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greetings and salivations....er salutations

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Then it sounds like something to look into =)

I would sugest sitting with it for a while...
Ask Hawk... if you keep an open heart and an open mind about it you may be plesantly surpised. :mrgreen:


Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
What does it mean to walk with wolf medicine?? What the wolves tell me is that I am half wolf spirit. But I am not a healer, I am only a mystic. I am able to work with the spirits to accomplish tasks in the spirit world. Is this a native american concept? Or am I misunderstanding your culture?


Well-Known Member
I am openminded about talking to the hawks in my dreams... the only problem is, I don't have any control over dreams with them in them... I can't ask the questions I mean to ask while I'm awake and they seem to have complete control over the dream. And the dreams are so confusing I'm not sure what message I'm supposed to get out of them.

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
Sometimes the messages can be contained within the feeling you have after waking up from them. Just like in taoism, once you get past the words and definitions do you first begin to understand the true nature of the universe. Concentrate on your feelings, and let them speak to you.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Try asking Hawk before you go to sleep... he may answer in a dream or he may answer in the waking world... but be patient... spirits do things in their own time and not always in ways that you expect them to.
I've had a few. interesting encounters with Coyote in particular... :oops: :lol:

Master Vigil-
Medicine is personal power/spirituality.... anything can have medicine... good or bad...
As for what it means to walk with wolf medicine you have to ask wolf about that...
Wolf is many things to many people... Teacher, Warrior, Provider eaven to some tribes a Trickster.

see the interaction on the spirit world post in Paganism for an answer on the second part :)

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
So if the wolves are my teachers and friends, that still means that I'm walking with wolf medicine? Thats cool with me.


Well-Known Member
Runt said:
I am openminded about talking to the hawks in my dreams... the only problem is, I don't have any control over dreams with them in them... I can't ask the questions I mean to ask while I'm awake and they seem to have complete control over the dream. And the dreams are so confusing I'm not sure what message I'm supposed to get out of them.

You can dialogue with the hawk while you are awake. Get paper and pencil, stay open. Ask the hawk what it wants to tell you, then write free flow. You can talk back and forth this way. Also, before you go to sleep state that you want to interact with the hawk, that you have equal control with it.


Well-Known Member
Master Vigil, Painted Wolf, and Lightkeeper--

Thanks for the advice guys. I'll try it out and see if it helps! :p

Master Vigil said:
Sometimes the messages can be contained within the feeling you have after waking up from them. Just like in taoism, once you get past the words and definitions do you first begin to understand the true nature of the universe. Concentrate on your feelings, and let them speak to you.

Do you think it may be a case then of the hawks not being able to communicate in words I can understand, so I have to rely on non-verbal understanding to get any meaning out of the meeting? That would make sense, since usually the dreams are primarily action with very little "talking"... maybe the words of the hawks are not important but rather their actions? Half the time they don't even DO anything tho... I had a dream recently where I was sitting on top of the Window (a rock formation in the desert where I grew up and climbed a lot as a kid) having a picnic with one of them. That's all that happened... I was eating a sandwich that I'd brought up with me, and he was eating a dead lizard... I honestly don't see the significance in a dream like that... there have been ones where they've talked to me, but now that I think about it, usually there is little "talking" in those dreams and in some very little action. Are these ones unimportant, or am I just missing something?


Well-Known Member
Okay, that's odd... I can only see my last post when I look at the Topic Review... otherwise the page says there is an "error"... hmm....

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
The actions are just as or more important than the words. You eating with the hawk could be showing that you are equal to it, and like it. Every little thing is important. You must be aware and vigil.


Well-Known Member
Birds can be a transcendent symbol and eating means sustenance. You had to climb the rock formation. Remember that the hawk the food and stone are parts of you. It sounds like you have reached a new level of understanding.


Well-Known Member
Ugh... its all so confusing!!! However, I'll keep these thoughts in mind, and see what the results are over the next week or so.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Perhaps you wern't ready to hear thier words just then?...
I know wolf has talked with me on occasion... Though most messages are metaphorical in dreams...

Try not to look too hard at first... it can be tempting to jump to conclusions at first...
I find its best to write my dreams down and go back to them later if there is something I don't understand at the time.

good luck! :clap:



Well-Known Member
I find its best to write my dreams down and go back to them later

That I do. Although I often don't get much more meaning from my dreams after writing them down, it does make for some entertaining reading.

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
Try not to think too critically and logically. Just let things flow. How you feel, may be right. Just allow your dreams to flow, and afterwards, see how you feel.


Well-Known Member
Anybody know any good tricks for REMEMBERING dreams? I have a tendency to wake up knowing that I dreamed, but not WHAT I dreamed... what if the hawks talked to me, and I forget about it when I woke up? Seems kinda... disrespectful. o_O

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
If you don't remember what they say, it might be meant to be that way. Sometimes the dreams are only meant for the dreamworld. You may learn to see them in the waking world but you must first know yourself. You must learn to listen to the world, and let it speak to you without words.


Well-Known Member
Okay, another odd question. (I'm really into dreams, can you tell?) I read in some book that the first step, after learning to "wake" in your dreams and then control them is to raise your hand above your face and "see" it. For some reason, it is supposed to be really hard to do this. First, do you know why? Second, for me it is different; I can look at my hands easily, but for some reason I can't look in a mirror and see my eyes... when I try, it is like I can focus on everything BUT my eyes, and after I try my vision (in my dream) always fades and then I lose control and slip into a normal dream, where I no longer know I'm dreaming and no longer have control over what I dream.

So, I guess my question is, have any of you heard of this before, why does it happen, and what does it mean?

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
maybe your trying to hard...
relax, just tell yourself that you want to remember your dreams and then when you have one write it down immediatly... eaven if it means waking up in the middle of the night.

Dreams are like a fist full of sand, the tigher you grip the more it slips though your fingers...
