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Glad To Not Be A Jew, Muslim, Etc


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
This thread is about inconveniences created.
So let no one feel their religion is bashed.

In the news is an article about the complexities
of observing one strict religion....
I like my electricity, elevators, & cars all 7 days of the week.

What inconveniences do you endure, or that
you've heard of? Be nice.


Veteran Member
What inconveniences do you endure, or that
you've heard of? Be nice.

If I may answer from a non-theist/atheist perspective....

I'd say that just using the term "atheist" can get passive aggressiveness from others who may feel 'wronged' by people of this group. It doesn't really matter whether the person has committed the offenses themselves, just that if they use the term "atheist" for themselves, they are somehow choosing to "take on those sins" (apparently) and "should know better".


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
This thread is about inconveniences created.
So let no one feel their religion is bashed.

In the news is an article about the complexities
of observing one strict religion....
I like my electricity, elevators, & cars all 7 days of the week.

What inconveniences do you endure, or that
you've heard of? Be nice.
The inconveniences are created mostly by overly-picayune reading and analysis of what should really be reasonable suggestions for a healthy society. Having a day (or two) to rest and think about things of importance to oneself is obviously a good thing -- but to suppose that there is only one day of the week for such a rest is nonsense in a functional world.

To suggest doing no work today -- and then taking that to the extreme of including the pressing of an elevator button so that you can get to your 35th floor condo is sheerest nonsense. A Rabbinate that cannot understand the difference between "work" and "conveniently getting home" hasn't mastered simple common sense because they're weighed down by dogmatic thinking.

And (forgive me for this) but how do you make a self-driving car Jewish enough to be bound by such "laws?" Cut off an inch of its tailpipe? YHWH-dammit, that car can't be Jewish no matter what! And accessing an app to arrange a convenience is exactly equivalent to pressing an elevator button.


Active Member
The world is geting unsafe as time passes by. Problems all over the word. signs indicating the advent of WWIII are showing off. as people get distant from religion, problems accumulates


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
This thread is about inconveniences created.
So let no one feel their religion is bashed.

In the news is an article about the complexities
of observing one strict religion....
I like my electricity, elevators, & cars all 7 days of the week.

What inconveniences do you endure, or that
you've heard of? Be nice.
I happen to like going around topless in the privacy of my apartment. But I would never even consider going topless outside my front door, because it is not part of my culture. In the same way, these different traditions are important cultural features to various religious groups. For example, once an Orthodox Jew adjusts to being shomer Shabbat, it becomes habitual, routine. It is not oppressive to them.

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
Can't remember my teddy bear let alone my comfort blanket. Seems to have gone missing quite early on. :oops:


Well-Known Member
This thread is about inconveniences created.
So let no one feel their religion is bashed.

In the news is an article about the complexities
of observing one strict religion....
I like my electricity, elevators, & cars all 7 days of the week.

What inconveniences do you endure, or that
you've heard of? Be nice.
In today's increasingly tribalistic society, people wake up already offended in the morning weather religious or not! In fact, I would argue that the nonreligious seem to be more offended than the religious! Wokeness has grievance factories that invent new ways to be offended. People are retrospectively offended by things that they didn't realize were offensive at the time but now that they think about it, what you said in 1974 was really offensive and you should be retroactively punished!

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
When I lived in an area that had an Amish population, I knew some guys who made a decent amount of money driving them around since their beliefs prohibited them from doing it themselves.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
In today's increasingly tribalistic society, people wake up already offended in the morning weather religious or not! In fact, I would argue that the nonreligious seem to be more offended than the religious! Wokeness has grievance factories that invent new ways to be offended. People are retrospectively offended by things that they didn't realize were offensive at the time but now that they think about it, what you said in 1974 was really offensive and you should be retroactively punished!
What is "wokeness"? I can never get a strait answer from those who use it pejoratively.


Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member
In today's increasingly tribalistic society, people wake up already offended in the morning weather religious or not! In fact, I would argue that the nonreligious seem to be more offended than the religious! Wokeness has grievance factories that invent new ways to be offended. People are retrospectively offended by things that they didn't realize were offensive at the time but now that they think about it, what you said in 1974 was really offensive and you should be retroactively punished!
Both mornings and weather offends me. I wasn't around in 1974 to know any better.

I find I have a lot of inconveniences, but none caused by my religion.


A striving disciple of Jesus Christ
I gave the exercise a good college try, but I can't think of any inconveniences I have to endure. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what we're supposed to do...


Admiral Obvious
When I lived in an area that had an Amish population, I knew some guys who made a decent amount of money driving them around since their beliefs prohibited them from doing it themselves.
Whenever I need some extra cash, I will "Uber" myself out to the local Amish.
I do not have any set rates, I do so on donations and the money is still good enough for me to buy a hot water on demand unit and all the extras to install it ($1000) in less than a week.