No religious beliefs
Pressure testing seems part of the standard routine whenever you go for an eye test in the UK. So if you need glasses you always get it done every couple of years or so. But if you don’t wear specs I’m not sure how it would be picked up.
Same here. The optician I saw did test the pressures, but obviously got it very wrong. She also looked into my eyes with some new fangled device that she was very proud of. I think that if you don't need glasses or the ones you have are still OK then you should have them checked anyway.
Incidentally, I just had my pressures checked, first by my ophthalmologist, then by an optician. The ophthalmologist got 15 in each eye using a test where the eye is actually touched by the instrument and the optician got 12 in each eye using the puff of air test. The pressures may vary based on how recently I used my eye drops, so both could be accurate but I tend to trust the first result more.