice and balance will never fail and always be fair and just.


Well-Known Member
You still haven't proposed how. You've only stated a distaste for a system that, in your own words, forces the victim to be consumed by negative emotions. But what do you think the abuse does? Should the victim completely ignore what has happened while the perpetrator attacks again?
You have also said you "don't want to have to be there or console anyone in the first place." I find that to be a very alarming and concerning statement. How can you call yourself someone's friend if you don't want to be there for them in the first place?

I offer myself, selflessly and purely to anyone without judgement or bias.

If a soul were saved before violence occurred, I or anyone else wouldn't have to be there because there wouldn't be such thing as a victim.


Well-Known Member
Reduction how? How will you stop what is generally a silent crime? I'll not hold my breath as to date, it hasn't been stopped. You are full of bluster and seem to be intimating you have all these answers that the judicial system hasn't found yet. What would those answers be? The children of tomorrow would love to know....

The polar opposite. Use silence against silence.

The best work is done in silence.

The work in silence helps make there no such thing as a child of tomorrow.

Who has been saved from being a child of tomorrow? We'll never know. That's the beauty of it. Silence, making a difference silently. Not doing things to be seen or for credit but out of pure and genuine sincerity of heart. Assisting troubled minds. Troubled youths. In ways the closed minded world can't seem to comprehend or be aware of.

There shouldn't be focus on "victims of tomorrow." There needs to be focus on troubled minds and youths and prevention. Not ignoring or deeming them no good or worthless. Who knows how many potential victims have been spared by silent work. That's not the point. Life is not a scientific measurable statistic that needs a loud alarm sounded and credit.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I offer myself, selflessly and purely to anyone without judgement or bias.
If a soul were saved before violence occurred, I or anyone else wouldn't have to be there because there wouldn't be such thing as a victim.
I gotta jump in here, even though I'm not part of this conversation.
We aren't going to eliminate assaults. Humans will always be imperfect, & government will never have that much power (I hope). But as you say, to prevent assaults is a good thing. And as others have said, effective help for victims is good. Problems can be addressed in multiple ways. You guys really have no big disagreement.
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Well-Known Member
I gotta jump in here, even though I'm not part of this conversation.
We aren't going to eliminate assaults. Humans will always be imperfect, & government will never have that much power (I hope). But as you say, to prevent assaults is a good thing. And as others have said, effective help for victims is good. Problems can be addressed in multiple ways. You guys really have no big disagreement.
I agree with the exception that I don't believe this can be fought with abject silence. What in the world would silence do to stop the problem? Sweep it back under the carpet, or in the family closet as it were? No. We can never be silent. We must, of a necessity, fight this with compassion and caring for those who have been harmed. Perhaps in the future, there will be a cute for pedophiles. I would welcome that day. But silence does nothing but return us to a time when all those funny uncles were left alone by society because of silence. Left alone to continue the sad legacy of childhood rape.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I agree with the exception that I don't believe this can be fought with abject silence. What in the world would silence do to stop the problem? Sweep it back under the carpet, or in the family closet as it were? No. We can never be silent. We must, of a necessity, fight this with compassion and caring for those who have been harmed. Perhaps in the future, there will be a cure for pedophiles. I would welcome that day. But silence does nothing but return us to a time when all those funny uncles were left alone by society because of silence. Left alone to continue the sad legacy of childhood rape.
I don't advocate silence.

Btw, I fixed the underlined word.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Clearly, this is one of the most important stories of our time!
A former teenager admits misbehaving when a teenager....oh, the horror!

Because degrees of severity don't exist, right? Wouldn't you say there is a difference between a teen smashing someone's mailbox with a bat and a teen smashing someone's skull with a bat?


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Because degrees of severity don't exist, right? Wouldn't you say there is a difference between a teen smashing someone's mailbox with a bat and a teen smashing someone's skull with a bat?

I would agree, though the level of severity would probably be smashing someone's kneecaps with a bat and smashing someone's skull with a bat, if we were to keep to analogies of assault and battery consistent.


Mother Heathen

What I've noticed about the manner by which the media has portrayed this story is that it's blatantly political without acknowledgement as to how this impacts the victims & those who are innocent to include Duggar's own children.

As a Christian, I feel that Huckabee has spoken as a Christian should. I don't like the man's politics, believe me. But, I don't construe his commentary as an approval or a support of molestation. He speaks honestly as to what forgiveness is through Christ. I respect that he has acknowledged that perhaps the victims wanted this put behind them. I don't think it's fair for society to impress upon the victims as to what type of justice they should have seen or resolution that they need. I feel that media has been incredibly pretentious and cruel in this regard. Whether I like Huckabee or not, his commentary has been the first that I've seen so far that speaks to humility and compassion and genuine regard towards those that were victimized by Duggar's actions.
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Well-Known Member
Spread the truth, love, peace about life. Strong awareness. There has never been anything done that hasn't already been done and never will be.

Problem is, most of what's always been done is spreading lies, hate and divide and the worst part about it is that most of it is done almost undetectably. Indirectly feeding into the mental system of circular suffering.
If you're aware that not much has changed, and the current popular world system model doesn't solve much... Does this not tell you subconsciously that there must be something wrong with it?

Things are spoken of, always have been, but most of us don't know what they mean. Such as cause and effect. Call it what one must, divine justice/cosmic justice/nature justice/ universal justice/karmic justice by a guiding force. No one escapes until they've paid every last penny for what they've done to others and have the higher conscious of awareness that they are individually to blame for all of their problems and experiences. The truth hurts, but is necessary.

While most are more centralized on a human justice system that is corrupt in many ways, the divine/cosmic justice and balance will never fail and always be fair and just.
forgive me but nothing you have suggested is anything but platitudes mouthed that have been mouthed for quite some time and has nothing to thrawt the problem. I agree that the current system is ineffective. I agree its needs an immediate overhaul that will hold rapists and pedophiles accountable to the nth degree. Yet, as I mentioned, the alleged 'justice' metted out to my daughter's rapist was 2 years in solitary. Solitary because they feared he would be raped if not killed himself in prison. And when he was released, he recommitted, for which he got 3 whole years. He is out now, and a registered sex offender but please explain to me how this will stop a man who clearly likes to rape children? Divine justice? Seriously? How does that change this inept system? How does it assuage those harmed? Its doesn't.


Well-Known Member
What I've noticed about the manner by which the media has portrayed this story is that it's blatantly political without acknowledgement as to how this impacts the victims & those who are innocent to include Duggar's own children.

As a Christian, I feel that Huckabee has spoken as a Christian should. I don't like the man's politics, believe me. But, I don't construe his commentary as an approval or a support of molestation. He speaks honestly as to what forgiveness is through Christ. I respect that he has acknowledged that perhaps the victims wanted this put behind them. I don't think it's fair for society to impress upon the victims as to what type of justice they should have seen or resolution that they need. I feel that media has been incredibly pretentious and cruel in this regard. Whether I like Huckabee or not, his commentary has been the first that I've seen so far that speaks to humility and compassion and genuine regard towards those that were victimized by Duggar's actions.
So we should just forgive a man who never got the punishment and counseling he needed because he is Christian? And we should applaud Huckabee because he, too, states that forgiveness for this man who molested children is sorry? Sorry but that simply doesn't wash. Keep in mind that just today I read that Josh Duggar made a joke about having to have a chaperone while dating. Does that sound like he was sorry for his crimes? Should we forgive this too? This tendency of the Christian right to 'forgive and forget' is too often the reason some pedophiles are either never caught or never punished. They believe because God forgives them, so should we. Maybe. Forgiveness for the prepetrator might give the survivor some peace but it must be tempered with justice.


Veteran Member
Does he extend the same defense for the family on Honey Boo Boo?

Because....c'mon, now.
I actually have changed my mind on this issue since learning more about this scum-bag Dugger kid. I did not realize that most of the girls were his sisters. Definitely is a shining example of how "strict family values" can have terrible consequences.


Veteran Member
What I've noticed about the manner by which the media has portrayed this story is that it's blatantly political without acknowledgement as to how this impacts the victims & those who are innocent to include Duggar's own children.

As a Christian, I feel that Huckabee has spoken as a Christian should. I don't like the man's politics, believe me. But, I don't construe his commentary as an approval or a support of molestation. He speaks honestly as to what forgiveness is through Christ. I respect that he has acknowledged that perhaps the victims wanted this put behind them. I don't think it's fair for society to impress upon the victims as to what type of justice they should have seen or resolution that they need. I feel that media has been incredibly pretentious and cruel in this regard. Whether I like Huckabee or not, his commentary has been the first that I've seen so far that speaks to humility and compassion and genuine regard towards those that were victimized by Duggar's actions.
Do you realize that, instead of contacting the authorities, the Duggars made their son do manual labor as "repentance"?! That is pretty darn stupid. The kid need psychiatric treatment at the very least.


Well-Known Member
forgive me but nothing you have suggested is anything but platitudes mouthed that have been mouthed for quite some time and has nothing to thrawt the problem. I agree that the current system is ineffective. I agree its needs an immediate overhaul that will hold rapists and pedophiles accountable to the nth degree. Yet, as I mentioned, the alleged 'justice' metted out to my daughter's rapist was 2 years in solitary. Solitary because they feared he would be raped if not killed himself in prison. And when he was released, he recommitted, for which he got 3 whole years. He is out now, and a registered sex offender but please explain to me how this will stop a man who clearly likes to rape children? Divine justice? Seriously? How does that change this inept system? How does it assuage those harmed? Its doesn't.

Faith in this justice system obviously doesn't work. It's evident in itself that this justice system doesn't work, even excluding "faith" in it. Even separating from justice being served out by a system, it will not change or prevent other occurrences.

What would be spreading truth? We can try to see the big picture of life. Why do things like this occur is the question. "Why? Why me? This isn't fair." What if that fairness is cosmic justice? What if we are experiencing suffering for the same suffering we have caused others to experience? Like the universe is built on, opposites.
It's a circular cycle. If I murder, I will become the murdered. If I steal, I will become the stolen from. If I abuse, I will become the abused. If I'm racist, I will become what I hate. If I devour another human being in any way, I will experience the same devouring I caused and reap the effects myself. Cause and effect. What if I'm the one who needs forgiven for all of my causes upon others until I learn the cold, uneasy hard truth about myself and life? I'm not going to escape the cycle until I learn and pay the prices regardless of any man-made justice system. If I hated and abused "African's" for example, what if I knew I'd become an African that is abused by a man just like me? Then I am sitting here, asking the questions, why me? This isn't fair, why are things like this? Why am I experiencing this suffering for my skin color? Then I realize, I was once the victimizer of a victim like I currently am. Those harmed, the damage cannot be changed. I'd find more comfort in the cosmic/divine justice than any corrupt man-made system and would be at rest and contentment knowing in the truth. But then I don't want harm to anyone. I want forgiveness and a shift in minds. I know that I have the power to forgive those that have harmed me. Others need to be aware of this also. Wishing bad upon someone is never good. If I were sexually abused, my initial emotion would want the perp to be sexually abused and experience the same suffering I have received. Justice Justice Justice. Instead, they get 2 years in prison. No one becomes aware of the truth and is forgiven and forgives. Later on in the future of circular life and divine/cosmic justice... That former perp is in a different body, and they get sexually abused and experience the suffering and in need of console and demanding justice for what was done to them. It's a never ending cycle of devouring and cause and effect. Devourer becomes devoured. Feeding into the circular system.

What I meant by silence is doing work before there is such thing as a victim. Not literal silence. Being loud yet humbly and in truth and peaceful ways. There are troubled minds all around me, everywhere I go. I can plant seeds in minds, help others overcome their emotions and desires before they do act out on them. Who is saved from being a victim is of no concern to me. Who is saved from becoming the victimizer is of no concern for me. It's the "silence" behind the scenes that saves souls. Or I can ignore them and judge and label them as no good and worthless, giving no help. Genuine people believing and having faith that they can have a change in mind.

Whether a victim or a potential perp, it all starts internally, with a radical change in conscious mind. The defeat of an old mind and having a renewed and new mind. A rapist cannot be a rapist if they have a change in mind. A murderer cannot murder if they have a change in mind. A victim cannot be a victim if their potential victimizer had a radical change in mind. A thief cannot be a thief if they have a change in mind and so on.

Then I realize, hell is true. It's a living and real experience bodily. If I harm others, I'm going to be the harmed. I'm going to experience the same conscious experience of suffering in another body somewhere that I have caused.

The truth is easy to see, it's universal. Not many are looking for it.

As for forgiveness, I am the one who needs forgiven for all of my actions, before I can forgive others. Genuinely.
Before I can find true freedom and rest and peace in conscious mind. I have to get over myself, my ego and pride, my stubbornness, I have to accept that I am suffering for my actions, I am the only one responsible. The truth hurts. Initially.

Look around us, everyone is devouring each other by living in the past. Country vs country. Race vs race. Husband vs wife. Religion vs religion. Government vs government. Boyfriend vs girlfriend. Individual vs individual. Ego vs ego. Pride vs pride. Over things that cannot be changed and living in the past. Things that occurred thousands and hundreds of years ago even. No forgiveness. Things can be changed now and going forward. By spreading truth, love, and peace.