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Economic consequences of Evolution vs. Creation.

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
Please try to avoid Shakespeare in future, as you clearly know less about his plays than you do about evolution. Ophelia did not go to an asylum, nor rebuke the king. Hamlet rebuked the king. Ophelia drowned after her father was murdered and Hamlet rejected her.

If I believed in gods, Shakespeare would be mine...now back to our regular trashing of science...
no, let us not get back to the trashing of science, but the trashing of pseude-science. As I have no problem with science. I have a problem with bull-sh*t that claims to be science.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
We hold it as a political truth, that all persons are created equal, but now that blacks, women and homosexuals are being considered equal persons, our country is starting to fall apart.
Well, that certainly brings us closer to understanding who you are. Disappointing as it is.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
no, let us not get back to the trashing of science, but the trashing of pseude-science. As I have no problem with science. I have a problem with bull-sh*t that claims to be science.
And lacking the education, by your own admission, how do you think you could possibly differentiate between them?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I once again have to get back to, one simple question, if humankind is unable to artificially engineer an organism such as a GMO that benefits humankind, then how could it happen naturally that a mutation of nature can benefit humankind?
Dumb though nature be, it's been around far far far far far longer than
mankind, & has had many orders of magnitude more trials in its efforts.
There's much to be said for persistence over smarts.

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
Well, that certainly brings us closer to understanding who you are. Disappointing as it is.
Recently, someone asked if Donald Trump came from monkeys, and the answer was, Are you implying that Trump is not currently a monkey? Same with you. I came from Adam and Eve, and I don't want to imply that you are not only descended from monkeys, but I don't want to imply that you are no currently a monkey. Fair enough?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
What I was saying before my computer messed up, was that one of the popes asked a math wiz, what proof was there that there was a god. The mathematician said that he had no math proof, but the proof he had to offer was that the Jews have survived all these thousand of years. If the god the Jews serve is not the true and real God, then there is no chance in hell that the Jews could have survived through all the **** they went through.
I think that mathematician forgot to carry a one.

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
Despite all the evils and atrocities that were committed in the name of evolution, it is so out of place to claim to be a creationist, that one's education and intelligence is constantly brought into question for no other reason, then he believes in a Creator.

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
We hold these truths to be self evident, that a Creator has endowed us with certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Obviously, the Founding Fathers have more commonsense than any of you. They thought it self-evident that we have a creator.

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
Considering the eugenics, the ethnic cleansings, and other atrocities committed in the name of evolution, plus the failures of things such as GMO's, and that the greatest political theory came from belief in a Creator, what good has evolutionary theory ever done for humankind?


se Dex me saut.
Staff member
Premium Member
Considering the eugenics, the ethnic cleansings, and other atrocities committed in the name of evolution, plus the failures of things such as GMO's, and that the greatest political theory came from belief in a Creator, what good has evolutionary theory ever done for humankind?
It's not about what's it's done, it's about whether it's true. Evolution isn't proven by what people do in its name, but by the fossil record, medicine, etc.

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
It's not about what's it's done, it's about whether it's true. Evolution isn't proven by what people do in its name, but by the fossil record, medicine, etc.
obviously, what constitutes truth in your world and mine, are different. A truth in my world leads to justice, equality and goodness. If a so called "truth" doesn't lead to these things, I don't care how true it is objectively, it is false. If it is true that darwinian evolution led to the holocaust, I have to say, if belief in that theory leads to such atrocities, then it is better not to believe in it. We have a different definition of what constitutes a truth.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
obviously, what constitutes truth in your world and mine, are different. A truth in my world leads to justice, equality and goodness. If a so called "truth" doesn't lead to these things, I don't care how true it is objectively, it is false. If it is true that darwinian evolution led to the holocaust, I have to say, if belief in that theory leads to such atrocities, then it is better not to believe in it. We have a different definition of what constitutes a truth.
Is any scientific fact or theory which led to something bad therefore wrong?
How about any religion?

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
Is any scientific fact or theory which led to something bad therefore wrong?
How about any religion?
Well, I quoted this earlier and I can't find my reference, although I know it is legit. The Pharisees told the Sadducees, it is better to teach the people that there is an afterlife, even if there isn't. For such belief leads to better behavior and gives hope. In that light, if teaching evolution leads to eugenics and ethnic cleansings, and contaminating the food supply with GMO's, then the masses don't need to know the facts, it is better for them to believe what will be the greatest good of society.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Well, I quoted this earlier and I can't find my reference, although I know it is legit. The Pharisees told the Sadducees, it is better to teach the people that there is an afterlife, even if there isn't. For such belief leads to better behavior and gives hope. In that light, if teaching evolution leads to eugenics and ethnic cleansings, and contaminating the food supply with GMO's, then the masses don't need to know the facts, it is better for them to believe what will be the greatest good of society.
This doesn't answer either of my questions.

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
This doesn't answer either of my questions.
What if I had proof that there is no afterlife? Would I be wise to teach the proof in all high schools? And force all those opposed that they are stupid or ignorant? Yes, anything that is taught that doesn't lead to the common good is false. PERIOD.


se Dex me saut.
Staff member
Premium Member
What if I had proof that there is no afterlife? Would I be wise to teach the proof in all high schools? And force all those opposed that they are stupid or ignorant? Yes, anything that is taught that doesn't lead to the common good is false. PERIOD.
You, sir, are the single most ignorant person on RF I have ever met.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Recently, someone asked if Donald Trump came from monkeys, and the answer was, Are you implying that Trump is not currently a monkey? Same with you. I came from Adam and Eve, and I don't want to imply that you are not only descended from monkeys, but I don't want to imply that you are no currently a monkey. Fair enough?
Did you indeed "come from Adam and Eve?" Well that is most interesting, since they are certainly completely mythical/fictional -- and since you insist that evolution can't produce anything much unlike it's ancestors -- one must assume that you are in fact mythical/fictional.;)

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
Did you indeed "come from Adam and Eve?" Well that is most interesting, since they are certainly completely mythical/fictional -- and since you insist that evolution can't produce anything much unlike it's ancestors -- one must assume that you are in fact mythical/fictional.;)
What of your mythological neanderthal? What Adam and Eve story tells me is that all men have a common ancestor and are therefore equal. What does your mythological neanderthal story teach me? Nothing.

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
No matter if you say a Creator created everything at the moment of the Big Bang or that the Creator created everything yesterday at 3 P.M. and created all our memories in our brains at that time, it is obvious that you can't disprove that there is a Creator. And he could have created everything at any point from 6000 years ago, all the way to the Big Bang, or he could have created everything yesterday at 3 P.M. Your theory of evolution doesn't really have any relevance.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Sorry, Brian Schuh, but you are just too full of hate and too void of knowledge for me to wish to dialogue further. I'm not interested in pissing matches with those who have a desperate religious agenda to promote.

In my last post to you, I will tell you this in all honesty -- I think there is one thing that is very true of religion, at least as it's demonstrated in fundamentalist areas of the US and Islamic areas: it does an immense disservice to humankind by it's insistence that all learning that doesn't agree with it's "TRUTH" is to be avoided. It is, unfortunately, contributing to the stupidification of your nation and quite a few others.

And that, in case you didn't notice, was my condemnation of it.