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greetings and salivations....er salutations

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
er, if you hadn't guessed by the name, I'm a Native American. Cherokee actually. I hope to share a lot and learn a lot from everyone :D

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Welcome to the forum Painted Wolf! I've very interested in Native American religion and spirituality, and am looking forward to learning from you. :)



yes native americans are very interesting. from the seperate nation to the tribal counsels.

i look forward to learning.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
I'll do what I can... but I'm still a pup as far as my faith goes and learning alot as I go. :oops:
I've only just recently been able to find a way to learn about my Native Heritage but I hope to share what I can, eaven if its just an opinion or two. :D



Well-Known Member
Ah ha!

I thought you seemed familiar! I've talked to you on the Religious Tolerance forum, haven't I?


Well-Known Member
Heh, I know what you mean. The religious tolerance forum is fun, but this one is easier to navigate. Besides, half the posts on the religious tolerance website are politics and news related... which can be fun to read and respond to, but in my opinion have no place on a religious forum.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Its important to remember that religion often determines how people react to politics. Sometimes its nessisary to connect the two.
But some people do go a bit overbord ;)

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
painted wolf... my uncle is half cherokee. can you go into why your name is painted wolf? is there meaning behind it? my spirit is half wolf, and i am able to smell the spirit realm. I am not native american though, i am italian. However, i have gone past being different races, I am the same as all are. In the end, when the moon is full, we all can howl. I'm very much looking forward to talking with you.

i'm not sure which tribe he was from, but i met a native american at a renaiisance festival once, and before i even talked to him, he called me "honiahaka." he later said that it meant "little wolf." how he knew i was a wolf, i'll never know.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Master Vigil-
My name is one to grow by... not official unfotunatly.... tecnically I'm still a kid :oops:
It came to a friend of mine in a dream and he gifted it to me...

I walk with wolf (and have since I was a child) so that part was pretty self explanitory...
the painted part, well... thats harder to explain... in part is fits my being an artist... the rest is spirtual and more personal...

I am part Sicilian... the irony eh? :clap:
I have taken up my familys forgotten Cherokee heritage so that it will stay strong. My siblings unfortunatly, don't have much, if any, intrest in their heritage. :cry:

Howl when your heart tells you too, the full moon is for running through the woods :party:

Some people can see things like that easily,... some people are just easy to see. Who knows?

I'm shure we'll have a lot to talk about.


Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
Thats awesome, i'm mostly sicilian!!! I'm very sorry that your siblings do not share your love for your heritage. But maybe some day they will come around. Who knows :)

Umm... If I may ask, I'm not sure if you'd have an answer... Do you know anyone else who may be half wolf spiritually??? Cuz I do not know anyone around where I live, and those who say, really aren't. They just say to "be different." I just wish I could know if spirit wolves are a plenty or not??


Well-Known Member
I have dreams where I am a hawk... or where I am talking to hawks (easy in the dream... seems really stupid and unbelieveable when I wake up)... might this be hawk spirituality? Or do I just have a weird (and baseless...) obsession with hawks?

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
could be either way. how real does it feel? can you sometimes not tell the difference between being a hawk, and being human?

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
That depends on your POV... Have the Haws ever said anything of value to you? I won't ask you to elaborate as dreams are personal and very spiritual in my belief.
There are often two ways spirits guide individuals... one is the typical totem... a spirit (not always an animal) that sticks with you usually your whole life and other teachers who appear for short times to deliver a spicific message or lesson.

You may well walk with Hawk medicine...
Have you asked Hawk?

He, he, almost deserves its own topic... :)


painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Master Vigil-
I know a few people who walk with wolf medicine... some more closely than others...
for some it goes byond simply a 'totem'.



Well-Known Member
Yes, she/he (there are either 2 or more of them, or one that seems to change gender...) has said things of value.