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EU Elections 2019

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Whataboutery. How about the people moan about corruption most (Leavers) don't a) engage in it themselves and; b) don't apologise for it when their side does it?

Farage: "The EU is corrupt! We should Brexit so we can do things better!"

proceeds to unrepentantly engage in corruption like he accuses the EU of doing.

Remainers: "..."

Quitlers: "Uhh, well, obviously it's different when he does it!"

Well...keeping defending the EU, despite the tens of arguments that prove it deals with a corrupt, dishonest, undemocratic, technocratic and plutocratic entity.

The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
There there is no good arguments for remaining in Europe. After a referendum ended with an exit decision. What you need to be asking remainers is why don't you believe in democracy?

The Leave side cheated to win. They literally broke the law to achieve their result. The referendum was advisory, not legally binding. There is no obligation to implement it yet the the British Right are determined to treat it as gospel; despite the fact the result was obtained illegally, it was also based on lies, xenophobia and cynical manipulation by the media.

For people to accuse us of 'not believing in democracy' for not wanting such a result implemented because it will harm millions of lives needlessly and trash the UK economy is hypocritical and frankly Orwellian.

Before the ballot we were promised it would be the best thing in the world and negotiating a trade deal would be super easy. Now we're being told by Leavers that we can get through it with the same air of unity that people displayed during Dunkirk. Something is wrong with Brexit, and deeply wrong with those who refuse to acknowledge it for fear of having to admit they might have been wrong.
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Well-Known Member
The Leave side cheated to win. They literally broke the law to achieve their result. The referendum was advisory, not legally binding. There is no obligation to implement it yet the the British Right are determined to treat it as gospel; despite the fact the result was obtained illegally, it was also based on lies, xenophobia and cynical manipulation by the media.

For people to accuse us of 'not believing in democracy' for not wanting such a result implemented because it will harm millions of lives needlessly and trash the UK economy is hypocritical and frankly Orwellian.

Before the ballot we were promised it would be the best thing in the world and negotiating a trade deal would be super easy. Now we're being told by Leavers that we can get through it with the same air of unity that people displayed during Dunkirk.



A Free Man
Every household in the UK received a government leaflet that explained all the pitfalls of leaving the EU but we still voted to leave.

Why the government believes that voting to remain in the EU is the best decision for the UK - with references

A once in a generation decision

The referendum on Thursday, 23 June is your chance to decide if we should remain in or leave the European Union.

The government believes it is in the best interests of the UK to remain in the EU.

This is the way to protect jobs, provide security, and strengthen the UK’s economy for every family in this country – a clear path into the future, in contrast to the uncertainty of leaving.

This is your decision. The government will implement what you decide.


Soon after the Leave result was announced, the Remainer narrative changed to Hard Brexit vs Soft Brexit.

The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
Was there any need?

Well yeah, that's how debate works after all.

Everybody knows what happened!

If that's the case and you still support it you're admitting you think the ends justify the means.

Delusion Raving doesn't need rebuttal

What exactly about that is delusion raving? The idea that the Leave campaign broke the law? That's not my opinion; that's the opinion of the Electoral Commission who referred Vote Leave to the police over their conduct. So why is what I said delusional? Please remember that members of the Vote Leave and BeLeave campaigns have admitted as much themselves. So I'm only going on what they have admitted and what people with understanding of the law have said.

Do you have a reason for thinking what I said is delusional beyond the fact it clashes with your own beliefs?

And I disagree. Delusional raving absolutely needs rebuttal. If we don't, people believe it and we end up with things like Brexit.


Well-Known Member
Well yeah, that's how debate works after all.

If that's the case and you still support it you're admitting you think the ends justify the means.

What exactly about that is delusion raving? The idea that the Leave campaign broke the law? That's not my opinion; that's the opinion of the Electoral Commission who referred Vote Leave to the police over their conduct. So why is what I said delusional? Please remember that members of the Vote Leave and BeLeave campaigns have admitted as much themselves. So I'm only going on what they have admitted and what people with understanding of the law have said.

Do you have a reason for thinking what I said is delusional beyond the fact it clashes with your own beliefs?

And I disagree. Delusional raving absolutely needs rebuttal. If we don't, people believe it and we end up with things like Brexit.

Like I said delusional.

The Leave side cheated to win. They literally broke the law to achieve their result. The referendum was advisory, not legally binding. There is no obligation to implement it yet the the British Right are determined to treat it as gospel; despite the fact the result was obtained illegally, it was also based on lies, xenophobia and cynical manipulation by the media.

For people to accuse us of 'not believing in democracy' for not wanting such a result implemented because it will harm millions of lives needlessly and trash the UK economy is hypocritical and frankly Orwellian.

Before the ballot we were promised it would be the best thing in the world and negotiating a trade deal would be super easy. Now we're being told by Leavers that we can get through it with the same air of unity that people displayed during Dunkirk. Something is wrong with Brexit, and deeply wrong with those who refuse to acknowledge it for fear of having to admit they might have been wrong.

In what way, is any of that an reason to remain in the EU? It's just **** slinging

I personally live in one heavy remain area, but even here the remainers tatic of banding anyones brexit support as racism Fascism. Lost them votes


Veteran Member
Like I said delusional.

In what way, is any of that an reason to remain in the EU? It's just **** slinging

I personally live in one heavy remain area, but even here the remainers tatic of banding anyones brexit support as racism Fascism. Lost them votes
Can you explain to me one tangible benefit of leaving?

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Can you explain to me one tangible benefit of leaving?

I think these are of benefit,not being part of a federal Europe heavily influenced by the banks.

Not being part of of an EU where one of it's members leaders makes a massive blunder like Merkel and the refugees.

There's a few to chew on.


Veteran Member
I think these are of benefit,not being part of a federal Europe heavily influenced by the banks.

Not being part of of an EU where one of it's members leaders makes a massive blunder like Merkel and the refugees.

There's a few to chew on.
So how will that help my daughter and son's job prospects?
What about my grandchildren - how will it help them?

It is all grandiose statements that are meaningless - if we aren't controlled by EU banks we'll be controlled by Russian, Chinese or US banks.
Listening to the radio at 5:50 this morning all the farmers were complaining about lack of people to harvest crops.


A Free Man
So how will that help my daughter and son's job prospects?
What about my grandchildren - how will it help them?

It is all grandiose statements that are meaningless - if we aren't controlled by EU banks we'll be controlled by Russian, Chinese or US banks.
Listening to the radio at 5:50 this morning all the farmers were complaining about lack of people to harvest crops.

These are problems that we pay our elected politicians and civil servants very well to sort out. We don’t want to keep on paying them to implement decisions made by a foreign power.

What is a good policy for one country is unlikely to be good for 27 other countries and it is about time that we realised that. One size does not fit all.

We need to be independent free thinkers that can do the best for our country and the people of our country.

When we prosper, we will be able to give foreign aid to help people survive in their own countries. This should provide jobs for those that wish to work abroad.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
So how will that help my daughter and son's job prospects?
What about my grandchildren - how will it help them?

It is all grandiose statements that are meaningless - if we aren't controlled by EU banks we'll be controlled by Russian, Chinese or US banks.
Listening to the radio at 5:50 this morning all the farmers were complaining about lack of people to harvest crops.

The farmers have that problem because it's hard work and poorly paid and that's why they like foreign workers.

I have kids and grand children and I think they'll do just fine,it's not like this country is a child going into the new world.

For much of this country in the lower to no income bracket there really isn't any benefit to being in the EU,we have never been fully in the EU and thankfully the euro either,it's not a level playing field either,Germany and France hold the rudder,the inner circle,most of the other states are poor and contribute far less or even at all,it's a mess but desperate for reform,I don't see that happening ever.


Veteran Member
The farmers have that problem because it's hard work and poorly paid and that's why they like foreign workers.

I have kids and grand children and I think they'll do just fine,it's not like this country is a child going into the new world.

For much of this country in the lower to no income bracket there really isn't any benefit to being in the EU,we have never been fully in the EU and thankfully the euro either,it's not a level playing field either,Germany and France hold the rudder,the inner circle,most of the other states are poor and contribute far less or even at all,it's a mess but desperate for reform,I don't see that happening ever.
It never ceases to amaze me how all the promises made by Brexiteers before the Referendum have disappeared and we are left with, "Well, we shouldn't be much worse off"


A Free Man
It never ceases to amaze me how all the promises made by Brexiteers before the Referendum have disappeared and we are left with, "Well, we shouldn't be much worse off"

As they say, no pain, no gain, but any short-term pain has to be better than the long-term pain of staying in.

Who amongst us can predict the future?


Well-Known Member
Can you explain to me one tangible benefit of leaving?

Do you think that's a impossible question?

I see you added a few questions in the posts after this, so we'll start there:

So how will that help my daughter and son's job prospects?

How will brexit help your daughter in lifes lottery:

Which is better A or B?

(A) One ticket in a 10 million ticket lottery

(B) One ticket in a 100 million ticket lottery

What about my grandchildren - how will it help them?

Currently the UK economy is hemorrhaging money, both foreign national worker and business choose not to spend profits/earnings here but back in there country of origin. Which leaves a shortfall you grandchildren will have to pay. Along with a multinational development cost's bailout cost of any failed EU economy

Why didn't you consider none of these blindingly obvious factors important?