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Does it bother you that people believe in God or other deities?

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
In a few discussion it look like some people are really bothered that other people do believe in a God or deities.

Does it really bother you that much that people believe in a God?


Well-Known Member
In a few discussion it look like some people are really bothered that other people do believe in a God or deities.

Does it really bother you that much that people believe in a God?
Not at all, as long as they don't "forces" these ideas on me. Whether that is how we should morally do something, or whether its a terrorist that choose to blow up others.

If it just a person that believes that a God exists, because it makes the most sense to them, I couldn't care less and good for them. But if it interferes with them being able to make rational and humanistic choices based on logical reasoning, then I think its sad, both for them and for others.
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aged ecumenical anthropologist
Does it really bother you that much that people believe in a God?
Nope. Nor does it bother me that some are atheists or agnostics.

Nothing is a slam-dunk in this category, thus keeping an open mind is important, imo. What is important to me is to treat our neighbor as ourselves, and everyone is our "neighbor".

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
In a few discussion it look like some people are really bothered that other people do believe in a God or deities.

Does it really bother you that much that people believe in a God?
Not inherently, but, there are some religions where the louder their members are about being said religion the more I avoid them because they tend to give me grief moreso than any other group on this planet.
With nonbelievers I tend to not need to worry as often, rarely at all.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
In a few discussion it look like some people are really bothered that other people do believe in a God or deities.

Does it really bother you that much that people believe in a God?

I think that people mostly have shared values. What troubles me about religions, is that they often cause people with good values to sometimes behave in ways that are okay religiously, but run counter to their actual values.


se Dex me saut.
Staff member
Premium Member
From my religious POV it's not alright, but in day to day life I try to see everyone as a soul, regardless. Obviously I'd like it if they saw what I see as the truth, but pragmatically it's not a great approach. I often don't want to encourage them in their beliefs, but nor do I want to come off as a preacher. I hate folks preaching at me, so I try not to do it to others. To say other beliefs bother me might be a bit of an overstatement, but it does bother me in the sense that it means I lack a community and that has led to anger and bitterness at times; I just try to keep in mind that folks are allowed their own opinions and if they want to hear mine, they can.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
In a few discussion it look like some people are really bothered that other people do believe in a God or deities.

Does it really bother you that much that people believe in a God?

No, I completely understand why a reasonable person would do so. I think for a person to get to the point of becoming unattached from the need for a God has a lot stacked against them.
Lots of social and mental benefits to being a believer. To expect a person to give that up is asking a lot.

The Hammer

Premium Member
In a few discussion it look like some people are really bothered that other people do believe in a God or deities.

Does it really bother you that much that people believe in a God?

I quite rather like that other people believe in other Deities, as it lends more credence to my views of a Polytheistic universe.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
In a few discussion it look like some people are really bothered that other people do believe in a God or deities.

Does it really bother you that much that people believe in a God?

Believe whatever you want, no problem


When people attempt to force their belief on others and mock, ridicule and even kill for nor sharing their belief then there is a problem


My own religion
Not at all, as long as they don't "forces" these ideas on me. Whether that is how we should morally do something, or whether its a terrorist that choose to blow up others.

If it just a person that believes that a God exists, because it makes the most sense to them, I couldn't care less and good for them. But if it interferes with them being able to make rational and humanistic choices based on logical reasoning, then I think its sad, both for them and for others.

Humanistic is a belief. And you can't make rationalistic choices for morality based on logical reasoning alone.


Well-Known Member
why are people so hung up on what other people think about such things is a bigger 'unresolved' issue...
as is the obsession to "correct" those who have other ideas they entertain.....as if anybody could do thato_O...since who has absolute truth and then Could be in a position to correct...?


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Does it really bother you that much that people believe in a God?

As far as I’m concerned anyone can believe in any kind of deity, or not. It doesn’t bother me. In fact, the God I follow even says it’s ok to worship any other deities. He says He’ll even help them in their faith, because without realizing it they’re actually worshiping Him. Some people are bothered by that, though.


Well-Known Member
everyone believes in good luck and hopes for it, seeks anything to stack the deck in their favor, prostrate to anything, eat anything, jump through any hoops, take on a master and become submissive, make obeisance, beg, plead, haggle add naseum......
oddly enough the word 'god' is derived it is said from the ancient deity named Gad [pronounced 'Gawd' as in OMG:eek:]
and this deities jurisdiction was fortune [good luck, chance -lady luck] and fate [good destiny/life plan]....which through a cunning linguistic trick by some very crafty authors, people have had substituted, for this nameless ethereal quality life has to it... so by using the word God, one is invoking this ancient deity, regardless of what they choose to think or imagine they are doing in any other sense.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
In a few discussion it look like some people are really bothered that other people do believe in a God or deities.

Does it really bother you that much that people believe in a God?

No. I live by myself and most people here I don't speak with. 99% of us don't talk about religion. When I do it's usually with my christian friend. I'd talk about her faith and help her out and so forth. There's no religious divides in our conversation and there isn't religious divides with others because we don't bring up our religious and spiritual views. Maybe a god bless you from some. Though, I take it as good sentiment not as them saying I should believe in god too (and yes, people believe I should but thankfully, I'm not in an area where I can't speak against the behavior).

As for online? I don't speak to many people on RF if any (probably two) to make conclusions if atheists and theists dislike each other. Maybe there would be better context if we knew people in person. Though the thought is genuine.