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Are you geniunely good ?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Hi guys (I’m french sorry for my english)
I Want to share a throught who really confuse me.

The selfishness is the ennemy of the « Good » and especially the source of all the bad right ?

You are a good person who want to spread joy, great, I am too, but when you believe in god, it’s principally because you want to go in heaven and not in hell right ?

So my thought is :
It’s selfish to believe in god cause finally it’s only to live the eternity in Heaven, in a good place.

Finally, if « God » tell us there is no heaven, no hell, do you continu to do the good you do in hope to go in « Heaven » or you gonna start enjoy your life without caring of nothing and experience all the possibility ?

I really hope y’all understand me..
Let’s the debate begin
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Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member

Well...I think I am genuinely good because I want everyone to be happy. I suffer when others suffer...I cry very easily when I see someone suffer:)
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Veteran Member
I can't answer your poll. I don't think that I'm genuinely good. I'm not bad and I try my best to refrain from any immoral action. I usually help people who ask for help. But I don't go out of my way to find people I can help.
I don't think that heaven exists.
Your poll is poorly formed. People could honestly answer yes to both questions. No to both questions. Or answer neither since they do not apply.

Let me explain, are you doing the good without waiting or hoping for a heaven


Are you doing the Good in the waiting for a heaven

I understand ur view, but this is more clear ?


Well-Known Member
I can't answer your poll. I don't think that I'm genuinely good. I'm not bad and I try my best to refrain from any immoral action. I usually help people who ask for help. But I don't go out of my way to find people I can help.
I don't think that heaven exists.
Ego is I, Ego can be selfish or not.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
Hi guys (I’m french sorry for my english)
I Want to share a throught who really confuse me.

The ego is the ennemy of the « Good » and especially the source of all the bad right ?

You are a good person who want to spread joy, great, I am too, but when you believe in god, it’s principally because you want to go in heaven and not in hell right ?

So my thought is :
It’s selfish to believe in god cause finally it’s only to live the eternity in Heaven, in a good place.

Finally, if « God » tell us there is no heaven, no hell, do you continu to do the good you do in hope to go in « Heaven » or you gonna start enjoy your life without caring of nothing and experience all the possibility ?

I really hope y’all understand me..
Let’s the debate begin

I honestly don't care whether I am good or bad. I am that which I am. I'll leave any judgement to others.

I do what I do because for me I see it as the right thing to do. It may not be right for you or anyone else. It's right for me. Some may see that as good, some may see that as bad.:shrug:

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Let me explain, are you doing the good without waiting or hoping for a heaven


Are you doing the Good in the waiting for a heaven

I understand ur view, but this is more clear ?
Perhaps you should edit your survey if possible. I follow "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" and I do good for goodness sake.


Well-Known Member
…Hi guys (I’m french sorry for my english)…

No problem, I am finnish, so we are probably quite even with this. :)

The ego is the ennemy of the « Good » and especially the source of all the bad right ?

I don’t know why ego is the enemy.

You are a good person who want to spread joy, great, I am too, but when you believe in god, it’s principally because you want to go in heaven and not in hell right ?

I think person who believe in God can do good because he understands it is good, not because of heaven. And I think that is how it should be, because heaven is not wage for good doing. Bible promises eternal life for righteous. And righteousness, wisdom of the just, is like right understanding that makes person do right things, not because of reward, but because it is good and right.

These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.
Mat. 25:46

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23

If person does right only because of hope to get into heaven, he is probably not righteous and then it all is kind of hopeless.

It’s selfish to believe in god cause finally it’s only to live the eternity in Heaven, in a good place.

I have no reason to believe it is just because of hope for reward.


Veteran Member
Let’s the debate begin
You make a very good point, but not everyone who believes in God is doing it because they think they will be rewarded with heaven for it. Most people believe in God because doing so makes their lives more meaningful, more positive, and more loving. Most people do good because it simply is good: the value of love, forgiveness, kindness, and generosity are their own reward.

Religious "believers" should be asking themselves the question that you are asking, here; am I believing out of selfishness? Because if they are, they may not be in line for the reward they think they're getting.


Well-Known Member
All people are genuine good. Evilness is a sickness that means something is wrong.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Hi guys (I’m french sorry for my english)
I Want to share a throught who really confuse me.

The ego is the ennemy of the « Good » and especially the source of all the bad right ?

You are a good person who want to spread joy, great, I am too, but when you believe in god, it’s principally because you want to go in heaven and not in hell right ?

So my thought is :
It’s selfish to believe in god cause finally it’s only to live the eternity in Heaven, in a good place.

Finally, if « God » tell us there is no heaven, no hell, do you continu to do the good you do in hope to go in « Heaven » or you gonna start enjoy your life without caring of nothing and experience all the possibility ?

I really hope y’all understand me..
Let’s the debate begin

Hi, welcome to RF, have a petite gateaux or two while waiting for comments


Sorry, I couldn't answer your poll. I believe i am good but who knows what others think. There are one or few on RF who would argue that point. And i have been known to be a naught girl from time to time

As for getting to heaven? Atheist here so completely meaningless to me.
By Ego I mean Selfishness (these 2 words are almost the same in french, égo et égoïste )

I understand the fact that it’s not the main point in a believer to going in heaven, and it’s why I feel we are in a sense fooled.

For going deeper in my throught, religion based on a Heaven and Hell are in a sense contradictory because knowing we going to hell if we arn’t righteous open a non sincerly way of being a good person, instead of just being good or bad and live genuinely without knowing.

It’s why religion feel bizarre to me
(I express myself so bad I’m so sorry please try to read « between the lines » lol)

I might be wrong, but do you feel me ?
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Veteran Member
Hi guys (I’m french sorry for my english)
I Want to share a throught who really confuse me.

The ego is the ennemy of the « Good » and especially the source of all the bad right ?

You are a good person who want to spread joy, great, I am too, but when you believe in god, it’s principally because you want to go in heaven and not in hell right ?

So my thought is :
It’s selfish to believe in god cause finally it’s only to live the eternity in Heaven, in a good place.

Finally, if « God » tell us there is no heaven, no hell, do you continu to do the good you do in hope to go in « Heaven » or you gonna start enjoy your life without caring of nothing and experience all the possibility ?

I really hope y’all understand me..
Let’s the debate begin

Wrong. And that is not debatable.
All people are genuine good. Evilness is a sickness that means something is wrong.

I’d love to think like you but this is naïve
Why the world is dominate by people with primal instinct of superiority, power, or wathever instead of genuinely good people ?

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
You are a good person who want to spread joy, great, I am too, but when you believe in god, it’s principally because you want to go in heaven and not in hell right ?

No the your second point at least for some. Rabia of Basra, for example:

O my Lord,

if I worship you
from fear of hell, burn me in hell.

If I worship you
from hope of Paradise, bar me from its gates.

But if I worship you
for yourself alone, grant me then the beauty of your Face.
No the your second point at least for some. Rabia of Basra, for example:

O my Lord,

if I worship you
from fear of hell, burn me in hell.

If I worship you
from hope of Paradise, bar me from its gates.

But if I worship you
for yourself alone, grant me then the beauty of your Face.

Oh yes it’s exactly what I wanted to read ! Thx bud
But there is something not clear in all of this, why let us knowing this concept of heaven or hell ?
Because it’s either just creat more fake good people or whether we want it or not this interferes with sincerely good people who don’t do that for heaven but can find a selfishness in it, you get it ?


Well-Known Member
I’d love to think like you but this is naïve
Why the world is dominate by people with primal instinct of superiority, power, or wathever instead of genuinely good people ?
It depends the lifestyle. If our lifestyle is that of a great family, then we flourish. If the lifestyle is seeing others as enemies, then we become evil.