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अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
I see a lot of creation threads on this forum, but have yet to come across one that discussed the end of this world.

Eventually, this world will end, likely either by being absorbed into the sun or by a collision with a giant meteor (that is if mankind doesn't do it in first). Obviously, your body will no longer live, but what becomes of your life essence? What scenario does your religion offer for the end of the world when mankind finally becomes extinct?


رسول الآلهة
Maybe I shall enter the halls of the gods themselves and live a life of perpetual worship and servitude toward them.

Or maybe I shall never see their faces due to my unworthiness and be cast in torment for my lack of piety.

Or maybe I will see nothing and be mere stardust.


Veteran Member
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It has been suggested that people worlds in orbit around a black hole will have a lot more time relative to other objects, and that living on such a world your short lifespan would outlast many, many other lifespans further away from a black hole.

One option to delay the destruction of Earth is to add fuel to the Sun. 5 billion years is a long time, so why not make some robots that will travel for millennia to a fuel source, start reproducing themselves there and then bring back trillions of tons of hydrogen to dump into our sun, then go back and get more fuel. We'll 'Gas up' the sun.


Veteran Member
I see a lot of creation threads on this forum, but have yet to come across one that discussed the end of this world.
Eventually, this world will end, likely either by being absorbed into the sun or by a collision with a giant meteor (that is if mankind doesn't do it in first). Obviously, your body will no longer live, but what becomes of your life essence? What scenario does your religion offer for the end of the world when mankind finally becomes extinct?

First of all, I find Scripture is talking about the 'end of this world of badness' before the humble meek inherit the Earth.
We are in the ' last days' of badness before Jesus, as Prince of Peace, ushers in global Peace on Earth.
Ecclesiastes 1:4 B says the Earth abides or remains forever. So, Earth is Not at fault and to me that is why Revelation 11:18 B says God will bring to ruin (Not Earth) but bring to ruin those ruining Earth (literally and morally).

Yes, science class and most churches of Christendom both teach destruction for Earth which is the opposite of what chapter 35 of Isaiah wrote. It is man with his doom-and-gloom Doom's Day Clock who has set the clock's hands close to striking the dark midnight hour, whereas Scripture shows a bright soon-coming millennial morning dawning ahead of us.

We are all invited to pray the invitation for 'Jesus to come ' according to Revelation 22:20. Come and bring heavenly blessings or benefits to Earth. Benefits such as 'food and healing' for earth's nations according to Revelation 22:2.
Jesus will fulfill God's promise to father Abraham that ALL families of Earth will be blessed, and ALL nations of Earth will be blessed. Even enemy death will come to a final end on Earth according to 1 Corinthians 15:24-26; Isaiah 25:8.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I see a lot of creation threads on this forum, but have yet to come across one that discussed the end of this world.

Eventually, this world will end, likely either by being absorbed into the sun or by a collision with a giant meteor (that is if mankind doesn't do it in first). Obviously, your body will no longer live, but what becomes of your life essence? What scenario does your religion offer for the end of the world when mankind finally becomes extinct?
It's not like the elements are going anywhere. Just rearranged so everything will still be here. Just give it a couple of big bangs.
I see a lot of creation threads on this forum, but have yet to come across one that discussed the end of this world.

Eventually, this world will end, likely either by being absorbed into the sun or by a collision with a giant meteor (that is if mankind doesn't do it in first). Obviously, your body will no longer live, but what becomes of your life essence? What scenario does your religion offer for the end of the world when mankind finally becomes extinct?
What scenario does your religion offer for extinct mega insects, or giant reptiles after them, or dinosaurs after them, or megafauna(paraceritherium, megalocerous, megatherium, etc) after them? Do you expect to meet them all in the afterlife?

Did you know humanity has occupied the Earth for less than a fraction of a fraction of the time dinosaurs did? Tens of thousands of years vs millions. That's a LOT of Dino's, expect heaven(or wherever) to be quite crowded)


Veteran Member
Maybe I shall enter the halls of the gods themselves and live a life of perpetual worship and servitude toward them.
Or maybe I shall never see their faces due to my unworthiness and be cast in torment for my lack of piety.
Or maybe I will see nothing and be mere stardust.

Or maybe the dead will 'see something' because of being resurrected back to happy-and-healthy life on Earth.
Physically resurrected to see a beautifully restored paradisical Earth such as described at Revelation 22:2 when resurrected mankind will see the return of the Genesis ' tree of life ' for the healing of earth's nations.

Some of mankind resurrected to heaven to serve mankind living on Earth as per Revelation 20:6; Revelation 5:9-10.
As far as the non-reformable ' wicked ' they (Not the Earth) will be ' destroyed forever ' according to Psalms 92:7.


رسول الآلهة
Or maybe the dead will 'see something' because of being resurrected back to happy-and-healthy life on Earth.
Physically resurrected to see a beautifully restored paradisical Earth such as described at Revelation 22:2 when resurrected mankind will see the return of the Genesis ' tree of life ' for the healing of earth's nations.

Some of mankind resurrected to heaven to serve mankind living on Earth as per Revelation 20:6; Revelation 5:9-10.
As far as the non-reformable ' wicked ' they (Not the Earth) will be ' destroyed forever ' according to Psalms 92:7.

I am not a Christian. Your heaven sounds as if it populated with horrors and nightmares unbeknown to mankind.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
What scenario does your religion offer for extinct mega insects, or giant reptiles after them, or dinosaurs after them, or megafauna(paraceritherium, megalocerous, megatherium, etc) after them? Do you expect to meet them all in the afterlife?

I don't have a religion. My spirituality tells me that the divine and I are one and the same, as is all else in this realm we call reality, and this reality we currently experience is temporary, a dream or movie if you will. The energies that fuel me in this reality are immortal. If the world ended today, it would be the equivalent of waking from a dream.

Did you know humanity has occupied the Earth for less than a fraction of a fraction of the time dinosaurs did? Tens of thousands of years vs millions. That's a LOT of Dino's, expect heaven(or wherever) to be quite crowded)

Yes, I did. Heaven (or whatever) won't be crowded at all. The dinosaurs left their bodies here in this realm. Who do you think fuels your car or heats your home?
I don't have a religion. My spirituality tells me that the divine and I are one and the same, as is all else in this realm we call reality, and this reality we currently experience is temporary, a dream or movie if you will. The energies that fuel me in this reality are immortal. If the world ended today, it would be the equivalent of waking from a dream.

Yes, I did. Heaven (or whatever) won't be crowded at all. The dinosaurs left their bodies here in this realm. Who do you think fuels your car or heats your home?
Oh I see. Your spirituality told you did it. Tell us more...


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
What language does 'your spirituality' speak, and by what means does it go about gathering knowledge to later be imparted to you?


Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
Physically resurrected to see a beautifully restored paradisical Earth such as described at Revelation 22:2 when resurrected mankind will see the return of the Genesis ' tree of life ' for the healing of earth's nations.
So, this world sucks, had a Paradise and couldn't keep it for, like, two seconds, and God will forget He banned the Tree of Life and let us have it again when our species really hasn't changed all that much?

At any rate, I'll experience whatever death has to offer waaaaaay before the Earth kicks it. So, I really don't care either way.


What language does 'your spirituality' speak, and by what means does it go about gathering knowledge to later be imparted to you?
Oohhhhh... I know I should just walk on by but...
Since we are, in fact, spiritual beings (now being confirmed by quantum physicists) language is only the perception of process. Doesn't mean that what we discern spiritually is intrinsically correct, just how we see things at the moment. Light and shadow ya know.


Be your own guru
5 billion years is a long time, ..
Not correct. Though the Earth will vaporize after 5 billion years, it will be unlivable in just 1 billion years.

Brahma lives for 100 year (the scale is different), a 'Kalpa' for which the creation exists. Fifty years of Brahma are supposed to have elapsed, and we are now in the fifty-first. At the end of a kalpa the world is annihilated to be created again at a later time. That will be after 155,520 billion years from now.
Kalpa (aeon) - Wikipedia
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